Help with a project

Here is my problem:
In my place we have a number of copiers and every month every station
has to send me the meters of their copier.
For the Stations I have a form with the fields below:
Total Meters:
Email form button as .XML file
At my end I have to collect all these meters on a form, with the fields below:
StationA:             Meters:
StationB :             Meters:
StationC:              Meters;
ImportData Button
The problem I run is every time I import data from a Station erase the previous Data!
Form does not save previous entered Data!
Any ideas how I can make this happens without copy and paste data?
Thank you

Once you will import data it will override previous data. One Solution could be merge the XML files and create a single file and then import it.
For merging of XML you can create an utility using ITEXT and java  that is one time job.

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  • Need help with calculator project for an assignment...

    Hi all, I please need help with my calculator project that I have to do for an assignment.
    Here is the project's specifications that I need to do"
    """Create a console calculator applicaion that:
    * Takes one command line argument: your name and surname. When the
    program starts, display the date and time with a welcome message for the
    * Display all the available options to the user. Your calculator must include
    the arithmetic operations as well as at least five scientific operations of the
    Math class.
    -Your program must also have the ability to round a number and
    truncate it.
    -When you multiply by 2, you should not use the '*' operator to perform the
    -Your program must also be able to reverse the sign of a number.
    * Include sufficient error checking in your program to ensure that the user
    only enters valid input. Make use of the String; Character, and other
    wrapper classes to help you.
    * Your program must be able to do conversions between decimal, octal and
    hex numbers.
    * Make use of a menu. You should give the user the option to end the
    program when entering a certain option.
    * When the program exits, display a message for the user, stating the
    current time, and calculate and display how long the user used your
    * Make use of helper classes where possible.
    * Use the SDK to run your program."""
    When the program starts, it asks the user for his/her name and surname. I got the program to ask the user again and again for his/her name and surname
    when he/she doesn't insert anything or just press 'enter', but if the user enters a number for the name and surname part, the program continues.
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??
    Here is the programs code that I've written so far:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Project {
         private static String nameSurname = "";     
         private static String num1 = null;
         private static String num2 = null;
         private static String choice1 = null;
         private static double answer = 0;
         private static String more;
         public double Add() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) + Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Subtract() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) - Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Multiply() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) * Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Divide() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) / Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Modulus() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) % Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double maximumValue() {
              answer = (Math.max(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double minimumValue() {
              answer = (Math.min(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber1() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber2() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot1() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot2() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public static String octalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
    String octal1 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum1);
    return octal1;
         public static String octalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String octal2 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum2);
              return octal2;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
              String hex1 = Integer.toHexString(iNum1);
              return hex1;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String hex2 = Integer.toHexString(iNum2);
              return hex2;
         public double Round1() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num1));
              return answer;
         public double Round2() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
              SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy");
         Date now = new Date();
         SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");
         static Date timeIn = new Date();
         public static long programRuntime() {
              Date timeInD = timeIn;
              long timeOutD = System.currentTimeMillis();
              long msec = timeOutD - timeInD.getTime();
              float timeHours = msec / 1000;
                   return (long) timeHours;
         DecimalFormat decimals = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
         public String insertNameAndSurname() throws IOException{
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        while (nameSurname == null || nameSurname.length() == 0) {
                             for (int i = 0; i < nameSurname.length(); i++) {
                             if ((nameSurname.charAt(i) > 'a') && (nameSurname.charAt(i) < 'Z')){
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                        inputCorrect = false;
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("Please enter your name and surname: ");
                             nameSurname = inStream.readLine();
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        }catch (IOException ex) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter your name and surname, " + nameSurname + " is not a name, please enter your name and surname :");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        System.out.println("\nA warm welcome " + nameSurname + " ,todays date is: " + format1.format(now));
                        System.out.println("and the time is now exactly " + format2.format(timeIn) + ".");
                        return nameSurname;
              public String inputNumber1() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter a number you want to do a calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num1 = br.readLine();
                             double number1 = Double.parseDouble(num1);
                             System.out.println("\nThe number you have entered is: " + number1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("\nYou did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num1 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num1;
         public String calculatorChoice() throws IOException {
              System.out.println("Please select an option of what you would like to do with this number from the menu below and hit <ENTER>: ");
              System.out.println("Please select an option from the list below: ");
              System.out.println("1 - Add");
              System.out.println("2 - Subtract");
              System.out.println("3 - Multiply");
              System.out.println("4 - Divide (remainder included)");
              System.out.println("5 - Maximum and minimum value of two numbers");
              System.out.println("6 - Squareroot");
              System.out.println("7 - Absolute value of numbers");
              System.out.println("8 - Octal and Hexadecimal equivalent of numbers");
              System.out.println("9 - Round numbers");
              System.out.println("0 - Exit program");
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("Please enter your option and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             choice1 = inStream.readLine();
                             int c1 = Integer.parseInt(choice1);
                             System.out.println("\nYou have entered choice number: " + c1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid choice number: " + "\""+ choice1 + "\" is not in the list!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return choice1;
         public String inputNumber2() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter another number you want to do the calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num2 = br2.readLine();
                             double n2 = Double.parseDouble(num2);
                             System.out.println("\nThe second number you have entered is: " + n2);
                             System.out.println("\nYour numbers are: " + num1 + " and " + num2);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num2 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num2;
         public int Calculator() {
              int choice2 = (int) Double.parseDouble(choice1);
              switch (choice2) {
                        case 1 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " + " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 2 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " - " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 3 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " * " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 4 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " / " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.print(" and the remainder is " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 5 :
                             System.out.println("The maximum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The minimum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 6 :
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 7 :
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 8 :
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + octalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + octalEquivalent2());
                             System.out.println("\nThe hexadecimal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The hexadecimal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent2());
                        case 9 :
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 0 :
                             if (choice2 == 0) {
                   return choice2;
              public String anotherCalculation() throws IOException {
                   boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                             try {                              
                                  BufferedReader br3 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                                  System.out.print("\nWould you like to do another calculation? Y/N ");
                                  more = br3.readLine();
                                  String s1 = "y";
                                  String s2 = "Y";
                                  if (more.equals(s1) || more.equals(s2)) {
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                                       while (inputCorrect = true){
                                            inputCorrect = true;
                                  } else {
                                       System.out.println("\n" + nameSurname + " thank you for using this program, you have used this program for: " + decimals.format(programRuntime()) + " seconds");
                                       System.out.println("the program will now exit, Goodbye.");
                             } catch (IOException ex){
                                  System.out.println("You did not enter a valid answer: " + "\""+ more + "\" is not in the list!!");
                                  inputCorrect = false;
              return more;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              Project p1 = new Project();
    *Can you please run my code for yourself and have a look at how this program is constructed*
    *and give me ANY feedback on how I can better this code(program) or if I've done anything wrong from your point of view.*
    Your help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Smirre wrote:
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??You cannot restrict the user. It is a sad fact in programming that the worst bug always sits in front of the Computer.
    What you could do is checking the input string for numbers. If it contains numbers, just reprompt for the Name.
    AND you might want to ask yourself why the heck a calculator needs to know the users Name.

