High memory webintelligence processing server

why the memory of web intelligence processing server increase considerably when i refresh or schedule a webi document referring to a SAP BW Universe?
How can i to resolve this issue?

@Carlo: Which BOBJ version (incl. FixPacks) are you using?
@Siva: Have you tried to modify related properties of your webi processing server like the following
(BO XI 3.0)
Idle Document Timeout
Cache Timeout
Maximum Document Cache Size 
@BOTH: Abhishek is right. Please consider checking the BEx query  you are using in your report. If you are using an SAP BW as data source, please note that the WebI Proc Server will fetch ALL attributes that have been assigned to your report within the WebI query panel even if these attributes are not displayed or really used in your report. Maybe you can save some space by removing data that are not needed.

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  • WebIntelligence Processing Server fails to start

    last weekend we upgraded a working BOE XI 3.0 SP3 + SAP IK XI 3.0 SP 3 to BOE XI 3.1 SP3 and SAP IK 3.1 SP3 (Windows 2003 server). The sequence was:
    -Applied the 3.1 upgrade to existing BO XI 3.0 SP3
    - Applied the 3.1 upgrade to existing SAP IK
    - Applied SP3 on top of the new BO XI 3.1
    - Applied SP3 on top of the new SAP IK.
    There were some problems but we managed to finish the installation, apparently with no problems; but users complained next day about a RWI 00226 error. We discovered (through the Windows Event manager and the logs) that the Webi Processing Server was unable to start from the first upgrade made (from 3.0 to 3.1). Most of our reports are Deski so we were not aware of that problem at that moment.
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    Then we were able to reproduce the same actions performed on the production environment, and exactly with the same results: all the other servers were working correctly but WebIntelligenceServer was still unable to start.
    I will try to get more information by setting the trace argument to the server, but has anyone experienced the same issue?

    Yes, we deleted the old one, deleted the cache, created a new one, etc. But the same results.
    More info about this problem, got with -trace:
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.180|==| | | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||ceserver:initialization of the administration plugin
    cecdzadmmgr.cpp:86:__thiscall CdzAdminMgr::CdzAdminMgr(const class CXLib400::SWCharString &,const class CXLib400::CParamLineArgs &): TraceLog message 41
    Here the first error:
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.180|>>|E| | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||**ERROR:cdzadmmgr:cannot create the CDZ manager
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.180|==| | | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||ceserver:initialize the WebI session manager
    ceserver.cpp:246:bool __thiscall CDZServer::initialize(const class CXLib400::CParamLineArgs &,const class
    CXLib400::SWCharString &,const class CXLib400::SWCharString &): TraceLog message 43
    Next, the second:
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.180|>=|E|X| 5040|9184|}|||||||||||||||ceserver:CDZServer::initialize: 0.289
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.196|==| | | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||SIServerController:run: Fail to initialize or uninitialize.  Reason is El servidor raíz ha notificado un error Error de inicialización. (Motivo: Error interno.).:*
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    2011/03/02 20:37:45.372|>=| | | 5040|9184|{|||||||||||||||ceserver:CDZServer::uninitialize
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.372|==| | | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||CDZServer::uninitialize
    Finally, the Webi is dropped:
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.372|>>|E| | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||**ERROR:cdzadmmgr:unable to retrieve the WebiContainer::IContainerPluginManager singleton object : CoCreateInstance failed
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.372|>=| | | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||SDKREQ     :     ~Destructor: EnCOMSessionMgr          
    2011/03/02 20:37:45.372|==| | | 5040|9184| |||||||||||||||EnCOMSessionMgr::~EnCOMSessionMgr begins ..
    Hope this help

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    Post Author: Lucia Chan
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
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    New version that's comming up SBO Bi4.0 will have bouilt in monitoring that will allow what you requesting.
    In the current product line - this is not possible, unless you just monitor WIReportServer.exe at OS level and alert when it's memory or CPU usage goest too high... (if memory reaches close to and above 1.7gb - you're going into troubles.)
    There are various fixes and improvements to Webi processing stability in recent fix and service packs, so if you're having webi instability - you should review latest FP fix issues list (in SMP to right of FP download there is an Info link - it leads to fixed issues docs).
    If you do not see your issue listed - open incident with support - let them investigate.
    Webi crashing when merging/unmerging dimentions sounds like a bug...

  • Find heap memory Size for Web Intelligence processing server in BO 4.0

    Hi All ,
    We need to gather data for sizing inputs.For Adaptive processing server , we can find same by going in CMC> Server > APS > Properties & check value for the parameter -Xmx  . Could you please tell how to  find the max heap memory allocated for a Web Intelligence processing server in BO 4.0 as for Webi server this parameter is not maintained. ?
    Regards ,

    Hi Abhinav,
    The maximum threshold is a value which may reach on peak usage and Webi processing server cannot occupy memory beyond this value at any time.
    In your situation 9 Webi Processing servers with 16 GB of RAM on server is not recommended. This is because consider situation with total 16 GB of host RAM.
    4 GB should left for OS
    Tomcat will need minimum 2 GB for 200 users
    So you are left with 10 GB RAM for all BO services
    Now 9 Webi Processing servers with 6 GB of Threshhost will not work here
    For this configuration you can have 2 Webi Processing servers with default threshold should be running on single host.

  • Unabel to processes application with high memory image

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    In one of my application i am loading 8mb image into 2d picture control and i am doing some operations on it . 
    This is working perfectly but when i am using high memory image like 30mb the performance i.e in terms of speed got slowed down .
    So how to increase the speed of the application

    When you write "mb" do you mean megabytes?  The typical usage in English is MB. Lower case letters technically would refer to millibits which of course does not make any sense.
    A 30 MB image, assuming 4 bytes per pixel, is 7.5 megapixels. In a square image it would be >2700 pixels on a side. Unless your picture control is that large - which is larger than most screens - the data has to be reduced to the number of pixels in the control. LabVIEW or the OS or both will do those reductions, but you have no control over how much time it will take.
    The other thing which can slow processing is creation of extra data copies in your operations.
    Without seeing your VI, I cannot make specific recommendations. In general:1. Make the image size match the picture control size and 2. Avoid extra data copies.

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    And let me know where we can check this?

    Have you configured a Central Monitoring System (CEN)? This includes registering the agent on the CEN, starting it and configuring the Central Auto Reactions on CEN using RZ21 transaction.

  • Windows Server 2012 High Memory Utilization(Three Hyper-V Instance Configure in this Server For Lync)

    Hello There,
    Issue: High Memory Utilization in Below Scenario. Pl. See the below configuration of Win 12 Server
    Pl. see for committed memory bytes . m little bit confused that about committed memory
    OS: Windows Server 2012
    Memory: Total 24 GB Free:1.3 GB Committed:27.6 GB
    App Configure: Three Hyper V Instances Configure For Lync Server 2013
    Pls provide me solution on this issue

    Virtual memory system.  Committed memory is the physical memory for which space has been reserved in the disk paging file.  So, you are paging, which is quite common in virtual memory systems.
    On a completely different topic.  Lync is an application that works best on real cores.  Most systems are configured by default to use hyperthreading.  Hyperthreading increases the logical processor count on a system and logical processors
    are treated equally.  Since a hyperthread 'core' (logical processor) performs at a small fraction of a real core (logical processor), if you are running VMs that work best with real cores, it is best to change your BIOS on the Hyper-V host to disable
    hyperthreading, sometimes called simultaneous multithreading (SMT).
    . : | : . : | : . tim

  • What's the recommended setting for "Process memory usage" ("process virtual" in UI) for a 64-bit host on a 64-bit OS?

