Hey! where'd the "what's so great about encapsulation"? thread go?

<no actual content>

What's a 'Da na'?? And why is it censored?A D&#97;n&#97; and more specifically a D&#97;n&#97; Nourie is a one time moderator/administrator of these forums. Around the time of the watercooler... so there was some dissent in the air.
This lead to a variety of posts along the theme of "D&#97;n&#97;! You [censored[!"
See http://java.sun.com/features/authors.html

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    It is likely you are running some out of date third party so-called "system maintenance" application that is corrupting the very preference or cache file that runs that feature.      Resume can be controlled in the item highlighted in red below in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> General if the system is otherwise functioning as it should.   If it isn't, someone needs to help you isolate what's wrong:

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    No, there isnt an option to see info or properties on individual files / songs / movies, etc. Whatever shows on the screen is what you get.
    Make a suggestion here
    Its a good one.

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    Did you have a theme on the phone?  Sometimes if you WebOSDoctor the phone and you have a theme applied to it at the time, you can mess up your icons.  Just a thought.  If you don't know what a theme is or how to theme your phone, then I don't think this is the place to discuss it, as it's not Palm approved, from what I can tell.

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    I find the way that this forum gets moderated very unprofessional and it goes to show that you guys moderating this forum obviously have little knowledge of Audio else you would NOT delete a whole thread but just the stuff that has no topic relations... Please consider this next time you hit the delete button. Or maybe ask a Pro if the topic has "contents of importance" this Summing thread was really good for many people...
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    I expect this thread'll get pulled. It's the ones that get pulled without explanation that don't seem particularly egregious that really get under my skin.
    DR9, I looked at the TOU and perhaps your references to cavorting with animals is verboten? Viz...
    "Everyone should feel comfortable reading Submissions and participating in discussions. Apple will not tolerate flames or other inappropriate statements, material, or links. Most often, a "flame" is simply a statement that is taunting and thus arbitrarily inflammatory. However, this also includes those which are libelous, defamatory, indecent, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, abusive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive in a sexual, racial, cultural, or ethnic context."
    So maybe someone [really whiny voice]doesn't feel comfortable[/whiny] about your association with Mabel and reported the post? I can tell you it wasn't me, cuz I still get the biggest chuckle when I think about x-man's velcro glove comment.
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    tomd123 wrote:
    or didn't use that many language features you probably don't even notice any difference
    Completely agree. Another thing you may see is faster run time because of optimizations. That's I'll I could think of.
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    If you don't see any advantages whatsoever with iOS 4 over iOS 3, it will probably be the same for you with iOS 5 over iOS 4.
    Here are the primary differences. If you don't make use of any of these, then you won't see any advantages.

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    Lion does not work on iPads. Lion works only on Mac computers - all of them, not just MacBooks.
    There is no particular reason why you should upgrade from whatever version of OS X you use, if that version's features suit your needs.
    But I use Lion on all my desktops - iMacs and Mac Pros, and I fail to see the logic of your remark. Lion on a desktop Mac is really not much different from Snow Leopard.

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    SilverAge wrote:
    All the discussion forums appear to be hardware-driven
    Not so, try these:

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    Where is the best place to learn about Mac things? 

    Take a look here: http://www.apple.com/macosx/whats-new/

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    typically upgrade to newer versions as they come out. Sometimes
    the newer version doesn't differ markedly from the previous one, but, until now, they were not usually a step backward. Upon installing Firefox 4 the welcome page indicated several new features. Specifically an app bar, and a bookmark button next to the home button. However neither of these features are on my copy of the program. Frankly, the only change that I see is the new position of the home button; and I don't like it. Moving the home button all the way across the page from the other commonly used buttons makes absolutely no sense to me, especially if the touted bookmark button doesn't exist. The new speed, if it continues, is nice, but other than that I see no real improvement over Firefox 3. So what's so great?

    The new interface is only default on Windows Vista and Windows 7. To get it on Windows XP you need to hide the menu bar. To do that in the View menu select Toolbars, then click on the "Menu Bar" entry.
    If you need access to the menus you can press either Alt or F10 to temporarily display them.
    You can rearrange the buttons and place them where you want, for details on how to do that see https://support.mozilla.com/kb/how-do-i-customize-toolbars

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    What/Where is the Value Lifecycle Manager (VLM)
    I was just reviewing an ASUG presentation from Soledad Alvarado Ganzhorn of SAP NetWeaver Product Management at SAP Labs. It describes a value lifecycle manager tool that includes:
    &#56256;&#56457;Value Discovery content includes: Interview Questions, Pain Points, Best Practices, Solution Enablers, Value Drivers & KPI's, and Data Requests
    &#56256;&#56457; A Knowledge Management Platform – Retrieve and Enter content
    &#56256;&#56457; A Highly Flexible and Customizable Business Case Building and Reporting Platform
    &#56256;&#56457; Used by Value Engineers, Solution Engineers, ISG, Partners and others
    Is anyone aware if SAP is using this tool already? Will customers get access to it? This sounds like a replacement for the business case builder which I haven't seen either. It would be nice if customers had access to these sorts of discovery tools. Since we don't utilize SAP consulting, we are often not able to access this content as we initiate new initiatives. It would be nice to have access as it seems like we are internally selling their software for them.

    The tool is available. It is at the following URL:
    SAP has nominated select Partners that have access to the tool. You can probably check with the SAP partner relationship manager in your organization to see if you have access to this tool.

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