Help & Support stopped working

I recently downloaded Dreamweaver CS3 trial on my computer. I
am running Windows XP Media Center Edition 2002. I recently
discoveried that the help and support link wasn't working. I tried
everything but nothing. Then I found on the internet where people
with Vista were having the same problem, but they were getting an
error. When I click on H&S nothing happens for me, no errors.
Could this be the same problem I am having, can anyone please
help. I was hoping someone could send me a link!!!

For this one on Vista machines, the following announcement has some troubleshooting tips:
... for more info on using MSConfig, see the following document:
Using MSCONFIG to troubleshoot conflicts in Windows Vista

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  • Mobile Device Helper has stopped working

    I have just purchased an iPhone 3Gs, I have the lastest version of iTunes (9.1) and am operating on 32-bit Windows Vista using an Acer laptop.
    First, the iPhone was not recognised - so re-installed iTunes, downloaded Service Pack 2 for vista, reinstalled iTunes. Did't work. Finally found a forum that lead me to delete a problem file for Acer laptops (can't remember its name now) but then my iPhone was now recognised!
    Secondly, tried to sync my windows contacts (all my old contacta list from old phone) then had syncing problems..through more forums that error message stopped but now I have a new one that I can't get past...
    'Mobile Device Helped has stopped working' comes up repeatedly and will not let me to anything with iTunes as it freezes until I end task in Task manager.
    I have looked into other forums that talk of deleting the Apple Mobile Device, but it doesn't seem to me to be the rigt decision as the majority of people have just had to reinstall iTunes as it wont recognise the phone without the file.
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    Please can anyone help me get past this point before I lose the will to live!! (it's been over 5hours now!!!!)

    Sort of the same issue.
    Windows Vista 64bit Home Premium.
    I just launched iTunes for the first time after installing 9.1. When I connected my iPhone, iTunes told me that I needed to install a newer version of Apple Mobile Device, which entailed removing/reinstalling iTunes and AMD. I remember there being an order to which applications should be removed, so I did that, but got stuck at AMD. I wasn't able to remove it. There was no error message, it just automatically rolled back the uninstall process and quit. I did some research and saw someone recommend using the Windows Install Cleanup Utility. I used that to remove AMD, and it worked. Next on the list was Apple Application Support (?), which also could not be uninstalled by normal means. So I used WIC on that as well. iTunes, Bonjour, Quicktime, and Apple Software update I was able to remove via the Control Panel. I rebooted, reinstalled iTunes, and when it began the install process for AMD I got this message:
    "Could not open key:
    Unknown\Components\DA42BC89BF25F5BD0AF18C3B9B1A1EE8\3F55235DF871F046A8F862841205 6EF. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel."
    Got the same message for Apple Application Support. As a result, neither was installed.
    Prior to doing any of this, I had disabled AMD in Services, which didn't help. I have since re-enabled it, and it is still running in Services, although it does not show up in the list on programs to uninstall.
    After all this, I read in another forum that simply doing a Repair on AMD would solve the problem, but since I am unable to reinstall it, I cannot test it out.
    Message was edited by: Zachary Prewitt

  • PLEASE HELP!!! My 'Apple mobile device helper has stopped working'!

    Today i bought the new 3G iPhone so i went online to download the new 7.7 iTunes software. Now when i go into my iTunes a Windows pop up appears telling me that my 'Apple mobile device helper has stopped working' and that it is diagnosing the problem. The thing is that it doesn't diagnose the problem, the same box just keeps popping up over and over again.
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    Please can someone help because i'm absolutely dying to use my new iPhone; i queued up from 6 am to get my hands on it! :0(

    I'm just a simple user. I don't know how to fix it any more than any of the other posters with this problem. I've looked around in control panel, done some poking and prodding with services and processes, and can't find a reasonable way to stop the messages without completely hosing up iTunes. I know the messages are annoying as ****, and nobody likes the idea, but sitting around and doing nothing is sometimes a whole lot better then doing something that makes it worse. See if you can find a document from Apple that tells you how to go back to the previous version of iTunes. I've seen that course of action mentioned several times for previous releases of iTunes upgrades, so the instructions for it must exist in another forum.
    I just think, from the number of posts, that Apple is going to have to get a fix out pretty quickly, because this error pretty much shuts down their products on the Windows platform. They can't afford to let it go on for very long.