  • Help with J2EE Project Management

    We are about to begin a large J2EE project and are wondering if anyone could help with the following questions:
    1. Given the division of labor on J2EE projects (JSP developers, EJB developers, application deployers, etc...), what are "best practices" for building a team and ensuring that they communicate well after the design phase? How will the left arm know what the right arm is doing?
    2. What documentation should be produced during the design phase to give to the developers? Will this allow them to go off and develop independently of each other?
    3. Is there a "best practices" document anywhere on J2EE project management?
    Thanks in advance!!

    I feel any project to start with should have a prior planning,that too particularly for Object oriented programming projects,I feel UML is the best tool for entire process.I think rational software has got lot of Project Management Tools(PMT) and products at all stages.Please go through the site and hope you could find some info.I feel the answer to your second question is partly 'yes' and partly 'no'.The modules that you can split it up which have got some independent attributes,but it should not be too much in your project,then it affects the work matrix/There should be a optimal process to decide and that you can yourself formulate depending on the time frame,either way the last step of build or integration is not flexible enough that you should mind,modular flexibility can be there but the integration stage you are tied with a fixed process.So plan accordingly using a PMT tool for any project that matters and all the best.Bye

  • Help with GUI project.

    I need help with JcomboBox when I select the Exit in the File box it will open
    //inner class
    class exitListener implements ActionListener {
    I have the part of the parts of statement but I don't know how to assign the Keystoke. here is that part of the code
    filemenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_X);Here is my code...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class MyFrame extends JFrame {
         String[] file = { "New", "Open", "Exit" };//items for file
        String[] edit = { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" };//items for edit
        JComboBox filemenu = new JComboBox();
        JComboBox editmenu = new JComboBox();
         public MyFrame(String title) {
              this.setSize(250, 250); //sets the size for the frame
              this.setLocation(200, 200);//location where frame is at
              // setup contents
              // display
         private void makeComponents() {
              JPanel pane = new JPanel();
    //          file menu section
              filemenu = new JComboBox();
            JLabel fileLabel = new JLabel();
            for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++)
    //edit menu section
    editmenu = new JComboBox();
    JLabel editLabel = new JLabel();
    for (int i = 0; i < edit.length; i++)
         private void initComponents() {
              filemenu.addActionListener(new exitListener());
         //inner class
    class exitListener implements ActionListener {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
    int x = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(MyFrame.this, "Exit Program?",
    "Exit Request", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
    JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null,
    if (x == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
         private void buildGUI() {
              Container cont = this.getContentPane();// set gui components into the frame
              this.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));// Comp are added to the frame
         // / inner classes
    public class ButtonFrame {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyFrame f1 = new MyFrame("This is my Project for GUI");

    One way is to
    1) pass a reference of the Window object to the USDListener class, and set a local Window variable say call it window, to this reference.
    2) Give the Window class a public method that returns a String and allows you to get the text from USDField. Same to allow you to set text on the euroField.
    3) Give the Listener class a Converter object.

  • Collage Students need help with Java project(Email Server) whats analysis?

    Hi im studying in collage at the moment and i have just started learning java this semester, the thing is my teacher just told us to do an project in java , since we just started the course and i dont have any prior knowledge about java i was wondering if some one could help me with the project.
    i choose Email Sevice as my project and we have to submit an analysis and design document , but how the hell am i suppose to know what analysis is ? i just know we use ER diagrams & DFD's in the design phase but i dont know what analysis means ?
    could some one tell me what analysis on an email service might be? and what analysis on a subject means? is it the codeing involved or some thing coz the teacher told us not to do any codeing yet so im completly stumped,
    oh and btw we are a group of 3 students who are asking u the help here coz all of us in our class are stupmed ?

    IN case any one is interested this is the analysis i wrote
    Analysis means figuring out what the problem is, maybe what kinds of solutions might be appropriate
    1.     Introduction:-
    The very definition of analysis is an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole. The Analysis done here is for an emailing service called Flashmail, the emailing service is used to send out mails to users registered with our service, these users and there log activities will be stored in some where, the most desirable option at this time is a Database, but this can change as the scope of the project changes.
    2.     Customer Analysis:-
    We are targeting only 30 registered users at the moment but this is subject to change as the scale changes of the project .Each user is going to be entitled to 1MB of storage space at this time since we lack the desired infrastructure to maintain anything higher than 1MB but the end vision of the project is to sustain 1000 MB of storage space while maintaining a optimal bandwidth allocation to each user so as to ensure a high speed of activity and enjoyment for the Customer.
    The Service will empower the user to be able to send, read, reply, and forward emails to there specified locations. Since we are working on a limited budget we can�t not at this time enable the sending of attachments to emails, but that path is also left open by modularity of java language, so we can add that feature when necessary.
    3.     Processor Load Analysis:-
    The number of messages per unit time processing power will be determined on hand with various algorithms, since it is best not to waste processor power with liberally distributing messages per unit time. Hence the number of messages will vary with in proportion to the number of registered users online at any given time.
    4.     Database Decision Analysis:-
    The High level Requirements of the service will have to be decided upon, the details of which can be done when we are implementing the project itself. An example of high level requirements are database management, we have chosen not to opt for flat files because of a number of reasons, first off a flat files are data files that contain records with no structured relationships additional knowledge is required to interpret these files such as the file format properties. The disadvantages associated with flat files are that they are not fast, they can only be read from top to bottom, and usually they have to be read all the way through. Though there is are advantages of Flat files they are that it takes up less space than a structured file. However, it requires the application to have knowledge of how the data is organized within the file.
    Good databases have key advantage over flat files concurrency. When you just read stuff from file it�s easy, but tries to synchronize multiple updates or writes into flat file from scripts that run in different process spaces.
    Whereas a flat file is a relatively simple database system in which each database is contained in a single table. In contrast, relational database systems can use multiple tables to store information, and each table can have a different record format.
    5.     Networking Analysis:-
    Virtually every email sent today is sent using two popular protocols known as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
    1.     SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
    The SMTP protocol is the standard used by mail servers for sending and receiving email. In order to send email we will first establish a network connection to our SMTP server. Once you have finished sending your email message it is necessary that you disconnect from the SMTP server
    2.     MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
    The MIME protocol is the standard used when composing email messages.

