Help on assignment, don't understand JOptionPane and showInputDialog

Hi, I am currently studying java and have problems doing my assignment. here is the assignment question. What I am looking for is pointers and hints to start on my assignment. I am not looking for the source code, rather the way to actually understand it and start writting my code
I believe this assignment wanted me to create a class Object called Zeller with the methods in it and a ZellerTester to test the Object?
I read up on the JOptionPane and the showInputDialog, but don't really quite understand it.
Do i need a constructor for the Object Zeller?
Does my assignment require me to put the showInputDialog as a method in the Zeller class? Or put it in the ZellerTester?
The isLeapYear is a method in the Object Zeller?
Here is the assignment question
Examine the method
showInputDialog() and study its function. Note the return type of this method.
Write a program on the following requirements:
1. Use the JOptionPane facility to ask the user for three positive integers,
representing the day, month and year of a date.
2. Use the Zeller�s congruence formula to find the day of the week.
3. Should include a method boolean isLeapYear(int year)
that will return true if year is a leap year, and false otherwise.
The method should check for leap years as follow:
return true if the year is divisible by 400.
return true if the year is divisible by 4 but not by 100
return false for the remaining values
Thank you.

I can't seems to return the method back to the main
Not sure where has gone wrong...
here is my code
import javax.swing.*;
public class ZellerTester
    public static void main(String[]args)
    int day  = 28;
    int month = 2;
    int year = 2007;
    int z;
    boolean isLeapYear;
    String[] displayName = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
    if(month==1 || month==2) {
        if (isLeapYear = false)
            day = day-1;
            day = day-2;
        month = month + 12;
    z = (1 + day + (month * 2) + (3 * (month + 1) / 5) +
         year + year / 4 + year / 400 - year/ 100) % 7;
    System.out.println("The day is " +displayName[z]);
public boolean isLeapYear(int year)
       if (year%400 == 0)
           return true;
       else if((year%4 == 0) && (year%100 != 0))
            return true;
             return false;

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    You can find out the current frame by using the currentFrame property. There are a number of ways to change frames, where the most common would be prevFrame(), nextFrame(), play(), gotoAndPlay(), and gotoAndStop().  There are plenty of ways to make use of frames in a Flash file, from having linear animations along the timeline, to have each frame being a distinct zone of operation that contains elements having their own timelines.
    One thing you may need to get a handle on are the different types of frames.  There are plain frames and there are keyframes.  Plain frames genrally involve a continuation of preceding frames, while keyframes mark an area of change.  In your example of things going crazy when you added a second frame, I am guessing you implanted a new keyframe because had you inserted a plain frame the status of your content from frane 1 would not have been impacted.
    I don't know of any resources for you to follow up with for learning more about frames--I came to learn them thru trial and error.  Someone else may come along with some suggestions for reference materials.

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    Sorry, didn't see this before I posted.
    But I think my suggestion was in keeping with the example.  If you need to select on "state", then make the "state" column of your first query to be the first value in the array that you return:
    <!--- Get data --->
    <cfquery name="data" datasource="mydsn">
         SELECT id,states
         FROM state
    <!--- Convert results to array --->
    <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#data.RecordCount#">
         <cfset result[i][1]=data.state[i]>
         <cfset result[i][2]=data.state[i]>
    This will make your select look something like this in the rendered HTML:
    <select id="states" name="whatever...">
         <option value="Alabama">Alabama</option>
         <option value="Alaska">Alaska</option>
    So then, on your second, dependent select, you'd specify the binding like so (just like you did, really):
    <cfselect name="waters" bind="cfc:_ffc_cfc_select_jump.get_waters({states})" bindonload="false"></cfselect>
    However, now, because the value of the "states" select options are state names, rather than ids, you should now be able to use the argument in your query based on state names:
    <!--- Get art by media type --->
    <cffunction name="get_waters" access="remote" returnType="array">
         <cfargument name="location" type="string" required="true" default="">
         <!--- Define variables --->
         <cfset var data="">
         <cfset var result=ArrayNew(2)>
         <cfset var i=0>
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            FROM waters
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              <cfset result[i][1][i]>
              <cfset result[i][2][i]>
         <!--- And return it --->
         <cfreturn result>