  • "Mobile Device helper has stopped working" after installing most recent

    OK. Like a thousand other threads that have been posted over the past week or so on this topic and having tried most of the suggestions, I find myself at a loss.
    After most recent update (which I installed on Monday) from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 all **** has broken loose between my *iPhone, iTunes & Outlook*. This all came to light just hours after the install. . . . I noticed that my phone wasn't syncing - at all, it just "hung" there then I went into my contacts in Outlook - gone. . . UGH, EEK, OK, so they're still on my iPhone BUT I can't get to them in Outlook. After loosing most of yesterday and all of today I am at the mercy of someone who might know how to resolve this issue.
    _*Steps I have taken :*_
    I have un-installed and reinstalled iTunes 5 times, no luck, I've restarted, yada yada yada. I've hidden my Norton's Internet Security, allowed iTunes, etc. *Still no luck*. Take in mind, all was great after months of perfect syncing, etc. no problems whatsoever . . .
    *The two messages that I continue to get when I open iTunes and connect my phone:*
    1) "Mobile Device helper has stopped working"
    2) " Unable to load data-class information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later".
    The most recent error message under "Problems Reports & Solutions" on my start menu read:
    Product: MobileDeviceHelper
    Problem: Stopped working
    Date: 4/7/2010 3:42 PM
    Status: Not Reported
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: AppleMobileDeviceHelper.exe
    Application Version: 16.691.14.1
    Application Timestamp: 4ba3b8fe
    Fault Module Name: CoreFoundation.dll
    Fault Module Version: 1.550.17.21
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4b8cb530
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0000db6b
    OS Version: 6.0.6002.
    Locale ID: 1033
    This is the same message that I have received the last 10 times under Mobile Device Helper.
    *Please PLEASE please*, does anyone know how to resolve this problem?
    *Thank you SO MUCH for any insight.*
    -signed, UGH!!!

    I have had the same experience... uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes and all Apple components only to now be in a position where I can't sync my iphone at all (before I started trying various solutions I could still sync music... now nothing!) and I continually get the messages "mobile device helper has stopped working" and then "iTunes was unable to load dataclass information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later".
    I even tried reinstalling iTunes 9.0 but somehow I don't have the old library saved - means I lose all the ratings, playlists etc.
    Really frustrating and disappointing.

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    I insured that Flash 64 bit was installed on my computer.
    This problem must have something to do with embedding a Flash file. I could not recreate the problem on other client's websites. I pulled all the Flash code and the problem went away. Of course I want to include a Flash file so it's still an issue for me.
    <script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="250px" id="FlashID" title="animatedDog">
                <param name="movie" value="dog.swf">
                <param name="quality" value="high">
                <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
                <param name="swfversion" value="">
                <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
                <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf">
                <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
                <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dog.swf" width="100%" height="250px">
                  <param name="quality" value="high">
                  <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
                  <param name="swfversion" value="">
                  <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf">
                  <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                  <div><img src="/images/2014/noFlash.gif" alt="Missing Adobe Flash player" /></div>
                  <!--[if !IE]>-->
             <br><img src="images/2014/sidePhotos/photo.jpg" alt=""><br>

  • RIM.Desktop Helper has stopped working

    Hi there,
    I just download Desktop Software v6 to my laptop HP window7 64 bit. when i installed, it open the WELCOME window and before i can press the Get Started button, it pop up another window saying RIM.Desktop Helper has stopped working  and the windows is checking but after that it closed.
    What should i do?
    Many thanks

    Hmm. That may be something in your calendar database is corrupt. Was your device ever synched before? There is a way of clearing the calendar database. So if you have your device synching with Outlook, after it's cleared from the BlackBerry, you could try synching again.
    To clear the calendar database you can go into Desktop Manager | Backup and Restore | Advanced. On the right hand side select the calendar database and hit the Clear button. Afterwards try synching again
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

  • Keep getting error installation helper has stopped working for readstep2

    keep getting error installation helper has stopped working for readstep2

    attach a screenshot of that error message, FAQ: How do I capture and post a screen shot or... | Adobe Community

  • Apple Mobile Device Helper has stopped working - stuck in loop

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    Any ideas of what else I can do to stop this box from coming up, so that I can use iTunes normally?