  • Any help with crashing project?

    Hello,  I am a little new to Premiere pro but I don't feel this is a PEBCAC problem.  I have been working for 2 weeks on a project and everything has been fine.  I exported my sequence the other day and nothing to report, all good.  Today I open the project and as soon as all the media is loaded, everything seems normal.  It will sit there for ever idle no problems.  As soon as I move the timeline, the program crashes.
    I have not changed any media, changed any software, changed any hardware since my last session.  I have opened a new project and tried to import the previous project which worked until I moved the timeline.
    Seeing as everything was fine last time, I don't see how it could be a corrupt media file?  The next step was to try to move the initial files so they won't import and see if the process of elimination might work.
    Reading the event log (and I'm just making assumptions as I am not familiar with the information contained) it looks like [perhaps there is something wrong with the render engine?  When I scrub the timeline the renderer is faulty and crashed the program??  (Imagerenderer.dll)
    I have 18gb of RAM, I7 PC on windows 7 CS5 NVIDIA Quadro FX1700 video card.  There doesn't seem to be a logical explainantion seeing as nothing has changed.  The error log is below.
    Any help would really be appreciated.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          30/07/2011 9:25:49 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      Jason-PC
    Faulting application name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4d8a89e8
    Faulting module name: ImageRenderer.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4d8a7063
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x00000000001756df
    Faulting process id: 0x1ad8
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cc4ed3ae29b0ba
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5\Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5\ImageRenderer.dll
    Report Id: 9531f651-bac8-11e0-b67f-002421572b82
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Application Error" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2011-07-30T16:25:49.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>Adobe Premiere Pro.exe</Data>
        <Data>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5\Adobe Premiere Pro.exe</Data>
        <Data>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5\ImageRenderer.dll</Data>

    Question and a general comment
    Q - since this error indicates images, what kind of images (JPG, PSD, etc) and what pixel dimensions?
    C - As well as the below, right click the program icon and select Run as Administrator... which is NOT the same thing as running the computer with the Administrator account... and which fixes several "odd" problems
    Run as Administrator
    Long File Names or odd characters cause problems
    And #4
    And This Message Thread

  • Help with printing projects from photoshop elements

    I have been trying for a few days now to print a project from my elements 6 program and the colors are way off. I just recently got a new printer, Epson artisan 837. I didn't have this problem with my last printer. The printer prints normal from other programs, and I've tried a ton of different printing settings and I still can't get it. Help please.

    In Editor, go to Edit menu>color settings
    Check "Always Optimize Colors for Computer Screens".
    In the printer settings, check Printer Manages Colors.
    The point is that you don't want both PSE and the printer to manage colors.

