Hey, my i phone was stolen and want to block it and the serial no :F2ML3ESRDTWF

help me please

The only way to locate/disable/erase any lost/stolen iPhone/iPod Touch is through Find My Phone or a similar app. However, this requires that Find My Phone be setup/activated, on your phone, before it was lost/stolen. You would then login at iCloud.com & try to locate it. This requires the phone be turned on & have an Internet connection. There is no other way to locate a lost/stolen iPhone. Apple can't/won't help you, nor will your carrier. Report the loss to the Police, your carrier & Insurance company. Change all of your passwords, especially your Apple ID/iCloud password NOW!
If your carrier offers Blacklisting & they Blacklist the phone, it will be unusable as a phone.
If locked with a passcode, and running iOS 7.0, & Find My Phone turned on/activated, then phone cannot be re-activated or the passcode removed without knowing your Apple iD/Password. It will be nothing but a useless paperweight.
If not running iOS 7.0, the phone can be forced into recovery mode & restored.

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