Hard Drive Cable Faulty?

Yesterday I was working on my computer, closed the lid - not shut down (as I always do) to run to school, and found my computer not working once I got there.
At start up, the blinking folder with ? question mark appeared, signalling that the HDD couldn't be found. I don't recall bumping my computer, so I don't know what happened on the way to school.
I've sinced opened up my computer and connected the HDD with a SATA/USB adaptor, and found that the HDD is 100% working. I've booted from it, and that's how I'm writing this question now actually. It's much slower of course, so I want this fixed as soon as possible.
I've connected both a new HDD and SSD to the hard drive cable inside the computer, and neither were recognized. SO, that means I have 1 of 2 problems (I think). Either the hard drive cable (is that what it is called?) has failed, OR the spot where the hard drive cable snaps on to the motherboard (?) is damaged.
Are there other possibilities that I'm not thinking of?
Can you think of a method for me to test what the problem is? I could buy a new hard drive cable (with that infrared sensor part) for about $50 I think online, but that might not be the problem. Is that the first step that you would do? I don't have easy access to these parts, so assume I have nothing sitting around my house
I have a mid-2010 13" MBP. I'm going to take this opportunity to upgrade to a SSD, once I get the computer to recognize them again lol.
Thank you in advance for your help!!

Rarely if ever does the hard drive controller on any motherboard fail. In my 20+ years of work with and on computers I have never seen an Intel controler go bad. That's not to say it can't but for that to happen the rest of the board probably won't work either, IE no matter how or where you connect a drive the computer wouldn't boot.
So your problem is the cable, as pointed out by Clinton. this is a known weak link on all Macbook Pro computers.
Zach Rogers wrote:
Thank you to the both of you. HDD ribbon cable / SATA cable will be replaced then I hope that solves the problem. I won't expect that the motherboard is faulty.

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    2009 MacBook Pros are notorious for having sub-standard SATA cables. I'm 99% certain that's your problem. Even though the IR sensor is on the cable, that doesn't mean that the cable is good - nor does it mean that it's not faulty if it will boot with a hard drive but not with a SSD - SSDs are simply more 'needy' when it comes to a good SATA cable.
    Visit www.ifixit.com and find the Apple part number and search for the item on eBay - much cheaper than buying from ifixit; although ifixit will have the instructions for installing the cable.
    Good luck,

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    I believe iFixit sells them:
    You can also go to an Apple store, they won't sell you the part, but they will replace it for a fee.

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    Dave The Newbie,
    replacing the cable will not increase the interface speed, just as putting racing slicks on a minivan won’t make it a dragster. I have the same model SSD in my Mid 2010 MacBook Pro, and my MacBook Pro’s SATA interface is limited to SATA II, just like yours. Unless you’re planning on mainly running disk-bound apps, it’s not something that you’ll need to worry about — just enjoy the SSD as is.

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    https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Parts/MacBook-Pro-13-Inch-Unibody-Model-A1278-Mid-2 009-Mid-2010-Hard-Drive-Cable/IF163-013-1
    Apple Part #: 922-9062, 821-0814-A

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    Dear All,
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    Thank you very much in advance

    Dad of Noel wrote:
    Anyone can tell me how to prevent HDD cable from bad situation again?
    I doubt it. However, you should submit a complaint to Apple (this is not the right place for it).
    One time of repair could be explained as "unlucky" or mistake on production line. 3 times within 2 years can not say as sporadic or random mistake. Obviously, there is an systemic problem with Apple HDD cables
    Actually, that's not obvious at all.
    First, SATA cable issues are not specific to Apple. You can find, for instance, plenty of complaints on Toshiba forums. (Off-hand, it does seem to me that we didn't use to have so many problems with the old, parallel, ATA cables, but I can't be sure.)
    Second, you could, for instance, have a small random manufacturing defect in a component which touches the cable. When the component warms up, that defect might damage the cable. This would explain the short life of the cables in your machine w/o the necessity of postulating a systemic issue. Of course, this is pure speculation, but it demonstrates the defect in your logic.
    Third, the fact is that we, the consumers, demand ever more powerful products, in ever smaller sizes and comparatively lower prices. Apple, which is no different from any other major corp, is reacting by, among other measures, cutting corners on quality (as well as finding cheaper labour elsewhere). This is the reality which all of us have helped to bring about.
    I know full well that this is cold comfort to you. But I'm afraid there is nothing else. For most of us, life is hard, bitter, and unfair.
    If I were you, I'd make sure to keep all the documentation about the SATA cable problems, and, if it happened again, I'd complain once more to Apple, this time escalating it as far up the corporate food chain as I could.

