Hiding Status Bar on a JWindow

Anyone know how to do it?... I run on win2000 and by default, my JWindow has a status bar that says Java Applet. Any Ideas? Thanks.

I think you can do that with Java to JavaScript communication.

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  • Status bar prerequisite - will not pass v28 until returned

    So, updated to 29 on both my Win7 & XP machines before I realized the problem:
    Mozilla is heck bent on hiding stuff from me.
    Read another (now closed) discussion of the loss of the status bar. I think this is the first time they pronounced the status bar dead. Tried the view-toolbars-addon and it's not there anymore.
    So, went back to 28 and will stay there until the status bar is returned or it becomes so obsolete that I'll have to return to IE.
    On my Win7Ult machine, it was easy - just the last restore point before I installed 29 and there it was. Doesn't wotk on XP, but luckily there's an FTP site that has copies of every version you can think of. I chose the last eng-us.28 and installed it over 29. I was surprised that the installation didn't notice and balk at it. also surprised it didn't crash and burn, but I'm writing this on that now and all seems OK.
    So, you are asking "where's the question?"
    It's this: the status bar is the darling of an overwhelming majority of Windows programs. I think this is like the third time they stole my status bar. Stealing the status bar is proof positive that Mozilla hates its users - by moving everything that used to be on the status bar to varied and sundry places, they have effectively chosen to hide things from their users and I find this inexcusably beyond the pale. For instance, they say it moved "add ons" to it's own 'addon' toolbar, which is NOT on by default. You see, they hid it. MY QUESTION IS - HOW TO GET MOZILLA TO STOP DOING THIS REPREHENSIBLE THING and return my browser to the way I like it. As I said in the subject "status bar is a requirement for my continued support". don't write back that I have to accept it or lump it. I'm on 'strike28' until the status bar is returned. If it is not, then I'll be going WHERE EVERY OTHER BROWSER VALUES THE STATUS BAR LIKE I DO". As a side note, several months ago Thunderbird did a really odd security update that destroyed my ability to send Email. I'm now a happy web mail user and nobody is trying to destroy my ability to use their product. If they had a mandate of 'intuitive changes', it would be different, but hiding things you are used to seeing in a place the WHOLE INDUSTRY is in agreement, this is the death knell to my interest, if not the product itself. If a large enough uproar cannot be generated, then it's probably not my kind of product anyway.CIAO.pcGnome

    So, for those interested, I'm still using v28 and things are working well still. But in all this time, a couple of simple, yet salient points have arisen (arose?) in my head. 1) Mozilla keeps trying to get rid of the status bar and folks of my ilk get all agitated and it dawns on me - have they ever said WHY they want to get rid of the status bar? Do they not like me having a tall enough area at the bottom to click on to bring the window to the front? Do they object to me knowing the status of what's going on?.............The upshot of this and the failure to get FlashPlayer right is that I'm using a browser less and less these days. I use it for web mail, ebay & nzbclub and the occasional google search. But search engines don't seem to work at all well anymore, so I'm gonna quit that soon. Try a google search for a phrase and then open a result and I give it about a 68% chance the phrase isn't even on the page, not even if you go back and find the well hidden 'cache' option (pronounced "cash"!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,My second point is probably going to sound laughable, but think a bit and it IS quite serious. Namely, when is firefox going to be finished? I mean, more than a decade ago they finished Media Player Classic and you cannot believe how wonderful it is that something just works! The problem with this "forever development" (aside from doing idiot things like 'let us get rid of the status bar') is that things are seriously backsliding. Used to be a product would be in beta and then a few tweaks and then it was finished. Yes, there were later versions (I have NO interest in MPC home theater - ruins the good stuff and gives me nothing). It's like "since we'll never finish this project, we can slide all the way back to pre-beta (alpha?) and have everyone disturbed by what are they going to change next, just to keep some jobs. Ruin the experience and ruin the reputation and then I see no reason to come to your sandbox anymore. Someday I'll have to relate the arrogance of Forte` Agent that screwed them the pooch (it's not OUR problem, it's an issue in all microsoft operating systems!). Anyway, I see the question asked "when are they going to put back the status bar" and there is only this pseudo answer of "they won't because there's an add-on". How about "when will they stop defeating the add-on that defeats their attempt to get rid of the status bar. I mentioned that with the v29 debacle, sure enough there was a new add-on to take care of that. So, how many add-ons does it take to get them to JUST LET ME HAVE THE DAMM STATUS BAR, OK? pcG

  • Hide webpage link URL from browser status bar?

