Hayanyuu - Japanese IME written in Bash

http://sprunge.us/UEOW New version below
I've had an idea for looking up compounds in edict2 for a long time (almost two years). And I've finally written a GUI for it.
It's an addition to an IME I wrote two months ago called hayanyuu.
A small introduction to how hayanyuu works:
edict2 is searched by romaji to hiragana conversion. Results are selectable by function keys. Choices are then added to a "Line so far". This line can then be accepted with Enter and it will be copied to the X selection and typed with xdotool.
The idea behind compound search is that you usually only need a few radicals from each kanji to get a unique match for a compound.
For example, there are many radicals in these two kanji:
運 (movement, hat, car)
勢 (earth *2, legs, nine, a comma thing, power)
But if you just throw some common ones against the compound: [movement & hat] + [earth], it turns out there's only two edict entries that match! Even though there must be tons of kanji that have "earth" in them.
I made it work with aliases of radicals.
There are two special characters you can enter into the romaji bar: ? and `
? looks up all radicals and their aliases of all kanji:
The last ? makes it search.
` searches edict2:
`move hat - earth -`
The last ` makes it search.
You can also fill in hiragana with capitals. Wildcards with . and * . And a repetition mark with &. It also takes kanji.
The - turns the last few lowercase aliases into a group of possible kanji.
It works by a grep search of edict2. A group of possible kanji is actually just [KANJI KANJI KANJI], and, if you're familiar with edict2, * is actually [^(); ]* so it's bound to the entry. It's normally also bounded to the entry. If you search for just `勢` you won't get the "運勢" compound. You can do `.勢` though, but there's a ton of results.
Configuration of the aliases is done by editing the script itself. I haven't made a good aliases list for myself yet.
It's really something you want to do yourself anyway. People see different things in radicals. Multiple aliases are possible, so share what you change and I'll add it to future versions.
More information is on my blog: http://archlinux.me/procyon/
Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added.
Last edited by Procyon (2011-08-19 20:16:58)

Version 2: http://sprunge.us/ijEHNew version below
Colored diff:
dwdiff -c <(curl -s http://sprunge.us/UEOW) <(curl -s http://sprunge.us/ijEH) | grep -C 2 $'\e\[' | less
This implements the above. (Enter to search, F3 -> romaji, extra results with Shift/Control + Function Keys)
And ` and ? no longer have to start with those characters. Just type ` or ? at the end instead of Enter.
Shift and Control work slightly different for urxvt and xterm.
I got something consistent by not using F11 & F12, so when it says SF11/CF11 it means:
SF11 -> Shift + F1
SF20 -> Shift + F10
CF21 -> Control + F1
CF30 -> Control + F10
English meaning is attached to the results now. And for radical to compound the reading as well. There is a terminal escape sequence to stop this from wrapping to the next line, but it doesn't work in multiplexers. I think I'll just add it in the next version.
If radical to compound is still vague, here is a screenshot: http://ompldr.org/vOXZlbQ
The part between ": KANJI :" will be put on the "Line so far"
Use "KANJI?" to see aliases quickly. Maybe I'll add a cheatsheet in the next version.
Last edited by Procyon (2011-08-19 23:47:10)

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    Thanks in advance,

    arachanox wrote:
    Is there some way to select the keyboard layout used with the Japanese IME?
    You set it in the Kotoeri preferences, found toward the bottom of the "flag" menu when one of the Japanese IM's is active:

