Horizontal "ruler" title error.  Should be horizontal rule

I'm using StarOffice 8, product update 11. I was trying to insert a horizontal line (rule) within a document. The Insert menu does offer the option:
Insert -> Horizontal Ruler...
When you invoke this Horizontal Ruler command, the result you get is a horizontal line (rule).
I believe that title is a grammar error. The correct wording should be:
Insert -> Horizontal Rule
To quote from some of the Microsoft documentation: "The horizontal ruler is the bar across the top of your Word document with measurements marked out on it."

Hi Rima,
I found the solution,
My graph is dependent on the page items. What I found was when I load the page, item default value was displayed but it was not stored in the memory. Item value only gets stored in memory when the page is submitted.
Line: -----
Soultion : - Create a page level before header process and define the default value over here as well. This will resolve your error.
Hopefully you understood what I am trying to explain. If not let me know and I will trying to put in picture and email you.

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  • JWSDP1.5: wscompile error: "(should not happen): tie.generator.002

    Hi all,
    I'm working with a doc/lit webservice; I have a WSDL and I'm attempting to generate Java artefacts with wscompile. I'm using JWSDP1.5. I've had a range of errors (I'm updating an old WSDL for the Tentative Hold Protocol, see http://www.w3.org/TR/tenthold-2/). The latest, though, is problematic. The final error message is:
    error: generator error: internal error (should not happen): tie.generator.002I have included the full output from wscompile at the end of this posting; I'll post the full WSDL in a reply. Any advice would be much appreciated!
    --Tim West
    Full output (from wscompile Ant task) - added linebreaks for readability
    Buildfile: C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\build.xml
    [wscompile] command line: wscompile -d C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\zant-build \
    -features:documentliteral,wsi -g -gen:server -keep -verbose \
    C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\server-wscompile-config.xml -classpath (path omitted for readability)
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: userDefinedBody]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdHeader]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdRequestAckHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdCancellationRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdCancellationResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusQueryHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusResponseBody]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: statusStructure]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: userDefinedBody]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdHeader]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdRequestAckHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdCancellationRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdCancellationResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusQueryHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: statusStructure]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusResponseBody]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] error: generator error: internal error (should not happen): tie.generator.002
    BUILD FAILED: C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\build.xml:342: wscompile failed
    Total time: 2 seconds