    You could try uninstalling Apple Mobile Device support using add/remove programs. I tunes doesn't require it and will work without it. However if you need it, try doing a repair install of iTunes which will reinstall Apple Mobile Deviced support.

  • Adobe Help Menu stopped working - Adobe Air installation of app is damaged

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    Not sure how to fix this. I uninstalled Adobe Air and then reinstalled, but it did nothing. I suspect it's the help/support application that is damaged. How can I fix this? The help menu is very...helpful.
    Kent B

    I little more searching and I found the answer. Check it out here:

  • Help has stopped working

    All of a sudden, my help menu has stopped working. When I click on it, a window opens, but it is blank. Has something become corrupted? Do I have to do a re-installation of the help menu?
    Thanks for any feedback.

    Troubleshooting Help Viewer by Dr. Smoke may be "Helpful."
    You can also try this: FIXED: Help Viewer crashes or shows blank window, by Gulliver.

  • RoboHelp7 - Micorosft HTML Help compiling stops working

    When compiling a help document for Microsoft HTL Help, very
    quickly in the compiling right after the display window says
    "starting compilation...", I get a MS window saying "Robohelp has
    stopped working" and wants to close the program. It's beena couple
    of days since I did a compile and I've added several topics. Any
    suggestions on what to check for?
    using Vista with all the patches, RoboHelp 7 with it's latest

    If your source has been on a network drive it may be too
    late. RH uses an MS Access database to keep track of the files and
    other elements of your project and these are known to have problems
    when run over a network. Sometimes you can end up with a corrupt
    What'd I'd do here is take a copy of the project. Then delete
    the topics you have added. Attempt to compile. If it works, the
    problem is with one of the created topics. Import each file in turn
    and compile after each one. This will determine which topic has the
    If the project won't compile at all, try deleting the
    project's .CPD file. If this doesn't work, read and follow the
    instructions at

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    Has anyone had this issue? Resolution?
    Is there a way to reset an Exchange account in Mail?
    Thank you!

    I got growl mail to work again afterwards.
    You need to change 1 info.plist file. (use textedit to modify)
    With mail off.
    Go to your user login directory and follow this path:-
    open up info.plist
    and in the area under <key>SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs</key>
    Then add:
    save the file and now Growl is once again working...

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    Get the latest software for your printer from the "Support & Drivers" link at the top of this page.  Run the software, making sure there is no USB cable attached.  Choose "Network" or "Wireless" connection type when it asks.  Plug in a USB cable (temporarily) when it asks.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • "Help" menu stopped working

    I'm using v6.06. The "help" menu starts to launch then disappears. And "search" doesn't function. Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the suggestion but I tried that before and it didn't work. And tried it again when your suggestion came in. Repaired permissions, rebooted, etc. Interestingly (sort of) iPhoto is the only program that has the problem.

  • Hp support stopped working

    hi can somone  please assist me.. when i click my hp support assistant to open it starts up very well and stops at the welcoming screen and fails to prceed frm their. your assistance will be highly appreciated
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    0116ER wrote:
    hi can somone  please assist me.. when i click my hp support assistant to open it starts up very well and stops at the welcoming screen and fails to prceed frm their. your assistance will be highly appreciated
    Please go into the Control Panel --> Program and Features and look for the HP Support Assistant in the list.  Right-click on the HP Support Assistant and uninstall it.  Once uninstalled, please restart your computer.
    At that point, you can reinstall the newest version of the HP Support Assistant software from the link provided here:

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