HELP!!!! Time capsule remotely

  I need some help I have a MacBook Pro Retina and a 3TB Time Capsule, what I want to do is have application programs like iTunes, iPhoto and Adobe Photoshop and after effect save to a folder on the time capsule so when I am at home and I open these applications it pulls everything automatically. But when I am working remotely I would like for my Mac to be able to access the time capsule automatically and pull up files from the library on the time capsule. Example save iTunes library to time capsule so that when I download or upload new music it saves to the time capsule and when I'm at home it shows all the music In the iTunes program but when I'm away from home and connect to my phone using hotspot I still see the files and can play the music through the same iTunes program. I would also like it to work like that for the other applications on my Mac as well. How would I set that up and what do I need to do please someone help in directing me on what I must do to have this work.

You are trying to use the TC as a full blown NAS.. but sorry it just doesn't make the grade.
It cannot run software.. so even if you store your library on the TC.. there is no way your iphone can connect to the TC remotely and use it.
For your Mac to access the TC remotely you can handle via BTMM.. iphone cannot even access the TC remotely without using 3rd party software.
You are also going to find it extremely slow.. unless you are on super speed internet.
You are also going to corrupt the library at least of one if not all the items you list..
Even apple btw says don’t do it. Although mostly about FAT32           it adds network drives. Do not load an iphoto library on TC.. you will corupt the whole thing at some point.
Even more importantly there is absolutely no backup on the TC.. it cannot backup your files.. so you will have one central files store with any backup requiring a computer running with a hard drive connected. It is that computer and hard disk that should be a file server. Not the TC.

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    So like the title says I want to have access to my Time Capsule from anywhere.
    I'd like someone to post a [HowTo] Step by Step.
    I have:
    MB Pro with Lion OSX 10.7.4 (Airport Utility 6.1 and 5.6)
    TC with FW 7.6.1 (Bridge Mode)
    T-Home Speedport W 504V configured as a DSL-Modem
    TC is connected to the Speedport.
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    So please give me some help with this stuff so I can get access from an extern network.
    And if I try to do it on Airport Utility 6.1 it tells me Double NAT.
    Khanh Duy

    I don't have a howto step by step sorry.. I refuse to use OS with as bad a Networking as Lion.. and no interest in clouds..
    You can do this without icloud at all. And it is simple if you have a static public IP address.
    Even without static public IP you might do ok with the modem you have.
    So let me suggest 3 possibles..
    1. If you want to continue down the icloud road.. the issue is upnp .. did you turn on upnp in the modem.. if not do so and try it. TC should be bridged.
    Or if you ISP allows pppoe authentication then bridge the modem and use the pppoe client in the TC.. this is a better method as then the TC gets the public IP on its WAN port. You can select to allow disk access from WAN. Although if this is necessary or not from iCloud I have no idea.
    2. With a static public ip, simply port forward AFP to the TC ip address. I will not post the details unless you do have a static public IP because most people don't. TC is in bridge.
    3. Use dyndns client in the modem.. Here again you will have to check if that facility is in the modem.. again the TC is in bridge.. port forward AFP to the IP of the TC. The router has to control this using a fixed IP to the TC.
    In both the case 2 or 3, you access the TC remotely by simply using its IP address or URL. In finder, go, go to server and type in AFP://PublicIPaddress or AFP://TCdyndnsaddress
    If you just google for "Time Capsule remote access" there are hundreds and thousands of posts explaining how to do it.. but if you cannot figure out method 2 or 3.. I am happy to give further details.

  • Help with Time Capsule remote access

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    Hello morph1977. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    I believe the issue is that you have the Time Capsule (TC) behind another router.
    I assume that you want to take advantage of BacktoMyMac (BTMM) to access the TC with your MobileMe account ... correct?
    If so, two things must be present in order for BTMM to be successful: 1) Routers on both ends of the connection must support either UPnP or NAT-PMP. Note: The AirPort and TC both support NAT-PMP, and 2) The router with the host device you are trying to reach must have a publicly reachable IP address.
    BTMM only works with either a public IP address or with automated port mapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP.
    Here's roughly how BTMM works:
    1. For a computer connected to the Internet via a router that assigns it a network address, BTMM asks the router for configuration information.
    2. BTMM sends this information to MobileMe: BTMM tells MobileMe where the computer is located and how to reach it on the network or via the Internet. This information is stored on the MobileMe’s servers.
    3. When connecting to a remote computer, your copy of BTMM creates a secure connection with the other computer, using the information about that computer’s
    location and configuration stored on MobileMe.
    Since the TC is behind another router and configured as a bridge, the only thing that needs to be configured on it is to identify the MobileMe account(s) that will access it using the AirPort Utility. The key would be to make sure that existing router has either NAT-PMP or UPnP enabled.