    Hi gurus
    In resource based throttling, what's the recommended setting for "Process memory usage" ("process virtual" in the resource based throttling tab of the UI) for a 64-bit host
    on a 64-bit Windows OS?
    According to MS (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee308808(v=bts.10).aspx):
    "By default, the
    Process memory usage throttling threshold is set to 25. If this value is exceeded and the BizTalk process memory usage is more than 300 MB, a throttling condition may occur. On a 32-bit
    server, you can increase the Process memory usage value to 50. On a 64-bit server, you can increase this value to 100. This allows for more memory consumption by the BizTalk process before throttling
    Does this mean that 100 is the recommended setting for a 64-bit host on a 64-bit Windows?
    Michael Brandt Lassen

    Hi Michael,
    Recommended setting is the default setting which is 25 .dot.
    If your situation is abnormal and you see message delivery throttling state to “4” when the following performance counters are high or if you expect any of you integration
    process could have impact on following counters, then you can consider the suggestion by Microsoft. Don’t change the default setting.
    High process memory
    Process memory usage (MB)
    Process memory usage threshold (MB)
    You can see these counters under “BizTalk:MessageAgent”
    You can gauge these performance counter and its maximum values if have done any regression/performance testing in your test servers. If you have seen these counters having
    high values and causing throttling, then you can update the Process memory usage.
    Or unexpectedly you’re process high throughput messages in production which is causing these counters to go high and cause throttling, then up can update the Process memory
    The above two cases where I know my expected process usage (by doing performance testing) or suddenly my production server processing has gone high due to unexpected business
    hike (or any reasons) which caused throttling, then do changes to default throttling setting.
    Just changing the default setting without actual reason could have adverse effect where you end up allocating 
    more processing capacities but the actual message processing message usage ever is low means you end up investing in underutilised resources.
    M.R.Ashwin Prabhu
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

  • Total Server Memory and Target server memory

    Hi All,
    SQL server 2005
    Installed Memory 63gb
    SQL server maximum memory is restricted to 32 gb                                             
    Target Server Memory (KB) 33554432
    Total Server Memory (KB) 33554432
    SQL Server Buffer Manager
    Counter Value
    Buffer cache hit ratio                                                                                                          
    Free list stalls/sec                                                                                                            
    Free pages                                                                                                                      
    Lazy writes/sec                                                                                                                 
    Page life expectancy                                                                                                            
    Please let us know above settings means any memory pressure and let us know what be the best practice to avoid memory pressure if there is any.
    Grateful to your time and support. Regards, Shiva

    some of the values you posted are no logical. but let's go over the values as you posted one by one:
    * page life expectancy: number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.
            883 seem to be OK, but not very high (more then 14 min)
    * Buffer Cache Hit Ratio: Percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total number of cache lookups over the last few thousand page accesses.
            I dont know how you got this value above 100%.
            I would suggest to use PERFMON to check the value, or this query:
    SELECT (a.cntr_value * 1.0 / b.cntr_value) * 100.0 as BufferCacheHitRatio
    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters a
    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
    WHERE counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio base'
    WHERE a.counter_name = 'Buffer cache hit ratio'
    * Free list stalls/sec: frequency with which requests for available database pages are suspended because no buffers are available. Free list stall rates of 3 or 4 per second indicate too little SQL memory available.
    806 is extrimly high value, look very bad! It should be around 2
    * Lazy writes/sec: tracks how many times a second that the Lazy Writer process is moving dirty pages from the buffer to disk in order to free up buffer space.
    423858 is extrimly high value, look very bad! It should be less then 20
    ** I have a feeling that you do no red the data currectly. Please check this link:
    ** Go over this link as well :-)
    http://www.grumpyolddba.co.uk/monitoring/Performance Counter Guidance - SQL Server.htm
    [Personal Site] [Blog] [Facebook]

  • WebI Processing server 4.0 and its common services

    Hello there.
    Tried to search here as well in SAP notes area, but did not find anything useful. Problem here is that the default WebI processing server was deleted and when I'm trying to create it from a scratch it allows to add only single service, for example: WebIntelligence Core service or WebIntelligence Common service etc.
    By default WebI pro server consists of Core, Processing,Common, Information Engine service... ok the last one can be added to APS server, but how to get tose 3 Core/Common/Processing to single server, I can't add them from a list because it's empty. I do not want to recreate the SIA node, but the problem here is that one of those services consuming huge amount of memory...more than 6GB of mem and I do not see the switch how to turn it out.
    many thanks in advance

    Hi again
    I do not like to bump like this, but maybe somebody have any idea how to deal with it? Maybe it makes sense to add this question to diferent thread?

  • Very high memory usage..possible memory leak?  Solaris 10 8/07 x64

    I noticed yesterday that my machine was becoming increasingly slow, where once it was pretty snappy. It's a Compaq SR5250NX with 1GB of RAM. Upon checking vmstat, I noticed that the "Free" column was ~191MB. Now, the only applications I had open were FireFox 2.0.11, GAIM, and StarOffice. I closed all of them, and the number reported in the "Free" column became approximately 195MB. "Pagefile" was about 5.5x that size. There were no other applications running and it's a single user machine, so I was the only one logged in. System uptime: 9 days.
    I logged out, logged back in, to see if that had an affect. It did not. Rebooted and obviously, that fixed it. Now with only FireFox, GAIM, and a terminal open, vmstat reports "Free" as ~450MB. I've noticed if I run vmstat every few seconds, the "Free" total keeps going down. Example:
    unknown% vmstat
    kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
    r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd s0 s1 s2   in   sy   cs us sy id
    0 0 0 870888 450220  9  27 10  0  1  0  8  2 -0 -0 -0  595 1193  569 72  1 28
    unknown% vmstat
    kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
    r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd s0 s1 s2   in   sy   cs us sy id
    0 0 0 870880 450204  9  27 10  0  1  0  8  2 -0 -0 -0  596 1193  569 72  1 28
    unknown% vmstat
    kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
    r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr cd s0 s1 s2   in   sy   cs us sy id
    0 0 0 870828 450092  9  27 10  0  1  0  8  2 -0 -0 -0  596 1193  570 71  1 28
    unknown%Output of prstat -u Kendall (my username ) is as follows:
      2026 Kendall   124M   70M sleep   59    0   0:01:47 1.4% firefox-bin/7
      1093 Kendall    85M   77M sleep   59    0   0:07:15 1.1% Xsun/1
      1802 Kendall    60M   15M sleep   59    0   0:00:08 0.1% gnome-terminal/2
      1301 Kendall    93M   23M sleep   49    0   0:00:30 0.1% java/14
      1259 Kendall    53M   15M sleep   49    0   0:00:32 0.1% gaim/1
      2133 Kendall  3312K 2740K cpu1    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1
      1276 Kendall    51M   12M sleep   59    0   0:00:11 0.0% gnome-netstatus/1
      1247 Kendall    46M   10M sleep   59    0   0:00:06 0.0% metacity/1
      1274 Kendall    51M   13M sleep   59    0   0:00:05 0.0% wnck-applet/1
      1249 Kendall    56M   17M sleep   59    0   0:00:07 0.0% gnome-panel/1
      1278 Kendall    48M 9240K sleep   59    0   0:00:05 0.0% mixer_applet2/1
      1245 Kendall  9092K 3844K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-smproxy/1
      1227 Kendall  8244K 4444K sleep   59    0   0:00:01 0.0% xscreensaver/1
      1201 Kendall  4252K 1664K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sdt_shell/1
      1217 Kendall    55M   16M sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-session/1
       779 Kendall    47M 2208K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-volcheck/1
       746 Kendall  5660K 3660K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% bonobo-activati/1
      1270 Kendall    49M   10M sleep   49    0   0:00:00 0.0% clock-applet/1
      1280 Kendall    47M 8904K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% notification-ar/1
      1199 Kendall  2928K  884K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% dsdm/1
      1262 Kendall    47M 2268K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-volcheck/1
    Total: 37 processes, 62 lwps, load averages: 0.11, 0.98, 1.63System uptime is 9 hours, 48 minutes. I'm just wondering why the memory usage seems so high to do...nothing. It's obviously a real problem as the machine turned very slow when vmstat was showing 195MB free.
    Any tips, tricks, advice, on which way to go with this?

