Happy holidays!

                                                              Hi guys
                                                I wanted to wish everyone
                                    on behalf of the forum moderation team
                                 a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
BTCare Community Manager
If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post. If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

Whatever happened to "Merry Christmas" & a "Happy New year"?
Becoming more like the Americans all the time
. . . it must be remembered that the sea is a great breeder of friendship. Two men who have known each other for twenty years find that twenty days at sea bring them nearer than ever they were before, or else estrange them.

Similar Messages

  • OT: hAppy hOlidays!  (card)

    Here's a little greeting card I drew-up real quick up for
    everyone. Happy
    Dan Mode
    ->Adobe Community Expert
    *Flash Helps*
    *THE online Radio*
    *Must Read*

    thats so cute.
    i love the voices.

  • Happy holidays all!

    I know this is way off topic, but just wanted to say happy holidays to everyone and especially to the iTunes U team ... Eric, Miguel, Thomas, the other people I met at WWDC whose names I'm ashamed to say I've forgotten (but I swear I remember each of you!) ... and Duncan, of course! And to all the other people at Apple that makes iTunes U so cool ... Scott Morris, George Cook, Jason Edinger .. dunno who does what exactly, but you guys are the greatest. So stop worrying about XSDs and web services for a couple of days and have some fun already! Also happy holidays to you guys that hang in the forums ... Ken Newquist and Dave (a.k.a "ramen") and all the others I've learnt so much from. You guys are the hardest working bunch of people any university could hope to have!

    Happy holidays, Rich! Thanks for hanging around here helping so many people, and for keeping such a positive attitude. =)
    Thanks Duncan and the rest of the iTunes U team for the hard work.
    Best wishes,

  • Happy Holidays!  Looking for some additional Fonts

    Happy Holidays!
    You guys know where I can download some additional fonts (other than what's in Tiger)?
    Additional fonts that I can use in FCE, and other applications?
    And where they'd need to be installed?
    Thank you
    Happy New Year!

    It's more a topic for Mac OS X forum, but you can use any Truetype or postscript fonts.
    There are many place on the web to seek for free fonts, but you can get some uncomplete set (ie without some accented characters, etc) or get bad quality.
    You can also buy font from good font provider.
    Also, you can find some CDs with many of them for a nominal fee.
    Try your Mac OS help menu to figure out where to place those files.
    On a mac, all installed fonts are available for all applications.
    Michel Boissonneault

  • Gifts of time and knowledge -- Happy Holidays

    As the year winds down, I'd like to express my gratitude to all of you who have given the gift of time and knowledge in these forums. I am grateful for people like you who freely give to make the learning curve a little less steep for us.
    Whatever your traditions are at this time of year, I wish all of you a joyous and happy holiday. May the gifts of Health, Happiness, Peace and Wealth make its way to your door by the bucketload.
    Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali, and of course -- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    ‘twas the weeks before Christmas
    And I saw that Tom
    and Ian and Alchroma
    had written to som
    Of the people, like me
    Who’d lapsed into coma
    Because of F.C.E.
    and were now lying stroma.
    When out of the Forum there
    came such a great shout
    We leapt to our feet to see
    what was about
    It’s MartinR and Michel,
    Pierof, R. Mitchell and Skalicki,
    Dealing with problems
    Both knotti and sticki.
    Thanks too all, plus David
    And also V.J.K
    Our caped crusaders have saved the Day
    Your good work throughout
    Two Thousand and Nine
    Saved many a bacon, especially mine.
    On Boris, on Filters, on Transitions, too,
    Giddyup TrackOne, on Browser (boo hoo
    -Snapping seems to have lost all of his glue)
    On Canvas, on Capture, pull that red sleigh
    Throughout the night
    ‘cos Render is dragging.
    This may take ‘til it’s light.
    To all the of the thanks,
    Let me join the chorus
    For I’m truly grateful.
    (Signed) Allosaurus.

