Hetrogeneous connection oracle(win NT4.0) to Sybase( Linux )

* I have two databases which is located on winNT4.0(Oracle) and Linux(Sybase).
* How to extract the Data (SQl Commond) from Sybase..
* Is it Possible or not if so let me know...
* Is there any seetings init.ora file...
reg-Omkar Rao.B

You can use the Transparent Gateway for Sybase to access the data from Sybase. The gateway makes the Sybase database look like a remote Oracle database.
The gateway can be accessed from Oracle clients only.
Please refer to the gateways manual for more information on this product (http://otn.oracle.com/docs/products/gateways/content2.html). Also refer to the Heterogeneous Connectivity Guide for the basic concepts about gateway technology (http://otn.oracle.com/docs/products/oracle9i/doc_library/release2/server.920/a96544/toc.htm).

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    That's a very cool link (add to favorites, thanks
    Krystian Zieja) It is :)
    but you can link the oracle table
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    Regards.I am using Generic Connectivity in the present.Before that i used to use ODBC to connect ORACLE with MS access but for diffrent client i had to encapsulate the MS access sequel as well any enhancment mess the code.
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    The computer running XE server does not need a client installed.
    If you are trying to connect from another computer, install the XE client and create file C:\XEClient\NETWORK\ADMIN\TNSNAMES.ORA with the following contents (replace ip_address as appropriate):
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           (ADDRESS_LIST =
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    goto finished
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    To connect to a MySQl database the product you have to use is DG4ODBC 11.2. It requires a 3rd party MySQL ODBC driver (64bit on 64bit platforms and 32bit on 3bit platforms). This Dg4ODBC has to be installed in its OWN ORACLE_HOME. Installing it into the database home 10.2 you'll corrupt the database installation.
    Before installing DG4ODBC, please make sure your Oracle database release is or If you still have or you have to apply the gateway compatibility patch to your Oracle database release.
    More details can be found in the gateway config note available at "My Oracle Support".
    The notes are:
    - Installing on a 64bit Unix OS:
    How to Setup DG4ODBC on 64bit Unix OS (Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) [ID 561033.1]
    - Installing on 32bit linux:
    How to Setup DG4ODBC (Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC) on Windows 32bit [ID 466225.1]
    - Installing on Windows:
    How to Setup DG4ODBC (Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC) on Windows 32bit [ID 466225.1] (although it is the 32bit note is is almost similar for a 64bit Windows installation
    You can download Dg4ODBC for free from http://edelivery.oracle.com or from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/index.html

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    Thank  You,

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    No, it is not a bug. You just cannot connect with Ora9i R2 SQL*Plus to an Ora7 database.You cannot create a DB link between the two database either, if you are planning on doing that.
    A solution is to install Ora8 client, which can connect to both Ora9 and Ora7 database (but a db link will stil be impossible).

