Help with invoices

I'm having an issue with sending invoices to a few address on paypal.I click on "make invoice" and send them but some clients are saying that they can't pay because they can't go past the address screen.
Thing is, when I create the invoices I do not request for shipping or mark any shipping options (my products are digital). I just create, fill the terms of service and hit send.
For short here's what one of these clients says:
"The only question about the invoice, is how I can select no address needed? It only gives me the option of adding an address. That's the only problem right now"  The person can't go past this and pay, because he can't mark "no address needed". And I don't request address. Do you guys have any idea of what is going wrong?
Would this be a problem because the client may have their paypal account not updated with bank or credit card?
Please any help is grealty welcome! ps: Sorry for any english mistakes, I'm not a native nglish speaker.
Thank you!

 I'm not seeing any way for the buyer to avoid entering his address.  If he really doesn't want it included, he could add the address of a well known location to his PayPal profile... a local library, school, etc. Another option... just have the buyer initiate payment using the "Pay for goods and services" tab. -Sandy

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    As far as your requirement is concerned , everything is correct , but just check in VK12 wheather  the tax code O1 has been assigned to the tax condition types. or not. Also check the G/L accounts assigned to the tax condition types. are properly maintained or not. So kindly ask your FICO consultants to check the following data
    Revert back with  the updated  data ,  wheather everything is going correctly or still facing problems

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    As I can understand, these data is in a separate window name as FOOTER...
    So follow the path to trigger that footer only on second page (Or end of the data that is displayed via Main window)
    Doble click on window -> Conditions tab -> Check the Only After End of Main Window (At bottom)
    Let me know if anything is unclear.

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    Hi Krishen,
    You can use enhancement LVEDF001 (transaction SMOD) for this requirement.

  • Help with triggers

    Hi All,
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    create or replace
    -- check if the invoice.mco_transfer_status has been updated to R
    -- if it has then insert records into the relevant tables
    -- Start the Insert based on the update of invoices.mco_transfer_status
    ecode varchar2(100);
    thisproc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(80) := 'trap_errmesg for transfer_status';
    v_value varchar2(150);
    -- do updates based on update of invoices.transfer_status column
    -- Insert into E_TICKET_STAGE
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    -- Insert into SECTOR_STAGE table
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    -- Insert into TAX_STAGE table
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    -- Insert into CHARGES_STAGE table
    insert into CHARGES_STAGE (emco_document_number,CHARGE_TYPE,CHARGE_AMOUNT)
    END IF;
    ecode := SQLCODE|| ' '||sqlerrm ;
    dbms_output.put_line(thisproc || ' - ' || ecode);
    v_value := thisproc || ' - ' || ecode;
    VALUES (:NEW.EMCO_DOCUMENT_NUMBER,v_value,sysdate);
    update invoices set TRANSFER_STATUS='F' where invoice_id=:old.invoice_id;
    END pop_stage;
    The second trigger (also below) does a check on the payments table to see if the payment_complete date has been set.
    If this has been set then we want to sum all the payments (based on invoice_id). once this sum has been made we want to compare this value to the value of the gross amount on the invoices table for that invoice. if they match (which shows the invoce has been fully paid) then we want to update the paid_date and set to sysdate.
    create or replace
    -- check if all the payments for that invoice have been received (completed)
    -- if they are complete then sum all the payments for that invoice and compare to gross value on invoices
    v_invoice_amount number;
    v_gross_amount number;
    thisproc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(80) := 'trap_errmesg for mco_transfer_status';
    v_value varchar2(150);
    IF :NEW.PAYMENT_COMPLETE is not null
    -- We will sum all the payments for that invoice that have a value in payment_complete
    select sum(amount) into v_invoice_amount from payments where payment_complete is not null
    group by :OLD.INVOICE_ID;
    -- We will also get the gross amount for the invoice to compare to the sum of the payments
    select gross into v_gross_amount from invoices where
    :OLD.INVOICE_ID = invoice_id;
    END IF;
    IF v_invoice_amount = v_gross_amount
    update invoices set paid_date=sysdate;
    end if;
    Is this trigger sufficent?
    Any tips will be appreciate.