  • A simple but well coloured feed reader written in bash

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    I wrote these two functions for my .bashrc:
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    if [ ! -d "$FEED_BOOKMARKS" ]; then mkdir -p $FEED_BOOKMARKS; fi
    feed() {
    if [ ! -d $FEED_BOOKMARKS ]; then mkdir $FEED_BOOKMARKS; fi
    if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
    echo -e "\\n \\e[04mUsage\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ feed \\e[01;31m<url>\\e[00m \\e[01;31m<new bookmark?>\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[04mSee also\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ deef\\e[00m\\n"
    return 1;
    local rss_source="$(curl --silent $1 | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')";
    if [ ! -n "$rss_source" ]; then
    echo "The feed is empty";
    return 1;
    # The characters "£, §" are used as metacharacters. They should not be encountered in a feed...
    echo -e "$(echo $rss_source | \
    sed -e 's/&gt;/>/g' \
    -e 's/&lt;/</g' \
    -e 's/<\/a>/£/g' \
    -e 's/href\=\"/§/g' \
    -e 's/<title>/\\n\\n\\n :: \\e[01;31m/g' -e 's/<\/title>/\\e[00m ::\\n/g' \
    -e 's/<link>/ [ \\e[01;36m/g' -e 's/<\/link>/\\e[00m ]/g' \
    -e 's/<description>/\\n\\n\\e[00;37m/g' -e 's/<\/description>/\\e[00m\\n\\n/g' \
    -e 's/<p>\|<br\s*\/\?>/\n/g' \
    -e 's/<b>\|<strong>/\\e[01;30m/g' -e 's/<\/b>\|<\/strong>/\\e[00;37m/g' \
    -e 's/<u>/\\e[4;37m/g' -e 's/<\/u>/\\e[00;37m/g' \
    -e 's/<b>\|<code>/\\e[00m/g' -e 's/<\/b>\|<\/code>/\\e[00;37m/g' \
    -e 's/<a[^§]*§\([^\"]*\)\"[^>]*>\([^£]*\)[^£]*£/\\e[01;31m\2\\e[00;37m \\e[01;34m[\\e[00;37m \\e[04m\1\\e[00;37m\\e[01;34m ]\\e[00;37m/g' \
    -e 's/<li>/\n \\e[01;34m*\\e[00;37m /g' \
    -e 's/<!\[CDATA\[\|\]\]>\|>\s*<//g' \
    -e 's/<[^>]*>/ /g' \
    -e 's/[<>£§]//g')\n\n";
    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    echo "$1" > $FEED_BOOKMARKS/$2
    echo -e "\\n\\t\\e[01;37m==> \\e[01;31mBookmark saved as \\e[01;36m\\e[04m$2\\e[00m\\e[01;37m <==\\e[00m\\n"
    deef() {
    if test -n "$1"; then
    if [ ! -r "$FEED_BOOKMARKS/$1" ]; then
    echo -e "\\n \\e[01;31mBookmark \\e[01;36m\\e[04m$1\\e[00m\\e[01;31m not found.\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[04mType:\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ deef\\e[00m (without arguments)\\n\\n to get the complete list of all currently saved bookmarks.\\n";
    return 1;
    local url="$(cat $FEED_BOOKMARKS/$1)";
    if [ ! -n "$url" ]; then
    echo "The bookmark is empty";
    return 1;
    echo -e "\\n\\t\\e[01;37m==> \\e[01;31m$url\\e[01;37m <==\\e[00m"
    feed "$url";
    echo -e "\\n \\e[04mUsage\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ deef \\e[01;31m<bookmark>\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[04mCurrently saved bookmarks\\e[00m\\n";
    for i in $(find $FEED_BOOKMARKS -maxdepth 1 -type f);
    do echo -e " \\e[01;36m\\e[04m$(basename $i)\\e[00m";
    echo -e "\\n \\e[04mSee also\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ feed\\e[00m\\n";
    It's a very simple rss reader written in bash with two functions.
    The first one:
    $ feed <url> <new bookmark?>
    prints the parsed content of <url> and possibly save the url as <new bookmark?>, if specified.
    For example:
    $ feed http://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/
    $ feed http://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/ archnews
    The second one:
    $ deef <bookmark>
    reads the url previously saved as <bookmark> and prints its content.
    For example:
    $deef archnews
    I'd like you to test it and suggest whatever you want
    The parser is very very simple.
    A better version of this script is this.
    Last edited by grufo (2012-08-15 02:41:19)