    Anyone know how to hide webpage link URL from the browser
    status bar with Dreamweaver CS4? So that when the mouse cursor
    hovers over a link on a webpage, the URL won't be shown in the
    browser status bar. This comes in useful for when I put my email as
    a link on a webpage but I don't want to let my email address be
    known prematurely. I prefer to do this through the Dreamweaver CS4
    interface without coding, if possible. What is the easiest way to
    hide link URL like this? Thanks.

    More than the anal users. Many people use this information to
    whether they will click on the link. By hiding it, you remove
    extremely valuable security information - for example, a link
    tells you on
    the screen that it is taking you to www.wachovia.com, but the
    status bar
    link tells you it's taking you to
    I don't think you want to remove that from your site, unless,
    of course, you
    are the webmaster for
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "joeq" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gib1tf$kn7$[email protected]..
    > it can be done - Behaviors > Set Text > Set Text
    of Status Bar.
    > do what you want, but know that it's somewhat unreliable
    (see the caveat
    > in
    > the DW Behavior box) and that some anal users will
    object to the masking
    > of
    > your links.
    Originally posted by:
    ghost zero
    > Anyone know how to hide webpage link URL from the
    browser status bar with
    > Dreamweaver CS4? So that when the mouse cursor hovers
    over a link on a
    > webpage, the URL won't be shown in the browser status
    bar. This comes in
    > useful for when I put my email as a link on a webpage
    but I don't want to
    > let
    > my email address be known prematurely. I prefer to do
    this through the
    > Dreamweaver CS4 interface without coding, if possible.
    What is the
    > easiest way
    > to hide link URL like this? Thanks.

  • Feature Request: Microsoft Excel 2013 - Don't hide status bar text on focus lost (AVERAGE, COUNT, SUM)

    Could you please disable hiding of status bar text on focus lost.
    I use this in Excel 2013, where I select a few cells, then move to another Excel to write the sum of those cells as read from the status bar or to check with other values in the second window. This really makes my life easier and I see no reason to hide
    the status bar text when the window looses focus.

    Thanks for your suggestions.
    You can also send your feedback to the Office team by the steps as below:
    1. Inside any new Office application you’ll see a yellow smiley face in the top-right corner. Click on the face and choose either
    Send a Smile to send positive feedback or
    Send a Frown to send negative feedback.
    2. In the window that appears, provide details about your feedback or issue. Also, be sure to provide a link to this thread.
    3. Next, you can choose whether or not to send a screenshot. You can also enter your email address so the Office team can contact you directly if they have any questions.
    Note: Most feedback requests do not result in responses from the Office team.
    4. Click the Send button at the bottom of the form to send your feedback.
    Best Regards,

  • Hide URL from Status Bar

    Is it possible to hide the URL from the browser status bar when the mouse moves over a link AND once the link is clicked to hide the URL from the address bar as well ??
    Thanks for any input,

    More than the anal users. Many people use this information to
    whether they will click on the link. By hiding it, you remove
    extremely valuable security information - for example, a link
    tells you on
    the screen that it is taking you to www.wachovia.com, but the
    status bar
    link tells you it's taking you to
    I don't think you want to remove that from your site, unless,
    of course, you
    are the webmaster for
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "joeq" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gib1tf$kn7$[email protected]..
    > it can be done - Behaviors > Set Text > Set Text
    of Status Bar.
    > do what you want, but know that it's somewhat unreliable
    (see the caveat
    > in
    > the DW Behavior box) and that some anal users will
    object to the masking
    > of
    > your links.
    Originally posted by:
    ghost zero
    > Anyone know how to hide webpage link URL from the
    browser status bar with
    > Dreamweaver CS4? So that when the mouse cursor hovers
    over a link on a
    > webpage, the URL won't be shown in the browser status
    bar. This comes in
    > useful for when I put my email as a link on a webpage
    but I don't want to
    > let
    > my email address be known prematurely. I prefer to do
    this through the
    > Dreamweaver CS4 interface without coding, if possible.
    What is the
    > easiest way
    > to hide link URL like this? Thanks.

