Hide morning hours in Calendar

OS X Calendar starts the morning at 12:00 a.m.; however, I never have anything scheduled between 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Is there a way to hide these hours, or to have Calendar open with 7:00 a.m. at the top of the screen? Thanks.

Thanks for the reply Dimaxum. I'm not interested in whether you see a use for my request or not. I've decided that it would be useful to me (as have many others who have posted on this forum), so I'd like to find a solution. Do you have one?
There used to be a script for this called Visible Day in iCal, but it is not available for Mavericks. Any advice or suggestions would be helpful.

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    As depicted in this example, that choice only changes the shading of the calendar background for the specified timeframe.
    It will not hide the excluded times from being displayed.

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    How do you get logs out of a TC anyway?
    From the latest one you cannot.. no logs at all so that is the direction Apple is moving.. the black box.. well white box that you feed this into and get that out of.. but all the works inside are complete mystery.. that is the end point.. not quite there yet.
    Logs from v5 utility or SNMP.. both still working on any of the earlier TC.
    You can install v5 on Mountain Lion.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    Leave the package open on the desktop so you can see the file. AirportUtility56.pkg
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. If your Mac refuses to run the software, because it wasn’t downloaded from the Apple store, go to security in preferences and allow other software to work.. this is limitation of trade methinks. You can set back later if you like.
    Now drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. in finder, open the new directory, drill down.. applications, utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall version 6 (now 6.3 if you updated) so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. although I have had no problems when doing so.
    Give 7.6.3 firmware the heave ho.. and use 7.6.1 and if the TC is more than 18months old.. round about .. even a Gen4 you can go back to 7.5.2.. which seems more solid again.
    As stated above.. by the time you get early Gen3.. they can have board faults. and earlier ones are especially not reliable with power supply faults.

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    As depicted in this example, that choice only changes the shading of the calendar background for the specified timeframe.
    It will not hide the excluded times from being displayed.

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    I just got off the phone with apple tech support. The problem for me was that I had my contacts set to sync with google. This means they were essentially being saved and managed by google. By turning off syncing with google, all those fields, including 'add custom label' became available. To manage the google sync setting, on your phone go to SETTINGS > MAIL,CONTACTS,CALENDARS > GMAIL > CONTACTS. If you turn this off your contacts will be saved and managed by your phone. Be sure to turn icloud syncing on and that it includes contacts. To do that, go to SETTINGS > ICLOUD > CONTACTS. This is the ideal solution, however it removes your google contacts from the phone. To get the google contacts back onto your phone without switching your sync settings back to google, download your google contacts into Outlook or Windows Live mail and export them into the phone. I can't give you steps on how to download them from google, but to get them from Outlook or Windows Live Mail to your phone, do this: while the phone is plugged in, go into iTunes. click once on your phone name where it appears in the list to the left, by default it shows you the SUMMARY screen. It's hard to notice, but look at the top of the summary screen and see that there are other links there for INFO, APPS, MUSIC, etc. Click on INFO. Check the SYNC CONTACTS with option and choose outlook or windows, whichever applies to you. Click the APPLY button at the very bottom of the screen and it'll sync it up. Good luck!

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    Go to Solution.

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    Please declare the activity as an all day activity. :-)

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    Thks and regards,

    chk this fm
    D TYPE D VALUE '19971224',
    T TYPE T VALUE '235500'.
    " tstamp : 19971224115500
    " (12/24/1997 11:55:00)
    chk this documentation
    CONVERT - Converting Timestamps
    CONVERT - Converting Timestamps
    Effect Converts the timestamp tst into date d or
    time t based on the time zone tz.
    tst must have the type P(8) (short form) or P(11) with 7 decimal places (long form). tz must have the type C(6). The ABAP Dictionary contains the data elements TIMESTAMP,TIMESTAMPL, and TIMEZONE, which you can use in DATA ... TYPE ... statements to declare tst and tz. There are no strict type checks for the date d or time t. If you specify a variable that does not have type T, the system uses the type conversion rules applied in the MOVE statement.

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    Awesome, thanks so much, I've been trying to figure this out for months!

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    'really hide and no grey zone'
    i try to use John's script (https://discussions.apple.com/message/8941330?messageID=8941330&amp%3b#8941330?m essageID=8941330&amp%3b)
    but it seems over on iCal 5
    thks for yours lights

    Read here:
    http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-57561631-285/how-to-hide-purchased-apps-usin g-itunes/
    I don't know if "syncing", after you hide the purchases in iTunes, will also hide them on your phone, but give it a shot...see what happens. I have not tested yet.

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