HELP Time Capsule with two routers?

Bit of a problem here. I want to have wireless through the whole house, but I need it mainly on the 1st floor... My router for some reason (walls, surfaces?) Cannot reach into the other part of the 1st floor. I have 2 routers, so my question is, Is there any way I could have TC back up computers on different routers?
The weird thing is, in the one part of the 1st floor, you can only see 1 router, but then when you move back into the other part of the 1st floor, it reads the other router... any help?

In general it looks like you just have reached the limits of WiFi in your environment. Its not really predictable where and how far your WiFi will work.
I have pretty much the same environment as you have (2 floor). In order to have WiFi accessible all over my house, I connected 2 Router (Airport Extreme and Time Machine) via an ethernet cable to each other (was hard work). They both distributing the "same" wireless LAN. Every resource in my LAN is now accessible from everywhere. Of cause TM as well.
There is an option to spare out the ethernet connection between the routers and have this be wireless as well. This never worked well. I cannot recommend to even try it. In order to provide the same Wireless Network from 2 points, the 2 routers need to communicate rather fast to each other. While this is not a problem with ethernet, it will always be a problem if this is wireless as well.
It may works if you just need working browsers and no other networking services.
Hope this helps to clarify!

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    Thanks for your post. I did as you suggested and plugged the problem drive directly into the TC and sure enough the drive appeared and was accessible. It appears that the problem follows the USB hub. I tried a second hub (but it was only USB1.1 capable) and it had the same problem. I will take this up with LaCie.
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    The Time Capsule is marketed as being able to backup more than one Mac.
    You can probably use some other software to backup to a Time Capsule, but Time Machine is for Leopard only.

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    TM does the whole computer.. it is designed for home setup.. where people not that worried about security.
    It is always possible for any user to access any other users account.. given enough time and skill. TM backups make it easier in a way.. I have tested it myself and I can recover TM backups from unknown user in a Time Capsule with an unknown password. It was tricky but anyone with brains can read the net.
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    There is only one right value for wireless now. Which I did list in the instructions.
    WPA2-PSK (AES) for the arris.
    WPA2-Personal for the TC.
    Did you reboot everything when you disconnected the ethernet.. so the computer and TC can reallocate the IP addresses. This is important.
    Reboot everything when you rearrange networks.. always do it.. even I am forced to do it.
    Reboot in this order.. from off.. everything off.
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    TC.. wait 2min
    Computer.. this will now pick up a new IP from the whichever wireless is stronger.. should not make any difference if it is the TC or the Arris.
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    If it fails .. reconnect it by ethernet to the computer.
    Give it a different wireless name .. ie the Arris and the TC will have different names.
    And you are using "create a wireless network" in the TC.. no other option will work.
    Update the TC so the setup is saved.
    Unplug the TC from the computer and plug it into the Arris..
    Now reboot everything.. sorry.. but it is the easiest way to clear up old settings and get everything going again.
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    Answered in your other thread.. keep to one. Just confusing running two threads with the same question.

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    If you have the the most current model of the Express devices, the default setup is to "extend" the wireless signal.  In this type of setup, each Express communicates directly to the Time Capsule.
    How did you setup the AirPort Express devices?
    What version of the Mac operating system are you using on your MacBook?   Or, do you have AirPort Utility installed on your iPad?

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    Package: Entertain Premium IP with VDSL 50 and VOIP telephony
    Router: Speedport W722V
    Media Receiver: Entertain MR303
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    Can anyone advise on the best possible options to setup my new TimeCapsule (latest model) as router, thus degrading the speedport router to a mere modem, and with best possible I am particularly interested in:
    * Entertain (VOD and streaming) to work as smoothly as today (ie. no streaming lapses, outages etc)
    * VOIP to still run as smoothly as today
    * leveraging the benefit of WLAN speed and capability of the Time Capsule for all wirelessly connected devices

    is this easy enough to do - ie. a find- and clickable option upon setup?
    As regards roaming - where would I need to configure this? as far as I am aware I have not seen this option in my speedport, nor the network connections on my PC type notebooks.
    Bridge is best done manually.. if you use the v6 utility it has ability to automatically setup what it thinks is the best configuration but in reality is often not.. ie it will tend to not use bridge. So you simply click edit in the airport utility and go to the network tab. Bridge is a single option.
    Once configured in bridge the TC will do all the necessary changes. eg WAN port is transferred to LAN.. to make it as effective as possible in that mode. You set the wireless tab to still create a wireless network.
    Roaming is purely a setup which you do yourself.
    See the doco.
    It doesn't matter that you are not using two Apple routers.
    It is simple setup... trivial even.
    Set the wireless name in the TC to the same as the existing router's SSID
    Set the security to the same level.. that should always be WPA2 AES now which apple calls WPA2 Personal.
    Same password.
    It is good but not required to separate the two devices by a couple of meters. Even using the TC in another room connected back by ethernet would be excellent.. but not at all required. Both devices having wireless for 2.4ghz set to auto is not the best.. I would manually set at least one..
    The AC works only on 5ghz and is not going to be affected by the speedport at all.
    Why do you want the TC as router??
    Soimply put: Because I understood it could act as one? And it promised at first sight to provide a more powerful WLAN connectivity as opposed to my current speedport, which runs n standard but not ac standard
    The WLAN power is unaffected by using the TC in bridge or router mode.
    You have multiple options.. as mentioned .. roaming is only one.. you can simply turn the wireless off on the speedport. Wireless is still active on the TC in bridge mode.
    BUT you do lose one function.. that is guest wireless.. when you bridge the TC. If you would like to still have a guest wireless you can do that by using the speedport wireless with a different name to the TC.. ie you have exactly the same setup as guest wireless.. only instead of using a single wireless router you have two which is far superior.
    Anything that doesn't make sense.. it is probably easier to figure out after Christmas and you can play with the real world device.. post again if you have issues and we are happy to offer solutions.
    Merry Christmas.

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    Regards, Edgardo

    5 Ghz may help avoid interference, but it also has shorter range, it depends on the circumstances surrounding your location whether it's a better option or not.

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    Oh, that's so sad. . Im sorry, but this problem requires professional help. At least I can't help you. Here is a link to Apple - Support - Contact Support.

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