Help with importing .raw images and b+w filters

I have recently been taking alot of b+w images.  With most of these images I apply a red in camera filter.  When I then import the pictures into lightroom 2.3 a color version of my picture is then rendered, without the red in camera filter that i took the pictures with.  Does anyone know of a way to restrict lightroom from changing .raw images to their color version and to show them as they were taken.  If it matters I shoot with a Canon 1000D.   PLEASE HELP!!   Thanks.

Lightroom ignores metadata settings which are what is applied when you work with RAW and use Canon's Picture Style settings.  
Those will be applied to JPG, but not RAW.  This is actually a feature, not a bug, because it's considered to give you more control by using the settings in Lightroom for Monochrome, and apply red tints-- plus you could always still have the flexibility of making a color print if you wanted, which you'd lose if RAW enforced the Picture Style settings.  If it bugs you, shoot in RAW+Jpeg (or just Jpeg), and bring the Jpegs into LR, but I'd recommend sticking with RAW and applying the edits you want in Lightroom instead.

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  • Help with viewing raw images in iPhoto 6

    When viewing raw images from my camera (a Canon 20D) in a large or full screen format, after about 5 seconds I see at least a dozen tiny white dots on the image. These occur 100% of the time.
    If I "retouch" the image and save it, they go away.
    Also, they never appear if I shoot and import JPEGS from the same camera?
    Is this a bug in iPhoto 6 and, if not, can someone explain or help me with this?
    Thank you!

    I have the same camera so i checked out the raw images--sorry no spots show up.

