Hidden variables

what are hidden variables. Example on hidden variables.

what are hidden variables. Example on hidden
variables.dont know about hidden variables...maybe this is what your looking for

Similar Messages

  • How to pass the array as a hidden variable

    hi im trying to pass the list of employees as an array and pass it to servlet as a hidden variable and retrieve the same array in servlet
    can any one help me in this . urgently required.

    I have created only one
    <input type="hidden" name="empName">
    when the user check the check box i want to add all the values in the empName, click the Next page, Again we show some check box i want to add some more names to the hidden value
    When the user click back i want to show which chekboxes user selected.

  • How to create Hidden Variables?

    can any one suggest me in developing a hidden variable in my card/form...
    thanks in advance

    Hi Deylan,
    you find globals in the structures palette. After putting this on your vi diagram you open the global and create controls/indicators as usual.
    In your example you 'need' the global, because in a different vi this global is set by checking some conditions (user break, communication error, timeout, whatever). For this use it's very easy/convenient to use a global. Be careful (the same applies to local variables) to avoid race conditions.
    Btw.: It's better to attach pictures (much better: vis) instead of proprietary file formats like Powerpoint...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • How get hidden variable in adf page

    plz help me how to get the hidden varibles in adf page

    Well, you first tell us what a hidden variable is and how you made it hidden.

  • Hidden Variables in JSR 168 portlets

    Hi Friends, can we use hidden variables in JSR 168 portlets.We have a concern using session in our application.The users who are using this portal , would maintain sessions long times like if they log in morning they would close the session or browser , in the evening. So it would give lot of memory problems if we use sessions.
    So we thought to use hidden variables, so please suggest me , can we use hidden variables, and if we can , please help me how to do that, or if any little bit of code help would be appreciated.
    Thanks alot

    My problem is like this. When user login , based upon his role we need to load some kind of context information from database. The existing applications using hidden variables and storing those variables in them and adding that page into each and every JSP page or ASP page, so that context information would be available through out his state or session. (The users once start the portal, they may close that before going back to home), their state or session would be continuous. What my idea is, if we use sessions in this scenario to store the context variables (so that we can hide), and we can get those session variables every page. But does sessions create heavy load on portlets? or if we are using clustered environment, is this session would shared in clustered environment as well?
    If at all we need to implement this kind of scenario, what would be the approaches?
    Suggest me
    Thanks a lot

  • How to access the hidden variable in jsp

    hi all,
    i need help to know how to access the hidden variable in the same jsp.
    Following is the code snippet just have a look at that.
    ArrayList arrRankingSummary = (java.util.ArrayList)session.getAttribute("arrRankingSummary");
    <logic:iterate id="rankingSummary" name="arrRankingSummary">
    <input type="hidden" name="allApplicantID" value='<bean:write name="rankingSummary" property="APPLICANTID"/>' />
    <input type="hidden" name="allAdmissionRank" value='<bean:write name="rankingSummary" property="ADMISSIONRANK"/>' />
    <input type="hidden" name="applicantID" value='<bean:write name="rankingSummary" property="APPLICANTID"/>' />
    <TD align=center><Input type=Text name="admissionRank" class=Textverysmall size=2 value='<bean:write name="rankingSummary" property="ADMISSIONRANK"/>' maxlength="10" /> </TD>
    I want to remove the element from arraylist on these condition
    if(allApplicantID.value ==applicantID.value){
    arrRankingSummary .remove("admissionRank");
    Now the pbm is i m not getting how to access the hidden variable in jsp or how to use the values of hidden variable for the condition.
    Pls help me out.
    Thanks in adv.

    hi ram,
    as i mentioned i m creating hidden variables & i m doing some validation on form submit.
    The following is js code snippet for validation.
    for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].admissionRank.length; i++)
    admissionRank = document.forms[0].admissionRank.value;
    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank.length; j++)
    //alert ("admissionRank : " + admissionRank + " document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[" + j + "].value : " + document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[j].value + "\ndocument.forms[0].allApplicantID[" + j + "].value : " + document.forms[0].allApplicantID[j].value + " document.forms[0].applicantID[" + i + "].value : " + document.forms[0].applicantID[i].value);
    if(admissionRank == document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[j].value && document.forms[0].allApplicantID[j].value != document.forms[0].applicantID[i].value && admissionRank != "" && document.forms[0].allAdmissionRank[j].value != "")
    flag = false;
    if (flag == false)
    In this validation i want admissionRank to be removed from the original arraylist if following condition gets satisfied
    "(document.forms[0].allApplicantID[j].value == document.forms[0].applicantID[i].value )"
    Thanks in adv

  • Are these hidden variables?

    http://www1.macys.com/catalog/index.ognc?CategoryID=24143&PageID=24143*1*24*-1*-1&kw=Coats %20%26%20Jackets&LinkType=EverGreen
    these ?
    Are these hidden variables ?
    what are they?
    what is the main advantage?
    and how is this set in an application?
    in fusebox?

