Head gestures recognition

hi..can anybody help me..
i am final year student doing a head gestures recognition using HMM..
the problem i face now is to detect the movement of the head..
could anbody help me with the source code..
i have goggle but not found anything that related to me..

Same thing on MacBookPro Retina (2012). The major difference about 4-finger gesture is that now to make it work continuously , you have to lift you fingers from touched every time mission control was shown/hidden. In Lion/Mountain Lion it was possible to continuously hide/show it without lifting fingers ... Is this behavior going to be repaired in the near future?

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    crhudetz wrote:
    I used HPPlay to download a significant portion of my music to my Touchpand as well as copying a ton of pictures via USB and I can't get the Touchpad to recognize them no matter what directory they are in.  The music is nearly all MP3 (there may be others but I'm not getting anything to show up) and the pictures are just JPGs.  Is there another step I need to take for the Music and Photos apps to find my stuff?  I have pictures from some apps (wallpapers) that show up in the pictures app, but not my own stuff.  Thanks!
    =- Chris
    Hi crhudetz,
    There's no other step you should need to take. The TouchPad built-in apps should auto-recognize them. However, the TouchPad does use an index for files on USB drive and if you transfered a ton of files, it can take a few minutes for the TouchPad to "catch up" and index them all. If it's been a while since you transfered, try simply restarting your TouchPad:
    Open Device Info
    Tap Reset Options
    Tap Restart

  • I am stuck in head gestures mode.

    I cannot access the screen at all.  Anyone know how to get out of this?

    Hello BenElting,
    You should be able to triple-click your home button at any time to exit from Switch Control.
    Bail out! Triple-click the Home button at any time to exit from Switch Control.
    iPhone User Guide For iOS 7 Software (Page 135)

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    The bug is upstream and apparently has been reported (upstream) by the people at Launchpad;
    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour … bug/757972
    It's not an Arch specific bug, so i didn't file a bug report. i just wanted to let everyone know, as it isn't obvious if your not using certain types of software and combinations of whatever type of input (mouse/tablet) you are using....
    Last edited by triplesquarednine (2011-05-05 06:41:48)

    ejmarkow wrote:
    @triplesquarednine:  I've been having Xorg issues with my synaptics touchpad and cursor movement for a while now. The solution for me has been to constantly downgrade back to the latest working Xorg packages. Please see the following thread:
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    Yes, I've read that thread. I don't plan on downgrading.  I can deal until it is fixed.  it doesn't actually affect me that much, and
    I've been using MacOSX instead, for most of my work. Which is exactly why i still have OSX running, because it is rock solid and never gives me problems, ever   thus, it is a good fallback. (and most of the software i use in Linux, is also installed in OSX)
    Hopefully, this is resolved soon, it's been a couple of days ~ and i hope upstream is taking this bug seriously, as it is a really stupid bug, that could have easily been avoided - had the code been tested properly, before pushing it out the door.
    All that someone had to do, was try to do a mouse-grab, and they would have noticed... strange.
    I also don't get why it hasn't been pulled from the extra-repo?!?!?!??  clearly, it is a broken package, and should not be distributed, or be available as an update in the extra repo at all ~ this just seems stupid to me, someone has really dropped the ball here.

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    I can't offer a solution, but I've seen the situation you're describing. I've had it happen to my 17" core duo iMac several times. It's usually associated with dragging a file between windows. I've wondered if OS X has some kind of gesture recognition built in. I remember reading something about it in an application manual but I don't recall the context.
    Charles Bandla
    17" iMac Intel core duo   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1 gb ram/Garageband 3/Firewire Solo

  • How to save appropriate images and then discard the saved images after using.

    The attached program is used for gesture recognition and playing the corresponding audio file for each recognized pattern. It is saving all the images that are captured and is using in pattern matching. if pattern for "A" is captured ,then almost 10 to 15 intermediate images are captured along with pattern "A". If all are pattern matched then audio file of "A" will be played for 4 or 5 times which is not desirable. Also the images saved in the imaq write folder are getting piled up. They should be discarded after they are used up in pattern matching otherwise it would be a waste of system memory. Can anybody  advice in correcting.
    Thanking you. 
    program help.zip ‏721 KB

    The attached program is used for gesture recognition and playing the corresponding audio file for each recognized pattern. It is saving all the images that are captured and is using in pattern matching. if pattern for "A" is captured ,then almost 10 to 15 intermediate images are captured along with pattern "A". If all are pattern matched then audio file of "A" will be played for 4 or 5 times which is not desirable. Also the images saved in the imaq write folder are getting piled up. They should be discarded after they are used up in pattern matching otherwise it would be a waste of system memory. Can anybody  advice in correcting.
    Thanking you. 
    program help.zip ‏721 KB

  • Touch Screen Support for OS X

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    Thanks in advance

    unfortunately, the two drivers above are basically the same TPMon TouchKit drivers. I have used these with a resistive screen I had but the AOC doesn't appear to like them.
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    In Mac os i am yet to find any useful drivers.  I did read on one site that touch-base have some drivers that can handle the AOC but they charge £180 for a single license and i dont know if i can justify that for the gimic of touch screen in mac.
    of course, if anyone out there knows of a similar driver to the touch-base one i would be only too happy to try it. i believe the have a gesture recognition package that can be run along side the driver to open up a few more features.
    sorry this isn't particularly helpful but hopefully it opens a few doors to ideas in people.
    I'm keen to see how this all turns out and if anyone manages to get the monitor running.

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    Try http://stackoverflow.com/ and see if you can get any good help. We don't offer developer support here unfortunately (I would if I could but I don't have any developer skills).
    What do you think about this forum? Let us know by doing this short survey.

