HDV1080i export to dv pal

I am trying to export a hdv 1080i fcp timeline so it can be used for a sd dvd in dvdsp. If I export h264, either with compressor on in fcp self, it becomes square and the picture looks squeezed. If i make it a normal quicktime with dv settings it becomes squeezed as well.
I also tried to make a timeline in dv pal and fitted the hdv material in. In fcp it looks great, but when I export normal quicktime, the quality goes down.
I dont know what to do. I tried a lot of settings. can some one please help me?

Simply select File>Export>Using Compressor.
In Compressor choose "DVD Best Quality 90 minutes" or any of the other DVD settings you prefer.
Do NOT choose any other setting such as h264 etc.
Then import the encoded files into DVDSP, create any menus etc. you want and click the burn button.

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    QT plays DV files at low quality by default. You can change it to high quality playback in movie properties: Apple + J.
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    , but when I copied them to iphone 6,
    How were you getting the photos onto your iPhone by copying them?

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    when you drop one of your 8 bit uncompressed source clips into your DV PAL timeline, is FCP correctly adding the Shift Fields filer to those timeline instances?
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    FCE is designed to produce TV set content (in PAL, NTSC or HDV). All those format are compressed and you have to monitor your output on a such TV set to judge the quality.
    You can export to quicktime (the result is a Final Cut Express movie in the same format as your sequence (remember you can only produce PAL, NTSC or HDV sequences).
    You can also export to quicktime CONVERSION to any quicktime codec (like H.264) in any frame size. So if you want to produce a good looking movie for computer use, try to export to h.264 at half the frame size. The result will be acceptable on computer screen.
    Michel Boissonneault

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    Open your exported movie in QuickTime Player.
    Press command and i keys to get the Inspector window. Tell us what it says there.

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    Yes in CS4 you could choose upper field, but in the end it still was encoded to lower field.
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    Graeme Nattress has a standards conversion filter that is well regarded.
    you can find it on his web site: www.nattress.com
    Be aware that you may see some drop in quality going to NTSC from PAL. PAL just has more information in the frame.
    Good luck.

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    Press command & J keys to open QuickTime Player's "Properties" window.
    Click the Presentation tab.
    Click the checkbox next to *Conform Aperture*.
    It will jump to the Clean setting and your movie will display as 16:9.
    Use this method only if the movie is intended to be viewed on a computer.
    In a DVD authoring application, you would leave it as it is and set the anamorphic flag there instead.

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    Change the Interpretation in Encore DVD, and then file a bug report at:
    i http://adobe.com/go/wish/

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    The settings list is pretty daunting!!!!!
    Powermac G5 2.5GHz Dual / MBP 15" 2.16Ghz + 1GB Ram/ 500GB Lacie Ext HD   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    If you are going to build and burn the DVD disk using iDVD, your options are extremely limited.
    Export your file using Quicktime (not quicktime conversion) using 'Current settings'. If you have space on your hard drive, select "make self contained".
    To make the NTSC version, simply drop this your normal NTSC formated iDVD template and away you go.
    To make the PAL version:
    -create a new sequence
    -place your self contained exported file in the timeline
    -drop Nattress's standards converter on it
    -export as a PAL file.
    Then, create a PAL iDVD project, drop your new PAL formated file on it and away you go.
    good luck.

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