  • Please Please Help with Projectile Project Here are the Codes

    I've got three(3) classes a Model, a view, and a controller.
    This is a project about is an animation of a cannonball being fired from a cannon and travelling under the effect of gravity.A cannon fired at angle 'a' to the horizontal and with an initial speed 's', will have an initial velocity given by:
    vx := s * cos(a);//velocity x equals the speed multiply by the cosine of angle a.
    vy := s * sin(a);//velocity y equals the speed multiply by the sine of angle a.
    Here are the code.
    /** Cannon specifies the expected behaviour of a cannon*/
    public class Cannon{
    public static final int TICK = 60;
    private int velocity = 0;
    private static final double gravity = .098f;
    private double angle = 0;
    // distances & positions are meausred in pixels
    private int x_pos; // ball's center x-position
    private int y_pos; // ball's center y-position
    // speed is measured in pixels per `tick'
    private int x_velocity; // horizonal speed; positive is to the right
    private int y_velocity; // vertical speed; positive is downwards
    public Cannon() {
    velocity = 3;
    angle = 60;
    angle = radians(angle);
    x_pos = 0;
    y_pos = 385;
    /** shoot fires a shot from the cannon*/
    public void shoot(){
    /**reload reloads the cannon with more shorts*/
    public void reload() {
    /** changeAngle changes the angle of the canon
    * @params value - the amount to add or subtract from the current angle value*/
    public void changeAngle(double value) {
    angle = (double)value;
    angle = radians(angle);
    /** getAngle returns the current angle value of the cannon*/
    public double getAngle() {
    return angle;
    /** changeVelocity changes the speed at which a cannon ball that is to be fire will travel at
    * @params value - the new speed at which the user wants a cannon ball to travel at.*/
    public void changeVelocityX(int value){
    x_velocity = x_velocity * (int)Math.cos(value);
    public void changeVelocityY(int value){
    y_velocity = y_velocity * (int)Math.sin(value);
    /** getVelocity returns the current velocity value of the cannon*/
    public int getVelocityX() {
    return x_velocity;
    public int getVelocityY() {
    return y_velocity;
    /** getGravity returns the current gravity value of the cannon*/
    public double getGravity() {
    return gravity;
    public int xPosition(){
    return x_pos;
    public int yPosition(){
    return y_pos;
    public void move(){
    double dx = getVelocityX() * Math.cos(getAngle());
    double dy = getVelocityY() * Math.sin(getAngle());
    double radians (double angle){
    return ((Math.PI * angle) / 180.0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /** CannonView displays a cannon being fired.*/
    public class CannonView extends JPanel{
    /** DISPLAY_SIZE specifies the overall display area of the cannon and the bucket.*/
    public static final int DISPLAY_AREA_SIZE = 600;
    public RotatablePolygon rectangle;
    public RotatablePolygon triangle;
    public Cannon cannon;
    public CannonView(Cannon c) {
    this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,450));
    cannon = c;
    int xRectangle[] = {0,0,40,40,0};
    int yRectangle[] = {400,300,300,400,400};
    int xTriangle[] = {0,20,40,0};
    int yTriangle[] = {300,280,300,300};
    rectangle = new RotatablePolygon (xRectangle, yRectangle, 5,20,350);
    // rectangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    // triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,0,290);
    triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,20,350);
    //triangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.setTitle("Width = " + frame.getWidth() + " , Height = " + frame.getHeight());
    /** drawBucket draws a bucket/target for which a moving cannon ball should hit.
    * @param g - the graphics pen for which the drawing should occur.*/
    public void drawBucket(Graphics g) {
    int xvalues[] = {495, 519, 575, 595, 495};
    int yvalues[] = {340, 400, 400, 340, 340};
    Polygon poly1 = new Polygon (xvalues, yvalues, 5);
    g.fillOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
    g.drawOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    /** drawCannon draws a cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannon(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g.fillOval(95, 340, 60, 60);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    g.fillArc(95, 340, 60, 60, i* 60, 30);
    g.fillOval(117, 362, 16, 16);
    /** drawCannonShots will draw the actual number of shots already used by the cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the shots of the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannonShots(Graphics g) {
    /** drawTrail will draw a trail of smoke to indicate where a cannon ball has passed
    * @param g - the graphics pen used to draw the trail.*/
    public void drawTrail(Graphics g){}
    /**drawGround draws the ground for which the cannon sits*/
    public void drawGround(Graphics g) {
    /** drawMovingCannonBall draw a cannon ball moving at a certain speed (velocity),
    * with a certain amount of gravitational acting upon it, at a certain angle.
    * @params g - the graphics pen used to draw the moving cannon ball.
    * @params gravity - the value of gravity.
    * @params velocity - the speed at which the ball is travelling.
    * @params angle - the angle at which the ball was shot from.*/
    public void drawMovingCannonBall(Graphics g, double gravity, double velocity, double angle){}
    /** paintComponent paints the cannon,bucket
    * @param g - graphics pen.*/
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    /** CannonController controls the interaction between the user and a cannon*/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class CannonController extends JFrame{
    public JMenuBar jMenuBar2;
    public JMenu jMenu2;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem1;
    public JMenu jMenu3;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem2;
    public JLabel angleLabel, velocityLabel;
    public JTextField angleTextField, velocityTextField;
    public JButton fireButton, reloadButton;
    public JSlider angleSlider, velocitySlider;
    private CannonView view;
    private Cannon cannon;
    int oldValue, newValue;
    public CannonController(Cannon acannon) {
    cannon = acannon;
    view = new CannonView(cannon);
    oldValue = angleSlider.getValue();
    newValue = oldValue + 1;
    /** loadControl loads all of the GUI controls that a
    * user of the cannon animation will use to interact with the program*/
    public void loadControls() {
    jMenuBar2 = new JMenuBar();
    jMenu2 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
    jMenu3 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
    angleLabel = new JLabel();
    velocityLabel = new JLabel();
    angleTextField = new JTextField();
    velocityTextField = new JTextField();
    fireButton = new JButton();
    reloadButton = new JButton();
    angleSlider = new JSlider();
    velocitySlider = new JSlider();
    jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    jMenuItem2.setText("About this Program");
    jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    setTitle("Cannon Controller Form");
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
    angleLabel.setLocation(10, 20);
    velocityLabel.setLocation(10, 80);
    angleTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    angleTextField.setBounds(280, 20, 30, 20);
    velocityTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    velocityTextField.setBounds(280, 80, 30, 20);
    fireButton.setToolTipText("Click to fire a shot");
    fireButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    fireButton.setBounds(60, 160, 80, 30);
    reloadButton.setToolTipText("Click to reload cannon");
    reloadButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    reloadButton.setBounds(150, 160, 80, 30);
    angleSlider.setToolTipText("Change the cannon angle");
    angleSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    angleSlider.setBounds(60, 20, 210, 40);
    velocitySlider.setToolTipText("Change the speed of the cannon ball");
    velocitySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    velocitySlider.setBounds(60, 80, 210, 50);
    private void reloadButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    private void fireButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    /** firstButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's fire method*/
    public void fireButtonClick() {
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You click Fire");
    /** reloadButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's reload method*/
    public void reloadButtonClick() {
    private void angleSliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    view.rectangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    view.triangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    private void velocitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void gravitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String message = "Cannon Animation\n"+
    "Based on the Logic of Projectiles";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"About this program",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    /** Exit the Application */
    private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    /** Pause execution for t milliseconds. */
    private void delay (int t) {
    try {
    Thread.sleep (t);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    public static void main(String [] args){
    Cannon cn = new Cannon();
    CannonController control = new CannonController(cn);
    if the cannon ball land in the bucket it should stop and the animation should indicate a 'hit' in some way. maybe by displaying a message.
    if the cannonball hits the outside of the bucket it should bounce off.
    Extra Notes.
    1) The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s to the (power of (2) eg s2.
    2) The distance travelled in time t by a body with initial velocity v under constant acceleration a is:
    v * t + a * t.pow(2) div 2;
    The velocity at the end of time t will be v + a * t.
    Distance is measure in pixels rather than meter so for simplicity we use 1 pixel per meter
    When i pressed the fire button nothings happens. I'm going crazy. Please please help!

