Help using AEWsetunsol() with PowerBuilder 7 on Nt4

I am trying to use AEWsetunsol() with Powerbuilder 7 on WinNT 4 (sp6a) or Win2000.
Can anyone help with regards to what we have to do in PB to get this to work?
Please be explicit.
Thanks in advance.

Got it working but had to write a tpinit() wrapper in a DLL in order to get it
to work.
The wrapper function allocated the TPINIT buffer and populated the structure with
appropriate usernames/passwords (none in my case) but we set the 'flags' field
to 1 (notify by signal). [Powerbuilder does not handle structures terribly well
I am led to understand]
If we did not do this, the AEWsetunsol() did not work.
The code window open is as follows :-
// pb_SetLoginInfo() is custom written DLL function - simply
// allocates the TPINIT buffer and populates it.
// fields in same order as TPINIT buffer
If (pb_SetLoginInfo("", "", "", "", 1, 0, "") < 0) Then //flag set to 1 - TPU_SIG
indicating unsolicited notification selected by signals
     messagebox("Error", "Fail pb_SetLoginInfo()")
End If     
// pb_tpinit() is custom written DLL function - simply calls tpinit() with the
structure populated by pb_SetLoginInfo()
IF ( pb_tpinit() < 0) Then //call tp_init from user defined external dll
     messagebox("Error", "Fail tpinit()")
End If
We wanted to be notified by PBM_CUSTOM68 (Powerbuilder custom event 68)
Then, we called the AEWsetunsol as follows :-
//start subscribing to event
il_windowHandle = Handle(THIS)
//set event to trigger when receive unsolicited message
IF (AEWsetunsol(il_windowHandle, (1023+68)) < 0) Then //the (1023+68) indicates
the event id for pbm_custom68
     messagebox("Error", "Fail AEWsetunsol()")
End If
We then setup a custom pb event to receive these events, subscribed to an event
and off we went.
Now, if we could only convince the Tuxedo 8 WS DLL to work with Powerbuilder (rather
than crashing on APP exit)
Hope this helps someone.

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    Yes it will delete everything.
    I'm a little confused at what you are asking at the end.
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    Use Your iPod To Move Songs To A New Computer
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    For a regular expression you use the -match operator.  
    Wildcard patterns and regular expressions are not interchangeable.
    get-help about_wildcards
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    Hi Steph,
    What you're missing is this (From the iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide):
    COUNTIFS(test-values, condition, test-values..., condition...)
    test-values:   A collection containing values to be tested. test-values is a collection containing any type of value.
    condition:   An expression that results in a logical TRUE or FALSE. condition is an expression that can contain anything as long as the result from comparing condition to a value in test-values can be expressed as a Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE.
    test-values...:  Optionally include one or more additional collections containing values to be tested. Each test-values collection must be followed immediately with a condition expression. This pattern of test-values, condition can be repeated as many times as needed.
    condition...:  If an optional collection of test-values is included, an expression that results in a logical TRUE or FALSE. There must be one condition following each test-values collection; therefore, this function will always have an odd number of arguments.
    Usage Notes
    Each value in test-values is compared to the corresponding condition. If the
    corresponding values in each collection meet the corresponding conditional tests,
    the count is increased by 1.
    The test-values, condition pairs may be thought of as a series of tests connected by AND(s)—the whole set is TRUE only if ALL parts are TRUE.
    Your formula should be returning a zero count and you are testing the same set of values for two exclusive conditions—any pop-up set to "9A - 6P" cannot be also set to "10A - 7P"—at least one of the conditions will be false in every case.
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    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Caribe Travel Services</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link href="../caribe_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="../print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <div id="container">
      <div id="header"><a href="../starter.html"><img src="../assets/images/logo.jpg" alt="Caribe Travel Services" name="logo" width="213" height="144" id="logo" /></a></div>
      <div id="sidebar">
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="../packages/air.htm">Air Packages</a></li>
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        <div class="sideContent"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="sideContent" -->
          <h3>Heading 3 here</h3>
          <p>side content here</p>
        <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>
      <div id="mainContent"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="mainContent" -->
        <h1>Heading 1 Here</h1>
        <p>main content here</p>
        <h2>Heading 2 </h2>
      <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>
      <div id="footer"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="navLinks" --><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/altNav.lbi" -->
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      <!-- #EndLibraryItem --><!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>
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        <target name="compile" depends="cleanup">
            <!-- mkdir dir="${executable.dir}" / -->
            <exec program="mxmlc.exe" workingdir="." verbose="true">
                <arg value="-compiler.strict" />
                <arg value="-compiler.source-path" />
                <arg value="..\engineunittests\src" />
                <arg value="-static-link-runtime-shared-libraries" />
                <arg value="-output" />
                <arg value="${executable.dir}\EngineUnitTests.swf" />
                <arg value="-compiler.include-libraries" />
                <arg value="${flexunit.dir}\flexunit-4.1.0-8-as3_4.1.0.16076.swc" />
                <arg value="${flexunit.dir}\flexunit-uilistener-4.1.0-8-" />
                <arg value="--" />
                <arg value="${source.dir}\com\playbrains\metagame\test\" />
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        <target name="runtest" depends="setup">
            <mkdir dir="${output.dir}" />
            <exec program="adl.exe" workingdir="${executable.dir}" verbose="true">
                <arg value="application.xml" />
                <arg value="--" />
                <arg value="${output.dir}" />
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    How can I configure my swf so that it stops the adl window when it is done and also write down the results on an xml file?

    Since you are using AIR. If you wanted to, the other thing you could do is copy the AIRCIListener, and instead of having it send over the file system, you could use the AIR File API to write it directly to disk.
    These tools were developed to work with Flash Player or AIR and Flash Player does not have that ability.
    Take a look at: isteners/
    and eners/

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    Hi Chris,
    It seems that the Fusion is one of those that can be OS 10.4.9 (USB Video Classs) compliant or not depending on serial number.
    See here
    Now this would mean that it may work if the iChatUSBCam utility is disabled.
    This also means deleting as this stores the Camera/Utility info.
    The same is true of the ioxperts drivers
    5:10 PM Wednesday; May 30, 2007

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    To use GPO multitimbrally, first you create a new multi instrument and cable it directly into the audio instrument into which you've loaded GPO. Let's say it's audio instrument #1. The crucial next step is to set audio instrument 1's MIDI channel to ALL (done via the parameters section on the LH side of the screen).
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    Message was edited by: iSchwartz

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    In the Music tab of iTunes, do you have 'Include Voice Memos' checked?

  • My iPhone 6 ear speaker is not working properly I couldn't able to hear any thing from ear speaker to lissen I had to put on loud speaker or to use handsfree please help me out with this problem if some body have answer?

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    Hi Venkata from NZ,
    If you are having an issue with the speaker on your iPhone, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

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    Hi Friends...
    I’m trying to delete a back-up file on mu TC but I get the message “The operation could not be completed because the item “bands” is in use. I’d like to start the Back from scratch, could help me out with deleting the current file?

    Sorry, I am very confused. I asked the following question....
    Is this the only backup file on your Mac, or do you have other backup files and data on the Time Capsule disk?
    The answer that you gave was....
    This is the only one
    Now you are saying that....
    But I have lots of other files on Time Capsule! The back up file is only one of them.
    Can you clarify, please?

Maybe you are looking for

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