    skanky wrote:
    Break the '' :-
    sed 's/abc/'$VARIABLE'/'
    You can split the sed script to a separate file, which would mean that you could have different types of file or streams that could be converted...should you wish.
    Thank you
    So, if you prefer a version with formatting variables...
    if [ ! -n "$FEED_BOOKMARKS" ]; then export FEED_BOOKMARKS=$HOME/.feed_bookmarks; fi
    if [ ! -d "$FEED_BOOKMARKS" ]; then mkdir -p $FEED_BOOKMARKS; fi
    feed() {
    if [ ! -d $FEED_BOOKMARKS ]; then mkdir $FEED_BOOKMARKS; fi
    if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
    echo -e "\\n \\e[04mUsage\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ feed \\e[01;31m<url>\\e[00m \\e[01;31m<new bookmark?>\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[04mSee also\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ deef\\e[00m\\n"
    return 1;
    local rss_source="$(curl --silent $1 | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')";
    if [ ! -n "$rss_source" ]; then
    echo "The feed is empty";
    return 1;
    # Formatting
    local f_title="\\\\e[01;31m"
    local f_descr="\\\\e[00;37m"
    local f_ref="\\\\e[01;36m"
    local f_bold="\\\\e[01;36m"
    local f_italic="\\\\e[41;37m"
    local f_underline="\\\\e[4;37m"
    local f_code="\\\\e[00m"
    local f_linklabel="\\\\e[01;31m"
    local f_linkurl="\\\\e[04m"
    local f_formatchrs="\\\\e[01;34m"
    # The characters "£, §" are used as metacharacters. They should not be encountered in a feed...
    echo -e "$(echo $rss_source | \
    sed -e 's/&amp;/\&/g
    s/<title>/\\n\\n\\n :: '$f_title'/g; s/<\/title>/\\e[00m ::\\n/g
    s/<link>/ [ '$f_ref'/g; s/<\/link>/\\e[00m ]/g
    s/<description>/\\n\\n'$f_descr'/g; s/<\/description>/\\e[00m\\n\\n/g
    s/<p\( [^>]*\)\?>\|<br\s*\/\?>/\n/g
    s/<b\( [^>]*\)\?>\|<strong\( [^>]*\)\?>/'$f_bold'/g; s/<\/b>\|<\/strong>/'$f_descr'/g
    s/<i\( [^>]*\)\?>\|<em\( [^>]*\)\?>/'$f_italic'/g; s/<\/i>\|<\/em>/'$f_descr'/g
    s/<u\( [^>]*\)\?>/'$f_underline'/g; s/<\/u>/'$f_descr'/g
    s/<code\( [^>]*\)\?>/'$f_code'/g; s/<\/code>/'$f_descr'/g
    s/<a[^§]*§\([^\"]*\)\"[^>]*>\([^£]*\)[^£]*£/'$f_linklabel'\2'$f_descr' '$f_formatchrs'['$f_descr' '$f_linkurl'\1'$f_descr''$f_formatchrs' ]'$f_descr'/g
    s/<li\( [^>]*\)\?>/\n '$f_formatchrs'*'$f_descr' /g
    s/ *<[^>]\+> */ /g
    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    echo "$1" > $FEED_BOOKMARKS/$2
    echo -e "\\n\\t\\e[01;37m==> \\e[01;31mBookmark saved as \\e[01;36m\\e[04m$2\\e[00m\\e[01;37m <==\\e[00m\\n"
    deef() {
    if test -n "$1"; then
    if [ ! -r "$FEED_BOOKMARKS/$1" ]; then
    echo -e "\\n \\e[01;31mBookmark \\e[01;36m\\e[04m$1\\e[00m\\e[01;31m not found.\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[04mType:\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ deef\\e[00m (without arguments)\\n\\n to get the complete list of all currently saved bookmarks.\\n";
    return 1;
    local url="$(cat $FEED_BOOKMARKS/$1)";
    if [ ! -n "$url" ]; then
    echo "The bookmark is empty";
    return 1;
    echo -e "\\n\\t\\e[01;37m==> \\e[01;31m$url\\e[01;37m <==\\e[00m"
    feed "$url";
    echo -e "\\n \\e[04mUsage\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ deef \\e[01;31m<bookmark>\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[04mCurrently saved bookmarks\\e[00m\\n";
    for i in $(find $FEED_BOOKMARKS -maxdepth 1 -type f);
    do echo -e " \\e[01;36m\\e[04m$(basename $i)\\e[00m";
    echo -e "\\n \\e[04mSee also\\e[00m\\n\\n \\e[01;37m\$ feed\\e[00m\\n";