    Apologies for the delayed reply. School has been keeping me nice and busy.
    Anyway, here is the output of prstat -Z:
      2040 Kendall      144M   76M sleep   59    0   0:04:26 2.0% firefox-bin/10
    28809 Kendall     201M  193M sleep   59    0   0:42:30 1.9% Xsun/1
      2083 Kendall      186M   89M sleep   49    0   0:02:31 1.2% java/58
      2260 Kendall       59M   14M sleep   59    0   0:00:00 1.0% gnome-terminal/2
      2050 Kendall       63M   21M sleep   49    0   0:01:35 0.6% realplay.bin/4
      2265 Kendall     3344K 2780K cpu1    59    0   0:00:00 0.2% prstat/1
    29513 Kendall     71M   33M sleep   39    0   0:07:25 0.2% gaim/1
    28967 Kendall     56M   18M sleep   59    0   0:00:24 0.1% gnome-panel/1
    29060 Kendall     93M   24M sleep   49    0   0:02:58 0.1% java/14
    28994 Kendall     51M   13M sleep   59    0   0:00:23 0.1% wnck-applet/1
    28965 Kendall     49M   14M sleep   59    0   0:00:33 0.0% metacity/1
       649 noaccess   164M   46M sleep   59    0   0:09:54 0.0% java/23
    28996 Kendall     51M   12M sleep   59    0   0:00:50 0.0% gnome-netstatus/1
      2264 Kendall    1352K  972K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% csh/1
    28963 Kendall  9100K 3792K sleep   59    0   0:00:03 0.0% gnome-smproxy/1
         0           80          655M  738M    73%       1:18:40 7.7% global
    Total: 80 processes, 322 lwps, load averages: 0.27, 0.27, 0.22Sorry about the bad formatting, it's copied from the terminal.
    In any event, we can see that FireFox is sucking up 145MB (??!?!!? crazy...) XSun, 200MB, and java 190MB. I'm running Java Desktop System (Release 3) so I assume that is what accounts for the the high memory usage RE: java process. But, XSun, 200MB?
    Is this normal and I just need to toss another gig in, or what?

  • High memory use when checking downloads folder through browser

    High memory use when checking downloads folder through browser.
    I have a total of 3 DDR2 Gbytes of ram. Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4500 @ 2.30GHz Win 7 home pr. 64bit. Firefox 27.0 beta
    I right click on a file to "open containing folder" from the drop down menu in downloads.
    When the folder has been opened, explorer is trying to index the folder (which it never does completely or well after 5 minutes I close the folder and shut down the dllhost process cause laptop is blazing hot) and memory keeps increasing till no more is available.
    I checked task manager and see that dllhost is the particular process that is causing the spike in memory usage even after closing the folder I right click and stop the process and memory is restored after awhile.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * On Windows you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by quitting Firefox and then going to your Terminal and running: firefox -safe-mode (you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • Sudden high memory usage, can't find cause