  • How to Track Fingers in V2

    Good Day All 
    i have an Application in Kinect v2  Application , so i tried to user VGB to detect Numbers like "1" "2" etc.. the Project is that even if i use more data for VGB it cant differentiate with a 1 and a 2 etc....
    i would like someone to assist in getting an example code or third party component that can allow me to tracking fingers in Kinect and other Gestures.
    Vuyiswa Maseko

    It is very easy to translate that project for the v2. I do it in a windows store app.

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    Apple will only see your comments if you send them here:
    Where to send product feedback to Apple:

  • AIR for desktop and TouchEvents

    Building a kiosk application that only requires button press and button drag(scroller) detection.
    I DON'T need multitouch, or gesture recognition.
    Will I still need to substitute any MouseEvents for TouchEvents?

    Hi jbach...
    In AIR for desktop, you can definitely load external swfs and they can contain code (works on Android also).
    There's a in-depth discussion of how to accomplish this here:
    http://blogs.adobe.com/cantrell/archives/2010/03/extending_air_applications_with_plugins.h tml
    This article talks about security considerations, etc - and is worth understanding.
    However, if you want to just test it out without worrying about security:
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();  
    stream.open(_file, FileMode.READ);
    var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
    context.allowCodeImport = true;
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadHandler);
    loader.loadBytes(bytes, context);
    function loadHandler(e:Event):void
    _content = DisplayObject(e.target.content);
    So basically:
    Read the file as a byte array.
    Create a loader context and set allowCodeImport to true.
    Create a loader and use loadBytes to "convert" to a useable swf.
    On complete, e.target.content contains your swf (fully accessible with code, etc.)
    Hope this helps!  Good luck with your application.

  • When exporting as Microsoft Word, headers and footers created incorrectly

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    Here's the issue:
    With Flow layout, Acrobat attempts to determine Word headers and footers. Unfortunately, it does so incorrectly much of the time for many documents. In particular, lines near the top of the file are "pulled" into the header and lines near the bottom are "pulled" into the footer. In the following picture, look closely at the black vs. grey text. The grey text is in the headers and footers. Note also the green squiglies indicating grammer errors.
    I either need this fixed, or an option to turn off header/footer recognition.

    No problem:) The RC should come out early next week...

  • Will Apple ever offer 8pen as an alternative keyboard?

    Will Apple ever offer 8pen (www.8pen.com) as an alternative keyboard on the iPhone?

    First of all, no poster here is privy to Apple's iOS development plans, so we cannot possible know what they may or may not include (and any member who may legitimately know something would be restricted by a non-disclosure agreement to not discuss it).
    However, I doubt it.  Custom keyboards are not an option on an iOS device as the operating system restricts those sorts of key OS features to what is built in only (rather than let developers change out or alter basic or core features of the OS).
    Since 8pen is basically a handwriting/gesture recognition app, it would be up to 8pen to work at developing an iOS app, but it would not be able to act as a universal alternative keyboard to replace the base iOS one.

  • How to calculate total time of mouse movement

    Hi Everyone.
    I am doing project on gesture recognition with touchpad. I need to find out the total time of completion of gesture on touchpad. For that I need to calculate total time of cursor movement on laptop touchpad. When cursor starts moving, that time I need to capture time and when it stops also. I need to find out difference between the start time and stop time. Please help me to do this task. Presently I am trying with event structure and timed structure but I am getting only present time only. I tried with counter but unable to get the difference.

    I missed the mouse move event when I saw this earlier, and for some reason I thought the first attempt would give you what you wanted. 
    Here is a different VI. It uses mouse move event with some logic that remembers the first mouse move event. Otherwise, you won't get the correct time.
    Mouse Move Time.vi ‏11 KB

  • Output data from LabVIEW, input to C++ code

    I currently have a LabVIEW VI which grabs data (range and angle measurements) from the RS232 serial port, and formats this data into two values - X and Y coordinates (double data types).  What I want to do is pass these individual numerical values (not an array of X/Y coordinates) to a C++ gesture recognition program that inputs X and Y coordinates and determines the gestures.
    What is the best way of passing a value from LabVIEW to C++ code?
    I apologize if this was answered in another thread - I searched through some, but couldn't find any information relevant to my question.  Thanks for the help!

    Hi delvec28,
    delvec28 wrote:
    I currently have a LabVIEW VI which grabs data (range and angle measurements) from the RS232 serial port, and formats this data into two values - X and Y coordinates (double data types).  What I want to do is pass these individual numerical values (not an array of X/Y coordinates) to a C++ gesture recognition program that inputs X and Y coordinates and determines the gestures.
    What is the best way of passing a value from LabVIEW to C++ code?
    I apologize if this was answered in another thread - I searched through some, but couldn't find any information relevant to my question.  Thanks for the help!
    You may want to build a DLL.  A DLL is like a collection of functions - compiled in a way to be used by other programs.
    If the C++ code calls a LabVIEW function which returns values to the C++ code, then the LabVIEW code will be compiled as a DLL.
    C++ code could also be compiled into a DLL usable by LabVIEW.
    There are also ways for separate applications to share data - LabVIEW can be an ActiveX server, LabVIEW also supports DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)  - these are both Windows-OS-specific.  LabVIEW can be a .NET client, though (as far as I know) LabVIEW cannot yet implement a .NET server.
    TCPIP is yet another (OS independent) method of sharing data between LabVIEW and another application - it's really not too complicated (at least not on the LabVIEW side .)
    Are there two applications running (C++ + LabVIEW)?  If not, in which language is the main program written in?
    "Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out." (attributed to Tony Hoare)

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