  • Tiger won't recognize Japanese IME keys

    I'm using OS X 10.4.6 with a Japanese keyboard. I need to switch between Kotoeri and USA input methods frequently. On this keyboard which I have imported from Japan, there are buttons specifically for this purpose.
    However, I cannot make Tiger recognize the keys. If I select "Japanese JIS keyboard with input method keys" from the keyboard preferences, everything works fine except for the keys next to the spacebar and the key to the left of the '1' key.
    In keyboard viewer there are just holes where these keys should be. "power", "sleep" and "wake" seem just fine. What can I do to fix this?

    I select "Japanese JIS keyboard with input method
    keys" from the keyboard preferences, everything works
    fine except for the keys next to the spacebar and the
    key to the left of the '1' key.
    Exactly where are these preferences that mention a JIS keyboard? I don't see them on my machine.
    I have heard of machines not recognizing a JIS layout at all, in which case resetting the PMU may fix it. But your problem seems different, if everything works right except a couple keys.
    As a temporary work-around, you should be able to switch between US and Kotoeri using Apple + space (or whatever you have set in the shortcuts prefs for the Select Previous Input Source function).

  • Japanese IME ?

    I assume "no," but there's no way to input Japanese is there?
    The iPhone displays Japanese just fine in the calendar, contacts, web, etc.
    It'd be nice to type 「大丈夫ですか?」 instead of "daijoubu desuka?".

    I've already posted about this. Not your fault but amazing how other places have my work around and yet most people are still in the dark. Apple is not keen on this I think. However there is a way, in Safari only to have a Japanese/Asian keyboard:
    Again my method for fool proof 100% Apple Inc., Safari Japanese input:
    open safari
    (you will see a long text input box, site is all Japanese but it is near the top)
    tap select text box
    tap-type: test
    let tap go or tap the kanji button for translate
    let page fully load
    Then tap select text box, it will have the word "test" on it
    Then your keyboard will come up but this time it has a rectangle above the slightly smaller keyboard.
    tap-type: W
    You'll see W, kana for watashi, kanji for watashi, select one of the options and it will hover then input the kanji/kana/w into the text box.
    Then go to gOffice for iPhone and type a Japanese .doc then email it or go to your gmail account or anyonline account and type full Japanese emails to your hearts content. This will work for any site you go to directly page to page, site to site.
    BUT pushing the home button to go to another app will cancel this keyboard.
    However if you save the "test" result in your bookmarks then just reload, tap highlight the box and you have on Safari a full Japanese keyboard. It might work for other asian languages.

  • As I'm typing, keyboard output suddenly becomes corrupted and(because?) Japanese IME mode has changed. Firefox involved, or not?

    Please see "troubleshooting" below.

    In case there is dirt or food crumbs trapped under the keys run a vacuum hose over the keys or use a can of compressed air.
    If the above does not work AND you do NOT have AppleCare, take the keyboard apart & clean it.
    Search YouTube for Macbook Pro “How To” tutorials.
    If you have AppleCare, call them & let them deal with it or take your MBP to your local Apple Store or AASP.

  • Re: Japanese input method editor (ime)

    Hi. for about a week now my Japanese ime in outlook 2007 student version hangs when i try and convert to kanji from hiragana (Japanese to Chinese characters). It does eventually unfreeze but only after some minutes. Because the IME is built into language settings in windows 7 64 bit (on a satellite) it won't let me uninstall and re-install. I have tried removing and re-adding Japanese keyboards/IME but that doesn`t work either.
    I assume that it has gone wrong because i installed and then uninstalled some other Japanese software so the converter now starts off by looking in the wrong place for the character. I have tried to repair outlook but that doesn`t work either. Any thoughts welcome.