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    <li>Year 1</li>
    <li>Misc projects</li>
    <li>Year 2</li>
    <li>Airline seat</li>
    <li>Departure lounge</li>
    <li>Entertainment system</li>
    <li>Year 3</li>
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    <li>Delivery van</li>
    <li>Year 4</li>
    <li>Drum kit</li>
    <li>Cockpit </li>
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    Also, do i need a #designmenulist li? and what does that do?
    Thanks, Mark

    Consider the tags to be boxes within boxes. ul is "unordered
    list" (as
    opposed to ordered list, which items start with 1. 2. etc.)
    "li" means line
    item and within each unordered list (between the ul and the
    /ul, you could
    have any number of li and /li pairs.
    If the div is designlist then anything you applied to
    #designlist would
    reference the whole div. If you want something (say a margin)
    on the
    unordered list itself (the ul) .. you would apply it to
    #designlist ul which
    means the ul that is contained in div designlist.
    But if you wanted something like padding on each item within
    the unordered
    list .. you would apply it to #designlist ul li .. which
    means the li within
    the ul within designlist and those rules are just for those
    list items
    within that list within that div.
    Make sense?
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004:
    A Beginner's
    Guide, Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "Mark Hazeldine" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi, 20 qiestions from me tonight!
    . sorry bout that.
    > I'm trying to get to grips with unordered lists. I want
    to make my menu
    > bar a
    > list, so in dreamweaver i higlighted severl ines of text
    and clicked the
    > list
    > button, and sure enough it made a list, but i wanted to
    get ride of the
    > bullets
    > and the margin, so i wrapped it all in div:
    #designmenulist. Then i made
    > the
    > adjustments but nothing happened. So i looked at some
    code i was given
    > earlier
    > (from anthor topic i started) and noticed the list div
    ended in "ul". So i
    > retyped in the code view my div to be called:
    #designmenulist ul. and now
    > the
    > changes are applied! i'm not sure i understand why this
    works. And now the
    > code
    > for my div reads:
    > <div id="designmenulist">
    > <ul>
    > <li>Year 1</li>
    > <li>Misc projects</li>
    > <li>Helicopter</li>
    > <li>Year 2</li>
    > <li>Airline seat</li>
    > <li>Departure lounge</li>
    > <li>Entertainment system</li>
    > <li>Year 3</li>
    > <li>Transport interchange</li>
    > <li>Delivery van</li>
    > <li>Placement</li>
    > <li>Year 4</li>
    > <li>Drum kit</li>
    > <li>Cockpit </li>
    > </ul>
    > </div>
    > but in my global.css, #designmenulist doesn't exist,
    only #designmenulist
    > ul.
    > but it still works. this puzzles me.
    > Also, do i need a #designmenulist li? and what does that
    > Thanks, Mark

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    Can anyone help me?

    If nothing in that thread I linked to helped (and there's a lot of info there), it needs service.
    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.
    Or if an Apple store is near you, take it there and have them check your iPod.
    You can make an appointment by using this link.
    Genius Bar Appointments.

  • T450s and docking stations : don't understand differences and limitations

    As you may have seen in my previous posts, I leave my previous company and my good old X220. So I am really wondering if I upgrade or not to the new T450s, or if I search for a X220/X230/T420s/T430s refurbished.
    One of my main concern, is the total display size when docked. I used to use quad FHD screens on my old X220, and I was thinking about increasing again the total display size by replacing 2 FHD screen by 1 4K monitor. However, it seems impossible to run 1 4K and 2 FHD simultaneously.
    So my question is, Where can I find the differences and limitations of the docking stations available for the T450s regarding the display size ability ?
    On the product sheet of the docking stations , Lenovo said "* Some of the video ports have exclusive use and are also dependent on the docked ThinkPad configuration".
    Ok, but where can I have this information ?
    Many thanks for your answers,
    Lenovo X220 4287-CTO / Intel Core i7 2640M @ 2.8 / Corsair Vengeance 16 Go@1866 MHz CL10 / Samsung SSD 840 PRO 512 Go / Bios 1.38 / Linux Xubuntu 14.04LTS / eGPU ATI Radeon 5870 Eyefinity 6 / 2x DELL U2142M / 2x DELL U2212HM

