HD Replaced-How long to restore?

I just got my iMac back and am restoring using Migration Assistant. I've got a Firewire 800 connection and the progress bar shows 8 hours to restore about 500GB on the new 1TB drive. Is this normal? The iMac is a 2.8 i7 with 16GB RAM.

OK, then the drive should be correctly prepped. I only asked because new drives usually come formatted for PCs. Although you can copy Mac files to them, the transfers will be slower than when you use a normal Mac format. But in your case you're just copying a whole lot of stuff. And, all those small system files actually slow the whole process down. Also, I think the hard drives are 5400 RPM. Don't know how fast your FW drive is.
If they installed Mountain Lion normally, then you will have a Recovery HD. You can find out in Disk Utility by enabling it to show invisible partitions by first activating the debug menu of DU:
To enable Disk Utility's debug option copy and paste this command in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled 1

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    ''lostallemail [[#answer-701183|said]]''
    "Update server not found". "Check your internet connection." However I can get on the internet.
    Type '''about:preferences#advanced'''<Enter> in the address bar.
    Under '''Advanced,''' Select '''Network.'''
    Look for '''Configure How Firefox Connects''' and press the '''Settings''' button.
    If you are using a proxy, make sure those settings are correct. If there is no
    proxy, first use '''No Proxy.''' If there is a problem, then try '''System Proxy.'''
    Some problems occurs when your Internet security program was set
    to trust the previous version of Firefox, but no longer recognizes your
    updated version as trusted. Now how to fix the problem: To allow
    Firefox to connect to the Internet again;
    * Make sure your Internet security software is up-to-date (i.e. you are running the latest version).
    * Remove Firefox from your program's list of trusted or recognized programs. For detailed instructions, see
    '''[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/configure-firewalls-so-firefox-can-access-internet Configure firewalls so that Firefox can access the Internet.]''' {web link}
    ''jscher2000 [[#answer-701201|said]]''
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    Windows Live Mail is part of '''[http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials Windows Live Essentials]'''
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    Hello Mark,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    From your post I see you're concerned about the time for how long it's taking for your iPhone to restore from iCloud.  There's no set time for completion of an iCloud backup, as the time does vary based on how much content needs to be restored.
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    Get help restoring from an iCloud backup - Apple Support
    Have a great weekend,
    Alex H.

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    daniirwan wrote:
    baltwo: Thanks for your input! I didn't think of wiping the old HDD before sending it in for the replacement..all those sensitive user data! One question: What's a FWHD?
    Already answered. Just note that FW is much faster than USB. See http://help.bombich.com/kb/troubleshooting/how-long-should-the-clone-or-backup-t ake for details.
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    Another question: while I'm booted on the backup/clone, and just after I've wiped the old HDD, how do I reinstall the OS to create a generic user account? Will I have to use a Lion install USB disk?
    No. IIRC (if I remember correctly), you can either use a saved Lion installer (hopefully it exists on your backup/clone) or use the Recovery HD. If you have the USB stick w/Lion installer on it, use that.

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