    Here is the interface specification for the RotatablePolygon class. I do not have the actual .java source.
    Class RotatablePolygon
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.awt.Shape
    public class RotatablePolygon
    extends java.awt.geom.Area
    Polygons which can be rotated around an `anchor' point and also translated (moved in the x and y directions).
    Constructor Summary
    RotatablePolygon(int[] xs, int[] ys, int n, double x, double y)
    Create a new RotatablePolyogon with given vertices and anchor point (x,y).
    Method Summary
    double getAngle()
    The current angle of rotation.
    double getXanchor()
    x-coordinate of the anchor point.
    double getYanchor()
    y-coordinate of the anchor point.
    void rotate(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in radians) around the anchor.
    void rotateDegrees(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in degrees) around the anchor.
    void setAngle(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in radians) around the anchor.
    void setAngleDegrees(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in degrees) around the anchor.
    void setPosition(double x, double y)
    Shift the polygon's position to put its anchor point at (x,y).
    void translate(double dx, double dy)
    Shift the polygon's position and anchor point by given amounts.
    Methods inherited from class java.awt.geom.Area
    add, clone, contains, contains, contains, contains, createTransformedArea, equals, exclusiveOr, getBounds, getBounds2D, getPathIterator, getPathIterator, intersect, intersects, intersects, isEmpty, isPolygonal, isRectangular, isSingular, reset, subtract, transform
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    Constructor Detail
    public RotatablePolygon(int[] xs,
    int[] ys,
    int n,
    double x,
    double y)
    Create a new RotatablePolyogon with given vertices and anchor point (x,y).
    REQUIRE: xs.length >= n && ys.length >= n
    xs - x-coordinates of vertices
    ys - y-coordinates of vertices
    n - number of vertices
    x - x-coordinate of the rotation anchor
    y - y-coordinate of the rotation anchor
    Method Detail
    public void setPosition(double x,
    double y)
    Shift the polygon's position to put its anchor point at (x,y).
    x - new x-coordinate for anchor point
    y - new y-coordinate for anchor point
    public void translate(double dx,
    double dy)
    Shift the polygon's position and anchor point by given amounts.
    dx - amount to shift by in x-direction
    dy - amount to shift by in y-direction
    public void setAngle(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in radians) around the anchor.
    a - angle to rotate to, in radians
    public void setAngleDegrees(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in degrees) around the anchor.
    a - angle to rotate to, in degrees
    public void rotate(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in radians) around the anchor.
    da - angle to rotate by, in radians
    public void rotateDegrees(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in degrees) around the anchor.
    da - angle to rotate by, in degrees
    public double getAngle()
    The current angle of rotation.
    public double getXanchor()
    x-coordinate of the anchor point.
    public double getYanchor()
    y-coordinate of the anchor point.

  • Please Help with Physics Project Here are the codings

    I've got three(3) classes a Model, a view, and a controller.
    This is a project about is an animation of a cannonball being fired from a cannon and travelling under the effect of gravity.A cannon fired at angle 'a' to the horizontal and with an initial speed 's', will have an initial velocity given by:
    vx := s * cos(a);//velocity x equals the speed multiply by the cosine of angle a.
    vy := s * sin(a);//velocity y equals the speed multiply by the sine of angle a.
    Here are the code.
    /** Cannon specifies the expected behaviour of a cannon*/
    public class Cannon{
    public static final int TICK = 60;
    private int velocity = 0;
    private static final double gravity = .098f;
    private double angle = 0;
    // distances & positions are meausred in pixels
    private int x_pos; // ball's center x-position
    private int y_pos; // ball's center y-position
    // speed is measured in pixels per `tick'
    private int x_velocity; // horizonal speed; positive is to the right
    private int y_velocity; // vertical speed; positive is downwards
    public Cannon() {
    velocity = 3;
    angle = 60;
    angle = radians(angle);
    x_pos = 0;
    y_pos = 385;
    /** shoot fires a shot from the cannon*/
    public void shoot(){
    /**reload reloads the cannon with more shorts*/
    public void reload() {
    /** changeAngle changes the angle of the canon
    * @params value - the amount to add or subtract from the current angle value*/
    public void changeAngle(double value) {
    angle = (double)value;
    angle = radians(angle);
    /** getAngle returns the current angle value of the cannon*/
    public double getAngle() {
    return angle;
    /** changeVelocity changes the speed at which a cannon ball that is to be fire will travel at
    * @params value - the new speed at which the user wants a cannon ball to travel at.*/
    public void changeVelocityX(int value){
    x_velocity = x_velocity * (int)Math.cos(value);
    public void changeVelocityY(int value){
    y_velocity = y_velocity * (int)Math.sin(value);
    /** getVelocity returns the current velocity value of the cannon*/
    public int getVelocityX() {
    return x_velocity;
    public int getVelocityY() {
    return y_velocity;
    /** getGravity returns the current gravity value of the cannon*/
    public double getGravity() {
    return gravity;
    public int xPosition(){
    return x_pos;
    public int yPosition(){
    return y_pos;
    public void move(){
    double dx = getVelocityX() * Math.cos(getAngle());
    double dy = getVelocityY() * Math.sin(getAngle());
    double radians (double angle){
    return ((Math.PI * angle) / 180.0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /** CannonView displays a cannon being fired.*/
    public class CannonView extends JPanel{
    /** DISPLAY_SIZE specifies the overall display area of the cannon and the bucket.*/
    public static final int DISPLAY_AREA_SIZE = 600;
    public RotatablePolygon rectangle;
    public RotatablePolygon triangle;
    public Cannon cannon;
    public CannonView(Cannon c) {
    this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,450));
    cannon = c;
    int xRectangle[] = {0,0,40,40,0};
    int yRectangle[] = {400,300,300,400,400};
    int xTriangle[] = {0,20,40,0};
    int yTriangle[] = {300,280,300,300};
    rectangle = new RotatablePolygon (xRectangle, yRectangle, 5,20,350);
    // rectangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    // triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,0,290);
    triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,20,350);
    //triangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.setTitle("Width = " + frame.getWidth() + " , Height = " + frame.getHeight());
    /** drawBucket draws a bucket/target for which a moving cannon ball should hit.
    * @param g - the graphics pen for which the drawing should occur.*/
    public void drawBucket(Graphics g) {
    int xvalues[] = {495, 519, 575, 595, 495};
    int yvalues[] = {340, 400, 400, 340, 340};
    Polygon poly1 = new Polygon (xvalues, yvalues, 5);
    g.fillOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
    g.drawOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    /** drawCannon draws a cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannon(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g.fillOval(95, 340, 60, 60);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    g.fillArc(95, 340, 60, 60, i* 60, 30);
    g.fillOval(117, 362, 16, 16);
    /** drawCannonShots will draw the actual number of shots already used by the cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the shots of the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannonShots(Graphics g) {
    /** drawTrail will draw a trail of smoke to indicate where a cannon ball has passed
    * @param g - the graphics pen used to draw the trail.*/
    public void drawTrail(Graphics g){}
    /**drawGround draws the ground for which the cannon sits*/
    public void drawGround(Graphics g) {
    /** drawMovingCannonBall draw a cannon ball moving at a certain speed (velocity),
    * with a certain amount of gravitational acting upon it, at a certain angle.
    * @params g - the graphics pen used to draw the moving cannon ball.
    * @params gravity - the value of gravity.
    * @params velocity - the speed at which the ball is travelling.
    * @params angle - the angle at which the ball was shot from.*/
    public void drawMovingCannonBall(Graphics g, double gravity, double velocity, double angle){}
    /** paintComponent paints the cannon,bucket
    * @param g - graphics pen.*/
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    /** CannonController controls the interaction between the user and a cannon*/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class CannonController extends JFrame{
    public JMenuBar jMenuBar2;
    public JMenu jMenu2;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem1;
    public JMenu jMenu3;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem2;
    public JLabel angleLabel, velocityLabel;
    public JTextField angleTextField, velocityTextField;
    public JButton fireButton, reloadButton;
    public JSlider angleSlider, velocitySlider;
    private CannonView view;
    private Cannon cannon;
    int oldValue, newValue;
    public CannonController(Cannon acannon) {
    cannon = acannon;
    view = new CannonView(cannon);
    oldValue = angleSlider.getValue();
    newValue = oldValue + 1;
    /** loadControl loads all of the GUI controls that a
    * user of the cannon animation will use to interact with the program*/
    public void loadControls() {
    jMenuBar2 = new JMenuBar();
    jMenu2 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
    jMenu3 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
    angleLabel = new JLabel();
    velocityLabel = new JLabel();
    angleTextField = new JTextField();
    velocityTextField = new JTextField();
    fireButton = new JButton();
    reloadButton = new JButton();
    angleSlider = new JSlider();
    velocitySlider = new JSlider();
    jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    jMenuItem2.setText("About this Program");
    jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    setTitle("Cannon Controller Form");
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
    angleLabel.setLocation(10, 20);
    velocityLabel.setLocation(10, 80);
    angleTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    angleTextField.setBounds(280, 20, 30, 20);
    velocityTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    velocityTextField.setBounds(280, 80, 30, 20);
    fireButton.setToolTipText("Click to fire a shot");
    fireButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    fireButton.setBounds(60, 160, 80, 30);
    reloadButton.setToolTipText("Click to reload cannon");
    reloadButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    reloadButton.setBounds(150, 160, 80, 30);
    angleSlider.setToolTipText("Change the cannon angle");
    angleSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    angleSlider.setBounds(60, 20, 210, 40);
    velocitySlider.setToolTipText("Change the speed of the cannon ball");
    velocitySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    velocitySlider.setBounds(60, 80, 210, 50);
    private void reloadButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    private void fireButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    /** firstButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's fire method*/
    public void fireButtonClick() {
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You click Fire");
    /** reloadButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's reload method*/
    public void reloadButtonClick() {
    private void angleSliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    view.rectangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    view.triangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    private void velocitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void gravitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String message = "Cannon Animation\n"+
    "Based on the Logic of Projectiles";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"About this program",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    /** Exit the Application */
    private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    /** Pause execution for t milliseconds. */
    private void delay (int t) {
    try {
    Thread.sleep (t);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    public static void main(String [] args){
    Cannon cn = new Cannon();
    CannonController control = new CannonController(cn);
    if the cannon ball land in the bucket it should stop and the animation should indicate a 'hit' in some way. maybe by displaying a message.
    if the cannonball hits the outside of the bucket it should bounce off.
    Extra Notes.
    1) The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s to the (power of (2) eg s2.
    2) The distance travelled in time t by a body with initial velocity v under constant acceleration a is:
    v * t + a * t.pow(2) div 2;
    The velocity at the end of time t will be v + a * t.
    Distance is measure in pixels rather than meter so for simplicity we use 1 pixel per meter
    When i pressed the fire button nothings happens. I'm going crazy. Please please help!

