HDTV 16:9 fine, but view on regular 4:3 looks streched

Hi guys, I a exporting the whole movie 16:9 anamorphic from Final Cut Pro. Then put it into iDVD to burn the DVD. It looks good on a HDTV 16:9, but when I put it into a regular TV 4:3, it looks everybody becoming taller, squezzed. Is there a way I can make the movie has letter boxes on a regular TV so it's a 16:9 format, but when I view it on a HDTV it's still full screen 16:9? Thanks.

I use DVDSP but I am sure the settings are similar. Two things to check
1. Burn the DVD using 16x9 Letterbox and Pan-Scan. This will make the video fit any tv.
2. Make sure your DVD player is set to 16x9. If you are using a 16x9 TV the DVD player comes from the factory set for 4x3 TV's. It is in the settings menu of your DVD player. If you cant find the menu read the manual... its there I promise.
Took me weeks to figure this stuff out. Now I am Happy to share with all.

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    Hi Sree
    Let's go back and walk through the process step by step.
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    Peter L

    Unless the camera is a DVCPRO HD camera...like the HPX-170...this won't work. Not via HDV or AVCHD. Playout isn't as simple as it was with DV. There are far cheaper capture cards...Decklink Intensity Pro, Matrox MXO2 mini...but you need a MacPro for those (or with the MXO2 MIni, a laptop with an Express34 slot). An iMac is severely limited in what it can do.
    #25 HDV external Monitor Viewing
    Shane's Stock Answer #25 - HDV external Monitor Viewing
    To view HDV on an external monitor in high definition you are going to need to purchase a capture card, like the ones Decklink (www.decklink.com) or AJA (www.aja.com) offer. They will both play out HDV in real time. The catch is that you cannot view this on a regular TV or NTSC monitor. Since this is HD, an HD monitor will be needed. HOWEVER, both cards are capable of down converting the signal so that it can be displayed on an SD monitor. This won't be color accurate
    The real reason why you can't monitor HDV through a Firewire camera is because Firewire HDV cameras don't decode incoming HDV streams and route them to their outputs like DV cameras do.
    Good options for you are the Matrox MXO2 mini...$450...coupled with an HDTV. Or a Matrox MXO (DVI connection) coupled with an Apple 23" display gets you good quality.
    And there are the Decklink Intensity and Intensity PRO cards as well, and the AJA I/O Express...
    You can, however, view HDV out via firewire as DV...lowering the resolution to that of DV, but still viewable. This is not full quality nor should it be used to judge the quality of your footage or used to color correct to. This is just a way to view the footage on a large monitor.
    Here are some examples of some of the possibilities:
    - DV or HDV sequence output to an SDI signal on a third-party interface
    - An uncompressed NTSC or PAL sequence output to a DV FireWire output
    - An HDV sequence output to a DV FireWire output
    Sequence and output formats must have compatible frame rates. For example,
    sequences with a frame rate of 60, 30, or 24 fps can be output to a 30 fps device,
    but not to a 25 or 50 fps device.

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    Here are the screenshots for what it's worth.
    Not sure why I can't post them in the original post.<br>
    <sub><b>Mod edit: See [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=718813 bug 718813]</b></sub>
    '''Again, when I set my DNS server to automatically detect the servers both problems disappear and I have no issues at all.'''
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    I'd rather not use Google's public DNS servers as Google is to commercial these days and I think there's potential privacy issues.
    '''Again I have changed the setting for DNS servers back and forth several times to duplicate/verify the issue(s)... and the issues only happen with the opendns servers.'''

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Solved this??.   does appear to be the  order in which the equipment is connected... first, HDMI cable connected to TV and computer, then switch on computer, then switch on TV.. seems to work with picture and sound coming from TV each time so far...   (Plus, on one occasion I had to check "mute" was off!!)

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    I'm still not sure why it seems to work in Safe Mode but not in regular mode.
    I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas.

    A couple of the things that are disabled in safe mode are AirPort and non Apple startup items. The easiest thing for you to test is the AirPort card. Shut down and remove the AE card under the keyboard. See if it starts. If it does your AE card is bad. If not, start in safe mode and go to System Preferences>Accounts>youraccount and disable all non Apple startup (LOgin) items by clicking on them and then the minus sign. Restart normally and see if it will start.

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    Just following-up on this posting from a week or two ago and another a few days later about the problems with catch-up TV.  We were disappointed with the lack of service, but as we can get most of the catch-up we want on the Sony Bravia TV, hadn't pursued it with BT perhaps hoping things would improve.
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    He phoned back a couple of days later to see if we'd had any further problems.  Overall good service.  It would be interesting to know from a technical point of view what the problem was and how it was solved.  It shouldn't be necessary to reset boxes in this way.

