Hi Job is broken

Job is broken ,Now we need to disable or reexecute!!
Please ans any one

The xxxx_JOB is marked as BROKEN.
if we can disable or re_execute it
Edited by: lllllllll on May 31, 2011 11:04 AM
Edited by: lllllllll on May 31, 2011 11:20 AM
Edited by: lllllllll on May 31, 2011 2:57 PM

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    we created a materialized view sometime ago with the following statement:
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    refresh complete on demand
    start with to_date('30-08-2009 04:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') next trunc(sysdate) + (28/24)
    select  sxv_emp_cert_all.*
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    start with to_date('30-08-2009 04:00:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') next trunc(sysdate) + (28/24)
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    thanx for all your helpful and correct answers . but eventually I found it myself
    exec dbms_job.broken(<jobnumber>, false);

  • Last moment a job was broken.

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    Thanks in advance,

    The LAST_DATE in DBA|ALL|USER_JOBS will show the date the job was last executed successfully. The first attempt to execute a failed job will occur after one minute, the second attempt after two minutes, the third attemp after four minutes, etc. The job is marked as broken after the job fails 16 times. From this, you can calculate the time the job broke from the LAST_DATE the job ran successfully.

  • Broken jobs and failed jobs

    hi all..
    please tell me difference between broken jobs and failed jobs

    Please refer documentation .
    Failed Jobs
    If a job has the status of FAILED in the job table, it was scheduled to run once but the execution has failed. If the job was specified as restartable, all retries have failed.
    If a job fails in the middle of execution, only the last transaction of that job is rolled back. If your job executes multiple transactions, you need to be careful about setting restartable to TRUE. You can query failed jobs by querying the SCHEDULERJOB_RUN_DETAILS views.
    Broken Jobs
    A broken job is one that has exceeded a certain number of failures. This number is set in max_failures, and can be altered. In the case of a broken job, the entire job is broken, and it will not be run until it has been fixed. For debugging and testing, you can use the RUN_JOB procedure.
    You can query broken jobs by querying the SCHEDULERJOBS and SCHEDULERJOB_LOG views.
    Renjith Madhavan

  • How can a broken job "re-enable" itself?

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    There is no other job in any other schema that would enable this job.
    I have used both TOAD and the DBMS_JOB package to disable this job. Still, this job refuses to stay broken. Any ideas?

    What version of Oracle?
    From the 9.2 Administrators Guide >> If a job returns an error while Oracle is attempting to execute it, Oracle tries to execute it again. The first attempt is made after one minute, the second attempt after two minutes, the third after four minutes, and so on, with the interval doubling between each attempt. If the job fails 16 times, Oracle automatically marks the job as broken and no longer tries to execute it. However, between attempts, you have the opportunity to correct the problem that is preventing the job from running. This will not disturb the retry cycle, and Oracle will eventually attempt to run the job again. <<
    How is the job being ran? By the next value or is the job being demanded in by another process so that the next value in dba_jobs for this job is not really used?
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Dbms_job: question about broken jobs

    I have defined the following job:
    DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (:jobno,'test_proc;',SYSDATE,'SYSDATE + 5/86400');
    When the procedure is invalid the job queue tries to start it 16 times and marks the job as broken.
    Is there an option that dbms_job does an automatic recompile of the procedure after the job has the broken status?

    you could do a two-step job to compile the proc, then execute it.
    END',SYSDATE,'SYSDATE + 5/86400');

  • Broken clean up job

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    components (of all applications) were unavailable.
    Analysis of this problem revealed:
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    A post in this forum:
    http://forums.oracle.com/forums/message.jsp?id=475615 showed the
    cleanup job was broken in portal (which is the version
    I use).
    Therefor session information in WWA_MODULE_SESSIONS$ isn't
    regularly cleaned.
    The link mentioned above shows a fixed version of the cleanup
    Some questions:
    - did this fix made it to a formal (and thus an Oracle supported)
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    - did anyone tried the change mentioned in the link?
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    - What can I do to prevent application A to stop working when I'm
    editing application B?
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, the session cleanup job is fixed in 3.0.9 but broken in
    previous versions. Please file a bug on this issue to get a
    backport to if you need it.
    Thanks -