    I didn't really look into your post (rather long) ... anyway, I have 2 words for you "stored procedures".

  • Dunning letter via email with invoice attachments

    Hi Experts,
    We have requirement where in dunning letter should be send to customer via email along with invoice attachments.
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    Appreciate your help.

    Hi Partha,
    Here are the steps that you can follow :
    1. Using following SPRO path assign the dunning form.
    Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business Transactions > Dunning > Printout > Assign Dunning Forms
    2. There is standard BTE (00001040) that is provided by SAP which is called when dunning is run. SAP has also provided sample function module SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001040 to indicate how to use the BTE. The FM imports I_KNA1 strutcure and pass back structure C_FINAA.
    3. Copy the standard FM to custom Z-FM and using I_KNA1-ADRNR fetch customer email address. If email is maintained, set c_finaa-nacha = 'I' and c_finaa-intad - <email>.
    4. You can also set the title of PDF file in email by setting c_itcpo-tdtitle as per requirement.
    5. Goto transaction FIBF. Settings-> Process Modules-> of SAP Application
    6. Add new entry with Process 00001040, application FI-FI and function module as custom FM created in step 3.
    Above steps are enough if you want to send dunning email to customer. If there is a need to send invoices as an attachments along with email then there is a need to enhance the standard FM PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE. I used following approach to achieve the purpose.
    a. I created another custom FM to send invoices which I am calling from PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE. For this, I am using implicit enhancement option to modify standard code. With this option, I am able to send 2 emails back-to-back one with dunning letter and other containing all invoice attachments with respect to dunning letter.
    Let me know, if you need further guidance.

  • Why need to link credit memo with invoice

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    We need to link credit memo with invoice against for two obvious reasons
    1.. Future tracking of all credit memo i-e if we gave excess credits to vendor then it was against which invoice. This will create linkage and tracking of credit memo with invoice that will be shown in FBL1N .
    2..At the end of specific time period ,month or quarter ,its a normal practise to reconcile vendor balance as per SAP ledger to that of vendor's own book. At that time you will need credit memo track also that against which invoice was the credit given.
    This all can be achived after posting credit memo with refrence to invoice number. Audit perpective should also be kept in mind. Hope this will help you

  • Down payment not cleared with invoice trans f-54

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    I need help with down payment clearing with invoice. Purpose is to have open residual item for not paid invoice part.
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    1. Vendor down payment request, trans F-47, (for instance) 90Eur
    2. Make down payment, trans F110, 90Eur
    3. Vendor invoice receipt, trans. FB60, 115Eur
    4. Clear down payment, trans. F-54.
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    I will be very thankful for your help.

    Have you cleared down payment against the invoice no. in F-54 ?
    If you do so, there will be a link between  the invoice & down payment document no. During F110, system will select both the documents together.
    Also check in T code FB00 (Editing options) under "Open Items" tab, whether "include invoice reference" check box is selected.
    If not, then select this check box & try the transaction once again.
    Hope this helps you.


    Dear All
      I am having problem related to TDS reversal.
    For e.g
    Advance payment to Vendor: rs 10000/
    Tds deducted is rs 200/
    Now Invoice posted for amount is: 100000/
    Tds deductes is rs 1000/
    We know that TDS on rs 10000 is deducted twice which is generally reversed during advance clearing with invoice through F-54. But when I am clearing Ad. with Invoice, no TDS is getting reversed.
    Please help me on this issue or is there any other way of doing this process.
    points will be awarded
    Thanks in advance
    sandeep panwar

    run the program RWTF010 in SE38
    Sanil Bhandari

  • Need help with Payment Terms

    Good Morning SAP Gurus-
    I need help with an request.  My client wishes to create a new Payment term with the following:
    Due date should fall on the 1st day of the month after the due period of 60 days end of month. So for example; an invoice with document date of March 8th should have a due date of June 1st 2012.
    How would I configure that in OBB8?

