H.264 for HDDVD in DSP

Hello. I am having so much trouble importing H.264 assets *NOT* generated by Compressor into a HDDVD project in DSP, that I start to wonder whether it is possible at all! Has anybody got direct experience of importing H.264 from generic encoders?
No matter what I try I get the "Import Asset. Incompatible format" pop-up when I try to import. MPEG2 works very well, as does MPEG4 in all sort of containers. So, can anybody pls illustrate how to build H.264 assets accepted by DSP? (I mean other than with Compressor's HDDVD for DSP profile; I have tested both x264 and MC Reference, with no success at all.)

Argh, is that true? Can I please have a second confirmation? It's terrible, why on earth would Apple make that choice... ?!?
This is a real problem to me because as of now I haven't managed to create a single encode with the Compressor's DSP HDDVD setting: they all fail with a mysterious error -50 about which I found no documentation if not a reference to being a "wrong argument" generic error. Notice that H264 encodes work well, it's only the DSP HDDVD that fail. I suspect there might be some clash with one of my QuickTime plugins (eg Perian), but I do not really know. So please:
(1) can you confirm you're able to encode with Compressor's DSP HDDVD preset and no problems?
(2) can you suggest where I could look for logs and hints as to what exactly this QuickTime error -50 is, so that I could attempt to fix it?

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  • Quicktime error -50 with "H.264 for DSP"

    When compressing for HD DVD with the profile "H.264 for DVD Studio Pro" (on macosx 10.5.5, QuickTime 7.5.5) I systematically get a QuickTime error -50, about which I am finding no information at all. More, precisely this is what the logs report
    (in com.apple.stomp.transcoder.stomp.log)
    ... msg="Processing service request error: QuickTime Error: -50"
    (in com.apple.compressor.cluster.admin.log)
    <log ... msg="Handling exception: ... fatal exception = QuickTime error: -50, fail count = 1." />
    <log ... msg="Stopping the failed request." />
    This happens with all kind of sources, but only when the setting is "H.264 for DVD Studio Pro". All other settings work as expected. I don't know what to think, possibly an upgrade problem, possibly one of the QuickTime plugins installed on my system might be interfering (but then perhaps the error should occur given a source for all output settings, rather than vice versa, fixed the DSP setting for sources of all kinds). Google doesn't seem to know about this, searching this mailing list hasn't helped, nor grep-ing my system for more expressive error reports.
    In way of help, can please anybody:
    (1) confirm that they are able with Compressor 3.0.4 to produce H.264 for DSP
    (2) shed some light on what this QuickTime Error: -50 might be, perhaps by pointing me to log files where some more information is given? (fatal exception -50 is not very helpful, really...)
    My interest is of course to learn how to bypass the problem, or alternatively to convince DSP to accept H.264 in HD DVD projects generated by encoders others than Compressor with "H.264 for DSP" profile, or alternatively to understand how to make DSP accept H.264 generated by a third-party encoder (eg x264). Does anybody know?

    I've been experiencing all sorts of issues with compressor, somewhat like this. I think my quicktime plug-ins are the culprit. Example, I have been exporting directly out of Motion with no problems lately, but when I export to Compressor I see my "Flip4Mac" import window several times, then Compressor either fails to export, or crashes.
    I would suggest trying a direct export from FCP or Motion, or whatever your source is. See if that works. Just bypass Compressor and choose your HD DVD option from the export window. It does the trick with Motion.

  • H.264 for Blu-Ray Encoding Time

    Hi All,
    I have exported a Pro-Res 1080p 2 hour film from FCPX and just dropped it into compressor. I have then dragged the default H.264 for Blu-Ray settings on my video and it looks like it will take way over three hours. I have a friend running Media Encoder and with the same file on his laptop it does it in 40min and it's a slower spec . I am running Compressor  4.1.3 and the latest MAC OS operating system. I have enabled additional instanced checked and the number 1 in the drop down (there are no other numbers)
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    Sounds about right to me for a rMBP.