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    " I've got an early 2011 15" MBP with broken GPU."
    You know there's a recall on that model:
    Apple Recall:
    Yah don't think swapping the cables will work. Since there's a recall on your 15"  I wouldn't go messing around inside least you get rejected for recall for modding.

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    Thank you.
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    ExExE wrote:
    Hi my laptop is m6-1105dx, and the hard drive cable does not work now. I tried to find it online but I could hardly find anything. As I heard, it seems the m6-1000 series are using the same cable. Is that true?
    Thank you.
    Hi there,
    Here are the spare part numbers of both:
    m6-1000 entertainment notebook
    Hard Drive Hardware Kit (includes hard drive bracket, hard drive connector cable, and screws)
    Envy m6-1105dx notebook
    Hard Drive Hardware Kit (includes hard drive bracket, hard drive connector cable, and screws)
    So, essentially both are the SAME.
    Here are some online sellers selling it: amazon , ebay
    Hope your concern is resolved.
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    Hi @mrawesome99 
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    It is a superb  place to find answers and ideas.
    For you to have the best experience in the HP forum I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide Learn How to Post and More
    I grasp you need a hard drive cable.
    You should be able to purchase one at any computer supply store.  Places such as Office Depot, Future Shop or Walmart.
    The specifications state that it is a SATA drive so you will need a SATA cable .
    Here is a  link to the HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC Maintenance and Service Guide, where you can locate the part number for a hard drive hardware kit.  Please see page 25, item 18 the last item in the list.
    I hope this helped.
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    replacement hard drive cable
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    Please check available parts for your machine:
    You may have to buy a whole set.
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    hi guys that is my laptop :
    MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) - Technical Specifications
    i have a issue with the sata cable, i got one to replace  but does not work, so my friend told me that cable is not original so that reason can't recognize my hard drive.
    you guys can tell if that is true?
    i did a search and i found that ones: i am not sure if is original ones and if will works on my mac book, can you guys help me with that? they said that foxconn is apple original and will solve my problem.
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00PGQVWAK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc= 1&smid=A1B35JSXN75T34
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004VSZCL4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc= 1&smid=A3OHAD2D0ZF8BY

    Hi. I don't know if apple still uses foxcon. They use to. On you original cable,did you look to see if it said anywhere on it foxcon. The older ones did.

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    I recently purchased the HP ENVY dv7-7201sa, and was quite disappointed to find out that the 2nd hard drive caddy space did not come with a SATA cable to connect a secondy hard drive.
    I have been unable to locate an appropriate cable, and was wondering if anyone knows where I would be able to purchase one? (I purchased the HP Pavillion version hoping this would fit, but the connction to the motherboard is smaller in the Envy model).
    Really hoping someone would be able to help me.
    Thank you very much
    Alex Rankine

    This is one place:
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    i've hand one on back order for two months with two different retailers who both say Apple has them on back order.  i dont want a used part because i understand now that they tend to fail.  2009-2010 unibody macpro hard drive and sensor cable. Any ideas?  can't get it direct from Apple?  For reading my plea.

    I don't know who you're listening to, but I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to buy a used cable with a warranty from a reputable vendor and good Mac community member like iFixit. In over ten years of recommending iFixit on these boards, I don't recall ever hearing a complaint from anyone who bought parts from them.

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    I have a HP ENVY 17TS laptop and want to add an SSD drive.  I see that there is an empty drive bay.  Where can I find the cable/connector and associated drive kit?  I could not find on the HP.COM site. 
    Thanks a lot in advance,
    This question was solved.
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    For adding an SSD drive to your notebook. I have included the 'HP ENVY 17 Notebook PC HP ENVY TouchSmart m7 Notebook PC HP ENVY TouchSmart 17 Notebook PC - Mainten...'. On page 48 Hard drive it will give you the part numbers of the different drives that are compatible with your system. The ones that are marked as hybrid are both HDD and SSD. As well provides you with instructions on how to connect the SSD to the notebook.
    As well I have also included the document, 'About Solid State Hard Drives'. This has different bits of information, on maintaining and checking different parts of the hardware.
    Please let me know if this helps, thank you.
    I worked on behalf of HP

  • Anyone know how to find and replace a hard drive cable fo an HP Pavilion zv5160us laptop?

    I received message that my hard drive had failed.  I ordered an identical drive and replaced it.  I now get error message:
    PXE-E61:  Media test failure, check cable
    PXE-M0F:  exiting PXE ROM
    The recovery disks will not reformat the drive.  What does the cable look like.  Can it be replaced?  Where could I find one?
    Thanks for any help as I have bought new hard drive, more memory and recovery disks.  Hate to lose my investment completely.  Should have just bought a new laptop!

    Should be ok to put new WD HDD on your dv6 machine. All connectors are standard. Please watch the following videos to see some idea of this work:
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