Headphones for Zen 2

Has anyone upgraded their headphones which came with their mp3 player. I have a 20gb zen touch and the headphones with it are reasonably good but noise levels increase as you get nearer to the top volume. Before I purchased it a lot of magazines were recommending a better pair of headphones. Whatsmore has anyone any suggestions for other accessories which would enhance the experience.

Search the forum and read the FAQ, there are many posts about better headphones.
I also like my EX7's. Also look at the EX5's, they are the samy as the 7's, they just have a shorter cord. The 7's have a connector in the middle of the cord for a wired remote, but the problem is that the cord is very very long.

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    <DIV align=center>********** UPDATE **********
    <DIV align=center>
    I can no longer recommend these earbuds due to poor quality. Mine broke after only a few weeks of moderate use. I handled them gingerly too. The left channel lost all bass and 50% of the volume. In my opinion, this is simply inexcuseable! I returned them and got another pair, but that is besides the point. Now I'll have to listen with my fingers crossed, hoping and praying that this pair dosen't unexpectedly die for no reason. With this kind of poor quality control, I can no longer recommend these. In spite of how great they sound, I'd have to tell you to buy at your own risk!
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    One note. If you want to save yourself $0.00, you can get the MDR-EX5SL instead. They use the same exact drivers. The only differences are: they come in black only, they have a single 4 ft. cord instead of a two piece cord, they only come with two different size silicon earbuds (instead of 3) and there is no carrying case included.
    <B><FONT color=#92560>Cons:</B> Carrying case could be a little bigger.
    Message Edited by sube586 on 02-28-2005 02:0 AM

    I think the 5s are a better value. I'll confess. I bought the 7s because I liked the white.
    Sony MDR-EX7SL current lowest price for brand new: $32.95
    Sony MDR-EX5SL current lowest price for brand new: $23.99
    User Opinions:
    Message Edited by sube586 on 02-0-2005 04:52 PM

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    I have a 40GB Zen Xtra (my second one, first one was stolen)Message Edited by ajacs on 08-20-2005 02:9 PM

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    If you have an Apple store nearby you can make an appointment at their Genius Bar.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    You can also try:
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    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Reset all settings
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    - Restore from backup. See:
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    Software Version: (28/11/2008)Nokia BH-503 Silver Bluetooth Headphones

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    Try some of these sites :
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wireless-Headphones-Accessories-Cables/b?ie=UTF8&node=40 85751
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    spelling error....."comfort"
    Message was edited by: Liv4Jesus

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