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    I use Quicktime Pro for Windows (v7.1) and use the Apple recommended settings, here are the exact settings I have tried and failed in an iPod;
    VIDEO: H.264 at 200kbps, Baseline Profile, 25fps, Auto Key Frames, 320x240 or 640x480, Multipass Best quality encoding.
    AUDIO: AAC Audio at 96kbps, 24kHz sampling freq, Stereo.
    I'm actually doing it for a client and they cannot play the file, they apparently have to 'convert' my file in their MAC based iTunes for it to work.
    Anyhow can anyone please give me an idea if I am doing something wrong?
    PC   Windows XP  

    Do you have H.264 codec enabled in the plugins list of Firefox?
    Does this happen in the most recent version of JWplayer?
    There was an error loading the media:
    "Media resource http://media.vineyardinstitute.org/other/vi_announcement/05_kingdom_theology.mp4 could not be decoded. firefox-test.html
    13:43:48.280 "Error playing media: " MediaError { code: 3 } jwplayer.js:11:373
    13:43:48.280 "CAPTIONS([object Object])""
    playlist: [{
    image: "http://media.vineyardinstitute.org/other/vi_announcement/images/05_kingdom_theology.jpg",
    sources: [
    { file: "http://media.vineyardinstitute.org/other/vi_announcement/05_kingdom_theology.mp4" }
    title: "Kingdom Theology",
    description: "A look at what makes VI theologically unique.",
    height: 720,
    listbar: {
    position: 'bottom',
    size: 240,
    thumbs: 'false',
    repeat: 'list',
    width: 640,
    You might also find better help with this error on the JWplayer support site:
    *similar topic/error: [http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/questions/6062663--error-loading-media-file-could-not-be-played-error-in-jw-player-6-while-playing-mp4-with-chrome-html5]
    In that one there were two errors: needed a higher version of Flash installed and the codec issue. As you mentioned this had been narrowed down to the codec of the mp4 file. And this codec is added with the default cisco h.264 player. [https://gigaom.com/2014/10/14/h-264-support-arrives-in-firefox-thanks-to-cisco-but-h-264-web-videos-still-wont-play/]

  • Encoding in H.264 for You Tube

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    Setup: Video at 30fps 640 x 480, audio at 192Kbps, 44.1, Stereo.  Video.
    While  the output (video) is crispy clear - much clearer than what I got with WME (producing a WMV), the audio/video are out of sync (nearly half a second).  I do not have this with other formats.
    I also tried video at 29.97 fps but it does not help.
    Any suggestions ?

    Welcome to the discussions, foxale08.
    Yes, 768 is the total number, so your video or video+audio have to fall below 768.

  • Hi, attempting to export h.264 for an mp4 but premiere cc automatically making m4v with two sep files

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    Correct except that at the end of encode it stays as two sep files..with
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    attempted a second attempt at vbr1..it should work. I will keep everyone
    posted..thank you all for the responses. I will be sure to be in contact
    with youu all.

  • H.264 for apple devices doesn't allow 48kHz audio!?

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    Here's why: I'm trying to make an iPhone/iPod compliant video podcast and using compressor. I'd like the audio to match the original 48kHz audio coming from my movie. If I go the *h.264 for apple* route, the only audio option I have is bit rate.
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    ...claims that iPhone/iPod supports audio up to 48kHz and up to 160kbps, but I can't figure out how to create that with Compressor!
    Also, the *h.264 for apple* file format setting supposedly compresses the audio in the proper AAC-LC format. If I use *Quicktime movie* the only audio compression options that are close are AAC and AAC-LD.
    Thanks in advance for any help, guys!

    T-Bob wrote:
    OK, so my original high-quality movie opens MPEG Streamclip no problem, so I think that means I can skip the QT6-compatible step, right?
    To clarify, that wasn't a series of steps. That was two separate solutions to the problem.
    I've been fishing around in the 'export' settings, but I can't seem to find a straightforward way to convert it to h.264 low-complexity. Export to Quicktime Movie, or Export to Other Formats (iPhone, iPod?)?
    I just went to Export QuickTime and iTunes reported it as Low-Complexity. I guess MPEG Streamclip exports all H.264s as low complexity because I couldn't see a specific option either.
    ...and I can't seem to find AAC-LC setting in MPEG Streamclip either.
    I selected MPEG-4 AAC in the audio options. As I say, this was accepted by iTunes and synced to the device.
    Hope this helps.

  • Which flavor of H.264 for iPad with Compressor3?