    There are several ways of passing variables from one page to
    the next. These generally are known as scoped variables. Scopes
    that address this issue are FORM, URL, SESSION, CLIENT and
    You have supplied a URL that contains URL scope variables.
    These can be found after the "?" in the URL, and have the format
    variableName=variableValue. So you have these variables:
    CategoryId, PageID, kw and LinkType. The page that is called often
    takes these variables and their values and performs a database
    query. In your specific case, the database is being queried for
    FORM variables (<INPUT> tag) produce form fields that
    are one of two types: TYPE="text" and TYPE="hidden". The are coded
    on the page where your form is laid out. TYPE="text" displays a
    text box into which the user can enter data. TYPE="hidden" does not
    display a text box. Both of these pass the name and value of the
    form field.
    A discussion about ColdFusion variables and the advantages of
    each of these variable scopes can be found at
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/help.html?content=Variables_01.html#114417 6

  • Help with number in hidden variable to send form

    Hi all,
    I have created a form in Flash and I need to send some hidden data. The problem is that some of the hidden data variables are numbers. This worked fine in the HTML form. It does not work in Flash. Can you take a quick look at the following code and let me know if there is a way I can do this? The variables that are numbers are commented out at this point because it throws up errors. I would like to be able to uncomment them but if I do nothing works.
    send_btn.onRelease = function()
        var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
        //my_lv.retURL = "http:///";
        my_lv.debug = "5";
        my_lv.debugEmail = "[email protected]";
        my_lv.campaign_id = "5";
        // <!-- SFDC client ID -->
        my_lv.oid = "00M0022000jZDG";
        // <!-- Promotion code -->
        //my_lv.00P32220104Yrhq = "10Q4MACQ-MidMarket";
        // <!--Lead source:-->
        my_lv.lead_source = "Inbound Webform LP";
        // <!--Campaign tracking code:-->
        //my_lv.00F312230004Yr6w = "10Q4MACQ-MidMarket";
        my_lv.Campaign_ID = "70130000000LKal";
        // <!-- Key Code -->
        //my_lv.00N312330004Ys1x = "";
        // <!--Lead type:-->
        my_lv.lead_type = "other";
        //my_lv.00R30012314004Yr5F = "other";
        // <!--Tactic:-->
        //my_lv.00P301231404Ys1s = "Bundle Builder";
        my_lv.member_status = "responded";
        my_lv.successURL = "???";
        my_lv.first_name = "";
        my_lv.last_name = "";
        my_lv.email = "";
        my_lv.company = "";
        my_lv.title = "";
        my_lv.street = "";
        my_lv.city = "";
        my_lv.state = "";
        my_lv.zip = "";
        my_lv.phone = "";
        my_lv.industry = "";
        my_lv.employees = "";
        //The exact link here has been taken out for security reasons.

    Do you have access to / knowledge of the file that processes the data that gets sent.  Yo may have to add some code at the receiving end to take those variables you send and assign them to what would normally accomodate them at the receiving end.
    (Sorry if I confused your original description and stated what was already obvious to you.)