  • Incorrect job next_date time

    I am facing the problem in one of the jobs whose next_date shows the time 01-Jan-4000 00:00:00.
    23-Aug-2006 14:21:21
    01-Jan-4000 00:00:00
    sysdate + ((30)/(24*60*60))
    I am using the query SELECT job,
    to_char(last_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') last_date,
    to_char(next_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') next_date,
    decode(broken, 'Y', 'Yes', 'No') broken,
    FROM dba_jobs
    where broken = 'Y' and schema_user NOT IN ( 'SYS','SYSTEM','REPADMIN' );
    Could you pls help how can i resolve it as i receive the alerts continuously that the job is broken and it wud b in broken state till the time job is run...
    many thanks

    The job gets broken, if it encounters 16 contiguous failures (which is this case) or you explicitly call the dbms_job.broken(job_id, true). In both cases, the atribute broken is set to Y and next_date is set to 1-1-4000.
    The next_date will be reset back when you reset the broken state using dbms_job.broken(job_id, false). However, the failure counter is not reset back to 0 until succesfull completion of the job. That means, if there is an error in the job procedure (the one specified in what attribute), the job will get broken again after the first attempt to execute it.
    You can manualy force the job to run by calling dbms_job.run(job_id). Look in your alert log, if there is an error reported for the procedure executed by this job.
    Best regards,

  • How to stop a refresh job

    on 10g R2 Win 2003,
    I have 10 refresh jobs running since 10 Jan. What is the best way to stop them ?
    In DBMS_JOB package I do not see STOP or KILL option.
    SUBMIT procedure
      Submits a new job to the job queue. 
    REMOVE procedure
      Removes specified job from the job queue. 
    CHANGE procedure
      Alters any of the user-definable parameters associated with a job. 
    WHAT procedure
      Alters the job description for a specified job. 
    NEXT_DATE procedure
      Alters the next execution time for a specified job. 
    INSTANCE procedure
      Assigns a job to be run by a instance. 
    INTERVAL procedure
      Alters the interval between executions for a specified job. 
    BROKEN procedure
      Disables job execution. 
    RUN procedure
      Forces a specified job to run. 
    USER_EXPORT procedure
      Recreates a given job for export. 
    USER_EXPORT procedure
      Recreates a given job for export with instance affinity. 
    Thank you.

    Thanks Helios,
    Stopping Jobs
    You stop one or more running jobs using the STOP_JOB procedure or Enterprise Manager. STOP_JOB accepts a comma-delimited list of jobs and job classes. If a job class is supplied, all running jobs in the job class are stopped. For example, the following statement stops job job1 and all jobs in the job class dw_jobs.
    DBMS_SCHEDULER.STOP_JOB('job1, sys.dw_jobs');
    END;How to find job1 (is it job name ? ) and can we not write job class ?

  • Help Needed to stop Jobs

    I want to stop some jobs which are running in Oracle. I used dbms_job.remove and jobs are removed from dba_jobs table. But how to stop these jobs from running queue.
    So can any one please let me know the way to stop th jobs.
    Thank you

    In DBMS_JOBS_RUNNING you can find the sid of the session.
    Use this sid to identify the session in v$session and kill the session with:
    'alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';'
    Don't forget to mark the job as broken or remove it from the job queue.
    Before 10g, if you want to stop all jobs, you can simply set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to zero.
    In 10g, Oracle intrduced scheduler_job with many advanced features.
    In this post I do not want to deal with different features of scheduler_jobs.
    In 10g, it is possible to schedule job either in dba_jobs or dba_scheduler_jobs.
    Setting JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to zero stops only jobs in dba_jobs which means that jobs in scheduler are still running .
    In order to disable jobs in dba_scheduler_job, the following script should be run for each job in scheduler.
    sys.dbms_scheduler.disable( '"schema?"."job name?"' );

  • Suspending jobs scheduled in dba_jobs

    Hi: I have a few jobs scheduled as shown in the dba_jobs. I want to suspend some of the jobs for 2 days. Is there a way to suspend these jobs?
    select JOB,INTERVAL from dba_jobs;
           JOB INTERVAL
           121 trunc(sysdate+1/24, 'HH24')
           104 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           107 trunc(sysdate+1/24, 'HH24')+3/96
            81 sysdate+1/12
           108 trunc(sysdate+1/24, 'HH24')+3/96
           186 trunc(sysdate+1/24, 'HH24')
           110 trunc(sysdate+1, 'HH24')
           206 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           181 sysdate+1
           182 sysdate+1
           183 sysdate+1
           185 trunc(sysdate+1/24, 'HH24')
           201 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           202 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           203 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           204 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           205 TRUNC(SYSDATE+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           207 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           208 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           209 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           210 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           211 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96
           212 trunc(sysdate+1/12, 'HH24')+1/96

