Help with Comboboxes inside a repeater

Hi, I have a problem that I really need some help, if anyone knows how to do it.
I have to make in flex a dynamic form that has X questions and each question can be answered 3 times by sellecting Y options in a combobox. As you can Imagine the number of questions and answers can change.
Something like this:
QUESTION                          FIRST ANSWER   2nd ANSWER      3rd ANSWER
1- Which option do you like?  Combobox: A      Combobox: C        CB: A
2- Second Question?             Combobox: B      Combobox: C        CB: D
3- Third Question?                 Combobox: A      Combobox: Blank  CB: B
(CB: means Combobox - I just made it shorter so it could fit the window)
I managed to correctly using a repeater show all the questions and each combobox has all the right options inside. All I want now is to get the data from those comboboxes.
This is a Simplified code (I removed all the non-essencial stuff) so you can get an idea:
<mx:Repeater id="rp">
<mx:VBox label="{rp.currentItem.nome}"
<mx:Repeater id="qt"
<mx:HBox width="100%"
<!-- This is the question text -->
<mx:Text text="{String(qt.currentItem.nome)}"
<!-- Next, are the 3 comboboxes that are repeated X times -->
                                        <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{grau}"
                                        <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{grau}"
                                        <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{grau}"
Anyone has an idea of how can I get all the answers from all my dynamic comboboxes?
The perfect AND ideal solution would be having X Dynamic objects with the question id + the combobox id storing the answer sellected.
So I would know that the question 32 has the answers A, B and A for an example. + = selectedLabel
(question ID) + (combobox id) = (selectedLabel)
32auto = 'A'
32superior = 'B'
32resultado = 'A'
Or just one arraycollection with all the answers...
At this point, I would accept any answer or idea or sollution...
Thanks a lot!!

I've looked at the HR schema to provide an example
From the EMPLOYEES table I would like to return the EMPLOYEE_IDs of the employees with the highest SALARY per JOB_ID. When considering the employees that have the same JOB_ID, if any of the employees have a MANAGER_ID of x then no employee is returned for that group of employees with the same JOB_ID. x will be passed in as a parameter to my procedure.
MANAGER_ID of 99 passed in
All of the EMPLOYEE_IDs with the max SALARY per JOB_ID returned - no one has a manager with MANAGER_ID of 99
MANAGER_ID of 101 passed in
101 returned - Neena has the max salary of all the AD_VPs and neither of the AD_VPs has a MANAGER_ID of 101 (ok I know this isn't true about the salary!)
102 returned - Alexander has the max salary of all IT_PROGs and none of them has MANAGER_ID of 101
(108 not returned as Nancy has MANAGER_ID of 101)
109 returned - Daniel has the max salary of all the FI_ACCOUNTs and none of them has MANAGER_ID of 101
etc... for all JOB_IDs
MANAGER_ID of 102 passed in
101 returned - Neena has the max salary of all the AD_VPs and neither of the AD_VPs has a MANAGER_ID of 102 (ok I know this isn't true about the salary!)
(no IT_PROGs returned as Alexander has MANAGER_ID of 102)
108 returned - Nancy has max SALARY and not a MANAGER_ID of 102
109 returned - Daniel has the max salary of all the FI_ACCOUNTs and none of them has MANAGER_ID of 102
etc... for all JOB_IDs
MANAGER_ID of 103 passed in
101 returned - Neena has the max salary of all the AD_VPs and neither of the AD_VPs has a MANAGER_ID of 103 (ok I know this isn't true about the salary!)
(no IT_PROGs returned as several have MANAGER_ID of 103)
108 returned - Nancy has max SALARY and not a MANAGER_ID of 103
109 returned - Daniel has the max salary of all the FI_ACCOUNTs and none of them has MANAGER_ID of 103
etc... for all JOB_IDs
Hope this helps to explain things, and thanks to anyone that can help

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    How do you have the nerve to say you can't find any tutorial?

