Help " why does my clip go half black?"

Hay guys i have been working in premier for a couple of months now and when i opened my recent project i got this if anyone could help with this problem i would be much appreciated    LE

Looks like you're editing with WMV media.  That could be your problem.  WMV is for viewing, not the best choice of codecs for editing.  You could try transcoding your WMV to AVI uncompressed or some better codec in AME, and then use Replace Footage to link to the transcoded files.

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    You're welcome.
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    yancowles wrote:
    Except that if you render directly out of AE, it does use the background colour of the comp.
    The difference is that AME renders After Effects comps via the Dynamic Link protocol, which always assumes that an alpha channel is present (background is transparent) when it renders the After Effects comp. (This does not necessarily reflect whether or not the exported file has an alpha channel. You choose that in the export settings.)
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    2) Please file a feature request if you'd like to see AME behave differently.

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