  • Status bar covers top of iPhone apps on iPad2/ mini

    Since iOS 7 came out I have had several iPhone apps that have the status bar visible and is on top of the app, hiding the top portion of the screen (in games, usually where scores are or number of lives left). Prior to iOS 7 the satus bar was hidden if I had the game in 2x mode, but with iOS 7 I can't even go back to 1x mode. Is their a fix for this or is it a bug that will hopefully get fixed in an update? I kept hoping each update would fix it but no such luck yet. Or is it an app issue?
    Most of them are older apps and does this both on my iPad 2 and iPad Mini.

    I just want to leave this picture here, showing how annoying the status bar is since the last update.
    i made this picture on my ipad mini playing the iphone game Zenonia the status bar hides half of the map (upper left corner) and the backpack button (upper right corner) making it impossible to play the game because that button is really important.
    i hope that this gets fixed someday.

  • How do I turn off and on the icon size slider bar at the lower right status bar of a folder window.

    I have been trying for days to help a friend with a new iMac to turn on the icon size slider bar that on my iMac appears at the bottom of ever folder when it is open when in the "view" > "icon" mode.  I cannot find anything that discusses this slider bar.  I can turn this status bar off and on on both my machine and my friends machine, but I cannot turn off or on the slider on either machine. 

    This did not help.  I am a Mac User since 1984 and generally I am never stymied buy the Mac OS, but this one has me.   I can open and close the lower status bar, as you described, and that works fine for me because I have the icon slider bar already there and it works fine; however when I open the lower status bar on my friends machine there is no icon size slider bar, and I can't seem to find out how to get it there, as it is on my machine or at all. The icon size can be controlled from the View menu, but as a photographer, it is really handy to have it at the bottom of the folder window.  Thanks for trying. 

  • The status bar is pushed up at about 3/4 of the screen, so I can view onlu firefox at about 1/4, good thing there is a scroll bar, but below the status bar is white display? can u please help me, I want to drag down the status bar so I can have a full vi

    The status bar is pushed up at about 3/4 of the screen, so I can view only Firefox at about 1/4, good thing there is a scroll bar, but below the status bar is white display? can u please help me, I want to drag down the status bar so I can have a full view
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    Your code is absolutely unreadable - even if someone was willing to
    help, it's simply impossible. I do give you a few tips, though: If you
    understand your code (i.e. if it really is YOUR code), you should be
    able to realize that your minimum and maximum never get set (thus they
    are both 0) and your exam 3 is set with the wrong value. SEE where
    those should get set and figure out why they're not. Chances are you
    are doing something to them that makes one 'if' fail or you just
    erroneously assign a wrong variable!

  • How can I create a status bar at the bottom of a window ?

    I would like to create a status bar at the bottom of my main window similiar to "Internet explorer" has. I thought of using a tool bar but I can't see how to keep it positioned at the bottom of the window when the window is resizable. Any other ideas on how to do this the bar only needs to contain a small amout of text and maybe an icon or two.

    CVI doesn't have a status bar control on UI element like the one available in Visual Studio++. The best way to replicate this is most like through a string control that is resized and positioned to remain at the bottom of the window and colored to look appropriately. I have also seen the combination of a decoration and a text message used.
    Best Regards,
    Chris Matthews
    Measurement Studio Support Manager

  • How can I implement a status bar at the bottom of a resizable application?

    Hello all,
    I am a JavaFx newbie and I am implementing an application (a Sokoban game), with a menu at the top of the frame and a gaming area covering the rest of the frame. To support the game, I have to load images at certain positions in the gaming area.
    The game also includes a level editor with another menubar and where images are set to other positions.
    I implemented this in another view, swiching from the game mode to the level editor mode and vice versa is just done by setting the other view visible. Up to now this works, here the important statements building these details:
    Group root = new Group();
    gameView = new Group(); // for gaming mode
    le_view = new Group()   // for level editor mode
    MenuBar gameMenubar = new MenuBar();
    Menu menuGame = new Menu(bundle.getString("MenuGame"));
    ... building the menu items and menues ...
    ImageView buildingView[][] = new ImageView[22][22];
    for (nCol = 0; nCol < 22; nCol++) {
        for (nRow = 0; nRow < 22; nRow++) {
            buildingView[nCol][nRow] = new ImageView();
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setX(nCol * 26 + 5);
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setY(nRow * 26 + 40);
    ... same stuff to build the le_view ...
    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 600, Color.CORNSILK); Now I want to introduce a status bar at the bottom of the frame, which of course has to follow the bottom of the frame, if it is resized. And of course the menu and the status bar should not grow vertically, if the height of the frame is increased.
    The implementation seems to be easy with StackPane for the frame and one BorderPane for each mode.
    For the first step I only tried implementing the game mode with only one BorderPane (just setting the menu, the gaming area and the status bar each into a HBox and setting these three HBoxes at the top, into the center and at the bottom). I also tried this via GridPane and via VBox; I always get any erroneous behaviour:
    Either the menubar is visible, but the menus do not pop up the menu items, or the anchor point of the menu and of gaming area are set 100 pixels left of the left frame border and move into the frame when the frame width is increased, or the menu is set 20 pixels below the top of the frame, or HBox with the menu grows when the frame height is increased, so that the anchor point of the gaming area moves down.
    Can you describe me a correct construction of such a frame? Thanks in advance.
    Best regards