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    Method 3 will work if you have a modem/router or gateway device, as it appears that the SVG1202 is......with the Time Capsule in Bridge Mode.
    The method 3 has some differences from my Airport Utility options (v6.3.2), please if there are any image of the screen options would be helpfull.
    You will not be using AirPort Utility to set up port forwarding for the Time Capsule, so as long as you can get the Time Capsule back to Bridge Mode, you should not need any additional help on AirPort Utiltiy 6.3.2.
    Basically, all the setup will be on the Motorola device.
    The first order of business is that you have a Static Internet IP address from your service provider. It is not practical to consider Method 3 unless you have this in place.
    Then, the Motorola must be able to assign a fixed IP address to the Time Capsule on your network......probably something like example only.
    If the first two conditions can be met, the Motorola still needs to have the capability to set up Port Forwarding.  If it does, then you would set up Port 548 for both Private UDP and Private TCP.
    Then set up a port number....example 8888.....for Public UDP and Public TCP.
    Then, from your Mac, you would click the Finder Go menu and click Connect to Server
    Enter the following:
    The 12.345.679.910 is an example of the IP address that your provider furnished to you for your Internet connection with their service.
    Then, click Connect

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    The port forwarding set up on my router looks like this:
    I use port 8888 for both Public UDP and Private TCP Ports. Your provider may have a different port for you to use on your specific modem/router.
    The Private IP Address is the fixed IP that my router assigns to the Time Capsule on the local network. Your router likely is using the 192.168 range, so your information here will look something like for example.
    You must use 548 for the Private UDP Port Setting and the same port 548 for the Private TCP Port on your modem/router setup.
    Once the modem/router is set up with the required information, you can try to log onto your network.
    Click the Finder Menu on your Mac on the lower left of the dock
    Click the Go Menu at the top of the screen
    Enter in the following in the address bar:
    For example, say that my ISP has assigned me a Static IP address of
    Then, the setting on my Mac would look like this:
    Then, click Connect
    You will be asked for the device password to connect to the Time Capsule

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    What is the exact model of your modem?
    Do you use pppoe authentication in the modem.. If so you can just bridge it and use pppoe in the TC without any issues.
    Apple cannot be expected to fix every modem and every ISP out there. Unfortunately networking is done is so many ways that it is impossible.. the ISP is actually the one who should help but they generally are useless.. or want you to pay for support.
    Yes, send pics of the configuration.
    Are you getting a public IP from your ISP? If not then none of this will work.
    How are you testing access? You cannot test from inside the LAN .. you must use a Mac computer from internet access that is not firewalled.
    Remember this is a two way street.. both ends have to have full access.
    If the BTMM approaches doesn't work do try it manually..
    There is clear instructions on the web to setup access.
    You don't need to do the fancy scripting.. just setup your modem router to forward port 548 to the TC.
    You don't give wan access in this case... you are accessing on LAN.
    But you do need to use some more security than normal TC password.. ie use disk password.
    This is proof of concept.. if this works then BTMM should work if you get all the settings right.

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    Hope someone can help me
    Best regards
    Message was edited by: quicova

    Best thing to do is connect your computer to the Time Capsule (LAN port) using an ethernet cable. Once connected, run Airport Utility and it should let you know why the light is yellow and attempt to fix the problem. If the problem persists, you should either re-configure the Time Capsule properly or conduct a hard reset and start the configuration over from the factory settings.

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    See remote access methods here.
    I am not sure what format these files are in.. but if they are itunes or iphoto.. have a care.. it is easy to corrupt them.

  • Accessing Time Capsule remotely

    Is it possible to access files on Time Capsule remotely that are not on iCloud? I would not be on the same wireless network when accessing these files.

    You certainly can, if you use Back to My Mac, a feature of OS X "Lion" and later:
    Setting up and using Back to My Mac with an AirPort base station or Time Capsule

  • Accessing the Time Capsule remotely

    Is there a way to access the time capsule remotely when it is down stream from my router? I have tried a few different approaches none of which seem to work.

    This worked just fine when I used it in the past:
    Might be worth a look.

  • Time capsule remote access message from airport utility "An error occurred while reading the configuration"

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    If the TC is at home and in router mode as the main router of the network, get someone at home to give you the current public IP which will be on the summary page of the airport utility.
    With the public IP try and access it by typing the IP directly into finder.. go.. connect to server.
    If you have setup WAN access it will. Otherwise no.
    For BTMM and iCloud access and its various issues.. this thread may give you some ideas.
    If the icloud method proves unreliable and you are dependent on access to the TC.. I strongly recommend better and more reliable access methods.. in particular buy a VPN modem or router.. whichever suits your internet type and put the TC in bridge behind it. Direct connect to the TC via the vpn.
    You will need either a static public IP which you purchase as an extra from your ISP .. maybe via a business account or setup a dyndns account which are readily available.

  • Time Capsule Remote Access- Help needed

    Dear all,
    I have tried to folow multiple guides and threads about how to make my Time Capsule accesible via the Internet - but nothing has helped so far, and I'm almost ready to give up - so this is my very last call.
    My IP address is not static, but I just determines it from or similar sites.
    My Time Capsule is also working as router and therefore supplying the local IP.
    I won't use your time in explaining what I have done so far, so please let us start at the very beginning.
    Your help is appreciated!