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    I am trying to make this application display all its labels in a different language depending on which locale the user picks from the ComboBox. The variables are being read from the ResourceBundles correctly (see command-line debugging statements) but I cannot get the pane to 'refresh' when the item is selected. I've tried everything I can think of! Please help! :)
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    Thank you for any advice, help or hints you can give!
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.util.ResourceBundle;
    import java.util.TimeZone;
    public class PrjGUI extends JFrame
       //**** Instance Variables for both classes
       private JRadioButton optGram, optOz;
       private JTextField txtWeightEnter, txtResult, txtDateTime;
       private JButton cmdConvert;
       private JComboBox comboSelectLocale;
            //arrays--one for combo box list, and the other for values to use when a particular list item is selected
       private String[] localeList = {"English, USA", "Fran\u00E7ais, France", "Espag\u00F1ol, M\u00E9xico"};
       private Locale[] localeCode = {(new Locale("en", "US")), (new Locale("fr", "FR")), (new Locale("es", "MX"))};
       private JLabel lblChoose, lblWeightEnter;
       protected String titleTxt, enterTxt, btnTxt, gramTxt, ozTxt, resultDisplayTxt, localeTimeZone, dateFormat;
       protected ResourceBundle res;
       protected Locale currentLocale;
       //declare Handler Object
       private CmdConvertWeight convertWeight;
       //**************main method******************
       public static void main(String[] args)
          PrjGUI convertWeight1 = new PrjGUI();
       }//end of main******************************
       public PrjGUI()
          //create panel for components
          Container pane = getContentPane();
          //set the layout
          pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1, 5, 5));
          //set the color
          //make a font to use in components
          Font font1 = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 16);
          /**New calendar object to display the date and time*/
          GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
          DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, Locale.US);
          /**currentLocale = localeCode[comboSelectLocale.getSelectedIndex()];
          DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, currentLocale); //uses key for ResourceBundle*/
          TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("CST");
          //TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(localeTimeZone); //uses key for resourceBundle
          //***create UI objects***
          /**NEW OBJECTS FOR prjInternational:
           * a drop-down combobox, a label, and a txt field
          txtDateTime = new JTextField(formatter.format(calendar.getTime()));
          //txtDateTime = formatter.format(calendar.getTime());
          lblChoose = new JLabel("Please choose your language.");
          lblChoose.setBackground(new Color(0, 212, 255)); //aqua blue
          comboSelectLocale = new JComboBox(localeList);
          comboSelectLocale.setBackground(new Color(0, 212, 255)); //aqua blue
          //add a listener to the combo box to get the selected item
          /**default values for variables so I can debug--at the moment
           * I can't get the resouceBundle to work--it can't locate the
           * file.  So I will hard code these in for now.
          /*titleTxt="Food Weight Converter";
          enterTxt="Please enter the Weight you wish to convert.";
          btnTxt="Convert this weight!";
          resultDisplayTxt="Result will display here.";*/
          comboSelectLocale.addItemListener(new ItemListener()
               public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
                    res = setCurrentLocale(comboSelectLocale.getSelectedIndex());
                  //set variables from Resource Bundle
                  /* titleTxt = res.getString("titleTxt");
                   System.out.println(res.getString("enterTxt")); //debug
                   enterTxt = res.getString("enterTxt");
                   btnTxt = res.getString("enterTxt");
                   gramTxt = res.getString("gramTxt");
                   ozTxt = res.getString("ozTxt");
                   resultDisplayTxt = res.getString("resultDisplayTxt");*/
          //2 radio buttons
          //optGram = new JRadioButton("grams", true);
          optGram = new JRadioButton(gramTxt, true);
          //optOz = new JRadioButton("oz.");