    If you know when you want it to start again, use something like this
       sys.dbms_job.NEXT_DATE( job      => 1234,
                                next_date => TO_DATE( '13 Aug 2010 17:15:00', 'DD Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ) );
    COMMIT;If you want it to not run until you decide to manually intervene, use something like this
      dbms_job.broken(job       => 66
                     ,broken    => TRUE);

  • Job Execution after database startup

    I have around 15 materialized views. Each one has different execution time during the day. For example: some of them are reloaded at 9:00 PM, others at 7:00 AM.
    If i would have to re-start my database, or the database instance, the server gets so slowly and overloaded.
    When I start the instance, are the MV jobs executed?
    Is there any parameter to start the database and ignore the jobs which are late due period that the database was out?
    My database version is Oracle9i Release

    setting job_queue_process=0 you affect all jobs for your database, u can make this editing the pfile, if the database closed.
    when database opened you can modify the parameter with alter system command.
    placing the job in broken state the database must be open and this option don't affected all jobs, only jobs that you want.

  • My job is disable.

    Hi all,
    what happend one my job interval is every 4 A.M, but my job is not executed every day and status disable.
    how to resolve the issue?
    11:52:27 Error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 102:
    PLS-00905: object PYROSMSC.DB_REBUILD_INDEXES is invalid
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 93:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 79
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 205
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 185
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Plz help me
    Message was edited by:

    i can read "PYROSMSC.DB_REBUILD_INDEXES is invalid" so dbms_job tried to execute an invalid pkg. After several tries it set the job as broken and disabled it.

  • How to find the reason for a job failure

    I have created a job .
    It was running fine. But after few days it showed the status as broken.
    How do we find the reason for a job failure ?

    There should be a trace file in the either the udump or bdump (depending on Oracle version) directory on the DB server. If the job is broken it has probably failed 16 times, so you should have 16 trace files - each possibly showing the same error. The relevant trace files will have j00 in the name, showing that they were generated from dbms_job.

  • Dbms_job - prevent automatic re-run of a one-time background job.

    We have a job which dynamically spawns 5 background processes, each take roughly 2 hours to run (2 hours total, 10 hours if ran synchronous).
    sys.dbms_job.submit(job => vJob2,
    what => 'myProc;' );
    Sometimes in development there is such a huge load that some of the 5 background processes will receive a snapshot too old error. DBMS_JOB automatically re-starts the same job (vJob2) 16 times, but I don't want it to. I try to manually set the job to "broken" but the job number can no longer be seen (even though it is in the job queue) I get the error:
    ORA-23421 Job number X is not a job in the job queue
    First question, is there an init param that I can lower the value "16" to some lower number?
    Second question, once I'm caught in this situation where I know the current job running is going to fail, how do I prevent it from automatically restarting yet again?
    What I have tried:
    Alter the job queue to 0, kill the sessions (whew! Nothing is running now, good!).
    then try to set broken to "TRUE", but I get the annoying ORA-23421 because, well I don't know why. So when I put the job queue back to 4, off they start again.
    Tried dropping the jobs, get same ORA-23421 message even though I can select those job numbers in a query and I can see them in my IDE interface.
    Also, I am running as the user who submitted the jobs, so there is no permission issue here (e.g. submitted as user A, trying to set to broken or drop the job as person B).
    Our Oracle RDBMS is AIX.
    Message was edited by:

    I found this on asktom, which will prevent a DBMS_JOB proc/func/package from automatically re-starting. The basic premise is that whatever you are executing in the "what" command must not be led to think an error occurred even if it did.
    Luckily in the following example, we already handled exceptions in the "myProc" code to capture errors in a log table, so this approach will work for us:
    sys.dbms_job.submit(job => vJob2,
    what => 'begin myProc; exception when others then null; end;' );
    I would still love to be able control the arbitrary number "16" though. Oh well.

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