    According to,
    For HD5500 on U processor : 
    Independent Digital Displays : Yes (at most, 3 displays may be supported at one time)
    Maximum Display Resolution : U-Processors: 3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz
    So 4 displays won't be possible on T450s.
    So, I guess, you can run :
    1 4K display @ 60hz 
    something like 3 FHD/WUXGA displays
    If someone can confirm...
    Lenovo X220 4287-CTO / Intel Core i7 2640M @ 2.8 / Corsair Vengeance 16 Go@1866 MHz CL10 / Samsung SSD 840 PRO 512 Go / Bios 1.38 / Linux Xubuntu 14.04LTS / eGPU ATI Radeon 5870 Eyefinity 6 / 2x DELL U2142M / 2x DELL U2212HM

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    Have other people had this experience.?
    Thanks in advance
    John Blake
    Lightroom 1.1 Mac OS 10.4.10 Dual GH G4 with 1.5GB of RAM

    Saving the file and changing the file name did the trick. Lightroom Properly synchronized the folder and the new file is in the database.
    Thank you!
    I guess Lightroom sees two files as being the same file if the only difference is the file's extension. I will have to save the derivative files in a different folder in order to be imported into Lightroom's database.
    I'm going to start a new thread about this

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    String s = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,m,"Y Axis Spacing",javax.swing.JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);and
    String s = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,m,"Y Axis Spacing",javax.swing.JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);     Finally, this may be related to an overall problem with the application. When the application loses focus and is partially hidden, the hidden area is not repainted when the focus is regained.
    Tom Carroll
    Bryn Mawr College Physics Department
    [email protected]

    I'm not sure to have understood your problem but try appling repaint() and validate method..

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    a simple & dumb doubt I'd like to clarify about parameters in a form, if anybody can help
    Here's the declarative part of my sample code:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_loghier,
                otype TYPE otype,
                objid TYPE hrobjid,
                stext TYPE stext,
               END OF ty_loghier.
        TYPES: tbl_ty_loghier TYPE TABLE OF ty_loghier.
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    I declared the form as follows:
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    but the syntax checker tells me that "TABLE- expected, not tbl_".
    I don't understand why, and also, I'd like to declare the form such that the itab used in the form is meant to be an internal table with header line. Seems quite a simple question but... I'm wasting a lot of time :P

    Hi ,
    Try this code...
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_loghier,
                otype TYPE otype,
                objid TYPE hrobjid,
                stext TYPE stext,
               END OF ty_loghier.
    DATA: loghier TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_loghier .
    DATA : wa_loghier TYPE ty_org_data.
    PERFORM filter CHANGING wa_loghier.
    FORM filter CHANGING itab TYPE ty_loghier.
    Sachin M M
    Edited by: Sachin Mathapati on Jun 17, 2009 4:19 PM

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    Depends on how you want to use it. Flash storage on the newer macbook and macbook air are built in. A macbook air is the most light weight and a very good machine. It will do all you want it to do unless you are running some very intensive programs. If you go to the apple store on line you can compare  the different macbook pro" and macbook Air's.

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    Many Thanks

    Yep, i just did it again. The entire scroll-bar widget, complete with formatted text, graphics, etc., pasted itself nicely in another book. Two different files, the same widget.
    I use the scroll-bar widgets for most of my texts. (I have audio buttons on the side, and the scripts are within the widget, to the side). My only text is within widgets, and text boxes, naturally. 
    I am following your recommendation: cleaning files, etc. I am remaking the book anew. I need to convince the EPUB bot or whatever that my file looks and works nicely on all my devices. You would expect an error message when previewing the book: 'Hey Amigo, your file is flawed, stop working on it, and get back to the drawing board." Should be able to try again next Monday.

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    In Mail I suggest you try 'View->Message->Plain text alternative'.
    Why? In multipart/alternative messages, such as this, the text/plain version should precede the text/html version, but Toyota have swapped them around. By default mail clients display the second version, assuming it to be HTML.
    Very strange.

Maybe you are looking for

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