    Hello Gerhard,
    Glad the code helped, thanks for a fun layout exercise.
    For the draft code I just pulled an icon off the internet over a http connection.
    If you haven't done so already place any icons and graphics you need local to your project, so that resource lookups like:
    Image img = new Image("http://www.julepstudios.com/images/close-icon.png");become
    Image img = new Image("close-icon.png");then performance may improve.
    Another possible reason for your performance problem could be that when you use a vbox, the vbox content can overflow the area of the borderpane center and might be sitting on top of the menu pane, making you unable to click the menu (which is what happens to me when I try that with the draft program with the vbox wrapping mod, then resize the scene to make it smaller). This was a trick which caught me and the reason that I used a Group originally rather than a vbox. I found a vbox still works but you need to tweak things a bit. The trick I saw was that the order in which you add stuff to the borderpane is important. The borderpane acts like a stack where the last thing added floats over the top of everything else if you size the scene small enough. For your project you want the menu on top always, so it always needs to be the last thing added to the borderpane, but when you swap in the level pane for the game pane, then back out again, the game pane can end up on top of the menu which makes the menu seem like you can't click it (only when the scene is sized small enough). It was quite a subtle bug which took me a little while to work out what was happening. For me the solution was to add just one vbox to the center of the border, and then swap the game pane and the level editor in and out of the vbox, that way the center of the layout always stayed behind the menu bar and the status bar.
    I added some revisions to reflect the comments above and placed some comments in the code to note what was changed and why.
    public class SampleGameLayoutRevised extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); }
      public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        final BorderPane gameLayout = new BorderPane();
        final Group gameView = new Group();
        final MenuBar gameMenubar = new MenuBar();
        final Menu gameMenu = new Menu("Mode");
        final VBox centerView = new VBox();
        centerView.setStyle("-fx-background-color: darkgreen");  // we set a background color on the center view to check if it overwrites the game menu.
        MenuItem playGameMenu = new MenuItem("Play Game");
        MenuItem levelEditMenu = new MenuItem("Edit Levels");
        final StackPane levelEditView = new StackPane();
        levelEditView.getChildren().add(new Text("Level Editor"));
        ImageView buildingView[][] = new ImageView[22][22];
        Image img = new Image("http://www.julepstudios.com/images/close-icon.png");  // use of http here is just for example, instead use an image resource from your project files.
        for (int nCol = 0; nCol < 22; nCol++) {
          for (int nRow = 0; nRow < 22; nRow++) {
            ImageView imgView = new ImageView(img);
            buildingView[nCol][nRow] = imgView;
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setX(nCol * 20 + 5);
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setY(nRow * 20 + 40);
        final VBox statusBar = new VBox();
        final Text statusText = new Text("Playing Game");
        statusBar.setStyle("-fx-background-color: cornsilk"); // we set a background color on the status bar,
                                                              // because we can't rely on the scene background color
                                                              // because, if the scene is sized small, the status bar will start to overlay the game view
                                                              // and if we don't explicitly set the statusBar background the center view will start
                                                              // to bleed through the transparent background of the statusBar.
        gameLayout.setCenter(centerView); // we add the centerview first and we never change it, instead we put it's changeable contents in a vbox and change out the vbox content.
        gameLayout.setTop(gameMenubar);   // note the game layout is the last thing added to the borderpane so it will always stay on top if the border pane is resized.
        playGameMenu.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
          public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            centerView.getChildren().clear();  // here we perform a centerview vbox content swap.
            statusText.setText("Playing Game");
        levelEditMenu.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
          public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            centerView.getChildren().clear();  // here we perform a centerview vbox content swap.
            statusText.setText("Editing Level");
        Scene scene = new Scene(gameLayout, 800, 600, Color.CORNSILK);
    }Other than that I am not sure of a reason for the slowdown you are seeing. In my experience JavaFX has been quick and responsive for the tasks I have been using it for. Admittedly, I just use if for a bunch of small trial projects, but I've never seen it unresponsive for a minute.
    - John