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    There is a worked example of how to connect oracle to an Excel spreadsheet, which is easily modifyable to read from an Access Database.
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    Received the following error:
    SQL> select count(*) from columns@SQLDB;
    select count(*) from columns@SQLDB
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
    [Generic Connectivity Using ODBC]DRV_InitTdp: DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (718): ; [C077]
    Could not find symbol 'SQLAllocConnect' in dynamic library
    DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (722): ; [C079] Failed to load dynamic library
    ORA-02063: preceding 3 lines from SQLDB
    -----Contents of trace file------------------
    Oracle Corporation --- THURSDAY JUL 10 2008 10:17:16.251
    hoagprd (2): ; hoagprd Entered.
    HOACONN.C (244): ; [Generic Connectivity Using ODBC] version:
    HOACONN.C (288): ; Class version: 250
    hoagprd (2): ; hoagprd Exited with retcode = 0.
    hoainit (3): ; hoainit Entered.
    (0): ; connect string is: defTdpName=SQLDB;SYNTAX=(ORACLE8_HOA, BASED_ON=
    BINDING=<navobj><binding><datasources><datasource name='SQLDB' type='GENERIC_
    ODBC_FOR_HS' connect='SQLDB'><driverProperties/></datasource></datasources><
    remoteMachines/><environment><optimizer noFlattener='true'/><misc
    year2000Policy='-1' consumerApi='1' sessionBehavior='4'/><queryProcessor
    parserDepth='2000' tokenSize='1000' noInsertParameterization='true'
    noThreadedReadAhead='true' noCommandReuse='true'/><debug driverTrace='true'
    ORACLE GENERIC GATEWAY Log File Started at 2008-07-10T10:17:16
    hoainit (3): ; hoainit Exited with retcode = 0.
    hoalgon (7): ; hoalgon Entered. name = dbuser.
    sysbase.c (677): ; libodbcinst.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
    file or directory
    DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (718): ; [C077] Could not find symbol 'SQLAllocConnect' in
    dynamic library
    DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (722): ; [C079] Failed to load dynamic library '/app/
    DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (727): ; [C077] Could not find symbol 'SQLAllocConnect' in
    dynamic library
    DRV_InitTdp: DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (718): ; [C077] Could not find symbol '
    SQLAllocConnect' in dynamic library
    DB_ODBC_INTERFACE (722): ; [C079] Failed to load dynamic library '/app/
    nvRETURN (./drv_bind.c 230): -2220
    nvRETURN (./nav_bind.c 298): -2220
    hoalgon (7): ; hoalgon Exited with retcode = 28500.
    hoaexit (6): ; hoaexit Entered.
    hoaexit (6): ; hoaexit Exited with retcode = 0.
    (0): ; Closing log file at THU JUL 10 10:17:16 2008.
    --------------end of trace file ---------------
    --------TNS entry ----------
    (Host = oracledbhost)
    (Port = 1521)
    -------Listener.ora entry----------
    # This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
    # needed for an ODBC Agent.
    # HS init parameters
    # ODBC specific environment variables
    set ODBCINI=/app/DataDirect/odbc.ini
    ------odbc.ini entry------------
    Description=DataDirect 5.2 SQL Server Wire Protocol

    The error message is indicating problems loading the driver manager.
    A common issue on Linux (especially on Suse Linux) is related to library caching. First of all make sure you add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to your listener.ora file to guarantee the correct libraries will be loaded. Your SID section will then look like:
    After changing the listener.ora file stop and start the listener.
    Details about the set up can be found in Metalink note:
    Note.264567.1 P216. How To Setup Generic Connectivity - HSODBC - on Linux
    If this does not help enable strace and check out from which location libodbc.so is being loaded.
    Please be also aware HSODBC has been desupported 15th of March. As you start a new project you should proceed with the follow up product DG4ODBC.

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    How to connect Oracle 8.0.5 for Linux to Tuxedo?
    How to config Tuxedo RM file and setting.

    Thomas Drolshagen (guest) wrote:
    : Oracle 8.0.5. Installation on S.u.S.E. Linux 5.3
    : =================================================
    : After strugling for 3 weekends with the installation of Oracle
    : 8.0.5. on a
    : S.u.S.E. 5.3 distribution here are the installation steps that
    : worked for me.
    I have tried to install Oracle on SuSE 5.2. I almost complted the
    installation, but kept getting a failure on installing the
    database. The last entry in the install.log is:
    Leaving trace.ins- Entering Make Dependent section.
    - Entering do_relink==false section.
    - Leaving Make dependent section.
    - Entering database actions section.
    Deciding to start again from scratch, I tried deleting all files
    and begining again, but now I get a different error running
    orainst. The installer keeps responding that 'file x already
    exists'. The name of the file changes each time I run it, and no
    file of that name exists. I have tried deleting the temp
    directories, as well as dropping them and recreating them
    elsewhere (desperation!), but I canot stop this from happening:
    An operating system error occurred while trying to spawn
    '/orasys/app/oracle/product/8.0.5/bin/otrccref' while
    output to '^ @^'. (File exists.) Would you like to retry
    operation, ignore the error, or allow the error to be
    processed by
    the Installer?
    Does anyone have any ideas??

