Hide Infotype menus

Im still new in this.
I would like to know how do i actually hide certain infotypes menus instead of deleting it?
Currently, there are a few infotype menus such as Contract data, Planning Data, Personal Data and etc. However, I would like to hide Contract Data and Planning Data Infotype menus.
What are the steps that i should follow?

Use V_T588B for adding info types into PA30 screen
V_T588C User group dependency on menus and infogroups
V_T588B Infotype menus
V_588B_S Dialog windows u2013 choose infotype menus
V_T588D Infogroup
V_588B_M Events menu
Menu type 'M': Events menu

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    Edited by: [email protected] on Apr 19, 2010 3:43 AM

    As a quick and dirty solution i would edit the navigation jsps (singlelevel/multilevel/yourcustom menu jsp) and disable the navigation for all hidden pages.
    Or create a backing file and dynamically change the navigation state on the desktop when the hidden page is requested.
    Or have the page in a different portal file if possible and set the same header and footer there as well.
    Or You could have a look at the detached portlets. These are used as popups often.

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    32 payroll info etc.
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    Edited by: Kavita Soi on Dec 12, 2008 2:19 PM

  • Config- Infotype Menus

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    You will have to create KM navigation iview . and give path   up to ypur folder.  You will see all  the sub folders in it.

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    Hi Treasureman,
    V_T588M cannot be used for SLcM, only for HCM screens.
    For the HR-PD screens you should change the coding of the screens (will require developer key). You should change module pool 170400 and screen 2000 via lay out and then the screen painter.
    For the BP related screens you can use the IMG customizing to hide fields.

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    For DA to work you need a JQuery selector or some other means to identify the items you need to hide.
    Tabs are usually <li> rendered by the #TAB_CELLS# built-in and do not have a name or id associated, hence your problem.
    Depending on the theme you are using you may or may not be able to find a selector.
    A simpler and more straight forward way would be to make the Tabs conditional on whatever condition you intend to use to fire the DA. Not sure if this is an option for you though.

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    in addition to gramp's hint, you could have a look here. You could e.g. use directly (Google) or download and integrate into your DW files.:
    http://support.google.com/calendar/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=1669237&hl rm=de&from=15270&rd=1
    On the other hand you can find some more by using Google itself, individually specific to your requirements and your preferences.

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    Best regards,

    Have you tried implementing a startup/shutdown service provider (IID_IAPPSTARTUPSHUTDOWN)? If it's too late to hide the menu, then an IMenuFilter/IActionFilter should do the job for you to hide menu. Or you can dynamically build the menu on the fly too (see dynamicmenu sample from SDK)

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    function visibilite(region,image) {
         if (region.style.display == "none")
              region.style.display = "" ;
              region.style.display = "none" ;
         if (image.src.indexOf('gauche.png',1) == -1)
              image.src = image.src.replace('droite.png','gauche.png');
              image.src = image.src.replace('gauche.png','droite.png');
    }It works perfectly, but when I navigate to an other page, the menus are obviously shown by default...
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    Create a Page 0 item which will be available on all pages.OMG yes I can use items in page 0 ! I should have think of that :/ Shame on me.
    Application item values can be set from JavaScript using AJAX and an On-Demand Process.Yes I already tried ajax with ODP, my getappitem() function works but my setappitem() function won't assign value to application item, but it's not a problem now, I removed the ajax part and I will use page items :D
    Thank you fac586.

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    Will appreciate your help.

    Please check SU3 T.Code in your user's ID. In this T.code there is one tab called parameters under this you should maintain your UGR (User Group), MOL (Country Grouping). After you maintain this values check in PA20/PA30.
    Based on the UGR, infotypes will maintain under Infotype menus.
    Thanks & Regards

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    Tell me the procedure (Steps) to add in V_T588B.
    Surendar T

    Hi Surendar,
    Go to SPRO : Personnel Management - Customizing Procedures - Infotype Menus - Infotype Menu - Double click INFOTYPE Menu.
    There from the Menu F4 help select "Employee Info" and click Continue.
    First note the last number for your user group.
    Click "New entries".
    Write user group - last number+1, infotype number (9XXX) and save.
    Good luck,

  • OM Infotypes (PO13)

    Hi Experts,
    In the Expert Mode (PO13),
    What is the use of tabs Like (Active, Planned, Submitted ,Approved, Rejected). How & in which condition we use.
    we also  maintain OM infotypes here.
    I would like to know this the only place we maintain the OM infotypes or any possibility in (Infogroups &  Infotype menus).
    Appreciate your early response.

    Any object created in the Organisation goes through the planning cycle during wich they will be approved or rejected.
    A planned status is assigned to each Infotype record .Following are the different status of planning cycle.
         Planned , Submitted , Approved , Active ,Rejected
    In your case PO13 is used to maintain positions.Positions are created in the planned status and then sent for approval.Depending on approval they can either become active or rejected.The status can be manually changed via menu option - Edit->status change.
    If the client wants to save the approval cycle in SAP you use the various status and change the status manually or via workflows.
    For example - first craeted position in planned status,once it is submitted for approval change the status to submit via Edit menu option .
    If the client doesnt want to capture status then obejcts are created directly in active status in SAP.
    PO13 is for position maintenance
    P010 for org unit maintenance.
    PP01, PP02 - object maintenance.
    Malathi V.

  • Menus Content Server

    Hi all,
    How can I "hide" de menus (top menu and side menu)? I want to click in a button and showing just the page without the menus.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hey there,
    Adding &coreContentOnly=1 to the URL will hide the Top Menus/Trays and show only the content of the page. Your button would reload the page (or link to another page) and add that to the URL.
    Hope that helps,
    Andy Weaver - Software Consultant
    Fishbowl Solutions < http://www.fishbowlsolutions.com?WT.mc_id=amw >
    Check out our Oracle Consulting Services Section.

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