    I did a big update yesterday, and today I've started to notice very high memory usage. I wasn't keeping track before so I can't say how much it increased, but I've never had problems before, and the slowness and lack of responsiveness have been noticeable, though I haven't ruled out other possible causes for that. Here's the output of 'free -m':
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 7971 7826 144 0 1 149
    -/+ buffers/cache: 7674 296
    Swap: 9215 458 8757
    It wasn't as bad as that right after startup, though usage still seemed suspiciously high. What makes this whole thing a mystery to me is that none of my running processes seem to be using that much memory!  Here's the output of 'top -b -n 1':
    1 root 20 0 32712 544 384 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.32 systemd
    2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd
    3 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:02.48 ksoftirqd/0
    5 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0H
    7 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/0
    8 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:15.55 rcu_preempt
    9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_bh
    10 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_sched
    11 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.05 watchdog/0
    12 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 watchdog/1
    13 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/1
    14 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.02 ksoftirqd/1
    16 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/1:0H
    17 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 watchdog/2
    18 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/2
    19 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.17 ksoftirqd/2
    20 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:0
    21 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:0H
    22 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 watchdog/3
    23 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/3
    24 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.04 ksoftirqd/3
    26 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:0H
    27 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 khelper
    28 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kdevtmpfs
    29 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 netns
    30 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 writeback
    31 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 bioset
    32 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kblockd
    33 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 xenbus_frontend
    35 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 khungtaskd
    36 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:06.75 kswapd0
    37 root 25 5 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ksmd
    38 root 39 19 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.24 khugepaged
    39 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 fsnotify_mark
    40 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 crypto
    44 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kthrotld
    47 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 deferwq
    49 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.21 kworker/1:1
    61 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ata_sff
    63 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_0
    65 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_1
    68 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_2
    69 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_3
    70 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_4
    71 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_5
    76 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 khubd
    81 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.02 kworker/3:2
    93 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 firewire
    94 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_6
    95 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_7
    96 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_8
    97 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 scsi_eh_9
    100 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.31 kworker/0:1H
    104 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 jbd2/sda3-8
    105 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ext4-dio-unwrit
    119 root 20 0 182720 324 228 S 0.0 0.0 0:02.90 systemd-journal
    130 root 20 0 32032 320 316 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 systemd-udevd
    133 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/1:2
    150 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rpciod
    152 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 nfsiod
    160 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/1:1H
    162 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:1H
    189 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 cfg80211
    191 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 led_workqueue
    216 root -51 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 irq/53-mei_me
    220 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:1H
    255 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.59 jbd2/sda2-8
    256 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ext4-dio-unwrit
    267 root 20 0 13236 340 260 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.02 crond
    268 root 20 0 57644 524 232 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.07 syslog-ng
    275 root 20 0 77896 2164 52 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 cupsd
    276 root 20 0 32856 32 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.53 atieventsd
    278 root 20 0 26120 452 448 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 systemd-logind
    280 dbus 20 0 18040 1040 484 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 dbus-daemon
    293 root 20 0 8156 32 28 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 agetty
    294 root 20 0 22416 304 304 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kdm
    311 root 20 0 32332 52 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 wpa_supplicant
    314 root 20 0 4252 44 28 S 0.0 0.0 0:02.61 acpid
    363 root 20 0 233544 396 396 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 colord
    370 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 firegl
    371 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 firegl
    372 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 firegl
    379 root 20 0 8612 60 16 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 dhcpcd
    462 redac 20 0 15212 68 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.37 gpg-agent
    465 redac 20 0 12680 4 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ssh-agent
    504 root 20 0 229584 440 284 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 upowerd
    507 polkitd 20 0 506832 916 700 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 polkitd
    563 root 20 0 355656 1804 1044 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.50 udisksd
    628 redac 20 0 2397180 17068 2004 S 0.0 0.2 0:04.86 mysqld
    796 rtkit 21 1 168664 372 360 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.34 rtkit-daemon
    873 pdnsd 20 0 172532 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 pdnsd
    874 tor 20 0 49952 20556 2152 S 0.0 0.3 0:05.89 tor
    1884 root 20 0 361452 118644 105076 S 0.0 1.5 1:21.43 X
    1895 root 20 0 75048 660 656 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kdm
    1903 redac 20 0 13736 412 408 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 startkde
    1912 redac 20 0 18016 324 320 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 dbus-launch
    1913 redac 20 0 19220 1604 564 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.50 dbus-daemon
    1959 redac 20 0 12680 52 48 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ssh-agent
    1976 root 20 0 4080 40 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 start_kdeinit
    1977 redac 20 0 343772 1976 1420 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.07 kdeinit4
    1978 redac 20 0 348392 2680 1824 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 klauncher
    1980 redac 20 0 1262136 5352 3596 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.48 kded4
    1991 redac 20 0 430604 4032 2840 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 kglobalaccel
    1995 redac 20 0 694524 3020 2520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 kactivitymanage
    2000 redac 20 0 4216 44 44 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kwrapper4
    2001 redac 20 0 516344 3224 2300 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 ksmserver
    2009 redac 20 0 422056 19640 15244 S 0.0 0.2 0:23.69 compiz
    2012 redac 20 0 388168 7692 4544 S 0.0 0.1 0:01.26 emerald
    2023 redac 20 0 280300 2500 2160 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.06 kuiserver
    2025 redac 20 0 154132 1848 1344 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.24 akonadi_control
    2027 redac 20 0 1949412 1984 1592 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.33 akonadiserver
    2059 redac 20 0 346680 1408 1020 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 kio_http_cache_
    2062 redac 20 0 769220 4932 3436 S 0.0 0.1 0:01.00 krunner
    2071 redac 20 0 603092 4484 3132 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.16 kmix
    2073 redac 20 0 285208 2680 2352 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 nepomukcontroll
    2074 redac 20 0 359260 3148 2864 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.25 gtk-kde4
    2077 redac 20 0 309608 2468 2220 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.05 akonadi_agent_l
    2078 redac 20 0 309512 2332 2140 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 akonadi_agent_l
    2079 redac 20 0 309496 2564 2336 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.05 akonadi_agent_l
    2080 redac 20 0 309608 2476 2224 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.05 akonadi_agent_l
    2081 redac 20 0 549804 3236 2480 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 akonadi_archive
    2082 redac 20 0 303140 2480 2276 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 akonadi_agent_l
    2083 redac 20 0 305600 2516 2300 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.05 akonadi_agent_l
    2084 redac 20 0 314988 4144 3156 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.12 akonadi_imap_re
    2099 redac 20 0 430912 15668 9912 S 0.0 0.2 0:09.39 yakuake
    2100 redac 20 0 309676 2560 2308 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 akonadi_agent_l
    2101 redac 20 0 339400 2860 2468 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 akonadi_maildis
    2102 redac 20 0 549820 2828 2504 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 akonadi_mailfil
    2103 redac 20 0 314052 2924 2508 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 akonadi_nepomuk
    2115 redac 20 0 303056 2428 2240 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.04 akonadi_agent_l
    2132 redac 20 0 2011628 14200 5716 S 0.0 0.2 0:18.21 ktorrent
    2158 redac 20 0 15972 836 520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 bash
    2161 redac 20 0 1040928 6484 3060 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.53 knotify4
    2162 redac 20 0 1962616 484928 23072 S 0.0 5.9 2:06.25 firefox
    2176 redac 20 0 13732 344 340 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rssowl
    2178 redac 20 0 11344 404 404 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 RSSOwl
    2193 redac 20 0 374420 2764 2516 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.06 polkit-kde-auth
    2195 redac 20 0 3314212 140484 13196 S 0.0 1.7 0:24.29 java
    2203 redac 9 -11 308256 2424 912 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.36 pulseaudio
    2209 redac 20 0 406420 3544 2720 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.08 korgac
    2233 redac 20 0 69156 420 420 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 gconf-helper
    2235 redac 20 0 45676 836 564 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 gconfd-2
    2236 redac 20 0 438044 4468 3128 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.13 klipper
    2322 redac 20 0 193052 944 740 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 gvfsd
    2336 redac 20 0 282112 644 644 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 gvfsd-fuse
    2361 redac 20 0 263576 572 572 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 at-spi-bus-laun
    2436 redac 20 0 3188512 61188 19352 S 0.0 0.7 0:16.98 plasma-desktop
    2441 redac 20 0 9828 784 520 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.06 ksysguardd
    2832 redac 20 0 15580 1240 784 S 0.0 0.0 0:02.93 top
    2867 redac 20 0 15972 1796 1160 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 bash
    2937 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 kworker/2:1
    2938 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:1
    3336 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.25 kworker/u8:2
    3643 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/u8:1
    3662 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 kworker/0:1
    3703 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0
    3704 redac 20 0 15456 1308 992 R 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 top
    32506 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.57 kworker/0:2
    I wouldn't expect the '%MEM's to add up to exactly the real usage, but this isn't even close! So, what could be using up all of my memory? I have /tmp mounted to ram, but that's only a few megabytes. I really have no idea where to go from here.
    The relevant portion of my pacman log is below, since I don't know how to get just a compact list of the updated packages. Most notably, the kernel was upgrades, from 3.9.9-1 to 3.10.3-1.
    [2013-08-03 13:00] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Su'
    [2013-08-03 13:00] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded a52dec (0.7.4-6 -> 0.7.4-7)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded libmariadbclient (5.5.31-1 -> 5.5.32-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded mariadb-clients (5.5.31-1 -> 5.5.32-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded mariadb (5.5.31-1 -> 5.5.32-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded akonadi (1.10.0-2 -> 1.10.2-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded alsa-plugins (1.0.27-1 -> 1.0.27-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded alsa-utils ( ->
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded x264 (20130206-1 -> 20130702-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded ffmpeg (1:1.2.1-1 -> 1:2.0-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded amarok (2.7.1-2 -> 2.7.1-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded anki (2.0.11-1 -> 2.0.12-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded apr (1.4.6-1 -> 1.4.8-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded glib2 (2.36.3-2 -> 2.36.3-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM] warning: /usr/lib/avahi/service-types.db installed as /usr/lib/avahi/service-types.db.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded avahi (0.6.31-9 -> 0.6.31-10)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded bison (2.7.1-1 -> 3.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ---------------- I/O BUG ---------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] There's a bug in fglrx found by lano1106 which generates
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] great amount of unneeded I/O operations
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To activate workaround enable systemd service:
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] systemctl enable temp-links-catalyst
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] systemctl start temp-links-catalyst
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] More infos:
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1279977#p1279977
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1280193#p1280193
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded catalyst-utils (13.6-3 -> 13.8-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] + removing fglrx module from /usr/lib/modules/3.9.9-1-ARCH
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Building fglrx module for 3.9.9-1-ARCH kernel ...
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Ok.
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ATTENTION!
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To enable 'automatic re-compilation while system shutdown/reboot'
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] testing feature run these commands as root:
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] systemctl enable catalyst-hook
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] systemctl start catalyst-hook
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] More info here:
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1255575#p1255575
