Help brand new 23" display won't start up

Is it already broken? I just took it out of the box and connected it and nothing's happening.

Did you try "Detect Displays" (in your System Preference/Displays) after you connected? Did you connect while the Macbook Pro was powered on, "hot swapping"?
Does the following article help:

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    since the Mac is brand new, i'd take it to the nearest Apple Store or AASP.
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    Anyway since others are having a similiar issue I was curious if there are any common threads to our experiences? If you have a chance list your specs - might see something interesting.
    Ok here are mine:
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    - Upgraded the RAM to 1 Gig (Ordered it this way)
    - Upgraded to the SuperDrive (DVD Burner)
    - Using a KVM (Also have a PC on the same KVM)
    - Acomdata 160 GB Mini Pal Hard Drive / Ports
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    - USB Camera cable connected
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    Mac Mini Mac OS X (10.4.5)
    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    You may have to see if troubleshooting this issue can help, though the instructions on a process of elimination by symptoms are tedious in the following support article, and are suggested to be performed ahead of trying the process described in the title.
    •Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    For the actual SMC reset, note subsection in above, instructions click-open on blue text:
    >Resetting the SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own
    If the computer does not shut down, and just hangs there, try pressing the power button down for 15 seconds. Check the suggestions in the above article to see if any of them can be used, if the computer will power-up.
    There is another item that sometimes can help, but the main issue you say could be resolved by the SMC reset; this other thing is involved NVRAM (non-volatile random access memory) so here's an article about it.
    •About NVRAM and PRAM:
    >Resetting NVRAM/PRAM opens in above, click-to-see instructions on how to reset.
    You may have to call ahead to the nearest Apple Store for an appointment to see a Genius; or at authorized reseller, their service product specialist who should be trained to understand how to proceed, just in case there is a hardware issue behind the symptoms. When you call, be sure to have the serial number and purchase date available, when you call an official store.
    Or use the 'Apple - Support - Contact Apple Support' to start the process...
    Hopefully this helps somewhat.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    Try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
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    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.

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    Check this out
    If problem persist return device for a refund or exchange.
    Hope this helps.

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        That's odd mmchenry, let's get to the bottom of this. Are you trying this on 4G LTE or wi-fi? Launch your Play Store, select the Menu icon on the top left>Settings>Is the option to require a password enabled? If so, disable it. You can also try Settings>Application Manager>Playstore>Stop. Let me know if this works.
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport 

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    Hold shift key down while booting should get you in
    go through this list and get back with me
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

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    Reset all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. Your iPad will reboot on its own. You will have to enter all of the device settings again, but no data will be lost.
    I eould not spend a whole lot more time trying to fix this, if the device is really brand new. I would take it back to where you bought it, bring the box, the charger, the cable and your receipt and if they can't get it fixed, return it and get another one.

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    Hi I had the same problem with my last ipod. i tried all of the steps on the apple support site but none of them worked. I decided to send my ipod in for a repair. Anyway when a week later my ipod came back it was fixed but when i loaded up the computer the disk locked again. I followed through the instructions which said to download the newest software. So i downloaded the new software again and this still didnt work. The last thing i tried to do was to use an old version of an updater so i used (ipod updater 2004-11-15) this ran through the restore process and after completing this, the menu on the ipod loaded up. I then connected to itunes and it allowed it to communicate and transfer the songs
    It worked for me i hope it works for you.
    Best of luck
    Daz Semple

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    I gave the command to shut down, but all that happened was the the dock cleared, leaving nothing but the wallpaper behind along with a moving pointer. I got it yesterday, so it's brand new. What could be the problem?

    Hi b,
    Hold the power button down for 5-10 seconds and it will shut down. Wait a minute or so before starting up again.

  • Brand New iMac Display Anomalies

    Thanks in advance for any insight.
    Just got a new imac and I'm starting to see weird display issues spring up randomly:
    - Menu items randomly fade on main osx tool bar
    - UI window drop shadows become pixelated
    - Slight flickiering occasionally.
    - UI menu items, when selected show mulicolored/banded distortion.
    iMac 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5 with 16gb of ram. Video card is AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB. 10.7.1

    With due respect you shouldn't be looking for advice on a help forum with that type of issue on a brand new machine. You should be in touch with AppleCare immediately, if you haven't already purchased AppleCare you have 90 days of free phone support, that should be your first step. You can find the number for your area in your owners manual.
    If you bought the machine directly from Apple you have 14 days to return it for either a refund or exchange. If you bought it from another retailer you have to work within their policies for a refund or exchange. Either way you still have the 90 days of AppleCare support and need to begin using it today.

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    no no a hard reset is just something you do to the phone, you wont lose any data or anything else its litterally like starting your phone on a fresh slate running wise but you wont lose anything at all, all your apps settings etc will still be right as you left it. think of it as a step above turning it off and on again

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    Apologies if this has been covered before - I'm posting for a friend who's just bought a brand new 4Gb ipod mini, and having synced her music and having had 1 week of good tunes on the go, it now won't charge.
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    Has anyone else encountered this??
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    Any other ideas?
    Is it just that the battery is knackered - even though it's only a week old?
    Cheers all

    Thank you for the info - I apologise for cross posting I've been inactive on the discussions pages for about 6 months and had forgotten - I also wanted a quick response, which I got thanks.

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