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    I've looked around at some other posts on image borders and haven't seen any posts about image borders that print fine but do not predictably display in the PDF. For example, I add one-pixel borders to PNG images I create in SnagIt. I then use FrameMaker (8 and 11) to generate PDFs. When I view the PDFs in Acrobat Standard or Adobe Reader, the various sides of the rectangular border appear differently (some missing, some fat, some thin) until I magnify way over 100 %.
    My document reviewers are routinely telling me I've neglected to add the 1 px border to every side if the images, but they are there--just only visible when the document is printed or when it's enlarged on the screen.
    Are there any tricks for getting Adobe Acrobat/Reader to display these 1 px borders consistenly on screen? I should mention that this is also the case if I generate PDFs from MadCap Flare.

    By all means, blog. But I'm wondering if something along the lines of a petition / open letter format might be more effective in affecting the corporate decision-making process. Those of us affected should discuss and, if possible, get help on who and how to get this addressed. That's why I've asked for advice on who the relevant person is who I should contact. If you've ever worked in a bureaucracy you know that sometimes talking to the right person can save a lot of time and trouble.
    BTW, if the Apple moderators are following this thread, I'd be pleased to know what your thoughts are on this issue. This problem seems fairly common, but only among users of the 1.67 iteration of the 17" PB (as far as I know). We are users who invested a lot of money in the best (& most expensive) mobile hardware that Apple had to offer at the time of purchase. We're probably faithful customers who, in time, will spend a lot more money on Apple hardware in the future. Why squander goodwill over a matter like this?
    It just seems to make sense that Apple would institute a limited recall to fix this known and obvious fault. It's a good idea for us and for them.
    PowerBook G4, 17, 1.67   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1 GB RAM, 60 GB IPod Photo
    PowerBook G4, 17, 1.67   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1 GB RAM, 60 GB IPod Photo

  • Trailers work fine but no YouTube - Help!

    Movie trailers work fine but I get can not get any YouTube video to play. I can search YouTube and see results displayed - but when I try to play I always get the following message: "An error occurred loading this content. Check the source or try again later".
    Can anybody help me with this. The only thing I can think of is perhaps opendns is messing with it -0 but I can view YouTube no problem or my computers- they just won't play on the AppleTV.
    Thanks for your help...

    Yes - I have now found the problem but do not know how to fix it. I use OPENDNS - these DNS settings are in my Time Capsule. For some reason this is blocking YouTube (but only on Apple TV). When I revert to my ISP's DNS settings I have no problem... Can you help me figure this out - there must be someway to put AppleTV's YouTube service into my white-list on OPENDNS. Thanks for your help.

  • I have made several iMovies.  Can the DVD be converted or Burned to view on regular tv?

    I have made several iMovies of family.  Can these DVD's be converted or Burned so that they can be viewed on regular tv?

    There are two kinds of DVDs that You can burn on Your Mac
    • Data-DVD - DVD is on deskTop/Finder and You put files on it - This will not play on ANY DVD-Player at all. It's a Data-DVD
    • Video-DVD - Here You use iDVD or other DVD encoding program and add movies, photos and audio then when iDVD ask You to - Insert a new blanc DVD - Now iDVD will encode and burn material to this to result in a Video-DVD that should play on most DVD-Players
    So dragging material to the DVD indicates - wrong way to do it.
    In iMovie - Do not use Share to iDVD but "Share to Media Browser" and as Large (Not HD or other res. as quality will drop)
    In iDVD import movie/s from Media button / Movies. (Do not go back to iMovie/FinalCut as this will trigger iDVD to set of the iDVD-BUG when returned here. If You must! Then start a brand new iDVD project.)
    Yours Bengt W

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    The workflow is:
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    2 - Published on BOEXI, and
    3 - Same report accessed through InfoView
         Remark - the report works fine.
    The very same .rpt when published on CRS 08, throws an error;
    1 - Crystal Report was created using CR2008 using JDBC connectivity,
    2 - Publishing it on CRS 2008, and
    3 - Same report accessed through InfoView
         Remark - The report does not open (Error: Failed to open the connection.... )
    If the publishing of reports take place from CR08 to BOE XI and could be successfully viewed in InfoView, then why cannot the same rpt be viewed in CRS 2008 InfoView.

    Moving to BOE forums.

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