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded catalyst-hook (13.6-3 -> 13.8-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded chromaprint (0.7-5 -> 0.7-6)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded nspr (4.9.6-1 -> 4.10-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded nss (3.14.3-3 -> 3.15.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded xdg-utils (1.1.0.git20121008-2 -> 1.1.0.git20130520-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded libgcrypt (1.5.2-1 -> 1.5.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded libpng (1.6.2-3 -> 1.6.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded xcb-proto (1.8-1 -> 1.8-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded libxcb (1.9.1-1 -> 1.9.1-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded libx11 (1.6.0-1 -> 1.6.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded giflib (4.2.1-3 -> 5.0.4-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded libwebp (0.3.1-2 -> 0.3.1-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded harfbuzz (0.9.18-1 -> 0.9.19-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded harfbuzz-icu (0.9.18-1 -> 0.9.19-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded chromium (28.0.1500.71-1 -> 28.0.1500.95-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded glew (1.9.0-2 -> 1.10.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:38] [PACMAN] upgraded projectm (2.1.0-5 -> 2.1.0-6)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded clementine (1.1.1-8 -> 1.1.1-9)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded cln (1.3.2-1 -> 1.3.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gstreamer (1.0.8-1 -> 1.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gst-plugins-base-libs (1.0.8-1 -> 1.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gst-plugins-bad (1.0.8-1 -> 1.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded clutter-gst (2.0.4-2 -> 2.0.6-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded colord (1.0.2-1 -> 1.0.2-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded cracklib (2.8.22-3 -> 2.9.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded dhcpcd (5.6.8-3 -> 6.0.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded dosfstools (3.0.20-1 -> 3.0.22-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-glew (1.9.0-1 -> 1.10.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [ALPM] warning: directory permissions differ on /opt/df_linux/
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded dwarffortress (0.34.11-3 -> 0.34.11-4)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded jre7-openjdk-headless (7.u40_2.4.1-1 -> 7.u40_2.4.1-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded jre7-openjdk (7.u40_2.4.1-1 -> 7.u40_2.4.1-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded jdk7-openjdk (7.u40_2.4.1-1 -> 7.u40_2.4.1-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded eclipse (4.2.2-1 -> 4.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded emacs (24.3-2 -> 24.3-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded exempi (2.2.0-1 -> 2.2.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded fontforge (20120731_b-3 -> 20120731_b-6)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded fuse (2.9.2-3 -> 2.9.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gegl (0.2.0-8 -> 0.2.0-9)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded git ( ->
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded glib (1.2.10-9 -> 1.2.10-10)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded glib-perl (1.280-3 -> 1.301-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded glpk (4.48-1 -> 4.52-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gnash-common (0.8.10-9 -> 0.8.10-10)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded ibus (1.5.2-2 -> 1.5.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gnome-settings-daemon (3.8.3-2 -> 3.8.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded libqmi (1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.0-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded libmbim (1.2.0-1 -> 1.4.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded modemmanager (0.7.991-1 -> 1.0.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gnome-control-center (3.8.3-1 ->
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gnome-icon-theme (3.8.2-1 -> 3.8.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gnutls (3.2.1-1 -> 3.2.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded gnome-vfs (2.24.4-6 -> 2.24.4-7)
    [2013-08-03 13:39] [PACMAN] upgraded goffice (0.10.3-1 -> 0.10.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded gnumeric (1.12.3-1 -> 1.12.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded gst-plugins-base (1.0.8-1 -> 1.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded gst-plugins-good (1.0.8-1 -> 1.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded gstreamer0.10-ugly (0.10.19-5 -> 0.10.19-6)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins (0.10.19-5 -> 0.10.19-6)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM] warning: directory permissions differ on /var/log/hp/
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded hplip (3.13.6-1 -> 3.13.7-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded idnkit (1.0-2 -> 1.0-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded ilmbase (2.0.0-1 -> 2.0.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded imlib2 (1.4.5-4 -> 1.4.5-5)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded iso-codes (3.43-1 -> 3.44-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded openexr (2.0.0-1 -> 2.0.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded media-player-info (17-1 -> 19-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded qtwebkit (2.3.1-2 -> 2.3.2-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdelibs (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdemultimedia-ffmpegthumbs (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-filesharing (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-kdnssd (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-kget (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-kopete (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-kppp (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-krdc (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kdenetwork-krfb (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded kid3 (2.3-1 -> 2.3-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] lib32-catalyst-utils works with [multilib] repository
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-catalyst-utils (13.6-1 -> 13.8-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-libx11 (1.6.0-1 -> 1.6.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-giflib (4.2.1-1 -> 5.0.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-gnutls (3.2.1-1 -> 3.2.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-harfbuzz (0.9.18-1 -> 0.9.19-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-libgcrypt (1.5.2-1 -> 1.5.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded libpciaccess (0.13.1-1 -> 0.13.2-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-libpciaccess (0.13.1-1 -> 0.13.2-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-libpng (1.6.2-1 -> 1.6.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded mesa (9.1.4-5 -> 9.1.6-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-mesa (9.1.4-1 -> 9.1.6-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-nspr (4.9.6-1 -> 4.10-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-nss (3.14.3-2 -> 3.15.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded libdatrie (0.2.5-1 -> 0.2.6-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded libgdiplus (2.10-4 -> 2.10.9-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded libthai (0.1.18-1 -> 0.1.19-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded libusbx (1.0.15-1 -> 1.0.16-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded libxfont (1.4.5-1 -> 1.4.6-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-firmware (20130610-1 -> 20130725-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded mkinitcpio-busybox (1.20.2-1 -> 1.21.1-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded mkinitcpio (0.14.0-1 -> 0.15.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.10.3-1-ARCH
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'pata' is deprecated. Replace it with 'block' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'scsi' is deprecated. Replace it with 'block' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'sata' is deprecated. Replace it with 'block' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'usbinput' is deprecated. Replace it with 'keyboard' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fglrx]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Building fglrx module for 3.10.3-1-ARCH kernel ...
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Failed!!! Check out log: /var/log/catalyst-install.log
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] - /usr/lib/modules/3.9.9-1-ARCH looks like unused, maybe remove it manualy?
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.10.3-1-ARCH
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'pata' is deprecated. Replace it with 'block' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: smsmdtv
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'scsi' is deprecated. Replace it with 'block' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'sata' is deprecated. Replace it with 'block' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Hook 'usbinput' is deprecated. Replace it with 'keyboard' in your config
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fglrx]
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Building fglrx module for 3.10.3-1-ARCH kernel ...
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Failed!!! Check out log: /var/log/catalyst-install.log
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] - /usr/lib/modules/3.9.9-1-ARCH looks like unused, maybe remove it manualy?
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded linux (3.9.9-1 -> 3.10.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-docs (3.9.9-1 -> 3.10.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-headers (3.9.9-1 -> 3.10.3-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded lirc-utils (1:0.9.0-49 -> 1:0.9.0-52)
    [2013-08-03 13:40] [PACMAN] upgraded mediastreamer (2.9.0-1 -> 2.9.0-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded meld (1.7.3-1 -> 1.7.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded mencoder (36285-1 -> 36285-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded mercurial (2.6.3-1 -> 2.7-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded mplayer (36285-1 -> 36285-3)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded nepomuk-core (4.10.5-1 -> 4.10.5-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded netctl (1.1-1 -> 1.2-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded nfs-utils (1.2.8-8 -> 1.2.8-9)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded pcsx2 (1.0.0-5 -> 1.0.0-6)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded rosegarden (13.04-1 -> 13.06-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded soundkonverter (2.0.3-1 -> 2.0.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded subversion (1.8.0-1 -> 1.8.1-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded syslinux (4.06-2 -> 4.07-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded telepathy-glib (0.20.2-1 -> 0.20.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> texlive: updating the filename database...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/bin:/usr/bin/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr:/usr/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/texmf/web2c://../texmf-local/web2c:/://share/texmf-local/web2c://share/texmf-dist/web2c://share/texmf/web2c://texmf-local/web2c://texmf-dist/web2c://texmf/web2c.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] mktexlsr: Done.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] recreating all formats...warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/bin:/usr/bin/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr:/usr/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/texmf/web2c://../texmf-local/web2c:/://share/texmf-local/web2c://share/texmf-dist/web2c://share/texmf/web2c://texmf-local/web2c://texmf-dist/web2c://texmf/web2c.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/bin:/usr/bin/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr:/usr/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/texmf/web2c://../texmf-local/web2c:/://share/texmf-local/web2c://share/texmf-dist/web2c://share/texmf/web2c://texmf-local/web2c://texmf-dist/web2c://texmf/web2c.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/bin:/usr/bin/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr:/usr/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/texmf-dist/web2c:/usr/texmf/web2c://../texmf-local/web2c:/://share/texmf-local/web2c://share/texmf-dist/web2c://share/texmf/web2c://texmf-local/web2c://texmf-dist/web2c://texmf/web2c.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /usr/bin/fmtutil: line 395: /texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or directory
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] done.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (logs are under /var/lib/texmf/web2c/<engine>/<formatname>.log)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded texlive-bin (2012.0-13 -> 2013.30973-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM] warning: /etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat installed as /etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM] warning: /etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.def installed as /etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.def.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM] warning: /etc/texmf/dvipdfmx/dvipdfmx.cfg installed as /etc/texmf/dvipdfmx/dvipdfmx.cfg.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM] warning: /etc/texmf/chktex/chktexrc installed as /etc/texmf/chktex/chktexrc.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM] warning: /etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf installed as /etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM] warning: /etc/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf installed as /etc/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf.pacnew
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> texlive: saving updmap.cfg as /tmp/tmp.4WfV4vnjxi...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> texlive: regenerating updmap.cfg (custom additions should go
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] into /etc/texmf/web2c/updmap-local.cfg
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> texlive: updating the filename database...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] mktexlsr: Updating /etc/texmf/ls-R...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf-dist/ls-R...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] mktexlsr: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] mktexlsr: Done.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> texlive: updating the fontmap files with updmap...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] updmap: resetting $HOME value (was /home/redac) to root's actual home (/root).
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] done.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> texlive: recreating all formats...
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /usr/bin/fmtutil: line 395: /usr/share/texmf/texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or directory
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] done.
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (logs are under /var/lib/texmf/web2c/<engine>/<formatname>.log)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] NB: To setup ConTeXt and the lua(la)tex font db,
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] see http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TeX_Live
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded texlive-core (2012.29661-1 -> 2013.30962-2)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded transcode (1.1.7-9 -> 1.1.7-10)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded twisted (13.0.0-1 -> 13.1.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded videoproto (2.3.1-2 -> 2.3.2-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded virtuoso-base (6.1.6-2 -> 6.1.7-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] upgraded virtuoso (6.1.6-2 -> 6.1.7-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:41] [PACMAN] installed ffmpeg-compat (1:0.10.8-4)
    [2013-08-03 13:42] [PACMAN] upgraded vlc (2.0.7-2 -> 2.0.8.a-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:42] [PACMAN] upgraded webkitgtk (2.0.3-1 -> 2.0.4-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:42] [PACMAN] upgraded wine (1.6rc5-1 -> 1.7.0-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:42] [PACMAN] upgraded xorg-iceauth (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2013-08-03 13:42] [PACMAN] upgraded youtube-dl (2013.07.17.1-1 -> 2013.07.25.2-1)