    U put something on forum and keeping silence.If it is not necessary dont put in forum.I moved your cannon ball.If u want continous movement I need some more information.

  • I need help with exporting project for the web

    Probably something i am doing wron g but here are the problems. When I use Quicktime Converter, if I try to convert to a Quicktime movie or an MPEG-4 nothing happens and i get a 'File error;File Unknown message' when i try to convert to an AVI File, it works, but even though I have already rendered the project, it shows up with little flashes of blue that say 'unrendered'. and finally, when I try to make it a w
    Windows Media File, it stops after 29 seconds. Any ideas?
    I have an iMac with dual core processor, and FCE HD 3.5.1. I have my video files on an external drive.
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    perform a search using the term export for web and it should throw up some ideas.
    here's one for starters:
    If you're using flip4mac to convert to wmv, the trial stops at 30 seconds - you need at least wmvstudio to export to wmv:

  • Help With A Project " XML Photo Gallery"

    Hi all thanks for taking the time to look at this post,
    I have made a Photo Gallery using Xml but im having a bit of
    trouble getting it to work, What i mean is that i have saved my xml
    gallery as a .swf file and im loading it into a loader componet of
    another .swf file.
    The gallery is the screen shots for my Clans webpage. But
    when i load the gallery .swf file into the themain.swf file i get
    no pictures or captions.
    I used a tutorial to make this work
    Flash XML Basics video.
    My website thats in development can bew viewed here
    (please note this is still in draft as we are trying to include xml
    to make the swf files smaller)
    The Gallery file can be viewed here
    (this works but the buttons do not go to the next picture)
    The Actual .fla file is here
    Please Please Please can someone help me with my problem (not
    the drinking problem) this is driving me made and i can't
    understand why it is doing this