  • Happy Christmas!! Happy new year!! and Happy Happy holidays

    Hi Folks ,
    Wishing a Happy Happy marry christmas and Advance happy new year whom most of the people are into vacation !!Hope in india already so many left their work and in travel...
    Wish you in next  year 2009   Good Health , Good appetiteIf you are single , wish you find your lover , and get married soon;If you are married, wish you love each other more, and have a smart little baby;If you are a man, wish you more handsome and strongerIf you are a girl, wish you more beautiful more consideratelyWish you happy! Enjoy your life!
    Although so many things will happen in our life Some times good some times bad ....But where ever we are what ever we do we should be live happily and make happily .....we dont interact each others but our thoughts may collide ,,,,,we dont call each other but our thinking may match.......Same way although we done celebrate together dont forget to send your Christmas sweets & Gifts...:-)
    I hope the new year will remove all the dust that has been spread all round the globe ....and Really like to you share your CHRISTMAS celebrations !!! Dont forget to post here once coming back ..:-)

    Merry is the glad word, marry is when you match and wed people (or ideas).
    Craig has suggested on his "off line" station gathering pictures of winter and celebrations.
    In fact he's running a [video contest |http://www.kyte.tv/ch/72385-friday-morning-report/292138-florida-winter]so folks can share their winters.
    One of our community members shared a knowledge nugget with me in Twitter: "that my own holiday, Channukah, has some traditions like Diwali (burning an oil lamp)" for example.
    This year was the first time in my life that we did that (rather than just light candles which we did as well).
    I like this [picture|http://www.flickr.com/photos/marilynpratt/3131272327/] that has our neighbors Christmas lights blended with our own Channukah oil lamp.
    It reminds me of the best things community can be: sharing, lightness, illumination.
    Marrying (blending) to make merry (happy) is what our diverse community is all about.
    Happy Holidays and a good season.
    Thanks to everyone who generously wish these things regardless of where in the world they are and what they celebrate.
    We salute you.

  • Happy Holidays.  I have Adobe Actobat 7.0 Standard for quite a while, and I'm happy with it. I use it for mainly filings at the federal court.  They require PDF.  I use two computers in two different states for work.  I realize my Adobe 7.1 is a few years

    .  I have Adobe Actobat 7.0 Standard for quite a while, and I'm happy with it. I use it for mainly filings at the federal court.  They require PDF.  I use two computers in two different states for work.  I realize my Adobe 7.1 is a few years old, but sometimes I have difficulty using it with the other days downloading a boarding pass, and e filing at the USDC. .  There's a problem with Adobe Flash, media, etc.  and other Adobe programs, (which I use for downloading boarding passes for airlines, etc.) so basically I have to delete these other Adobe programs, besides the Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard if I want to 7.0 Standard to work.  I periodically download the updates, but there's still a problem. My question is:  Can or should I purchase another program to update the present Adobe Acrobat 7.0 standard, or just buy a new program such as the Adobe 11?  Am I mistakenly doing something wrong, such as when I download?  I'm an old valued customer so I don't want to spend a lot of money since I am replacing my Dell XP for a new computer now, and my other computer is a Dell Vista.
    I'd appreciate your valued advice.

    If you are getting a new computer (for a PC it would have Win 7 or 8), then you will need to purchase XI if you wish to continue using Acrobat. Acrobat 7 is not compatible with these systems (and probably the same for MAC systems), though sometimes workarounds are possible, though not easy to use. I guess the answer is to buy the new version. Try http://www.adobe.com/products/catalog/software._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_software _sl_mostpopular.html, click on the Buy for Acrobat, and then select the version you want.


    http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/admissions-of-the-heart/16838628 This is a link that will take you to my novel, Admissions of the Heart. It is on sale during the holidays for the low price of only $2.99

    i must say that the WET610N has done wonders for my gaming console! i've also used it on my desktop to get it to go wireless and did not have any problems. my devices are located at different levels of the house so that should say something about the range that it covers. my main router is a Linksys to begin with so that may be a plus. i hear interoperability is better when the devices are of the same manufacturer. more importantly, i made sure my main network was configured properly. i have channel width set to standard/ 20mhz with channel set to 9. for security, i have wpa2/ aes for a faster and more secure connection. i am also running the latest firmware on both my router and the bridge to address minor bugs, if any.
    i guess it all boils down to optimizing your wireless network settings to lessen, if not eliminate, wireless interference as it will cause dropouts. you may want to try the settings i mentioned above and do get that firmware upgrade for your devices. good luck!

  • Hi there, Happy Holidays.....Need help here.