          optOz = new JRadioButton(ozTxt);
          //button group so only one can be chosen
          ButtonGroup weightUnit = new ButtonGroup();
          //label and text field for weight
          //JLabel lblWeightEnter = new JLabel("Please enter the weight you wish to convert:");
          JLabel lblWeightEnter = new JLabel(enterTxt);
          txtWeightEnter = new JTextField("20.05", 6);
          txtWeightEnter.setBackground(new Color(205, 255, 0)); //lime green
          //button to make conversion
          //cmdConvert = new JButton("Convert this weight!");
          cmdConvert = new JButton(btnTxt);
          //textfield to display result
          //txtResult = new JTextField("Result will display here");
          txtResult = new JTextField(resultDisplayTxt);
          txtResult.setBackground(new Color(205, 255, 0)); //lime green
          //register the handler
          convertWeight = new CmdConvertWeight();
          //add content to pane
          //create window for object
          setSize(400, 300);
       }//end of constructor
       private class CmdConvertWeight implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
             //System.out.println("we made it to the Action Listener"); //debug
             //get info from fields
             double weight = Double.parseDouble(txtWeightEnter.getText());
             double weightConvert = 0;
             String weightConvertString;
             if (optGram.isSelected())//if user's weight is in grams, converting to oz
             weightConvert = weight/28.35;
             weightConvertString = Double.toString(weightConvert);
             txtResult.setText(txtWeightEnter.getText() + " grams is equal to " + weightConvertString + " oz.");
             }//end if gram select
             else if (optOz.isSelected())//if user's weight is in oz, converting to grams
             weightConvert = weight*28.35;
             weightConvertString = Double.toString(weightConvert);
             txtResult.setText(txtWeightEnter.getText() + " oz. is equal to " + weightConvertString + " grams.");
             }//end if oz select
         }//end actionPerformed
      }//end CmdConvertWeight
       /**setCurrentLocale method from combo box listener*/
       public ResourceBundle setCurrentLocale(int index)
            Locale currentLocale = localeCode[index];
            System.out.println(currentLocale); //debug
            System.out.println("MyResource_" + currentLocale); //debug
            ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MyResource_" + currentLocale);
            return res;
       }//end setCurrentLocale
       public void updateItems(ResourceBundle res)
       }//end updateItems
    }//end of class PrjGUIResourceBundles(each in a different file)
    public class MyResource_fr_FR extends java.util.ListResourceBundle
         static final Object[][] contents =
              {"titleTxt", "Convertisseur de poids de nourriture"},
              {"enterTxt", "Veuillez \u00E9crire le poids que vous souhaitez convertir."},
              {"btnTxt", "Convertissez ce poids!"},
              {"gramTxt", "grammes"},
              {"ozTxt", "onces"},
              {"resultDisplayTxt", "Le r\u00E9sultat montrera ici."},
              {"localeTimeZone", "CET"},
              {"dateFormat", "Locale.FR"}
         public Object[][] getContents()
              return contents;
    public class MyResource_es_MX extends java.util.ListResourceBundle
         static final Object[][] contents =
              {"titleTxt", "Convertidor del peso del alimento"},
              {"enterTxt", "Incorpore por favor el peso que usted desea convertir."},
              {"btnTxt", "\u00F1convierta este peso!"},
              {"gramTxt", "gramos"},
              {"ozTxt", "onzas"},
              {"resultDisplayTxt", "El resultado exhibir\u00E1 aqu\u00ED."},
              {"localeTimeZone", "CST"},
              {"dateFormat", "Locale.MX"}     
         public Object[][] getContents()
              return contents;
    public class MyResource_en_US extends java.util.ListResourceBundle
         static final Object[][] contents =
              {"titleTxt", "Food Weight Converter"},
              {"enterTxt", "Please enter the weight you wish to convert."},
              {"btnTxt", "Convert this weight!"},
              {"gramTxt", "grams"},
              {"ozTxt", "oz"},
              {"resultDisplayTxt", "Result will display here."},
              {"localeTimeZone", "CST"},
              {"dateFormat", "Locale.US"}
         public Object[][] getContents()
              return contents;
    }Edited by: JessePhoenix on Nov 2, 2008 8:30 PM