    Okay, so it turns out that this was caused by the Catalyst bug described in this post. Reverting to the 13.6 version solved the problem. Lesson learned: if there's a ton of memory being used that isn't owned by a running process, start looking for bug reports involving drivers. Especially drivers known for being, well, pretty bad. Was there any method I could have used that would have told me that Catalyst was using all my ram, or is kernel-space memory usage pretty much a black box?
    Last edited by Chaotechnician (2013-08-08 00:10:43)

  • Out of memory using Windows Server 2003 and Oracle

    I just installed both Windows Server 2003 and Oracle The server I am using has 4 gigabytes of memory installed, and windows shows that to be the actual physical memory on the server. The paging file is 8 gigabytes for a total of 12 gigabytes of virtual memory.
    Using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, I create a new database using default values. After verifying the installation worked OK (database started, queries ran), I attempted to change some of the memory parameters and was able to start the database using about 1.4 gigabytes of total SGA, with the O/S using about .3 gigabytes for a total of 1.7 gigabytes. I then attempted to change the buffer cache + 1 gigabyte for a total of 2 gigabytes. Now the database will not start and I get an out of memory error ora-27102 with an additional O/S memory error of "O/S Error: (OS 8) Not enough storage is available to process this command".
    So, I have two problems:
    1) With 4 gigabytes installed, and the O/S using only about 300 megabytes, why isn't Oracle able to take advantage of the memory on this machine past the 1.7 gigabytes (as reported by Windows task manager).
    2) How do I change the spfile memory parameters so the database will start using spfile? I can start the database pointing to a pfile with lesser memory parameters, but I don't know how to effect change on the spfile, since I cannot start with the spfile.
    Both these technologies ( and Server 2003) are new to me, so any insight would be appreciated!
    SGA (M)
    Shared Pool=104
    Buffer Cache=960 ***
    Large Pool=0
    Java Pool=64
    Total SGA=1128
    SGA Max Size=1321
    Aggregate PGA Target=1500
    Current PGA Allocated=22868KB
    PF Usage=1.66GB
    Physical Memory (K)
    System Cache=2499096
    Commit Charge (K)
    *** When I change this to 2048 the database did not start.
    Thank you.