    > I assume that it has gone wrong because i installed and then uninstalled some other Japanese software so the converter now starts off by looking in the wrong place for the character
    Possibly some software which you installed make some troubles now
    Maybe you could set the OS back to early time point before you installed the additional software.
    You can set the OS to early time point at following way:
    *Start > All Programs -> Accessories -> system tools -> system restore*

  • IME Compatability with iTunes?

    I was just curious about the use of the IME, in particular, Japanese IME, with iTunes. I've only recently used the tool by itself, and I have primarily Japanese music in my library. I was wondering if there was any way to type in Japanese characters as input in my library.
    When I tried it, when I would deselect the input field, the characters would disappear and be replaced with whatever was in the field before I selected it. Typing in Word or somewhere else and then copy and pasting worked, though.
    I was just hoping there was a simpler way.
    ~Thank you

    Windows' default MSIME, ATOK or others?
    some non-Unicode IMEs may not be full compatible.

  • Japanese text is gibberish in iTunes Music library

    Problem is: Songs w/Japanese text (Kanji, Kana) as artists and/or title names look like gibberish in my iTunes Music library (viewing songs on the hard drive).
    On a new WinXP PC I loaded iPod+iTunes from CD on computer. Songs play fine in iTunes. Japanese text looks fine in Windows\My Music folder. Japanese text looks fine in iPod device. With iPod connected to PC, I can view my iPod songs inside the iTunes window and the Japanese songs text Kanji looks great. (Yet if I look at same songs located on the PC using the iTunes program, they look bad).
    I removed iTunes from PC, then downloaded it from the Japan Apple.com site; no change in problem. Help!
    Window's settings are:
    --WinXP is US English, Control Panel region is US English, Window's Far East language support is enabled. but language for non-Unicode programs is Japanese (other Japanese software looks fine), Japanese IME is enabled
    -- Internet Explorer's Language Preferences is set for Japanese 1st, English 2nd.
    Thanks in advance!
    Erin W

    I tried the "convert ID3 tags >> Reverse Unicode" option on a few songs. It only caused the gibberish song names and titles to change to different gibberish.
    The odd thing is that I have some songs that had english in some ID3 tags (such as "name") and Japanese in other ID3 tags (such as "artist") and for those, the Japanese text looks great. And yet some song text doesn't.
    I tried deleting a few songs from the iTunes Music library, then click-and-drag the songs from Windows' My Music folder into the iTunes program. It adds it back with the Japanese text still unreadable, same as before.
    I don't know what else to do. I've searched the discussions database here and found instances of the same problem but no fixes.
    Thanks for the help though, and I'd be glad to see any other ideas.

  • Removing English IME while keeping Windows Displaying Language as English?

    Until Windows 7, Windows Displaying Language (WDL) and IMEs were independent. It was possible to set the WDL to English and use only Japanese IME. From Windows 8, they seem to be combined. If I set WDL to English, I cannot find a way to remove English
    Many foreign IMEs contain "English" mode. For example, the Japanese IME has direct input mode, and the Korean IME has English mode. So, English IME is not necessary, if you are using those IMEs. Having English IME is annoying because it adds another
    complexity when you switch the IME using Shift+Alt or Windows + Space.
    Is there any hack to remove the English IME while keeping WDL as English?

    Yes, this is by design on Windows 8.1. Unless you add another input method for this language package, it cannot be removed. It would keep one input method for this language package at least.
    So far there is no any other method to remove IME and keep display language.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Parsing sh/bash scripts: Get all executable/function calls out of it

    I'm doing some analysing of some code written in bash.
    Now I must know all the "things" that are executed (or can be executed) from inside the script, without executing the script.
    So basically the script must be parsed and all the occurrences of executions of programs and sh functions must be listed.
    Does anyone know if there is a tool/script for this somewhere?
    Last edited by Dieter@be (2008-11-08 15:12:07)