    I actually came to Brazil to spend holidays with my family and I wonder if I use my smart phone to browse the internet, use skype, text message  to talk to my firends in US while I am here by using the Wi-Fi service at hotel, will I get charged extra under my existing data plan???

        Lou_910, we hope that you're having a fabulous stay in Brazil! You will not be billed for Global Roaming data charges when connected to Wi-Fi. However, we don't want you to have a negative billing experience. You have the option of adding the $25.00 100 MB Global Data plan to your line for data connections when Wi-Fi isn't available to you. For more details, click here: http://vz.to/1rt7Fn9
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • HT1923 Hello... I can't update my iTunes... Everytime I tried, it says (itunes64.msi) can't be found... Any pointers...? Happy Holidays...

    Can't update my iTunes... Everytime (iTunes64.msi) can't be found pop up... Any pointers...? Thanks...

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • UCCX 9.0(2) - Holiday schedule for geographic regions

    Hi Guys,
    I am hoping someone will be able to nudge me in the right direction. I am struggling to find a good way to script out a particular holiday check. I have a UCCX server that resides here in the states that will be serving some customers in Asia and the UK. It is also handling customer calls here in the US as well. Each region has their own set of agents and CSQ's. The problem I am having is each region has unique Holidays that they recognize, as well as share a couple such as Christmas and New Year's. I am having a hard time figuring out how to build a holiday check since the server time and associated timezone resides here in the states and not in those other regions. The Time of Day step was a breeze since you can define a time zone now. It's calculating when it's a holiday in the other regions that I am stuck on. Any suggestions that you may have would be fantastic!

    I don't normally upload scripts to the forums because they are not searchable and also, anyone on a lower version cannot use it, but it's late at night, and I'm feeling half lazy, so here's a fully working solution to compute your holidays with timezone support.
    This is just the way I do it, with Date arrays, but you may like XML documents, or some other form.
    This is intended to work as a subflow.  Your main script would need a boolean variable and a Date array variable to support it, which you will use in the Input mapping and Output mapping of the Call Subflow step respectively.
    Good luck and happy holiday logic testing!
    Anthony Holloway
    Please use the star ratings to help drive great content to the top of searches.

  • New toys for the holidays? Need help connecting them?

    We've got you covered!  Visit us online at http://vz.to/VWTGnP 
    Happy Holidays from Verizon Support!

    So far I see nothing about connecting to Roku or Apple TV - not very comprehensive, Verizon.
    Also I see that if you want to try to use the DSL speed optimizer, you have to use IE. Time to update your thinking, folks. While IE is good, there are many better ones (and no I'm not trying to start a 'what browser is best' war. Simple statement of fact - just limiting yourself to IE is very poor...)
    Nope, not very up to date at all

  • Upload of Holidays.xml shows 0 kb after upload.

    Good afternoon and Happy Holidays.
    I am trying to update our Holidays.xml file and when I upload it using the UCCX web interface (Applications > Document Management) it shows it uploaded but with a 0KB size.
    Has anyone seen this before, and if so what solution did you use to correct it.
    Thank you!

    Hmm.. if you have two servers, try logging into appadmin on the other one and uploading it there.
    Or try restarting services/the server.

  • OT: Holiday Wishes to All

    Season's Greetings
    With all best wishes to everyone for a very Happy Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Hambug Day, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, St John's Feast Day, New Year, Epiphany...
    ❄  ☃  ❄ 
    Nancy O.

    Gee Nancy, that's a lot of days that you wish us to be happy for, most of them I had never heard of. Mind you, this is the time of the year that dwellers of the northern hemisphere are in need of a bit of enjoyment unlike us down under. We, my wife and I, have just added the final touches to the outdoor entertainment areas in readiness of the onslaught of family and friends.
    Wishing you and and ALL Dreamweavers happy Holidays and a safe, healthy New Year.

  • Calender dates/holidays do not match up

    My holidays are one day off, this just changed recently ie my calender says December 25th is Christmas Eve and December 26th is Christmas?

    Hi Jbirdhouse,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    Have you subscribed to a Holiday calendar?  This link will put the US Holidays calendar on your iPhone. 
    I hope this information helps ....
    Happy Holidays!
    - Judy

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