  • Help with a project for school

    This is the code that I came up with. The assignment for school said to edit the code I came up with for a program that will tell you the total pay with regular hours and overtime hours combined. Now we have to edit it using methods. I tried my best for the last 4 hours or so trying to figure this out but I need help because I can't figure this out. There is an error in the General Output that says "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MethodsOne
    Exception in thread "main"
    Process completed." I cant figure out how to get rid of that. Other than that I cant seem to get it to do anything else that I would like it to do, like the actual calculations to get the final answer. Any helpful input on how to fix it would be awesome! Thanks!
    import TerminalIO.*;
    public class MethodsOne {
         private static String emp;
         private static double rate;
         private static int hours;
         private static int overtime;
         private static double overtimehours;
    public static void main(String Args[])
         public static void stateEmpId()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee ID: ");
              emp = reader.readLine();
           public static Void stateRate()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee Hourly Wage: ");
              rate = reader.readDouble();
         public static Void calcHours()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee Weekly Hours: ");
              hours = reader.readInt();
         public static void calcOvertime()
              System.out.print ("Enter Employee Overtime Hours: ");
              overtime = reader.readInt();
         public static void calcOvertimehours()
              overtimehours = ((1.5 * calcOvertime + CalcHours) * (StateRate));
         public static void calcEntirePay()
         System.out.println ("Your Total Pay for the week is:$ ");
         System.out.print (overtimehours);
    }Edited by: AndyB5073 on Nov 10, 2007 2:51 PM

    hi, sorry for my english. I�m change your source because you have problem to read to standar input (console). I wrote coments. bye good luck
    public class MethodsOne {
         private static String emp;
         private static double rate;
         private static double hours;
         private static double overtime;
         private static double overtimehours;
    public static String inputRead() {
         byte buff[] = new byte[80]; // length line console
         try {
         } catch (IOException e) {
              System.out.print ("input text length highest 80 ");
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         return new String(buff);
    public static void main(String args[])
         public static void stateEmpId()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee ID: ");
              emp = inputRead();
           public static  void stateRate()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee Hourly Wage: ");
              String tmp = inputRead();
              rate = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
         public static void calcHours()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee Weekly Hours: ");
              String tmp = inputRead();
              hours = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
         public static void calcOvertime()
              System.out.println ("Enter Employee Overtime Hours: ");
              String tmp = inputRead();
              overtime = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
         public static void calcOvertimeHours()
              // overtimehours = ((1.5 * calcOvertime + CalcHours)* (StateRate));
              // bad --- dont use this methods: They are called in the main. Uses local variable
              overtimehours = ((1.5 * overtime + hours)* rate);
              // good --- using local variables
         public static void calcEntirePay()
         System.out.println ("Your Total Pay for the week is:$ ");
         System.out.print (overtimehours);

  • Need help with a project

    I'm a final year engineering student doing my project on cloud computing. Our project is a web application developed which concerns the issue of cloud security.Our lecturers asked us to put it on the cloud instead of showing it as a web application. So we
    are trying the trial version of Windows Azure. I need help in putting my project on to the cloud. Please help regarding this as soon as possible... 
    We are using Apache tomcat, JDK 1.6, Wamp server for our web application and we have developed this using netbeans IDE
    Very Urgent!!!

    Hello there, if you're still looking for help you might not be in the right forum.  This fourm is all about Azure SQL Database.

  • Help with university project

    Hi there.
    I´m having trouble assigning buttons to go to the next
    scene, with sound and rollovers.
    So i will start with the first doubt:
    First of all i have a bitmap image filling the entire screen
    (800 x 600) which will be used for my first scene. The i have a
    button in the scene that i want it to make it clickable so that the
    user goes to the next scene.
    What i don´t understand is that i should convert the
    bitmap to a movie clip and the button to a button?
    As far as the rollover goes, i´ve sucessefully made it
    well but again i don´t know how to send it to the next frame.
    I think i´ve done it two times to edit the
    button and change the Up, Down, Over and Hit frames with new
    buttons but then i can´t make it go to the next frame.
    There´s also other things that i´m not making it
    well which is sound so i will list all my questions in below in
    order to make it more understandable:
    1 - How do i go to the next scene/frame using a rollover
    2 - How do i make a button with sound where the user presses
    to play/stop the sound?
    3 - This is related to question #2...when the user presses
    that button to listen the sound how do i trigger another button to
    show up in the scene?
    That´s all for now, i need a rest for today because
    things aren´t going my way. Please help me with this.
    This website will also help

  • Need help with Hibernate project

    Can anyone help me with the errors I'm getting with my code? Here is what I have.
    package; import; import; import; import; public class BookPublisherClient { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create publishers Publisher publisher1 = new Publisher(); publisher1.setId(1); publisher1.setPublisher("Best Publishers"); PublisherDAO.createPublisher(publisher1); Publisher publisher2 = new Publisher(); publisher2.setId(2); publisher2.setPublisher("Smith and Sons Publishing"); PublisherDAO.createPublisher(publisher2); Publisher publisher3 = new Publisher(); publisher3.setId(3); publisher3.setPublisher("Really Good Publishers"); PublisherDAO.createPublisher(publisher3); // Create books Book book1 = new Book(); book1.setId(1); book1.setPublisher("Best Publishers"); book1.setTitle("Learning J2EE"); book1.setAuthor("John Smith"); BookDAO.createBook(book1); Book book2 = new Book(); book2.setId(2); book2.setPublisher("Best Publishers"); book2.setTitle("J2EE Made Easy"); book2.setAuthor("Tom Johnson"); BookDAO.createBook(book2); Book book3 = new Book(); book3.setId(3); book3.setPublisher("Smith and Sons Publishing"); book3.setTitle("J2EE Tutorial"); book3.setAuthor("Jim Van Buren"); BookDAO.createBook(book3); Book book4 = new Book(); book4.setId(4); book4.setPublisher("Smith and Sons Publishing"); book4.setTitle("Java for C++ Programmers"); book4.setAuthor("James McKinley"); BookDAO.createBook(book4); Book book5 = new Book(); book5.setId(5); book5.setPublisher("Smith and Sons Publishing"); book5.setTitle("J2EE"); book5.setAuthor("Tom Adams"); BookDAO.createBook(book5); Book book6 = new Book(); book6.setId(6); book6.setPublisher("Really Good Publishers"); book6.setTitle("So You Wanna Be A Java Programmer!"); book6.setAuthor("William Wilson"); BookDAO.createBook(book6); Book book7 = new Book(); book7.setId(7); book7.setPublisher("Really Good Publishers"); book7.setTitle("Learning J2EE"); book7.setAuthor("John Smith"); BookDAO.createBook(book7); // Test PublisherDAO's ability to list a publisher's books PublisherDAO.listBooksByPublisher("Smith and Sons Publishing"); // Test Book DAO's ability to list a book's publisher BookDAO.getPublisherById(6); } }
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "" > <hibernate-mapping package=""> <class name="" table="publisher"> <id name="id"> <generator class="assigned" /> </id> <property name="message" type="string" column="publisher"></property> <property name="bookSet" column="bookSet"></property> <many-to-one name="book" column="bookId" update="false" /> <set name="books" table="book" inverse="true" lazy="true" order-by="bookId"> <key column="publisher" /> <one-to-many class="Book" /> </set> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "" > <hibernate-mapping package=""> <class name="" table="book"> <id name="bookId"> <generator class="assigned" /> </id> <property name="message" type="string" column="publisher"></property> <property name="message" type="string" column="title"></property> <property name="message" type="string" column="author"></property> </class> </hibernate-mapping>
    Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource publisher.hbm.xml at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure( at at Caused by: org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: field [bookSet] not found on at at at at org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.getter( at org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.reflectedPropertyClass( at org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue.setTypeUsingReflection( at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.createProperty( at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.createClassProperties( at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.createClassProperties( at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues( at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.bindRootClass( at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.bindRoot( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.add( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource( ... 8 more