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    What specific version of Compressor 3 do you have installed?
    In 3.5.3, there is an H.264 for iPad and iPhone 4 preset. Here's a droplet you can download and use:

  • About Labview tool kit for Ti's DSP (RTDX buffer size)

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    up? And how to set up the RTDX buffer in Labview? because I check the vi
    about RTDX and can't find a definition about the buffer. This is very
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    the RTDX work state (continuous mode or discontinuous). Thank you very
    much and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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    HMI_pannel.zip ‏85 KB

  • How to Export in 1440p (2560x1440 - H.264 for YouTube)?

    can someone tell me how to export in 2560x1440 (so 1440p) in H.264 format? I would like to uplod it to youtube in 1440p but i can't find a preset and the if i manually change the resolution it stopps around 2000, i can't get 2560 as widh...
    I read this one alrady: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1109729 but couldn't find the stuff.
    I'm using Premiere Pro CC 7.2.1
    Thank's for any help,
    MFG H. im G.

    I wasn't scolding you in any way, just suggesting. Sorry if it came out other than I intended.
    The value in using the old thread is that if you have that question, perhaps others will too. So it is generally better to keep questions in the older thread, if they are directly on topic like this one was.

  • H.264 for iPad, problems in CS5 - OK in CS3 (Mac)

    Hi all,
    I have a CS3 project built on a PC, I've just brought into CS5 on a Mac. The encoding setup is for iPad, running full screen: H.264, 25fps, 1024x768, with a keyframe every 5 frames. I'm using the same setting as the CS3 project.
    All movies out of CS3 are reported by Quicktime to be 25fps. However movies out of CS5 are reported to be 25.33fps. In addition the results look blurry and generally poor compared to CS3 for the same file size. Anyone have any advice or experiencing similar issues?
    Mostly I need to ensure it comes out at 25fps as the engine/code base require 25fps with a key frame every 5 frames for movies to work correctly in App (as it has been doing with CS3 exports).

    Whoops--yes, QT 7 is what I meant but not what I said!
    (all the listings here are for the same movie)
    QT X reports - 25.35 FPS (playing FPS not listed)
    QT 7 reports - 25.07 FPS (playing FPS: 25)
    Premiere reports - 25 FPS
    Would you say this means I am actually getting 25fps?
    Without having much scientific evidence to go on, I would have to say "yes." Since software playback is not strictly timed the way, say, a professional video tape playback would be, there is bound to be some variability in how that file actually gets played back. It will vary based on the host computer, the file, and the player used. Ultimately, though, it's the way the file is encoded that matters, and I believe that the file actually is 25fps as you've specified.
    The most important question is: have you tried one of these CS5 exports in your destination application to see if everything works correctly? If they do, I don't think you have to worry about too much more; after all, based on your description, the most important factor is that you have keyframes encoded into the video stream for navigation/cueing. If this works, the playback framerate should be largely irrelevant, at least in how it is reported in a host of different playback applications.
    I am still wondering about the Data Rate, appearing (in QT) to be below the range listed in the Encoder settings.Using variable between 4 - 8Mbps yet the output is reported as:
    QT 7 - 3837.74 kbits/s
    Premiere is says Average Data Rate: 463 KB / second
    Changing to CBR with 5 Mb/s
    QT 7 reports - 25.07 FPS (playing FPS: 25) - 4128.64 kbits/s
    Premiere reports - 25 FPD - Average Data Rate: 498 KB / second
    There is bound to be some variation between the data rates of two files encoded even with the same encoding parameters, particularly when you're using VBR (variable bit rate) encoding. The amount of used bits will vary throughout the course of an encoded video stream, as some portions will require more bits to encode cleanly, while others can be compressed much more efficiently and therefore use fewer available bits. A busier video will require more of the available bits than one with less action. This would account for variations in data rate between two files using the same encoding settings.
    Now, if you are talking about the difference between what QT7 and Premiere report as far as data rate is concerned--that's simply a reporting issue. QT7 is using kbits/s, or "kilobits per second," whereas Premiere is being far less precise with kBps, or "kilobytes per second." One kilobyte per second (1 kBps) is roughly equal to eight kilobits per second (8 kbps), so if you multiply one the Premiere-reported data rates by 8, you get the QT7 rate.
    For example: 8 kilobits x 463 kBps = 3704 kbps; fairly similar to what QT7 reported.
    Why the difference? Well, one may be factoring in audio bitrate as well as video bitrate, or the Premiere reported data rate is less precise, or maybe just the fact that binary math is a little more involved than simple straightforward calculations In any event, they're both "right;" it just depends how accurate you need to be.
    Is Premiere the best place to check for data rates and FPS? Could do with one reliable source
    My recommendation would be MediaInfo; it's available for many platforms, including Mac, and gives a great deal of information about any particular file.