  • Help with placement of images and texts

    Hi there everyone, first time in  this forum.
    Im  creating a website for the first time in dreamweaver after using other  programmes and have so far created a banner and nav bar across the left  hand side. I am unsure on how i am meant to add any content into the  actual centre of my page as there is no box there to write in or add  pictures and when i create a image or div or table they all just hug the  top of my page and refuse to go next to the navigation bar like i need  to it! im sure it is simple but i am finding it so much harder to use  than any other programme.
    Im trying to do a list of pictures and  descriptions for my mums business.
    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    this is my code by the way, i made it as a template and then saved it as a html.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
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    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link href="../twoColFixLtHdr.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="../Spry-UI-1.7/css/Menu/basic/SpryMenuBasic.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryDOMUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryDOMEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryWidget.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryMenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/plugins/MenuBar2/SpryMenuBarKeyNavigationPlugin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/plugins/MenuBar2/SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* BeginOAWidget_Instance_2141544: #MenuBar */
    /* Settable values for skinning a Basic menu via presets. If presets are not sufficient, most skinning should be done in
        these rules, with the exception of the images used for down or right pointing arrows, which are in the file SpryMenuBasic.css
         These assume the following widget classes for menu layout (set in a preset)
        .MenuBar - Applies to all menubars - default is horizontal bar, all submenus are vertical - 2nd level subs and beyond are pull-right.
        .MenuBarVertical - vertical main bar; all submenus are pull-right.
        You can also pass in extra classnames to set your desired top level menu bar layout. Normally, these are set by using a preset.
        They only apply to horizontal menu bars:
            MenuBarLeftShrink - The menu bar will be horizontally 'shrinkwrapped' to be just large enough to hold its items, and left aligned
            MenuBarRightShrink - Just like MenuBarLeftShrink, but right aligned
            MenuBarFixedLeft - Fixed at a specified width set in the rule '.MenuBarFixedLeft', and left aligned. 
            MenuBarFixedCentered -  - Fixed at a specified width set in the rule '.MenuBarFixedCentered',
                            and centered in its parent container.
            MenuBarFullwidth - Grows to fill its parent container width.
        In general, all rules specified in this file are prefixed by #MenuBar so they only apply to instances of the widget inserted along
        with the rules. This permits use of multiple MenuBarBasic widgets on the same page with different layouts. Because of IE6 limitations,
        there are a few rules where this was not possible. Those rules are so noted in comments.
    #MenuBar  {
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; /* Specify fonts on on MenuBar and subMenu MenuItemContainer, so MenuItemContainer,
                                                    MenuItem, and MenuItemLabel
                                                    at a given level all use same definition for ems.
                                                    Note that this means the size is also inherited to child submenus,
                                                    so use caution in using relative sizes other than
                                                    100% on submenu fonts. */
        font-weight: normal;
        font-size: 16px;
        font-style: normal;
        border-color: #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff;
        border-style: none none none none;
    /* Caution: because ID+class selectors do not work properly in IE6, but we want to restrict these rules to just this
    widget instance, we have used string-concatenated classnames for our selectors for the layout type of the menubar
    in this section. These have very low specificity, so be careful not to accidentally override them. */
    .MenuBar br { /* using just a class so it has same specificity as the ".MenuBarFixedCentered br" rule bleow */
    .MenuBarLeftShrink {
        float: left; /* shrink to content, as well as float the MenuBar */
        width: auto;
    .MenuBarRightShrink {
        float: right; /* shrink to content, as well as float the MenuBar */
        width: auto;
    .MenuBarFixedLeft {
        float: left;
        width: 80em;
    .MenuBarFixedCentered {
        float: none;
        width: 80em;
    .MenuBarFixedCentered br {
    .MenuBarFixedCentered .SubMenu br {
    .MenuBarFullwidth {
        float: left;
        width: 100%;
    /* Top level menubar items - these actually apply to all items, and get overridden for 1st or successive level submenus */
    #MenuBar  .MenuItemContainer {
        padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        margin: 0;     /* Zero out margin  on the item containers. The MenuItem is the active hover area.
                    For most items, we have to do top or bottom padding or borders only on the MenuItem
                    or a child so we keep the entire submenu tiled with items.
                    Setting this to 0 avoids "dead spots" for hovering. */
    #MenuBar  .MenuItem {
        padding: 0px 24px 0px 0px;
        border-color: #cccccc #ffffff #cccccc #ffffff;
        border-style: none solid none solid;
    #MenuBar  .MenuItemFirst {
        border-style: none none none none;
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        border-style: none solid none none;
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        border-color: #033;
        border-top-color: #000;
    .SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar  .MenuItem  .MenuItemLabel{
        width:1em; /* Equivalent to min-width in modern browsers */
    /* First level submenu items */
    #MenuBar .SubMenu  .MenuItem {
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-weight: normal;
        font-size: 14px;
        font-style: normal;
        padding:0px 2px 0px 0px;
        border-color: #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc;
        /* Border styles are overriden by first and last items */
        border-style: solid solid none solid;
    #MenuBar  .SubMenu .MenuItemFirst {
        border-style: solid solid none solid;
    #MenuBar  .SubMenu .MenuItemFirst .MenuItemLabel{
        padding-top: 0px;
