Guidance to learn ORACLE REPORTING

I am a new graduate and have newly found interest for Oracle Reporting. Could you please give me information on where to start and what application to download. It would be of great help.

it depends which version do you want to use and what operating system you are using. but here you can find developer 10g for windows
accept the agreement and download disk1 and disk2.
you can download pdf book for report building help in here

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    You can download the Developer Suite
    Then use the document :
    Oracle® Reports Tutorial
    10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
    For more documents:

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    You'll find many doc, examples, demos ... on OTN :
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    Not sure of specific on line free courses but has plenty of how tos and white papers etc. hope this helps


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    JSP Best Practices.
    More JSP Best Practices
    But the most important Best Practice has already been given in this thread: use JSP pages for presentation only.

  • How to create a page that lists available Oracle Reports to execute?

    APEX Version:
    Database: Oracle 10g XE
    Hello! I'm fairly new to APEX and adapting to the features and terminology related to this product.
    I don't think this issue is unique to Oracle Reports, but rather the concept of a page that reads from table (maybe a "report?") to provide a result set of data which the user can click on a result to direct to another page.
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    but rather the concept of a page that reads from table (maybe a "report?") to provide a result set of data which the user can click on a result to direct to another page.You are on the right track with the idea of an initial page with a report region listing your reports as links. Not sure from the provided information if this out of the box capability will meet your actual requirement, but try the Create Page wizard > New page > Form > Form on a Table with Report as a first approximation.
    instead of creating unique individual pages for each of the 100 Oracle Reports, featuring the report's attributes (parameters, etc), what do I need to do just have one APEX page that dynamically reads from the table and builds the Region and its Items based on what's in the table?If this can't be handled using the built-in Form on a Table with Report design pattern, it sounds like it will be possible using a dynamic form generated using the [APEX_ITEM API|] either as another report region or a PL/SQL Dynamic Content region.
    Also, any reference books that you guys recommend on the ins/outs of APEX? [Pro Oracle Application Express|], the authors of which are active voices on this forum, is a good book. The forum itself is an unbelievable resource, as is the hosted service for learning and experiment at [|].

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    You should be creating a universe using the table with filter utilizing a column which accepts a parameter value of language and shows the data in that specific language. This concept is already used in SAP standard audit universe which accepts language for any query and shows the data in that language.. The logic for the derived column for the table should look something like below Table.LANGUAGE = @Prompt(Select language)

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    Note there's a lot of useful info on sqldev's homepage (Learn More tab): migration docs and examples.

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    Below is the information provided in the Oracle Reports User's Guide Documentation:
    The supporting files for the reports you will build are available on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN): on the Oracle Reports page (, click Getting Started to display the Getting Started with Oracle Reports home page. In the list of topic sections on the left, click Index. In the Topic list, choose Building and Developing Reports; in the Collateral Type list, choose Examples, then click Search.

    Building Reports Sample Files Download :
    This zip contains sample files for all the examples in the Oracle Reports Building Reports manual.
    Oracle Reports Tutorial :
    In this tutorial, you will build a report for the Web using JSPs (JavaServer Pages) that displays information about employee salaries in each department. You will also create a graph so managers can see an overview of the data. At the end of the tutorial, you'll learn how to quickly generate a paper report based on the same data model.
    SQL Scripts for the SUMMIT Sample Schema :
    This set of scripts installs the SUMMIT sample schema used in some of the examples in the Oracle Reports Building Reports manual.

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    Hi Denis,
    Thanks for the reply, I have the setup for forms and reports 6i, what i was looking is the script to create the tables used in the
    Oracle® Reports Developer
    Building Reports
    Release 6i
    January, 2000
    Part No. A73172-01
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    here is that information regarding 9i. Perhaps here
    you can find that information as a reference.
    Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide Contents / Search / Index / PDF
    Joel P�rez

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    Please post the details of the application release, database version and OS.
    I would like to ask for your help regarding printing from concurrent requests.
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    When I generate a multiple page report and print it directly from a concurrent request, print outs generate extra space after each page even though page size is indicated in the reports (all of them are in letter size).What if you print the output file from the OS, can you reproduce the issue then?
    Troubleshooting (Printing) [ID 104528.1]
    An Extra Empty Page Is Printed at the End of Requests Output [ID 1011499.7]
    I have already tried editing the printer drivers both the actual driver config file and through the application but the results are still the same.Can you reproduce the issue with other printers?
    This is very important since printing is done on continuous paper and continuous pre-printed forms
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.If the issue is urgent, please log a SR.

  • Learning Oracle Fusion Applications

    I want to learn Oracle Fusion Applications. Can any one please guide me, how can i learn this technology. Any references and sites to learn? Any prerequisites?
    I have worked on Oracle ADF and Oracle Database, Forms and Reports.

    Here are some useful resources:
    <li>[url]Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework general information of the ADF
    <li>[url]Oracle Fusion Applications Developers Guide; contains details of Fusion Application specific features
    <li>[url]Oracle Fusion Applications Documentation Library; contains links to Fusion Application specific documentation
    <li>JDeveloper and Fusion Applications Explained [url]Part 1 and [url]Part 2; these describe how to create a development environment where to create customizations to Fusion Applications
    <li>[url]Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide; documentation related to customizations
    if the above is insufficient can you elaborate what kind of documentation are you looking for ?
    Jani Rautiainen
    Fusion Applications Developer Relations

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