    Base line date as "Document dat"
    Fixed day    01
    Additional months   2
    try this,

  • Problem with Invoice

    Hi Experts,
    Iam facing a problem with invoice document with batch wise . If I enter one batch it taking 2 mins to  add the the invoice document.i have removed Sp transaction notification and format searches even then it is taking 2 mins. So kindly give me solution how to solve this issue.
    client system Os Windows 7
    Ram 4 GB
    No addons connected and Lan was working without any abrupts.

    Hi Jenny,
    Is this issue happen all the machines or it happens only at one specific machine?
    If it is happens on a specific machine, try to reconfigure the lan settings of the machine or reinstall the B1 client.
    You can check the sbo-common sevt table. this always triggered in some versions. this can cause performance issues.
    I hope it helps,

  • Help with MIRO Badi's and Translation Date (Exchange Rate Date Reference)

    Dear experts
    This is a problem I have read a lot about, but none of the answers work properly and I wanted to create a new thread in order to try to compile a final answer for this problem (at least in version 6.0)
    As you know Standar SAP uses posting date as translation date in MIRO for foreign currency.
    This is not always true (imagine Crude Imports with 3 dates: Invoice date, posting date and Bill of Lading date. The last one happens to be the fiscal date for exchange rate in my county and the other two are also mandatory).
    I am proposing thus to use 3 dates: Document date as invoice date; posting date as posting date and Invoice Receipt Date
    (REINDAT - RBKP) as Bill of Lading date. I would like to implement this third date as translation date.
    Lot of ways to do it, but none works properly as for the end user it is complicated to enter data in a certain way so that BADI's work properly. I have implemented note 574583 and only works with some restrictions.
    I have also used some more BADI's like MRM_HEADER_CHECK, FI_TRANS_DATE_DERIVE, INVOICE_UPDATE,... and all of them have some restrictions (depending always in data header taps data introduction or saving the exchange rate properly in MM TABLES but not in FI TABLES).
    I would really appreciate if anyone could help with this, ensuring that the Badi get's always the data and makes it work with no screen selection dependance.
    Thanks in advance.

    Dear All,
    I have found the solution with the help of ABAPer. The system has a bug for which SAP has given a  Sap Note no 22781.
    Actually what happened in the Invoice is, the system by default fetched the exchange rate for the Exchange Rate Type 'M' for the rate last maintained. Since we were using different Exchange rate it did not match. Also we came to know about the difference only because off-late the users had stopped updating Exchange Rate 'M' .
    The funny part is in the Invoice if we click on each tab at the header and come back to the first tab where we find the Exchange rate for accounting, the system picks up the actually rate as per the Exchange Rate maintained.

  • Need help with SQL Query with Inline View + Group by

    Hello Gurus,
    I would really appreciate your time and effort regarding this query. I have the following data set.
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*20.00*-------------19
    1234567----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment for bad quality---------44345563------------------A-----------------10.00------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765--------------------I---------------------30.00-------------19
    Please Ignore '----', added it for clarity
    I am trying to write a query to aggregate paid_amount based on Reference_No, Check_Number, Payment_Date, Invoice_Number, Invoice_Type, Vendor_Number and display description with Invoice_type 'I' when there are multiple records with the same Reference_No, Check_Number, Payment_Date, Invoice_Number, Invoice_Type, Vendor_Number. When there are no multiple records I want to display the respective Description.
    The query should return the following data set
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*10.00*------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765-------------------I---------------------30.00--------------19
    The following is my query. I am kind of lost.
    select B.Description, A.sequence_id,A.check_date, A.check_number, A.invoice_number, A.amount, A.vendor_number
    from (
    select sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, sum(paid_amount) amount, vendor_number
    from INVOICE
    group by sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, vendor_number
    ) A, INVOICE B
    where A.sequence_id = B.sequence_id

    It looks like it is a duplicate thread - correct me if i'm wrong in this case ->
    Need help with SQL Query with Inline View + Group by
    Satyaki De.