    #MenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemLast {
        border-style: solid solid solid solid;
    #MenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemLast .MenuItemLabel{
        padding-bottom: 6px;
    #MenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItem .MenuItemLabel{
        padding: 6px 12px 6px 5px;
        width: 7em;
    /* Hover states for containers, items and labels */
    #MenuBar .MenuItemHover {
        background-color: #999999;
        border-color: #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc;
    #MenuBar .MenuItemWithSubMenu.MenuItemHover .MenuItemLabel{
        background-color: #999999; /* consider exposing this prop separately*/
        color: #000000;
    #MenuBar .MenuItemHover .MenuItemLabel{
        background-color: #999999;
        color: #000000;
    #MenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemHover {
        background-color: #cccccc;
        border-color: #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc;
    #MenuBar .SubMenu .MenuItemHover .MenuItemLabel{
        background-color: #cccccc;
        color: #333333;
    /* Submenu properties -- First level of submenus */
    #MenuBar .SubMenuVisible {
        background-color: #ffffff;
        min-width:0%;  /* This keeps the menu from being skinnier than the parent MenuItemContainer - nice to have but not available on ie6 */
        border-color: #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff;
        border-style: none none none none;
    #MenuBar.MenuBar .SubMenuVisible {/* For Horizontal menubar only */
        top: 100%;    /* 100% is at the bottom of parent menuItemContainer */
        left:0px; /* 'left' may need tuning depending upon borders or padding applied to menubar MenuItemContainer or MenuItem,
                        and your personal taste.
                        0px will left align the dropdown with the content area of the MenuItemContainer. Assuming you keep the margins 0
                        on MenuItemContainer and MenuItem on the parent
                        menubar, making this equal the sum of the MenuItemContainer & MenuItem padding-left will align
                        the dropdown with the left of the menu item label.*/
    #MenuBar.MenuBarVertical .SubMenuVisible {
        top: 0px;   
        min-width:0px; /* Do not neeed to match width to parent MenuItemContainer - items will prevent total collapse */
    /* Submenu properties -- Second level submenu and beyond - these are visible descendents of .MenuLevel1 */
    #MenuBar .MenuLevel1 .SubMenuVisible {
        background-color: #ffffff;
        min-width:0px; /* Do not neeed to match width to parent MenuItemContainer - items will prevent total collapse*/
        top: 0px;    /* If desired, you can move this down a smidge to separate top item''s submenu from menubar -
                    that is really only needed for submenu on first item of MenuLevel1, or you can make it negative to make submenu more
                    vertically 'centered' on its invoking item */
        left:100%; /* If you want to shift the submenu left to partially cover its invoking item, you can add a margin-left with a
                    negative value to this rule. Alternatively, if you use fixed-width items, you can change this left value
                    to use px or ems to get the offset you want. */
    /* IE6 rules - you can delete these if you do not want to support IE6 */
    /* A note about multiple classes in IE6.
    * Some of the rules above use multiple class names on an element for selection, such as "hover" (MenuItemHover) and "has a subMenu" (MenuItemWithSubMenu),
    * giving the selector '.MenuItemWithSubMenu.MenuItemHover'.
    * Unfortunately IE6 does not support using mutiple classnames in a selector for an element. For a selector such as '', IE6 ignores
    * all but the final classname (here, '.baz'), and sets the specificity accordingly, counting just one of those classs as significant. To get around this
    * problem, we use the plugin in SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js to generate compound classnames for IE6, such as 'MenuItemWithSubMenuHover'.
    * Since there are a lot of these needed, the plugin does not generate the extra classes for modern browsers, and we use the CSS2 style mutltiple class
    * syntax for that. Since IE6 both applies rules where
    * it should not, and gets the specificity wrong too, we have to order rules carefully, so the rule misapplied in IE6 can be overridden.
    * So, we put the multiple class rule first. IE6 will mistakenly apply this rule.  We follow this with the single-class rule that it would
    * mistakenly override, making sure the  misinterpreted IE6 specificity is the same as the single-class selector, so the latter wins.
    * We then create a copy of the multiple class rule, adding a '.SpryIsIE6' class as context, and making sure the specificity for
    * the selector is high enough to beat the single-class rule in the "both classes match" case. We place the IE6 rule at the end of the
    * css style block to make it easy to delete if you want to drop IE6 support.
    * If you decide you do not need IE6 support, you can get rid of these, as well as the inclusion of the SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js script.
    * The 'SpryIsIE6' class is placed on the HTML element by  the script in SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js if the browser is Internet Explorer 6. This avoids the necessity of IE conditional comments for these rules.
    .SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar .MenuBarView .MenuItemWithSubMenuHover .MenuItemLabel /* IE6 selector  */{
        background-color: #999999; /* consider exposing this prop separately*/
        color: #000000;
    .SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar .MenuBarView .SubMenu .MenuItemWithSubMenuHover .MenuItemLabel/* IE6 selector  */{
        background-color: #cccccc; /* consider exposing this prop separately*/
        color: #333333;
    .SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar .SubMenu .SubMenu  /* IE6 selector  */{
        margin-left: -0px; /* Compensates for at least part of an IE6 "double padding" version of the "double margin" bug */
    /* EndOAWidget_Instance_2141544 */
    <script type="text/xml">
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      <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2141544: #MenuBar
    var MenuBar = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar2("#MenuBar", {
          widgetID: "MenuBar",
          widgetClass: "MenuBar  MenuBarLeftShrink",
          insertMenuBarBreak: true,
          mainMenuShowDelay: 100,
          mainMenuHideDelay: 200,
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    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2141544
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  • Help with Importing and Editing an Image

