Hi, I need to config my network, have to Routed it.

I have two interfaces
1st LAN by cabel with IP mask Gateway internet conection)
2nd Aircard DHCP (with internet conection)
I need config my net such,
work with local networks(192.168.*, 10.*) trought GW VIA LAN
evrevitng else throught 2nd Aircard DHCP.
Thanks a lot.

B3 alromaithi wrote:
have 0.10 uk ponds i cant spend it in anything what should i do
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    sharp mx700n
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    Hello and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    In order to provide the user with the ability to input a user code, the respective printer driver would have to provide the facility. If this feature did exist on a previous version of OS X, then you may have to check the vendors web site to see if there is a driver for 10.6.
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    The other thing to note is that if you have the Mac's printing via a Windows queue, you will have to provide user credentials for SMB print queues. This is typically a Windows user account - not the Mac's account details. If you don't want to create accounts for the Mac users on the Windows server, then you can use LPD rather than SMB to connect to the Windows queues. This does require UNIX Printing Services to be enabled on the server.

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    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Applications
    In the search box, type or paste '''mailto''' and pause for the list to filter.
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    Okay, I just needed to know...
    Another thing you can check is your AppleTalk setting. Go to your System Preference, Network, (Ethernet or Airport, however you're connected to your network), AppleTalk, and make sure AppleTalk is active.
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    I hope this helps,

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    Hi, Lori. Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    What version of iPhoto are you using?
    You may receive better attention to your problem by choosing the proper iPhoto Forum from the iPhoto Category of Discussions and posting the question there.
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    Please get your checkbook ready. (Only kidding.)
    Have you ever done a hard factory reset of your Airport Express base? If not, then try it. Push down the reset button with a pen, then keep it depressed as you plug AX into the wall and keep holding it down until the green light blinks 4 times and then turns amber. Then let go. Unplug your broadband modem for a couple of minutes and shut down your Mac. First restart the modem, then the Mac. Use Airport Setup Assistant to set up a new network from scratch.
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    I suggest you get 9.2.  You need to install the same or later version of the OS.  One some computer the shipped version has extra drivers.  The drivers will not be in the official release in this case 9.1.  They would be in 9.2.
    Mac OS 9.1 (Mac OS ROM 7.5.1) and Mac OS X 10.0.4 (4P13)
    *blinking question mark*
    The blinking question mark means that your mac firmware could not find a valid operating system
    on one of your disk volumes.
    Somethings to do to resolve the blinking question mark.
    Try holding down the option key then power on.  This brings up the startup manager.  Click on your hd. Click on right arrow key.
    You need to figure out the level of your firmware before installing 10.2 or greater. ( The PC name for firmware is BIOS. ) Installing 10.2 with a down level firmware will most likely make your iMac unusable and difficult to fix.
    What is firmware?
    The firmware software receives control when you poweron your machine.  It does some hardware testing and some hardware configuration then passes control to your version of Mac OS.   It reside on a PROM ( program read only memory ) chip on the logic board.
    Figuring out what level of firmware you have?
    Open Firmware, boot into Open Firmware.
    Power on your iMac while holding down command+option+o+f
    The first output line contains the firmware level. Mine reads:
    Apple PowerMac4,1 4.1.9f1 BootRom built on 09/14/01 at 13.18.04
    Copyright 1994-2001 Apple Computer Inc.
    On my machine, I have 4.1.9f1.
    What firmware do you need?
    For a slot loading iMac, this article indicates that you need to be running 9.1 or later version of Mac OS Classic.
    "The iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 will only run on iMac computers with lot-loading CD or DVD drives running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local drive. If you are using Mac OS X you must boot from a local Mac OS 9.1 or later writeable partition (not a CD, or network disk) prior to following the update instructions."
    You can download the Mac OS 9 updates from the Apple site.

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    This didn't happen when I was using Leopard, so why has it changed and how can I improve?

    You need to boot using the 10.6 Snow Leopard DVD that you bought from the Apple Store.
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    Thanks for your reply, Julian. Actually, I'd had my iMac set up properly since last Sept., but my brother has now moved in with me and he also has a new iMac and a new iPod touch and I was trying to remember how to set up the network on his Mac so he could use his Mac with his iPod touch to do his downloads using the network connection from his own computer. I do not have a router. We share our BellSouth DSL modem by simply moving it from one Mac to the other when we want to get on the internet. Both Macs have built in Airport, which is what I know I'd been using - I say BEEN using, because today I really screwed up my Mac when I was trying to remember how to set up the network and now I can no longer use my iPod touch-to-iMac WiFi function either.
    When I first set up my network, I got help from someone in a forum and thought I'd printed and kept the very simply instructions he gave me, but I can't find them. I seem to remember him telling me I'd have to get my Mac's IP address, which I have, but when I go thru the network setup assistant it doesn't ask me to enter it anywhere. Also, the setup assistant tells me that I can't connect automatically to the internet, which is not true. I don't have to log in when I plug in my modem - I'm automatically connected.
    I'm familiar with internet sharing, cause that's what I've been using when I downloaded apps updates, etc. But now, I can't even get Airport to turn on. The more I try, the more confused and frustrated I get. I'm usually pretty good with this kind of thing, but I'm completely baffled now.
    I do want, and think this is what I was doing before I screwed things up today, to share my Mac's wired internet connection to the iPod touch wirelessly, as you said, and which is what I'd been doing. Can you help me? It was so easy the last time I did this, but I just can't get it done now!
    Did I screw things up because I already had one network set up on my Mac and was trying to set up another one on my Mac (just to test it out before I tried to do it on my brother's Mac)? HELP!
    Thanks for your help.

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    NB-MIO-16x.zip ‏191 KB

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