    If your Time Capsule (TC) is configured to be your Internet router, then you only need to do two things to allow access to it from the Internet:
    o Using AirPort Utility, enable both the "Enable file sharing" and the "Share disks over Ethernet WAN port" options on the utility's Disks > File Sharing page.
    o On the utility's Summary page, note the value of IP Address. This will be the TC's WAN-side IP address.
    To access the TC from the Internet, use Finder's Connect to Server option and enter afp://TC's WAN-side IP address in the Server Address box, and then, click on Connect.
    Now an issue that you will come across is that you are not getting a static Public IP address from your ISP, so your TC's Public IP address will change periodically. You basically have three choices to resolve this: 1) Upgrade your service to business grade to obtain a static IP address, 2) Employ a service like DynDNS, or 3) Check your current Public IP address before attempting to access your TC from the Internet (not very reliable or convenient).

  • Please Help - Time Capsule and External hard drive Issues

    Recently, I switched from Comcast to AT&T uverse as my internet provider and I started experiencing problems.
    (1) I have a 4th generation Apple Time Capsule which I am using as my router.
    (2) Connected to the Apple Time Capsule - USB - is an external hard drive (not for backup with Time Machine.)
    (3) I have a 2011 Macbook pro which I use to access my file on my time capsule and external hard drive.
    (4) I had been using my AT&T portable Hotspot from my cell phone to get internet access on my MacBook pro from remote locations to gain access to my external hard drive which is attached to the time capsule.
    (5) On August 2, 2014, I switched from Comcast to AT&T and had the AT&T turn off the router function. (I have been using the router from my apple time capsule)
    (6) Under Network I switched to bridge mode.
    (7) And since August 2, 2014 my time capsule has not been backup.
    THE PROBLEM - I need to be able to use the hotspot function from my cell phone to gain access on the external hard drive using my MacBook Pro which I was able to do before. Now it is showing time capsule under finder but unable to connect.
    Do I need to reset my Time Capsule since I have a new service provider. Everything else works fine - meaning able to get internet signal but unable to access my external hard drive and backup my time capsule. Please HELP.

    (5) On August 2, 2014, I switched from Comcast to AT&T and had the AT&T turn off the router function. (I have been using the router from my apple time capsule)
    (6) Under Network I switched to bridge mode.
    (7) And since August 2, 2014 my time capsule has not been backup.
    If you got ATT to turn off router function in their modem..
    Then 6. is wrong.. You cannot have the Network switched to bridge mode..
    You must have it set to dhcp and nat.
    That is also why you cannot backup.. the TC is off the network.
    Please change back to router mode in the TC.
    Ensure the internet tab shows dhcp and you create a wireless network.
    Then power down the TC... power down the ATT modem.. wait about 20min (you can try 5min.. but it might not be long enough).
    Power up the ATT modem.. wait 2min for things to flash lights in de right blinkin order.. then start the TC.
    Open the airport utility and make sure your TC captured the public IP and is now working as the router.
    That should fix that end of it.. the hotspot end??
    Tell us what happens.

  • Access time capsule remotely

    Hi All
    I recently bought a 2TB Airport Time Capsule (TC) and I want to access it remotely.
    I was using a Swisscom modem/wireless router. After checking several forums it looked like setting the swisscom router to bridge mode is one of the pre-requisite to achieve what I want.
    I went into the router sertting and used IP Passthrough to my TC. Right clicking the TC in Airport utility now shows the external IP (I guess. It starts with 762...)
    Now can anyone help me to set up my TC for remote access ?
    Things to note:-
    I do not know if I have a PPoE account or if that is a must to get what I am asking for.
    I also use Swisscom TV. The set top box is connected via a ethernt cable from the Swisscom router. This works even now after I configured IP passthrough (Isn't that strange ? Makes me think if I could set my router in 'bridge' mode succesfully)

    Couldn't find a way to include screenshots in these postings, but here are links to screenshots of the actual setup screens in the Airport Utility and MobileMe prefs:
    All this is turned on, I used the link above to determine my IP when connected to the TC for internet use, yet when I try and use "Go ... Connect to Server" the error as described above appears.
    Curious to know what I'm missing.
    The Starbucks example above is a good one, that was one of the places I actually tried, unsuccessfully, to connect to the TC.
    Has anyone actually managed to connect to their files on the TC from a remote location, such as a Starbucks? If so, how?

  • How can I access the data on my time capsule remotely?

    I see the drive under the shared tab in Finder, but I cannot open it.  I am at school and need to access documents that are stored on my time capsule at home.  When I set everything up, I enabled "sharing over WAN" and everything and set up the password access. The software is up to date. How can I get into my drive? I tried logging into, but the only apps I see are the standard contacts, notes, etc. HELP!!!!!!!

    You need to follow the BTMM via icloud instructions.
    There are plenty of other ways to do it.. but issues to do with Apple not using a dynamic DNS client so if your ISP does not allocate you a static public IP there is no way to find it, if the public ip rotates as they are designed to do hourly or daily.
    Do a google search, remote access time capsule..
    Or use the more like this on the right hand side... there are plenty of posts and even youtube video which go right through it.
    BTW your school system may simply block the port.. if I was a school IT admin.. I would. You are dragging files across to the internal school network bypassing the firewall.. that is unacceptable risk to the whole school system.

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