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    Hi !
    I am trying to connect oracle server through my application using OCI C in linux, it works fine in my oracle server machine.
    I want to connect oracle server through my C application from Oracle Client Machine
    can anyone help me in this issue ?

    Sounds like you did not specify your database name. Or you database name is hard-coded.
    Can you show us the code?
    Is your TNSNAMES.ORA set up correctly?
    Also, you did not specify any error messages or anything. Are you checking the result codes after any functions?

  • Connect Oracle 11g (64-bit windows server) to Microsoft SQL Server 2000

    Hi all,
    I am trying to connect:
    Oracle 11g (64-bit windows server) to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (32-bit) on a different machine.
    1) I have create an ODBC connection (called:GALAXY) which connects.
    2) created a init.ora called it initgalaxy.ora in $oracle_home\hs\admin
    3) modified the listener.ora file as below
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: E:\Ora11g\product\11.1.0\db_1\network\admin\listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = BIU01)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = extproc0))
    (SID_DESC =
    (GLOBAL_DBNAME = HEX.BIU01.kingsch.nhs.uk)
    (ORACLE_HOME = E:\Ora11g\product\11.1.0\db_1)
    (SID_NAME = HEX)
    (SID_NAME = galaxy)
    (ORACLE_HOME = E:\Ora11g\product\11.1.0\db_1)
    (PROGRAM = dg4odbc)
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = E:\Ora11g\product\11.1.0\db_1)
    4) modified the tnsnames.ora file is as follows
    GALAXY =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = BIU01.kingsch.nhs.uk)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = galaxy)
    (HS = OK)
    HEX =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = BIU01.kingsch.nhs.uk)(PORT = 1521))
    5) restarted the listener
    6) created a public database connect
    This is the error message I can sell in $oracle_home\hs\admin\trace
    Oracle Corporation --- MONDAY APR 27 2009 11:54:18.370
    Heterogeneous Agent Release
    Oracle Corporation --- MONDAY APR 27 2009 11:54:18.370
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL" returned "ON"
    HOSGIP for "HS_OPEN_CURSORS" returned "50"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS" returned "100"
    HOSGIP for "HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE" returned "65536"
    HOSGIP for "HS_NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTER" returned ".,"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR" returned "TRUE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC" returned "FALSE"
    using galaxy_live as default value for "HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER"
    ##>Connect Parameters (len=42)<##
    ## DSN=GALAXY;
    #! UID=galaxy_live;
    #! PWD=*
    hgocont, line 1890: calling SqlDriverConnect got sqlstate IM002
    when I try to test the database link, I get this error:
    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
    [Microsoft][ODBC Drive Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from GALAXY
    28500.00000- "connection from ORACLE to ad non-Oracle system returned this message:"
    *Cause: The cause is explained in the forwarded message.
    *Action: See the non-Oracle system's documentation of the forwarded message.
    vendor code 28500
    Edited by: user7336435 on 27-Apr-2009 05:56

    11.2 is beta at the moment. There is no official release date so far.
    As DG4ODBC is independant from the Oracle database (or the target database) you can use a 3 machine model:
    On the first machine you have your Oracle database, on a second machine running 32bit Windows you can install DG4ODBC and on the 3rd machine you can run your foreign database.
    If the SQL Server 2k is installed on a 32bit Windows machine, then you can also install DG4ODBC on this machine.
    In general the connection from an Oracle database to the DG4ODBC machine is done using SDQL*Net. The listener responsible for DG4ODBC will then load the DG4ODBC executable which will connect to the SQL Server using SQL Server ODBC driver.

  • Connect Oracle Reports to Ms Sql Server DB

    Is it possilbe to Connect Oracle Reports to Microsoft Sql Server database. If yes then how. Please advice.

    It is possible to connect Oracle database to MS Sql server database using the Oracle Transparent Gateway for MS SQL Server.
    You can use the following links to configure such connection:
    Oracle Transparent Gateways - General Description - Part I
    Oracle Transparent Gateway for MS SQL Server - Part II

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