  • Copy PO with Invoice Plan

    Hi guys,
    is there any function or way to copy a PO with Invoicing Plan?
    If I try to create a new PO by copying from an existing one, everything is copied unless the Invoice Plan.
    Who can help me?

    An Enhancement is required in PO, whereby we can should explore the possibility to use two custom buttons, one at PO line item level for copying the Invoicing Plan from the current PO line item to any other desired PO line item, and other button at the PO header level for copying the Invoicing Plan from the current PO line item to all the PO line items. This requirement will be possible if we get a Screen exit to create some custom sub-screens & add these buttons in that sub-screen to meet our Business requirement, the logic for which can be coded in the Screen Exit. For meeting this requirement, there is a Screen Exit in the below enhancement from T-Code SMOD 
    Enhancement: MM06E005 - Customer fields in purchasing document
    Screen Exit: SAPLXM06. For more clarity refer the below link. I hope it will resolve your issue. Thanking you.

  • Can someone help with this simple application

    I am taking my first java class and there are limited resourses for the class as far as getting help with coding.
    Any hoo if any one can point me in the correct direction from the following information listed below I would be greatfull. I am trying to use the set and get methods on the instance veriables and then I am goign to post the results once I get them workign to a JOption pane window.
    examples are most welcome thanks
    // Homework assignment 3.13
    // Student Arthur Clark
    public class Invoice // public class
    String partNumber;// instance veriable quantity
    String partDescription;// instance verialbe partDescription
    public void setpartNumber( String number, String description )
              partNumber = number; //initalize quantity
              partDescription = description; // initalize partDescription
         }// end constructors
    //method getpartNumber
    public String getpartNumber()
              return partNumber;
         }//end method getpartNumber
    public String getpartDescription()
              return partDescription;
         }// end method getpartDescription
    public void displayMessage()
         //this is the statement that calls getpartNumber
         System.out.printf(" part number # \n%s!\n the description", getpartNumber(), getpartDescription() );
    } // method displaMessage
    }// end method main
    // Fig. 3.14
    // Careate and manipulate an account object
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;//import JOptionPane
    public class InvoiceTest{
         // main method begins the exciution of the program
         public static void main ( String args [] )
              // create Scanner to obtain input from mommand window
              Scanner input = new Scanner ( );
              // create a Invoice object and assig it to mymethod
              Invoice myMethod = new Invoice();
              Invoice myMethod2 = new Invoice();
              // display inital value of partName, partDescriptoin
              System.out.printf( "inital partname is %s\n\n", myMethod.getpartNumber() );
              // prompt for and read part name, partDescription
              System.out.println( "please enter the Part Number:" );
              String theNumber = input.nextLine(); // read a line of text
              myMethod.setpartNumber( theNumber ); // set the part name with in the parens
              System.out.println();// outputs blank line
              System.out.println( "please enter the Part Description" );
              String theDescription = input.nextLine(); // read a line of text
              myMethod2.setpartDescription( theDescription );// set the part description
              System.out.println();// outputs blank line
         }// end main mehtod
    }// end class

    public void setpartNumber( String number, String description )
              partNumber = number; //initalize quantity
              partDescription = description; // initalize partDescription
         }// end constructorsThe above code is not a constructor. You do not include a return type, void or anything else. Also, the constructor should be called the same as your class.
    public Invoice( String number, String description )
              partNumber = number;
              partDescription = description;
         } Another thing, comments should only be used when it isn't bleedingly obvious what your code is doing.
    P.S. is your middle initial C?

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