    I've made some changes to my, which I'd forgotten to post here anyway, but which I do now. Below is the new exception list I'm getting. Can anyone help me?
    import java.util.Set;
    public class Publisher {
         private int id;
         private String publisher;
         private Set<Book> bookSet;
         public int getId() {
              return id;
         public void setId(int id) {
     = id;
         public String getPublisher() {
              return publisher;
         public void setPublisher(String publisher) {
              this.publisher = publisher;
         public Set<Book> getBooks() {
              return bookSet;
         public void setBooks(Set<Book> bookSet) {
              this.bookSet = bookSet;
    Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource publisher.hbm.xml
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure(
    Caused by: org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: field [book] not found on
         at org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.getter(
         at org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.reflectedPropertyClass(
         at org.hibernate.mapping.ToOne.setTypeUsingReflection(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.createProperty(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.createClassProperties(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.createClassProperties(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.bindRootClass(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder.bindRoot(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.add(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource(
         ... 8 more

  • Help with Java project!!!

    Please help me out with this, I've written this as a start to my program about kids grades and it won't compile!! I've tried everything, I just have no clue why it won't work.
    // John:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class firsts {
    public static void main ( String args[] )
    { int Students;
    int firsts;int twoone; int twotwo; int third; int pass; int fail; int resultCounter; int result;
    int total;
    double average;
    String StudentsString;
    firsts = 0;
    twotwo = 0;
    twoone = 0;
    third = 0;
    pass = 0;
    fail = 0;
    resultCounter = 0;
    total = 0;
    Students = 0;
    StudentsString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( "Enter number of students in the class (up to 20): " ) ;
    Students = Integer.parseInt( StudentsString);
    if ( Students <=-1 || >=21 ) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ("No such Account Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    else if ( Students == 0 ) System.exit(0) ;
    else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Class average is ", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Johns Java>C:\j2sdk1.4.1\bin\javac illegal start of expression
    if ( Students <=-1 || >=21 ) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ("No such Account Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    ^ ')' expected
    if ( Students <=-1 || >=21 ) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ("No such Account Number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    ^ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method showMessageDialog (java.lang.String,int)
    location: class javax.swing.JOptionPane
    else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Class average is ", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    3 errors
    What am I doing wrong? Please help!!!

    Again, I've been all around the bushes trying to alter this but I still get 13 errors! Everytime a mark is entered I am trying to add it into the correct category so that at the end I can see how many have firsts, seconds, thirds etc. I just cannot see what I'm doing wrong.
    // John:
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class arp extends JFrame {  public arp() 
    {    double average;   
    String StudentsString;
    // declaration and initialisation //
    int firsts = 0;
    int twotwo = 0;
    int twoone = 0;
    int third = 0;
    int pass = 0;
    int fail = 0;
    int resultCounter = 0;
    int total = 0;
    int Students = 0;
    int Studentmark;
    StudentsString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,"Enter number of students in the class (up to 20): ");
    {      Students = Integer.parseInt(StudentsString);    }
    // could also write this as //
    if(Students <= -1 || Students >= 21)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ERROR", "The number needs to be between 0-20", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    else if(Students == 0)
    else while (resultCounter <= Students) resultCounter ++;
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,"Enter mark (0-100) for Student" + resultCounter + " :- ");
    { Studentmark = Integer.parseInt(StudentsString);}
    if (Studentmark >=70 && <=100) firsts++;
    else if (Studentmark >=60 && <=69) twoone++;
    else if (Studentmark >=50 && <=59) twotwo++;
    else if (Studentmark >=41 && <=49) third++;
    else if (Studentmark >=38 && <=40) pass++;
    else if (Studentmark >=37 && <=0) fail++;
    else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ERROR", "The student mark needs to be between 0-100", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {       System.exit(0);     } }); // illegal start of expression
    if (Studentmark >=70 && <=100) (firsts++);
    ^ ')' expected
    if (Studentmark >=70 && <=100) (firsts++);
    ^ illegal start of expression
    else if (Studentmark >=60 && <=69) (twoone++);
    ^ ')' expected
    else if (Studentmark >=60 && <=69) (twoone++);
    ^ illegal start of expression
    else if (Studentmark >=50 && <=59) (twotwo++);
    ^ ')' expected
    else if (Studentmark >=50 && <=59) (twotwo++);
    ^ illegal start of expression
    else if (Studentmark >=41 && <=49) (third++);
    ^ ')' expected
    else if (Studentmark >=41 && <=49) (third++);
    ^ illegal start of expression
    else if (Studentmark >=38 && <=40) (pass++);
    ^ ')' expected
    else if (Studentmark >=38 && <=40) (pass++);
    ^ illegal start of expression
    else if (Studentmark <=37 && >=0) (fail++);
    ^ ')' expected
    else if (Studentmark <=37 && >=0) (fail++);
    ^ '}' expected
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {       System.exit(0);     } }); // we can use pack() or setSize() here //pack(); setSize(300,200); setLocation(300,200); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) {    arp firsts = new arp();  }}
    13 errors

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