HELP!!! iPhone 4S

HELP!!! okay so ive had my iphone 4s for maybe two weeks. have not dropped it or any liquids on it, and for some reason it randomly shut off i though maybe it died hooked it up to the charger and it wouldn't turn on, left it on there for about 10 minutes and it randomly turned back on looked and it is 100% charged took it off the charger put it in my pocket walked down stairs took it out and it is off again and wont turn on!!! i tried repeating what i did before an left it on the charger for about half an hour still no life!!!! does anyone know whats wrong or how in the world i fix this?

The user troubleshooting is a restart, reset, restore from a backup and restore as a new device, or not from a backup. Since your device seems to be acting up and is no on, I suggest the reset. Hold the sleep/wake and home buttons together until you see the Apple logo and then release. After the phone restarts, see if that corrects your issue. It is like rebooting a computer, some time you just need to do that. The reset may take 15-30 seconds, so don't release the buttons until after you see the Apple logo.

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    I followed this guy's instructions and it worked:
    I did disable the security (AVG and Zone Alarm) when I tried on my own PC. My wife's laptop which eventually got it working also uses AVG and Zone Alarm but on an XP O/S whereas my PC is Vista - maybe this is why.
    Cheers for you help.
    Message was edited by: bigbadandy

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    Hi newyorker2014,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on the exact nature of your issue. If you are no longer seeing the app in question on your iPhone, but it is showing as purchased on the App Store, you should be able to redownload it directly. You may find the following article helpful:
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    anu610 wrote:
    will check with them regarding the international aspect.
    Please bear with me here, I'm a newbie and I dont know much. The store showed pricing in rupees. so I'm not sure I understand what u mean when you say they may be trying to charge in dollars.
    No problem Anu-ji
    The prices in the US store are in dollars - as you are paying INR - there is a conversion taking place somewhere and it is somewhat logical to believe that it is on the end of the bank card since Apple is not in the currency business (tho they know how to generate a lot of it!)
    Let us know what your bank says - may be we can offer some other suggestions

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    FIRST, edit your hosts file (which was corrupted by the jailbreak process) and remove any references to; delete the whole lines and save the file. If you don't know how to do this you will have to get help, and it shows that jailbreaking was a bigger mistake than you thought.
    Next, connect to a USB port directly on the computer, not a hub and disconnect all USB devices that consume power or bandwidth (like USB drives).
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    To make sure that this is not software related, set it back to factory settings, without using any backup data afterwards. Set up the rest of the personal settings manually and test the Touch Screen . If it still does not work, this is a hardware issue and the phone has to be serviced by Apple or an Authorized Apple Service Provider:
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    Find an Apple Authorized Service Provider
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support

  • I am desperate and seriously need some help - iPhone tracking.

    I’m really hoping one of you can help me.
    Long story short – my daughter aged 6 was taken from me last week because my violent rapist ex husband told Children’s Services that I tried to drive her off a cliff and am a serious suicide risk, I abuse her, I neglect her, I’m an alcoholic, anorexic, complete psycho nutjob etc etc, really nasty stuff. I am desperately trying to get her back. I need to prove I was not at this cliff & in fact have never been there, nor have I ever been stalking his house as he claims (& was awarded a 500m exclusion zone from his house so I can’t get my daughter if I need to as well as a ban on any telephone or postal contact between my daughter & I). I can prove my phone has been used every day for the last 2 years with my bills and if I can prove that in that time I have never been to this cliff, among a million other things I need to try & prove by Wednesday, I have a fighting chance of getting her back. I was allowed supervised visitation today & she’s scared & confused, massively regressed, looking physically neglected, she was withdrawn & was trying to tell me something but being supervised she couldn’t & got told off for whispering. The police are powerless in this & Children’s Services believe him over me, unless I can disprove his claims. Apparently it’s my job to prove their allegations are false rather than them having to prove they’re true!
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    Please please please can you help me???
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    I’ve been on & downloaded the app. I’ve also downloaded all the suggested programmes on as well as HDXHex thingy, I follow the instructions as far as I can but then I keep getting errors about SQLite3 databases & modules not being found... I have no idea what any of this means but I have heard this technology is no longer valid? Apple has changed it or something? Apparently people whining about big brother & invasion of privacy has made apple change everything & clam up about tracking, but apparently there is still a way, just no one seems to know how!
    Please can you help me? Please, if there is any way you can help me I would owe mine and my daughter’s lives to you. I am desperate and literally on my knees begging you to help me, please. I’ll pay for your time, but please can you help me?

    #1. The iPhone "tracker" you're referring to has already been completely debunked. That is NOT what the data was. In addition, Apple update that "fixed" the percieved problem, so the data is no longer accessible.
    The only way to "prove" what you want to is get a court order for your cellular company to pull the records for the location of your phone over time from their system.
    They know exactly where you phone is at any given moment, but that is not going to be something they will give you just for the asking.
    Get a lawyer.  If you had one, they would have already advised you of this. If you can't afford one, call legal aid.

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