    Use the CREATE SPFILE statement to create a server parameter file from a client-side initialization parameter file. Server parameter files are binary files that exist only on the server and are called from client locations to start up the database.
    Server parameter files let you make persistent changes to individual parameters. When you use a server parameter file, you can specify in an ALTER SYSTEM SET parameter statement that the new parameter value should be persistent. This means that the new value applies not only in the current instance, but also to any instances that are started up subsequently. Traditional client-side parameter files do not let you make persistent changes to parameter values. Because they are located on the server, these files allow for automatic database tuning by Oracle and for backup by Recovery Manager (RMAN).
    To use a server parameter file when starting up the database, you must create it from a traditional text initialization parameter file using the CREATE SPFILE statement.
    All instances in an Real Application Clusters environment must use the same server parameter file. However, when otherwise permitted, individual instances can have different settings of the same parameter within this one file. Instance-specific parameter definitions are specified as SID.parameter = value, where SID is the instance identifier.
    The method of starting up the database with a server parameter file depends on whether you create a default or nondefault server parameter file. Please refer to "Creating a Server Parameter File: Examples" for examples of how to use server parameter files.
    See Also:
    CREATE PFILE for information on creating a regular text parameter file from a binary server parameter file
    Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for information on pre-Oracle9i initialization parameter files and Oracle9i server parameter files
    Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Administration for information on using server parameter files in a Real Application Clusters environment
    You must have the SYSDBA or the SYSOPER system privilege to execute this statement. You can execute this statement before or after instance startup. However, if you have already started an instance using spfile_name, you cannot specify the same spfile_name in this statement.
    Text description of create_spfile
    This clause lets you specify a name for the server parameter file you are creating.
    If you do not specify spfile_name, Oracle uses the platform-specific default server parameter filename. If spfile_name already exists on the server, this statement will overwrite it. When using a default server parameter file, you start up the database without referring to the file by name.
    If you do specify spfile_name, you are creating a nondefault server parameter file. In this case, to start up the database, you must first create a single-line traditional parameter file that points to the server parameter file, and then name the single-line file in your STARTUP command.
    See Also:
    "Creating a Server Parameter File: Examples" for information on starting up the database with default and nondefault server parameter files
    Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for Windows (or other appropriate operating system specific documentation) for default parameter file names
    Specify the traditional initialization parameter file from which you want to create a server parameter file.
    If you specify pfile_name, the parameter file must reside on the server. If it does not reside in the default directory for parameter files on your operating system, you must specify the full path.
    If you do not specify pfile_name, Oracle looks in the default directory for parameter files on your operating system for the default parameter filename, and uses that file. If that file does not exist in the expected directory, Oracle returns an error.
    In a Real Application Clusters environment, you must first combine all instance parameter files into one file before specifying it in this statement to create a server parameter file. For information on accomplishing this step, see Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration.
    Creating a Server Parameter File: Examples
    The following example creates a default server parameter file from a client initialization parameter file named t_init1.ora:
    FROM PFILE = '$ORACLE_HOME/work/t_init1.ora';
    Typically you will need to specify the full path and filename for parameter files on your operating system. Please refer to your Oracle operating system documentation for path information.
    When you create a default server parameter file, you subsequently start up the database using that server parameter file by using the SQL*Plus command STARTUP without the PFILE parameter, as follows:
    The following example creates a nondefault server parameter file s_params.ora from a client initialization file named t_init1.ora:
    CREATE SPFILE = 's_params.ora'
    FROM PFILE = '$ORACLE_HOME/work/t_init1.ora';
    When you create a nondefault server parameter file, you subsequently start up the database by first creating a traditional parameter file containing the following single line:
    spfile = 's_params.ora'
    The name of this parameter file must comply with the naming conventions of your operating system. You then use the single-line parameter file in the STARTUP command. The following example shows how to start up the database, assuming that the single-line parameter file is named new_param.ora:
    STARTUP PFILE=new_param.ora
    Joel P�rez