    Hello All,
    I am working on a project where I need to import an image into LabView and edit it. The gist of my program is that I want to create a VI that generates an interactive floorplan.
    I want to be able to import the bitmap or png into my file so I can edit the file by assigning flashing colors to each room, etc.
    I tried to import the .png by wiring "Read png" --> "Draw Flattened Pixmap" --> "new picture".
    When I run the program I get a "general I/O" error in the "Read PNG" block even though it lets me select which png I can import.
    Does LabVIEW 8.5 not allow for importing PNG files? Does anyone have any idea why I am getting this error?
    On another note, I was reading about some of the IMAQ VI's and they seem like they may work for importing an image and creating graphics, etc. Should I try to delve a little deeper into the IMAQ stuff?
    Thanks much for the help!

    Great call on checking whether it was just a bad file.
    I tried to convert it from a .bmp to a .png by simply renaming it which LabVIEW did not like...
    So I just opened it up and re-saved it with photo editing software and it worked!
    Now I just have to play around with my editing options to get the graphics I want. 
    I'll post some sample code just for suggestions that anyone may have. This is just my preliminary structure without most of my condition statements. All the code inside the case structures will be added when I figure all this stuff out.
    My goal is to have each strobe and interlock correspond to a different graphic on the floorplan. For example, when strobe 1 reads red, I want the corresponding room to flash red and vice versa with green and yellow. Also, when interlock 1 reads false, I want a flashing light to pop up next to the corresponding door.  
    Anyone have any ideas for how to make these kinds of graphics? I figured I may be able to use a color box for the solid colors and LEDs for the flashing lights but I would rather edit the pixels to make it look more professional.
    Thanks for all the help!
    Attachments: ‏9 KB

  • I have lightroom 4 and it doesn't work with d4s raw images? what can I do?

    i have lightroom 4 and it doesn't work with d4s raw images? what can I do?

    That model begin to be supported only in the very latest version of Lightroom, version 5.4. You will either need to upgrade Lightroom, or else use the latest version of the free Adobe DNG converter (version 8.4) to create digital negative copies of your raw images. Then you can import those DNG files into the Lightroom that you have now. The choice is yours.

  • Trouble Importing Raw Images from my Mac. Help?

    Hello! I have a Mac and I was trying to import my raw images on to Lightroom 5. When I select the folder I want to import they all show up but it will not let me select or check any of the images. Is this happening because they are raw images? I imported raw images before and never had this problem. So I tried importing it again straight from my flash drive instead of the folder but it does not let me select any of the images either. I'm on a deadline and I need to import these photos asap. Please let me know what options I can try to fix this. Thanks in advance!

    When I select the folder I want to import they all show up but it will not let me select or check any of the images.
    This is because these photos have previously been imported into Lightroom, and thus by default cannot be imported a second time. In fact, it is not a good idea to import photos a second time, and completely unnecessary. What you should do is find the photos in the Library Module and then work with the photos that you have just found that have been previously imported.

  • How to import a image and compare with another image to find their deviation

    i am new to labview , can anyone tell how to import a image and compare  it with another image  to find their deviation
    Go to Solution.

    This is an quite easy task using the Vision Development Module.
    There you can acquire images from cameras or read them form the harddrive, then differntiate them or since VDM 2010 calculate the optical flow between consecutive images.

  • Need help please with importing RAW files from iPhoto to LR

    I have a MAC, shoot RAW images and when I import them from IPhoto To LR5 they come in as a JPEG. I do have elements 10 as the original default for editing. When I want to import from IPhoto to LR I was dragging the RAW files. Can someone please tell me what I am doing incorrectly? Thank you!

    Moving this discussion to the Photoshop Lightroom forum.

  • On Importing raw images to Lightroom  only some of the images will import.

    I have used LightRoom for years and just started having this issue.  I select all of my raw images and "Open with" LightRoom 5. I can view all of the images that I want to import. It then imports only some. There are times it will import some and then freezes up in Import mode. I have even converted  images to dng and found it to do the same thing.  As a professional photographer this is frustrating!

    If you mean "Open With" in your operating system, I am surprised that you get any images to import this way. As far as I know, Adobe has (tried to) disable this as a method of importing photos, and so I doubt you will find any help here in this forum on this matter, as this is not a function of Lightroom (although you used to be able to do it in earlier versions).

  • IPhoto importing RAW images

    Can anyone help please I have just tried to import from the card reader on my iMac some RAW images and it comes up with an error message saying it cannot read the format or the files are corrupt how can that be I thought iPhoto could deal with RAW images. I am using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ72 bridge camera.