    First you should know that it's impossible to get a guaranteed-correct answer without executing the script. Scripts can call programs/functions whose names are found/generated at runtime. The most common example is opening a text file using the program whose name is stored in $EDITOR.
    That said, you can get an approximation by writing a parser. Parsers are hard. Smart programmers use a parser generator like bison or ANTLR to abstract away much of the complexity, but it's still sort of a pain in the butt the first time or two.
    If you don't want to write a parser, a very approximate answer can be found by splitting each line by whitespace and returning the first word. Then finding other places commands can hide, like after semicolons, backticks, "$(", etc, but not when quoted. At this point, you will have written a very shoddy parser and taken longer at it than you would have if you'd bothered to learn bison or ANTLR.
    Last edited by skymt (2008-11-08 15:34:36)

  • Japanese double byte characters

    Hi all,
    We have a ECC 6.0 system and we are introducing Japanese markets.
    When we try to see table KNA1: SE16-->KNA1 and we search a word in Japanese language written in single-byte format, there is no problem, the search returns us the entries.
    But when we try to serach the very same word in Japanese written in double-byte format, the search does not return any result.
    How can we activate that the search matches the word entered in double-byte, with single-byte entries in the table??
    Our system is Unicode.
    We have seen some forum results:
    u2022 Modify the codepage to level 8000
    u2022 Install Japanese language package for SAP
    u2022 Activate English and Japanese language in Windows
    u2022 Activate Multibyte support in SAP GUI: ALT-F12 -> Options -> I18N tab -> Enable Multibyte support
    u2022 Change SAP font script to u2018Japaneseu2019
    But the thing is that we have SAPGUI 7.20 version, and we do not find the way to activate multibyte...

    SAP note 1428423 describes the necessary functionality needed.
    However this is not implemented in SAP ERP 6.0 standard.
    The tools described in the note could be used to modify the system. But I think this would be a high effort.
    Best regards,
    Nils Buerckel
    SAP AG

  • Japanese not showing up

    Hi All,
    Ive installed my Illustrator 10 in Windows Vista Home edition......I have the Japanese IME installed and operational in Word, Web, ect.  When i try and use it in Illustrator the IME screens show up, and i appear to be tying the text in Japanese......but it doesnt show up! It looks like there are actual characters there, but they are invisible and i cant get them to show up......
    Any suggestions?  Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Illustrator was way behind other Adobe applications (including Photoshop!) in its support of Windows IME and, for that matter, Unicode. You'll find support for Asian languages much better in newer versions. FYI, Illustrator is now at version 14.
    In the meantime, you can try various workarounds. If you want to generate your own Japanese text using the IME, and if you have Photoshop, set your type in Photoshop, then copy and paste into Illustrator. Make sure you copy the text before you commit it to raster in Photoshop. Also, make sure you have a Japanese font selected in Illustrator before you paste. (Sometimes, changing the font after you paste doesn't work as expected.)
    If you are importing the Japanese text from, say, a Word document, and if you have InDesign, import the text into InDesign first, then copy and paste into Illustrator. Photoshop should also work for this.
    The font you decide to use will matter, of course. Any proper Unicode-compliant font (with Japanese glyphs) should work with these workarounds.
    Your name must cause great confusion in piano bars.

  • Solaris 9 - init.d scripts in bash instead of sh

    I have some init.d scripts which are written in bash and they are not working correctly on Solaris 9. I made some researches and it looks like "rc" scripts must be written in bourne shell syntax. Before rewriting my (long) scripts, I would like to ask whether or nit it is possible to "force" the execution of the scripts in bash.
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    SimonJM wrote:
    The system 'knows' when to use stop or start as the script will be called as the run level of the server changes (via the init command, server shutdown, reboot, restart, etc.).
    Your script will physically reside in /etc/init.d but will be referenced (via a link) from the /etc/rc?.d directories - where the ? equates to the run level: /etc/rc2.d for example. If the link starts with an S it is for starting and if it starts with a K it is fro Killing (shutting down). Standards state that teh S or K be followed by two numbers so that the order in which the scripts are executed can be controlled:
    ln -s /etc/init.d/myscript /etc/rc2.d/S34myscript
    as an example, and that will get the system to to append the start parameter on to the call when it enters run level 2 as part of a system startup.
    If you want to run it by hand just call the base script directly: /etc/init.d/myscript startWell .. the reason why the System "knows" it is the /etc/rc? script which contains this piece of code
         for f in /etc/rc3.d/S*; do
              if [ -s $f ]; then
                   case $f in
                        *.sh)     .      $f ;;
                        *)     /sbin/sh $f start ;;
         doneSo yes, it will start all the scripts being linked from the /etc/rc3.d/ directory and here is the point where the system passes the "start" argument. What surprise me is the **.sh* case where the script is not executed but just sourced.