    catman2u wrote:
    does anyone from Lenovo actually read this forum?
    From the Communiy Rules in the Welcome section....
     Objectives of Lenovo Discussion Forums
    These communities have been created to provide a high quality atmosphere in which users of Lenovo products and services may share experiences and expertise. While members from Lenovo may participate at intervals to engage in the discussions and offer advice and suggestions, this forum is not designed as a dedicated and staffed support channel. This is an informal and public forum, and Lenovo does not guarantee the accuracy of information and advice posted here -- see important Warranty information below.
    No amount of ranting is going to get you anything more than you will achieve with a clear exposition of your issue... so you might want to try doing that instead of ranting and assuming that everyone already knows what you know etc etc.
    I don't work for Lenovo

  • Help with some basic AS3 repeating scripts?

    Hello everyone,
    I have been asked to put together what I thought was a simple flash banner for a corporate site.  I am using Flash 8 and AS3, and the code is contained on a layer on frame 1.
    What I am attempting to do is slide a graphic from the right side of the page to the left.  Wait for 5 seconds, and the slide it down the page, and off the screen.  As the graphic is sliding down, a new graphic is sliding in from the right.  I have six different graphics that I need to do this with, and when the last one slides down, the whole thing repeats.
    I seem to be stuck and can't figure out how to do this....
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    var myIconArray:Array = new Array();
    myIconArray=[icon1, icon2, icon3, icon4, icon5, icon6];
    function SlideTextIn(myMC_Text, myMC){
      var myHoriTween1:Tween = new fl.transitions.Tween(myIconArray[myMC], "x", fl.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 700, 250, 2, true);
      myHoriTween1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishedTween);
    function SlideTextDown (myMC_Text, myMC){
      var myHoriTween4:Tween = new fl.transitions.Tween(myIconArray[myMC_Text], "y", fl.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 140, 600, 2, true);
    if(ArrayCounter+1 == 6){
    function finishedTween(event:Event):void {
    if(ArrayCounter >= 6){
    function finishedTextDown(event:Event):void {
      myIconArray[ArrayCounter].x = 700;
      myIconArray[ArrayCounter].y = 100;

    Okay, I went back a attempted to clean up my code...this is what it looks like now:
    function SlideTextIn(myMC_Text, myMC){
    myText.text = ArrayCounter;
    myHoriTween1= new fl.transitions.Tween(myIconArray[myMC_Text], "x", fl.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 700, 250, 2, true);
    myHoriTween1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishedTween)
    function finishedTween(e:TweenEvent):void {
    myHoriTween1.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishedTween);
    trace("loopCounter : " + loopCounter +" " +ArrayCounter)
    function SlideTextDown (myMC_Text, myMC){
    trace("Inside SlideTextDown " + myMC_Text)
    myHoriTween4= new fl.transitions.Tween(myIconArray[myMC_Text], "y", fl.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 140, 300, 2, true);
    myHoriTween4.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishedTextDown);
    function finishedTextDown(event:Event):void {
    myHoriTween4.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishedTextDown);
    myIconArray[ArrayCounter].x = 800;
    myIconArray[ArrayCounter].y = 80;
    This will loop through all six graphics without a problem, and then start over again.  But, I can't seem to find a good way of sliding one graphic in from the right whilst the one is sliding down off the screen.

  • Need help with "paste inside" feature, please!

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    Hi JBinReno,
    You may be referring to a clipping mask. Say I want this image of a city to be contained inside of this sheared rectangle.
    Just select both the shape and the image and choose Object > Clipping Mask > Make.
    To edit the image inside of the shape, simply double click on the graphic and you can edit "inside".
    Is this the solution you're looking for?

  • Help with loops inside a method

    I am having a bunch of problems creating a loop inside my 'mean' method. What i want do is set up a loop to give me the average of the numbers of the input that i entered. Can anyone assist me in creating this loop?
    My code:
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class Labtest6{
    public static void main (String args []) throws IOException {
    int MAX = 100;
    int MIN = 0;
    int [] list = new int [MAX];
    int count = 0; // ammount of items//
    double guess;
    double x;
    double avg;
    double var;
    double stdDev;
    BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance ();
    nf.setMaximumFractionDigits (2);
    nf.setMinimumFractionDigits (2);
    count = read_list (list);
    avg = mean (list, count);
    System.out.println (count);
    System.out.println (avg);
    public static int read_list (int [] list)throws IOException {
    BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
    int count = 0;
    String item = stdin.readLine ();
    while (item != null)
    list [count] = Integer.parseInt (item);
    ++ count;
    item = stdin.readLine ();
    return (count);
    public static double mean (int [] list, double count) {

    That's not our job. It is your homework. Once you have made an attempt at it and can't get it to work, paste your code and ask a specific question. You won't get any help if all you do is whine about how you can't do it.
    P.S. When pasting code, highlight it and click the code button to retain formatting.
    Message was edited by:

  • I need help with Combobox

    Hi there!
    I have 2 tables:
    categ --> save namecatg
    The categories are loaded in a combobox and when I search a product I need display the record that I choose in a datagrid after search.
    I made this function that works except for the combobox that seems reload because always show the same value.
    public function editProd(id_myprod:Number, codproduct:String, catego:String, nameproduct:String):void {
    id_selected = id_myprod;
    codprod_p.text = codproduct;
    categ_p.selectedItem.categ = catego; // IT DOESN'T WORK
    nameprod_p.text = nameproduct;
    in my mxml I have...
    <mx:TextInput  id="codprod_p"/>
    <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{categoriesList}" width="160" labelField="namecateg"  id="categ_p" ></mx:ComboBox>
    <mx:TextInput id="nameprod_p"/>
    Hope someone can help me...

    If you're using 3.5, you might be running into a known bug.

  • Beginner needs help with subform inside of subform

    I need to add a few different subforms depending upon the answers given in the form.  The first level is phase. Then they answer the question does this phase have tasks?  If yes then I want the tasks subform to appear.  If no then I want then I want the working org subform to appear.  After they answer then they have the option of adding another phase and starting the process again.  I have the phase adding again, but cannot figure out to have addtional subforms in between the phases.  Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated.

    The answer to this depends on how the content of the  tasks and working org sections are organized.  Since each phase entry is set up as a table that's in a row of a parent table, the only way to insert a section under the phase would be to add a row.  You can add a row for tasks and a row for working org after the phase row, so that every time you insert a phase you'll get both.  Set them both to hidden, and unhide the appropriate row based on the answer to the "tasks" question.  The only issue is that if your task and working org info is complex it'll be tricky to format all of the info as a table row.  This can be done by making your row one cell wide (full width of the row) and setting that cell content to a subform, then adding all of your info into the subform.  However if there's a lot of data then the row constraint may be an problem.
    The other method would be to convert the phase section to a subform, then have three child subforms inside: phase, tasks and working org.  The idea is the same as what you're doing now, but you're using subforms rather than table rows.  You can add instances of subforms the same way that you add instances of table rows.
    I wired up your example using rows; see the attached form.

  • Need help with QS inside pictures

    I've got my G4 back after lend it to a friend. Looks like some one went through it. There is something missing on the bottom part, the wires are hanging loose. I have misplace the book that came with it. There are some pics I've found on line but don't show the lower (where the fan is) part of interior. If some one have a G4 1ghz DP QS and have the booklet, can you please either e-mail me the pages that show the interior or snap a digital and e-mail it to me at [email protected]
    Greatly appriciated.

    Hi, Yhai -
    It is normal for there to be a few loose wires (meaning wires with unconnected connectors) in a QS model.
    G4s usually come pre-equipped to accept a second internal drive, including having unused connectors (on the data cable and power bus) available in the vicinity of where the second drive would mount.
    There may be even more connectors available, for example, if the previous owner added a PCI card so he/she could have a couple of additional internal drives, then removed those drives but left the card and its cable(s) in the machine.

  • Need help with swf inside swf

    Hello. The last few weeks I have come along way in flash,
    being new to the whole software. I have watched numerous video
    tutorials, one from about creating a simple
    So after this, he saves as fla. I want it to be a movie I
    embed on my flash website, labeled gallery. I have tried different
    ways to do this, import to library. I exported my gallery as an SWF
    movie, AND of course, FLA so I can go back and tweak as needed.
    When I import the SWF to the library, so I can place it in
    the gallery frame of my master movie, it brings in ALL the pictures
    and next and prev buttons. It brings in all the frames into the
    library, AND the SWF file. When I convert the swf to a movie clip,
    and stick it in the page, its there in my gallery page, but its
    playing REALLY fast, and all the action script I wrote for this
    gallery has gone away. The prev and next buttons don't work. What
    am I doing wrong?
    I have read where I have to use file>open to library and
    import the .FLA, but thats like 17 frames, and not a flattened
    movie. What do I do then?
    Thanks, I'm SOOOO ready to cry or punch my monitor.

    You need to use loadMovie();
    Do some searches in the forum for that...