  • H.264 for live streaming

    Flash media encoder 2 only encodes to the on2v6 video
    standard. Has anyone attempted live streaming of h.264? If so, what
    worked (or didn't)? Any lessons learned would be appreciated.

    I would like to know what is going wrong with my tries.
    I’ve been trying to do live stream with Flash Media Encoder
    2.5, but i cant conect to the server with it. It ask’s about
    my Username end my Password, i put them right but doesn’t not
    work. Comes, there is no such user. But i’ve been putting the
    username from login of server and password fron the server…
    …Thank’s for now.

  • H.264 for film festival

    Hi. My film has been lucky enough to have been accepted into a film festival and the festival director would like an HD h.264 version for the screening. I have to send it so I made a 720p version because a 1080 version would be almost 8gigs and a 720 version would only be 1.5gb(he said 720 would be fine).  My question is, going under the h.264 in export, I chose HDTV 720p 24fps since that seemed to be the highest quality choice under the h.264s.My main question is, do you think this is the right one to choose? His email said as long as the data rate is under 15mbps, looking at it, it's data rate is 5972kbps, so I think I'm cool, although I'm now questioning whether this is actually too low. In the end, I'd just like to know if this was the right choice to make in terms of export. Sorry for the question, I'm just a little nervous because it's all on me for whether the film shows correctly at the festival.

    I have to send it so I made a 720p version because a 1080 version would be almost 8gigs and a 720 version would only be 1.5gb(he said 720 would be fine).
    Do you not have a delivery method for an 8GB 1080 file?
    If you do, I would send 1080 even if he says 720 is fine.
    He did not specify a file size limit, correct?
    His email said as long as the data rate is under 15mbps, looking at it, it's data rate is 5972kbps...
    I would max out the bitrate to the level he specified.

  • Encoding H.264 for flash

    I'm new to flash, but want to use it's ability to play H.264
    quicktimes I'm used to using for other web video. I know I have
    certain audio codecs I must use, but is there a data rate limit as
    well. My files are 640x360, 24 fps.
    I will be offering the files in a Wordpress player for the
    I'm assuming I can use Quicktime Pro or Compressor to make
    the files.

    "but is there a data rate limit as well."
    When worrying about bandwidth, yes there is. If you're
    bandwidth can't support the throughput, then your videos will
    playback choppy or have to pause so the download will catch

  • Converting H.264 for Editing in Premiere Elements 9

    What is the best way to convert my MOV H.264 files off my Canon T2i for editing in premiere. I've heard several people say that H.264 is NOT an editing codec, and it seems to be true. I am editing a shoot with the files directly off the camera and IT IS SLOW!  When you go to export in Premiere it says that AVI files are what you should use for editing in Premiere, but my problem is that I don't know which is the best codec and quality to use. I want Full HD but I'm not sure how to transcode without losing quality. Any suggestions? Please help! Thanks.

    Unfortunately, video from the Rebel series isn't supported natively in Premiere Elements 9. (Though it's worth a try. Have you tried one of the DSLR presets that matches your video's resolution?)
    The BEST solution is to convert the video to a 1440x1080 MPEG/M2T using Quicktime Pro ($29 from Apple). 1440x1080, as you probably know, is the anamorphic version of 1920x1080, so it is the same resolution.
    A 1440x1080 MPEG/M2T video should work perfectly with Premiere Elements' HDV project preset.
    Remember: The test to see if you're using the ideal preset is that, when you add the video to your timeline, it will appear without a red line above it.
    If you are seeing no red lines above your video but your video editing is still slow, it is most likely an indicator that your computer is not powerful enough to edit hi-def video or that it is not properly tuned.
    If you're interested, there are much more detailed explanations for all of this in my books, available on Amazon and at Muvipix.com.

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