  • Hidden Variable

    I am using struts. I want to pass a hidden variable to my action class using <html:link>.
    <logic:notEmpty name="menArrayList">  
    <logic:iterate  name = "menArrayList" id="menlist">  
    <html:link action = "/mencategory" paramId = "category" paramName = "category_name"><bean:write name="menlist"  property="category_name"/> </html:link>  
    </logic:notEmpty>  But when I run my menu.jsp i get this error saying category_name canno tbe found in any scope.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean: "category_name" in any scope
    private String category_name;  
        public String getCategory_name() {  
            return category_name;  
        public void setCategory_name(String category_name) {  
            this.category_name = category_name;  
        }   And my Mencategoryaction.java should get that hidden parameter.
    String category = mencategorylist.getCategory_name();  
                    System.out.println("Category passed from jsp is " + category);  
                    stmt =  con.createStatement();  
                    String query = "select category_name from category_info where category_parent_level = (select category_no from category_info where category_name   = ' " +category + "')";  
                    rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);    
                            mencategorylist = new Menform();  
                            mencategoryArraylist.add( mencategorylist);  
                            mencategorylist = new Menform();  
                            mencategoryArraylist.add( mencategorylist);  
                session.setAttribute("mencategoryArraylist", mencategoryArraylist);  
        can anybody say me where I am going wrong?

    rosey_devloper wrote:
    I am sorry I did not get u. I have checked my javaranch account there is no answer for this question @leastThere are certainly replies: [http://www.coderanch.com/t/449245/Struts/Hidden-variable]
    You should also look at the JavaRanch FAQs especially this one: BeForthrightWhenCrossPostingToOtherSites
    best of luck.

  • Retrieving hidden variable value

    Iam developing a web application in servlets ,which contains a textarea in the form.
    When form is submitted the textarea value gets inserted to database.
    In the form there is a provision to view and edit the already entered text and then save.
    But the problem is iam not able to retrieve the value of textarea completly(During Edit save option)
    Only the first word in textarea is obtained.
    for eg :
    textarea name=text
    value ="this is a hidden variable"
    when i retrieve text in next form  using getParameter iam able to get only "this"
    ie first word in the line.
    Pls help

    Thanks BalusC,
    BalusC wrote:
    When a value contains spaces, then you need to quote the value in the 'value' attribute. Exactly as you did in your code example (which you apparently didn't do in your real code). But you should rather put the textarea value in the element body than in the element's 'value' attribute, otherwise any newlines or HTML tags in the value will break down the complete HTML DOM tree.I added a single quote in the value for text field and for the textarea i put the value before close of textarea(<textarea>value</textarea>)
    Happy New Year!!!

  • Problem with Hidden variable

    I have written a combobox onchange method as shown below:
    <td class=TableContentText width=220>               <html:select property="toType" size="1"           styleClass="SearchTextboxStyle"                    style="width:150px;" onchange="if (this.selectedIndex==0)
         {this.form['userID'].style.visibility='hidden';           this.form['groupID'].style.visibility='hidden'};          if (this.selectedIndex==1)               {this.form['userID'].style.visibility='visible'}     else {this.form['userID'].style.visibility='hidden'} ;          if (this.selectedIndex==2)                              {this.form['groupID'].style.visibility='visible'}          else {this.form['groupID'].style.visibility='hidden'} ;">          <html:option value="" >Select</html:option>               <html:option value="Users">User(s)</html:option>          <html:option value="Group">Group</html:option>     <html:option value="All Users">All Users          </html:option>                         </html:select>     </td>
    i have a combo box and a text box to be displayed on selection of the correspondign values:
                             <html:text property="userID" size="25"
                                  style="visibility:hidden;" />
                                  <html:select property="groupID" size="1"
                             <html:option value="" >Select </html:option>
                             <c:forEach var="group" items="${groupAll}">
                        <c:set var="currentGroup" value="${group}" />
                        <bean:define id="gid" name="currentGroup" type="String" />
                        <html:option value="<%=gid%>"><%=gid%> </html:option>
    but the problem is when i access the JSP for the first time i get the combobox with the list populated...its not hidden

    Welcome to SDN Tom.
    the stt.
    var name = document.getElementById('name').value;
    is to set the element (name) value to variable name.
    you cannot just give the javascript variable anme in the value field. if you want to set the value for a input field thru javascript consider the following example.
    <input type = "hidden"
    name = "NAME_LAST"
    id = "NAME_LAST"
    value = "" />
    document.getElementById('NAME_LAST').value = 'ABC' ;
    the above script would set the value for the input field as 'ABC'.
    if you want this to happen on particular action.(say a button click then make a javascript function like below and call it on click of a button.
    function setVal()
    document.getElementById('NAME_LAST').value = 'ABC' ;
    <input type="button" name="b1" onclick=setVal();"/>
    for more reading on javascript you can refer to

  • Hidden variable but ready for Input - BEx

    Hello everyone,
    I wanted to know if it's possible to create a variable for selection screen in the BEx which is hidden but still ready for input.
    I guess that if I uncheck the option "Variable is Ready for Input" in the variable properties in BEx, I will have a variable which is hidden and can be manipulated in a SAP Exit function module. I don't want to manipulate the variable there but send a value through RRI to this report (where the Variable should be hidden). If I uncheck the option "Variable is Ready for Input" I cannot set this in the RRI settings because I don't see the variable since it is not ready for input
    Do you know a possible solution for this?