  • SQL Developer High Memory Consumption

    I have been using SQL developer for quite some time and had initially had problems in the past with high memory consuption when I use this tool.
    I have received and applied advice from this forum and while it had helped a little, the majority of the high memory consuption remained an issue.
    I finally got more time to dig around and try to specifically isolate where the problem seems to be coming from and here is what I found.
    *1)* I have removed the Check for Updates feature
    *2)* I have turned off many of the extensions except for DBA Navigator, Real Time SQL Monitoring, SearchBar and Snippet.
    *3)* When I start a fresh SQL Developer Session and initiate a Oracle Connection the application consumes roughly 148 meg fo RAM
    *4)* When I open my Windows Task Manager and watch the memory allocated to SQL Developer I notice it goes up when I move my mouse over the SQL Developer tool and When I run through menus at roughly 5k a second or so and the memory is never released back to the system.
    *5)* When I run a Large SQL to the grid the memory jumps by about 100 meg or so and will continue to do so every time I repeat the SQL until SQL Developer consumes roughly 748 meg of RAM.
    *6)* 748 Meg of RAM seems to be the number when SQL Developer (with one Oracle connection) no longer continues to consume more and then not return the memory to the system.
    Is there a way to have SQL Developer automatically clear up it's active memory usage without closing it down and restarting it?
    Why does SQL Developer continue to consume more and more memory just from moving your mouse over it and/or by navigating menus?
    Here is my About Detail;
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-09.87
    Copyright © 2005, 2012 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component     Version
    =========     =======
    Java(TM) Platform     1.6.0_35
    Oracle IDE
    Name     Value
    ====     =====
    awt.toolkit     sun.awt.windows.WToolkit
    class.load.environment     oracle.ide.boot.IdeClassLoadEnvironment
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    ide.conf     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf
    ide.config_pathname     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf
    ide.debugbuild     false
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    ide.extension.search.path     sqldeveloper/extensions:jdev/extensions:ide/extensions
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    ide.pref.dir.base     C:\Users\twilliams\AppData\Roaming
    ide.product     oracle.sqldeveloper
    ide.shell.enableFileTypeAssociation     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloperW.exe
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    ide.startingcwd     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\SQLDEVELOPER\SQLDEVELOPER\BIN
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    ide.user.dir.var     IDE_USER_DIR
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    ide.work.dir.base     C:\Users\twilliams\Documents
    ilog.propagatesPropertyEditors     false
    java.awt.graphicsenv     sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
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    java.class.path     ..\..\ide\lib\ide-boot.jar
    java.class.version     50.0
    java.endorsed.dirs     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\endorsed
    java.ext.dirs     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext
    java.home     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre
    java.io.tmpdir     c:\Temp\
    java.library.path     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\bin;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Access Connections\;C:\Program Files\WinMerge;C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Bluetooth Software\;.
    java.naming.factory.initial     oracle.javatools.jndi.LocalInitialContextFactory
    java.protocol.handler.pkgs     oracle.jdevimpl.handler
    java.runtime.name     Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    java.runtime.version     1.6.0_35-b10
    java.specification.name     Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.specification.version     1.6
    java.util.logging.config.file     logging.conf
    java.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vendor.url     http://java.sun.com/
    java.vendor.url.bug     http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
    java.version     1.6.0_35
    java.vm.info     mixed mode
    java.vm.name     Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    java.vm.specification.name     Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.specification.version     1.0
    java.vm.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.version     20.10-b01
    jdbc.driver.home     /C:/app/twilliams/product/11.2.0/client_3/
    jdbc.library     /C:/app/twilliams/product/11.2.0/client_3/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar
    line.separator     \r\n
    oracle.home     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper
    oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG     true
    oracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp     false
    oracle.translated.locales     de,es,fr,it,ja,ko,pt_BR,zh_CN,zh_TW
    oracle.xdkjava.compatibility.version     9.0.4
    orai18n.library     /C:/app/twilliams/product/11.2.0/client_3/jlib/orai18n.jar
    os.arch     x86
    os.name     Windows 7
    os.version     6.1
    path.separator     ;
    reserved_filenames     con,aux,prn,lpt1,lpt2,lpt3,lpt4,lpt5,lpt6,lpt7,lpt8,lpt9,com1,com2,com3,com4,com5,com6,com7,com8,com9,conin$,conout,conout$
    sqldev.debug     false
    sun.arch.data.model     32
    sun.boot.class.path     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\resources.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\modules\jdk.boot.jar;C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\classes
    sun.boot.library.path     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin
    sun.cpu.endian     little
    sun.cpu.isalist     pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
    sun.desktop     windows
    sun.io.unicode.encoding     UnicodeLittle
    sun.java2d.ddoffscreen     false
    sun.jnu.encoding     Cp1252
    sun.management.compiler     HotSpot Client Compiler
    sun.os.patch.level     Service Pack 1
    user.country     US
    user.dir     C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\SQLDEVELOPER\SQLDEVELOPER\BIN
    user.home     C:\Users\twilliams
    user.language     en
    user.name     twilliams
    user.timezone     America/Los_Angeles
    Name     Identifier     Version     Status
    ====     ==========     =======     ======
    Check For Updates     oracle.ide.webupdate     Loaded
    Code Editor     oracle.ide.ceditor     Loaded
    Component Palette     oracle.ide.palette1     Loaded
    Data Miner     oracle.dmt.dataminer     Disabled by user
    Database Connection Support     oracle.jdeveloper.db.connection     Loaded
    Database Object Explorers     oracle.ide.db.explorer     Loaded
    Database UI     oracle.ide.db     Loaded
    Diagram Framework     oracle.diagram     Loaded
    Diagram Javadoc Extension     oracle.diagram.javadoc     Loaded
    Diagram Thumbnail     oracle.diagram.thumbnail     Loaded
    Diff/Merge     oracle.ide.diffmerge     Loaded
    Extended IDE Platform     oracle.javacore     Loaded
    External Tools     oracle.ide.externaltools     Loaded
    File Support     oracle.ide.files     Loaded
    Help System     oracle.ide.help     Loaded
    History Support     oracle.jdeveloper.history     Loaded
    Import/Export Support     oracle.ide.importexport     Loaded
    Index Migrator support     oracle.ideimpl.indexing-migrator     Loaded
    JDeveloper Runner     oracle.jdeveloper.runner     Loaded
    JViews Registration Addin     oracle.diagram.registration     Loaded
    Log Window     oracle.ide.log     Loaded
    Mac OS X Adapter     oracle.ideimpl.apple     Loaded
    Navigator     oracle.ide.navigator     Loaded
    Object Gallery     oracle.ide.gallery     Loaded
    Oracle IDE     oracle.ide     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer     oracle.sqldeveloper     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - 3rd Party Database Browsers     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.browsers     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - APEX Listener Administration     oracle.sqldeveloper.listener     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Change Mangement     oracle.sqldeveloper.em_cm     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - DBA Navigator     oracle.sqldeveloper.dbanavigator     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Database Cart     oracle.sqldeveloper.dbcart     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Extras     oracle.sqldeveloper.extras     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - File Navigator     oracle.sqldeveloper.filenavigator     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Antlr3 Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core_antlr3     Missing dependencies: oracle.sqldeveloper.migration
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Application Migration     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.application     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Core     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations DB2     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.db2     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations DB2 Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.db2     Missing dependencies: oracle.sqldeveloper.migration, oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core_antlr3
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Microsoft Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.msaccess     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Microsoft SQL Server     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sqlserver     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.mysql     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Sybase Adaptive Server     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sybase     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations T-SQL Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core     Missing dependencies: oracle.sqldeveloper.migration
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Teradata     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.teradata     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Teradata SQL Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.teradata_translator     Missing dependencies: oracle.sqldeveloper.migration, oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Translation UI     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.gui     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Object Viewer     oracle.sqldeveloper.oviewer     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Real Time SQL Monitoring     oracle.sqldeveloper.sqlmonitor     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Reports     oracle.sqldeveloper.report     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Scheduler     oracle.sqldeveloper.scheduler     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Schema Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.schemabrowser     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - SearchBar     oracle.sqldeveloper.searchbar     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Security     oracle.sqldeveloper.security     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Snippet     oracle.sqldeveloper.snippet     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Spatial     oracle.sqldeveloper.spatial     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - TimesTen     oracle.sqldeveloper.timesten     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Tuning     oracle.sqldeveloper.tuning     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Unit Test     oracle.sqldeveloper.unit_test     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - User Extensions Support     oracle.sqldeveloper.userextensions     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Worksheet v2     oracle.sqldeveloper.worksheet     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - XML Schema     oracle.sqldeveloper.xmlschema     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler     oracle.datamodeler     Disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler - Reports     oracle.sqldeveloper.datamodeler_reports     Disabled by user
    PROBE Debugger     oracle.jdeveloper.db.debug.probe     Loaded
    Peek     oracle.ide.peek     Loaded
    Persistent Storage     oracle.ide.persistence     Loaded
    Property Inspector     oracle.ide.inspector     Loaded
    QuickDiff     oracle.ide.quickdiff     Loaded
    Replace With     oracle.ide.replace     Loaded
    Runner     oracle.ide.runner     Loaded
    VHV     oracle.ide.vhv     Loaded
    Versioning Support     oracle.jdeveloper.vcs     Disabled by user
    Versioning Support for Subversion     oracle.jdeveloper.subversion     Missing dependencies: oracle.jdeveloper.vcs
    Virtual File System     oracle.ide.vfs     Loaded
    Web Browser and Proxy     oracle.ide.webbrowser     Loaded
    XML Editing Framework IDE Extension     oracle.ide.xmlef     Loaded
    audit     oracle.ide.audit     Loaded
    classpath: protocol handler extension     oracle.jdeveloper.classpath     Loaded
    jdukshare     oracle.bm.jdukshare     Loaded
    mof-xmi     oracle.mof.xmi     Loaded
    oracle.ide.dependency     oracle.ide.dependency     Loaded
    oracle.ide.indexing     oracle.ide.indexing     Loaded
    palette2     oracle.ide.palette2     Loaded
    status     oracle.ide.status     Loaded
    Thanks in advance...
    Edited by: ERPDude on Feb 28, 2013 2:46 PM

    Aces!!! You nailed it Gary...
    Thank you.
    I applied fixed noted in Re: Reduce SQLDeveloper memory footprint with JDK 1.7
    For others, to summarize my changes.
    AddVMOption -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
    AddVMOption -XX:+UseG1GC
    AddVMOption -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50
    AddVMOption -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=200
    AddVMOption -XX:MaxPermSize=128M
    AddVMOption -Xms50M
    AddVMOption -Xmx384M
    AddVMOption -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10
    AddVMOption -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10
    comment the following two lines as shown below
    #AddVMOption -Xmx640M
    #AddVMOption -Xms128M
    Now SQL Developer runs at roughly 500 meg.
    I guess the only thing I have left to ask others reviewing this would be if there is a way to get these memory values down without having much adverse impacts on SQL Developer based on newer JVM switches/functionalities.
    The posts that drove these changes are old from a technologoical perspective :) 2010.

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