    Aperture and iPhoto get their RAW support from the OS. Here is the list of RAW formats supported by OS X:
    I don't see your camera on that list at this time, so it probably won't work. Apple adds RAW format support all the time, but never gives a heads up on whether any particular camera will be supported, or when.

  • Imported RAW images are too dark

    I'm using Aperture2.0.1 and importing RAW images from a Canon 1D MkIII. All the images are coming in significantly darker than they show in the camera's display. The camera's histogram shows that the images are correctly exposed but they require boosting in Aperture's Exposure panel of anywhere from + 1.15 to 1.5 before they look right in Aperture. That's quite a hefty shift. I get a similar situation in Capture One Pro but the same images right off the card look bang on in Canon's Digital Photo Professional. In Adobe Lightroom it takes a shift of only +.5 to get into the right range. The exposure settings for the test were done with a Sekonic L-758DR meter and manually setting 3 580EX's but the problem shows up in all kinds of garden variety shots with or without flash. My preferred app is Aperture but I'm sick of having to adjust all my shots to get them into range.
    Is there something I'm missing here?

    AMAZING!! Thanks for solving this mystery for me. Disabled the Highlight Priority and the shot comes into aperture looking like I it needs no adjustment. There are some clipped peaks in the histogram so there are some minor blown highlights. If I use Highlight Priority, it prevents the clipping and when I adjust the exposure level in Aperture the shot does look right without losing the highlight so Highlight Priority may be the right way to go when I'm shooting jewelry. But your post explains why the images were darkened.
    Thanks again,

  • Can't import raw images

    I want to import RAW images. Have always been able to import JPEG's to iPhoto.
    Reformatted memory card. Took picture.
    Picture appears visible on playback.
    When I import, iPhoto says the image is unreadable.
    What to do?

    Preview - in your applications folder
    A good general step for strange issues is to renew the iPhoto preference file - quit iPhoto and go to "your user name" ==> library ==> preferences ==> and trash it - launch iPhoto which creates a fresh new default preference file and reset any personal preferences you have changed and if you have moved the iPhoto library repoint to it. This may help
    This does not affect your photos or any database information (keywords, faces, places, ratings, etc) in any way - they are stored in the iPhoto library - the iPhoto preference file simply controls how iPhoto works - which is why renewing it is a good first step.

  • Import raw images from canon eos 1000d to aperture 3

    Raw images from Canon EOS 1000D appear garbled tried using  all (?) import methods without success. Camera on firmware version 1.0.7

    Running Aperture Trial 3.1.2  all updates completed.
    May have solved one problem & got another!
    I can now import RAW images by selecting 'Raw' rather than 'Raw + L' on camera menu.This leaves me with all large files - potential future storage problem.  Looking into this.
    Thanks for reply though

  • Importing RAW images from Aperture into iMovie

    Hello.  I'm trying to create a slideshow using iMovie, but apparently it only imports jpeg format images.  Most of my photos are RAW images, and I can't seem to figure out a way to get iMovie to import jpeg versions.  Can anyone help?
    Using Macbook Pro 2012 8GB
    Aperture 3.4.1

    Have just gone through the sequence again - using file - open and then locating the aperture library via applications.  The message I get is that adobe does not recognise this type of file.  I am sure I must be missing something, but cannot figure out what it is - any ideas.

  • Import RAW images from Sony A100 DSLR?

    iPhoto 6 does not import RAW images taken with my Sony A100 DSLR. I can view the images with preview, so apparently Mac OS X knows how to handle them. But, iPhoto just says there are no pictures to import.
    I installed the Aperture trial, and it handled the RAW images, as does the Adobe Lightroom beta4. But, not iPhoto6.
    I am running all the latest patches, with 10.4.8 on a MacBook Pro.
    Does RAW work for anyone else with this camera? Any suggestions for workarounds?

    I messed around with this a bit more and found that if I manually import the RAW images, it works fine. But, iPhoto still does not recognize new pictures and import them automatically.
    I can also see them in Finder and Preview, so I know the OS support is up to date. Also, I tried it on my Mac Mini, and the mini recognized the raw pictures and imported them as I would expect.
    The RAW updater only mentions Canon, Nikon, and Pentax as being addressed. I did install it, but it may not be necessary.
    This article on Apple's site:
    says you need 10.4.8 to support Sony RAW pictures.

Maybe you are looking for