  • Help with Difficult Sorting Task - Script Inside

    I have a very time consuming task that I would like to adjust the script below to help cut down the labor. The script below, will ask for a root folder and will copy all the folders inside that root folder to a secondary location. It will only copy the folders and not the files inside them. This works great. But my next step is to manually drag and drop the ".cos" files from the "master drive" from each shot folder to the emtpy "Settings50" folder that has been duplicated to my desktop. Is it possible in any way, to first copy the whole folder structure, and then only copy the "Settings50" folder and the files inside them to the secondary location? The image attached shows what I need duplicated in green and what I do not want duplicated in red. The reason I cannot simply copy the whole root folder is because the RAW files in red are very very large and takes forever to copy. I ONLY need the folder structure duplicated with the Settings50 folder copied with files inside them to a secondary location. If you can help out I would very very much apprecieate it!
    on run
              set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder to be duplicated:" as string
              my do_main_script(source_folder)
    end run
    on open of source_folder_list
              repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the source_folder_list
                        set this_folder_path to item i of the source_folder_list as string
                        if last character of this_folder_path is ":" then
                                  my do_main_script(this_folder_path)
                        end if
              end repeat
    end open
    on do_main_script(source_folder)
              tell application "Finder" to set source_folder to folder (source_folder)
              set the target_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Where would you like the duplicated folders to be moved to?")
              if source_folder is not "" and target_folder is not "" then
                        set new_folder_name to (name of source_folder as string) & " duplicate"
                        set source_folder to source_folder as string
                        set target_folder to target_folder as string
                        my create_new_folder(target_folder, new_folder_name)
                        my duplicate_folder_structure(source_folder, target_folder & new_folder_name & ":")
              end if
    end do_main_script
    on duplicate_folder_structure(source_folder, target_folder)
              tell application "Finder"
                                  get name of folders of folder (source_folder)
                                  set folder_list to result
                                  repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the folder_list
                                            set this_folder_name to item i of the folder_list as string
                                            my create_new_folder(target_folder, this_folder_name)
                                            my duplicate_folder_structure(source_folder & this_folder_name & ":", target_folder & this_folder_name & ":")
                                  end repeat
                        end try
              end tell
    end duplicate_folder_structure
    on create_new_folder(target_folder, new_folder_name)
              tell application "Finder"
                                  if not (exists item (target_folder & new_folder_name)) then
      make new folder at folder target_folder with properties {name:new_folder_name}
                                  end if
                        end try
              end tell
    end create_new_folder

    Well, I think this will be close.  test it and see what needs to be improved.
    on run
              set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder to be duplicated:" as string
              my do_main_script(source_folder)
    end run
    on open of source_folder_list
              repeat with this_item in the source_folder_list
                        if last character of (this_item as string) is ":" then
                                  my do_main_script(this_item as string)
                        end if
              end repeat
    end open
    on do_main_script(source_folder)
              set the target_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Where would you like the duplicated folders to be moved to?")
              if source_folder is not "" and target_folder is not "" then
                        tell application "System Events" to set new_folder_name to (name of source_folder) & " duplicate"
                        set new_folder to checkForFolder(target_folder as string, new_folder_name)
      duplicate_folder_structure(source_folder as string, new_folder)
              end if
    end do_main_script
    on duplicate_folder_structure(source_folder, target_folder)
              tell application "System Events"
                        set folder_list to folders of folder source_folder
                        repeat with this_folder in the folder_list
                                  set this_folder_name to name of this_folder
                                  set new_folder to my checkForFolder(target_folder as string, this_folder_name)
                                  my duplicate_folder_structure(path of this_folder, new_folder)
                        end repeat
              end tell
              tell application "Finder"
                        set cos_file_list to every file of folder source_folder whose name ends with ".cos"
      duplicate cos_file_list to target_folder
              end tell
    end duplicate_folder_structure
    to checkForFolder(fParent, fName)
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (exists folder fName of folder fParent) then
                                  set output to path of (make new folder at end of folder fParent with properties {name:fName})
                                  set output to (path of (folder fName of folder fParent))
                        end if
              end tell
              return alias output
    end checkForFolder