    Hello Bob,
    Thanks for your fast answer. I got what you said, but it is not as simple as it is, for that reason I will describe the scenario a little bit more:
    Source query has:
    Variable: Key Date (Single, mandatory) -> InfoObject /APC/ACCTRADAT
    Key date means "all before that date" (defined in the extractor).
    Target query has:
    Variable: Transaction Date (selection Option, optional) -> InfoObject /APC/ACCTRADAT
    Transaction Date means "only that date" or "from one date to other date".
    If I send the date through RRI, the target query will think that the value it is getting is a single value, but it's actually a range (all before that date).
    For that reason I created a new InfoObject called Key Date for Recon. (/APC/RCTKEYDAT) with a single optional variable. I don't want to show the InfoObject as a free char because it makes no sence on it. So, depending on the variable I get, the extractor will decide either if it is a range or a single value. Any ideas?

  • Accessing a hidden variable with super

    I have three classes:
    -Mammal (derives from Animal)
    -Cat (derives from Mammal)
    Each have a variable called "age". How do I access the "age" value of Animal from Cat? (In other words can I go up TWO levels from Cat?) I tried "super.super.age" but the compiler balks.
    Thanks in advance,

    JLS 8.3 Hiding by Fields
    A hidden field can be accessed by using a qualified name (if it is static) or by using a field access expression (�15.11) that contains the keyword super or a cast to a superclass type. See �15.11.2 for discussion and an example.
    JLS Overriding (by Instance Methods)
    An overridden method can be accessed by using a method invocation expression (�15.12) that contains the keyword super. Note that a qualified name or a cast to a superclass type is not effective in attempting to access an overridden method; in this respect, overriding of methods differs from hiding of fields. See � for discussion and examples of this point.
    JLS Hiding (by Class Methods)
    A hidden method can be accessed by using a qualified name or by using a method invocation expression (�15.12) that contains the keyword super or a cast to a superclass type. In this respect, hiding of methods is similar to hiding of fields.

  • Passing hidden variables

    I have a form that feeds a query which then displays a table.
    I want to be able to sort by different fields in the display. I
    have turned the column headers into links that will tell the query
    to sort by that specific field, but I don't know how to get the
    rest of the needed variables back to the query without a really
    long URL or hidden form fields. Are these my only options? I know
    this is a common feature of db driven pages, and I'm trying to find
    out my options.

    better yet store your query's sql as a session var, i.e.
    session.searchquerysql, but without any ORDER BY clause. this
    session scope var is created on the form page. then your form's
    action page can run
    <cfquery name='name' datasource='dsn'>
    <cfif isdefined("url.sorton")>
    ORDER BY #url.sorton#;
    [put your default order by clause here tht will be used
    without sorton defined in url];
    you can actually even store the name of the table.column to
    sort results on as a session var, too, thus avoiding using url
    variables completely. this will require a bit of <cfscript>,
    as jdeline mentioned above, make sure session management is
    enabled for all of this to work...

  • Binding Session Values to hidden variables

    I need to access some session data (eg: signedin userid..) in ADF BC while doing an update, so that i can store it in database.
    Please suggest..

    Hey Timo,
    This is how i acheived this:
    1) Exposed a method in AppModule to set the user signedin..
    2) In the backing beanretreived the App Module..and set the userSignedin..
    ValueBinding vb = context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{data}");
    BindingContext bc = (BindingContext) vb.getValue(context);
    DCDataControl dc = bc.findDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
    AppModuleImpl appModuleImpl = (AppModuleImpl) dc.getDataProvider();
    AppModule am = (AppModule)appModuleImpl;
    3) And in the entity.. exposed the accessor methods for UpdatebleVO and retreived the App Module from it..and from it the user signedin..
    AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)getEmpUVO1().getApplicationModule();
    It works..Please suggest ifthere is any easy way..
    Edited by: user11922045 on Oct 26, 2010 1:50 PM

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