Have we been Hosed?

I received my MPB today. I should be in the great joy mode. I'm not!! I have not opened the box. Yesterday I visited Adobe to purchase CS2 for it. Adobe has clearly stated they don't support the Intel dual core, nor do they intend to any time soon. I feel like I've had a knife in the back, or a sound kick below the waist! There was no mention of Rosetta emulation in the Apple ads. I'm a pro imager, and to discover my new Mac will run slower ( degraded performance in Adobes words)then a Power Book in PhotoShop, is extemely, extremely, depressing!! Cavet emptor of course, but for the love of Mike, I thought one could trust Apple, 4X, four times faster, as per the ads, cold day in ****. Talk about deceptive trade practices. I wanted this machine for the review of images at the time of a shoot. Real info appreciated, no vapor ware talk please, ( Universal Binarys are right around the corner, thats nice, but I have a shoot next Wed.), I already have the T-shirt.
Huge, huge, cringe... do i have to load XP in it to make it play ball in a timely manner in PShop?
Warm Regards

While I sympathize with developers, I don't buy it completely. Apple didn't ship "way ahead of schedule". They told developers in June 2005, that there would be intel based systems with customers before WWDC and passed code and machines. Everyone knows January MacWorld is the big event. Who in their right mind didn't think that Apple would try for that?
Adobe wants money for the conversion. Cool, I acknowledge that. But they won't be releasing for MORE than a year from now. Add the time they have already known and that's almost two years.
I'll cut them some slack because they have the really cool Lightroom beta already as a universal app. But I don't have any pity for the Photoshop development team. It's as one sided as they make it sound.
There is a more detailed explanation of Adobe's
situation here at an Adobe engineer's
personal blog.
Before anyone jumps all over them, read the more
informed comments after the blog entry, and note that
Adobe is not the only one who is challenged by the
transition. Microsoft Office is not there. You could
switch to Corel Painter, but it is not Universal
either, not even the new version they just
And Macworld magazine reported this about the new
version of Reason:
"Propellerhead indicated that the 3.0.5 release will
not be a Universal Binary application — to wit, a
version that works on both Intel and PowerPC-based
Macs. This is contrary to Apple’s recommendation to
Mac OS X software developers, but Propellerhead said
that Reason developed using Xcode — Apple’s compiler
— is slower on PowerPC systems than Reason using
Metrowerks’ CodeWarrior compiler."
Obviously, having major Intel apps ready when Apple
ships Intel Macs way ahead of schedule is not really
realistic for everybody. XCode is not doing it well
enough for everybody. Also, some of these major
companies want to hold back until you actually can
get Intel powered pro towers to test on.

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