  • Replacing bash with dash or zsh as default shell

    Now that initscripts are no longer default init system for Arch, it should be possible (if initscripts removed from system) to remove bash and replace it with other shell, right? On my system I have this:
    :: autoconf: requires bash
    :: automake: requires bash
    :: ca-certificates: requires bash
    :: cpupower: requires bash
    :: dcron: requires bash
    :: enca: requires bash
    :: fftw: requires bash
    :: filesystem: requires bash
    :: gpm: requires bash
    :: gsl: requires bash
    :: gzip: requires bash
    :: iptables: requires bash
    :: libksba: requires bash
    :: m4: requires bash
    :: man-db: requires bash
    :: mkinitcpio: requires bash
    :: p7zip-light: requires bash
    :: pacman: requires bash
    :: pkgstats: requires bash
    :: pm-utils: requires bash
    :: shadow: requires bash
    :: smartmontools: requires bash
    :: systemd: requires bash
    :: unzip: requires bash
    (Note: I've removed packets requiring sh.)
    Here's a complete list of packets depending on bash (110):
    hdparm (optional)
    lvm2 (testing)
    mathomatic (optional)
    openlierox (optional)
    Do these packages (except initscripts) really need bash? Debian uses dash as its default shell, I think Arch at least need to offer a possibility for using shells other than bash as default.
    Any thoughts?

    Demon wrote:Why not? I'm just exploring the possibilities.
    zsh is not completely backwards-compatible with bash (not that bash is "backwards" in any real way).  There's always a chance that, without the bash interpreter installed, some utilities written in bash won't work properly.  Also, sh in Arch is distributed in the bash package, so uninstalling it will pull those packages with it.
    Demon wrote:But then packages not needing bash (autoconf, automake, gzip, unzip) should list only sh as dependency, not bash. Right?
    Some of them already do:
    Arch Linux :: GLaDOS » pacman -Rp bash
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: autoconf: requires bash
    :: automake: requires bash
    :: bison: requires sh
    :: ca-certificates: requires bash
    :: cairo: requires sh
    :: cpupower: requires bash
    :: cronie: requires bash
    :: db: requires sh
    :: dhcpcd: requires sh
    :: dictd: requires sh
    :: diffutils: requires sh
    :: dmenu: requires sh
    :: e2fsprogs: requires sh
    :: fakeroot: requires sh
    :: filesystem: requires bash
    :: findutils: requires sh
    :: flex: requires sh
    :: freetype2: requires sh
    :: gawk: requires sh
    :: gdbm: requires sh
    :: gettext: requires sh
    :: gmp: requires sh
    :: gpm: requires bash
    :: grep: requires sh
    :: gzip: requires bash
    :: icu: requires sh
    :: iptables: requires bash
    :: keyutils: requires sh
    :: laptop-mode-tools: requires bash
    :: libgpg-error: requires sh
    :: libksba: requires bash
    :: libpng: requires sh
    :: libtool: requires sh
    :: libusb-compat: requires sh
    :: m4: requires bash
    :: make: requires sh
    :: man-db: requires bash
    :: mkinitcpio: requires bash
    :: nss: requires sh
    :: pacman: requires bash
    :: perl: requires sh
    :: sane: requires bash
    :: sed: requires sh
    :: shadow: requires bash
    :: systemd: requires bash
    :: taglib: requires sh
    :: tar: requires sh
    :: unzip: requires bash
    :: which: requires sh
    :: xorg-mkfontdir: requires sh
    :: xz: requires sh

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