  • Error message in a BADI getting displayed in a popup instead of status bar

    Hello All,
    I have implemented a BADI in ECC6 to prevent the change of formula in ERP from transaction O3I8.
    The BADI gets called on clicking 'Save' from transaction o3I8.
    Within the  BADI i am giving an error message using the following command:
    Message e000(ZABC) .
    However , the message gets displayed in a pop up instead of the status bar .
    The same is for information and warning messages.
    Any suggestions on how to display them in the status bar ?

    Hi Brad,
    The checkbox to display messages in pop-up  is already switched off.
    Still themessages are getting displayed in pop-up.

  • Why does the address/status bar not work?

    After updating to 9.0.1, my status bar will not work, or my address bar. If I try to type in anything and press enter into the address bar, nothing happens. Also, I cannot press forward or back as they always remain grayed out. The only way I can get to a website is by pressing home, which is thankfully google. I have to google the url to go to it.
    Remembering now actually, I copied all the folders from the main firefox folder and pasted them into a new install of firefox (I had this problem actually before firefox updated). I was hoping that copying these folders would save my addons and etc. after I downloaded a new firefox and re-installed it. I put the folders back and firefox is still messed up :/
    I just want it to work more Q_Q

    That issue can be caused by an extension that isn't working properly.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • How to Show String Error Message in SAP status bar?

    Hello All,
    I am doing some custom check in SBO_SP_TransactionNotification and Setting
       SET @error = -1
       SET @error_message='Duplicate Web Order ID'
       select @error,  @error_message 
    But in SAP interface it is only showing -1 in status bar, I could not show error_message in status bar. How it could be achieved.
    Thanks in advance

    try this
    SET @error = 1
    SET @error_message='Duplicate Web Order ID'
    select @error, @error_message

  • Customizing the Home Screen Status Bar

    I know right now that the ability to customize the home screen is more or less limited to the arrangement of the icons, right?
    What I want is the ability to place a 'new mail' or 'new sms' icon at the top of the home screen, along the status bar where the time and signal strength are currently displayed.
    That way I can see at a glance if I have new messages, even when the phone is locked, by hitting the unlock button at the top of the phone.
    Luckily the SMS preview gives me that status, but I still need to manually unlock the phone with the passcode before I can see if I have any new email. I don't use an audible alert for incoming email.
    I'd also prefer the option to have new sms messages neither display a preview nor even display a name on the home screen.
    In short, I want more control over the behavior and display of the home screen. I've seen some rumblings that the Apple SDK disallows interaction with the home screen. If so, iPhone users are completely at the whim of Apple to include new home screen functionality.
    I'm not happy with that arrangement.
    Coming from the Windows Mobile word, I'm finding Apple to be a very closed system. I knew ahead of time that there would be some diminished flexibility, but I didn't expect this much of a drop.

    Apparently you do not have a question, but it seems that you have some feedback for Apple. As this is a users forum, populated by iphone users -not Apple, perhaps you need the address for feedback that Apple does receive:

  • Problems with Syncing iPhone 3G (4.2.1. iOS).  What is appearing in the status bar is "Syncing "untiled playlist.." and its stuck at backing up.  I noticed that my name has been replaced to "untitled playlist". Whats wrong

    Problems with Syncing iPhone 3G (4.2.1. iOS).  What is appearing in the status bar is "Syncing "untiled playlist.." and its stuck at backing up.  I noticed that my name has been replaced to "untitled playlist". Whats wrong

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Maybe a long shot, but WD is not known for the quality of some of their enclosures, although I do like the drives themselves. It may be worth mounting this drive in a different enclosure, something like one of OWC's FireWire enclosures with the highly reliable Oxford chip sets. I wouldn't be inclined to trust a WD enclosure, especially if it already seemed to be acting in a flakey manner.
    Here's an example of what I mean:
    I have 3 of these and I really like them.
    From what I understand, if the drive spins up, it is often possible to recover data from it. To be absolutely certain to destroy the data, you just about have to take a hammer to the disk. Hopefully, there will be a way to get your data back.
    Good luck!

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