  • Help With Spry Repeat Regions

    Hello everyone,
    I've recently started using Spry for a project I've been
    asked to work on and I've run in to a few issues since my spec
    changed on me today. So any help or advice anyone has is very much
    welcome as I'm very much out my comfort zone at the moment.
    Original Spec
    The idea originally was to have a drop down of roles which
    was created from the role tag within a xml file which I was able to
    do as you can see below in the attached code. Once the user had
    picked a role it would then
    ds2.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex) and this would trigger
    the spry detail region I have to populate the fields I setup to get
    out of the xml the role, process and info.
    At the time I was told a role would only appear once in the
    file but this is now not the case :(
    My problem / New Spec
    Unfortunately with the xml now having a role more then once
    I've been asked to include a dynamic region which will display the
    process and info fields from other records which have this role
    name. Which is the bit I'm having problems with. I've been playing
    with creating a spry:repeat for each field and then using
    Spry:if="'{Role}'.search(^/myVar/) != -1; but I've had no luck
    getting a value into a variable and I'm lack of experience is
    running out of ideas.
    Hope I've made sense this is my first time using spry and
    JavaScript, so any help is greatly welcome.
    Thanks Nick.
    Example of the XML file - Please note this is very much a cut
    down version.

    tried changing the Region HTML table cell attributes to width:75pct, but this has no effect.Unsurprisingly. Use a valid CSS length specification.

  • I just updated to 10.8.4 and my mail program is showing a series of boxes with AAAAs inside them instead of the email addresses. Also when on Safari web pages are displaying the same AAAAAs instead of type. Firefox displays fine. Can someone help me?

    I just updated to 10.8.4 and my mail program is showing a series of boxes with AAAAs inside them instead of the email addresses. Also when on Safari web pages are displaying the same AAAAAs instead of type. Firefox displays fine. Can someone help me?

    Restart your Mac and immediately hold down the Shift key when you hear the startup chime to boot into Safe Mode. Keep holding the Shift key until you see a progress bar towards the bottom of the screen. You can let go of the Shift key at that point.
    OS X asks you to log in (you will get this screen on a Safe Mode boot even if your Mac is set to automatically log in). Let the Mac finish booting to the desktop and then restart normally. This will clear Font Book's database and the cache files of the user account you logged into in Safe Mode.
    Next, close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command. You can also copy/paste it from here into the Terminal window:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
    Terminal will then ask for your admin password. As you type, it will not show anything, so be sure to enter it correctly.
    This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and the current user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

  • Need help with MC with links inside

    Anyone can shine some light on trying to reproduce something
    similar to this?
    What I need is how to do one of those tabs that aniamtes down
    and reveals links inside. I have been at this for days.
    I am very new to flash and need more assistance on the
    construction of this project.
    So far, I know how to make a MC and animated it for
    rollover/rollout, but the link inside won't work because the action
    for the MC is interferring with the inside button actions. So, what
    is my next step? I have my MC on one frame in the main timeline and
    need to perform all animation inside that and add buttons also?
    Would I put an Insible Button in their too?
    I need help?

    As example of a text based navbar like Roddy suggested can be seen here: Text Based Navbar. With it you can have complete control of the font (just use a Web Safe Font, color, rollover color and size. You can then copy and paste the text box to each page.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to sort photos in an album by filename?

    I have imported 273 photos into an album in Photoshop Elements Organizer.  They originally came from 2 different digital cameras, so the date stamp on them is different.  All the photos were combined and sorted by filename before they were imported. 

  • Not sure if I am In the Right Place but I Will Give it a Shot

    Hello- I have been with Verizon for about 4 years. I still have the same phone I got when I initially signed up.  It is a MOTO with everything turned off except incoming and outgoing calls.  I made a "big move" to a 3G USB device because the thought

  • FTXP - tax code miscustomizing

    Hi All, We have a serious issue about the tax code customizing, it has big effect in the VAT reporting. The tax code: I7, the tax type is V - input tax. Unfortunately the percentage rate 21,5% has assigned to the output tax - MWS (AccKy - Transaction

  • How PO will create automatically through idoc

    in our project, PO is automatically triggering with the Help to PR and displayed in Output message at Sales Order Level. If any one know the procedure, Pls let me understand. Thanks

  • PLD additional columns in VAT report

    Dear experts, I need to create a print layout of VAT report in PLD with columns of BP's address. Do you have an idea how it can be done? Kind regards, Bartosz