    Hi again,
    The offending WSDL is below. I should add that I Googled this and couldn't find anything useful. Axis is happy with the WSDL, as is the validator at http://www.soapclient.com/SoapTools.html (though I'm not sure of its quality). I'm now downloading IBM Websphere 6 to see how that goes.
    Thanks again,
    -Tim West
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdHeader -->
          <!-- Note - This information is required in all the Tentative Hold Protocol
                      communications. -->
          <!-- Fields- holdID - UUID. -->
          <!--             customerID - account number or other identifier -->
          <!--             replyTo - could be a unique locator such as a URI or an
                              email address depending on the communication protocol
                              to be used. -->
          <!-- comment - space for trading partner defined info. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdHeader">
              <element name="holdID" type="int"/>
              <element name="customerID" type="string"/>
              <element name="replyTo" type="string"/>
              <element name="comment" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - userDefinedBody -->
          <!-- Note - This will carry any domain-specific information  (e.g., product
                ID and quantity). An implementation shall probably have many
                different userDefinedBody's (one for holdRequest, holdRequestAck,
                ...). This body is used in all messages. -->
          <!-- Fields - Trading partner to trading partner specific or an agreed
             - standard (e.g., RosettaNet PIP). -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
            <!-- TIM: Just junk here for now, must fix later -->
          <complexType name="userDefinedBody">
              <element name="someRequestField" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdRequestHdr -->
          <!-- Note - Specifies the Tentative Hold Protocol header for messages
             - requesting a tentative hold. -->
          <!-- Fields - Same as holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdRequestHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdRequestAckHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + timeUntilResponse - a indication of the time it
             - will take the resource provider to process the request. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdRequestAckHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="timeUntilResponse" type="duration"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdGrantHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdDuration - the agreed to length of the hold
             - on the resource requested. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdGrantHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="holdDuration" type="duration"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdDenialHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + reason - a description of the reason for the
             - denial. The implementation may choose to use reason codes or just
             - textual descriptions. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdDenialHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="reason" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyRequestHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdModifyRequestHdr">
              <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyGrantHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdDuration - the agreed to length of the hold
             - on the resource requested. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdModifyGrantHdr">
              <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyDenialHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + reason - a description of the reason for the denial.
             - The implementation may choose to use reason codes or just textual
             - descriptions.-->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdModifyDenialHdr">
              <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr -->
          <!-- Note - The use of a single type for this response was to facilitate a
             - synchronous request/response for the modify request without preventing
             - asynchronous.-->
          <!-- Fields - Either holdModifyGrantHdr or holdModifyDenialHdr -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- TIM: JWSDP does not support xsd:choice, so I'm turning this into a sequence.
             -      The implementor is now responsible for ensuring exactly one of these
                    is present.
          <complexType name="holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr">
              <element name="grant" type="holdSchema:holdModifyGrantHdr"/>
              <element name="deny" type="holdSchema:holdModifyDenialHdr"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdCancellationRequestHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + customerReason - a description of or a code for
             - the reason why the hold is being cancelled. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdCancellationRequestHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="customerReason" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdCancellationResponseHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdCancellationResponseHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdCancellationNotificationHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + cancellationReason - a description of or a code
             -for the reason the vendor is cancelling the hold. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdCancellationNotificationHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="cancellationReason" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdStatusQueryHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdStatusQueryHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdStatusResponseHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdStatusResponseHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - statusStructure -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdState - a description of the state of the hold.
             - Possible values currently defined are: responding, in process, active,
             - and inactive. The definition is left open (not restricted) for future or
             - user refinement of the useful values. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="statusStructure">
              <element name="itemHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="holdState" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdStatusResponseBody -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdItemsCount - the number of holds matching the holdStatusQuery. -->
          <!--             itemList - The header and state of the holds that match the query. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdStatusResponseBody">
              <element name="holdItemsCount" type="int"/>
              <element name="itemList" type="holdSchema:statusStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdErrorHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- TIM: Combined old "holdErrorHdr" and "holdErrorBody" as a fault must
             - have only a single part (see WSDL sec 3.6).
          <complexType name="holdError">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="holdErrorType" type="int"/>
              <element name="holdErrorDesc" type="string"/>
          <!-- TIM: To use doc/lit, we need <element> tags here to reference from WSDL -->
          <element name="userDefinedBody" type="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
          <element name="holdRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdRequestHdr"/>
          <element name="holdRequestAckHdr" type="holdSchema:holdRequestAckHdr"/>
          <element name="holdGrantHdr" type="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
          <element name="holdDenialHdr" type="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyRequestHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyGrantHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyGrantHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyDenialHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyDenialHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr"/>
          <element name="holdCancellationRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationRequestHdr"/>
          <element name="holdCancellationResponseHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationResponseHdr"/>
          <element name="holdCancellationNotificationHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationNotificationHdr"/>
          <element name="holdStatusQueryHdr" type="holdSchema:holdStatusQueryHdr"/>
          <element name="holdStatusResponseHdr" type="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseHdr"/>
          <element name="holdStatusResponseBody" type="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseBody"/>
          <element name="holdError" type="holdSchema:holdError"/>
      <message name="HoldRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldRequest" element="holdSchema:holdRequestHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldRequestAck">
        <part name="headerHoldRequestAck" element="holdSchema:holdRequestAckHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldRequestAck" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldGrantResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldGrantResponse" element="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldGrantResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldDenialResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldDenialResponse" element="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldDenialResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldModifyRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldModifyRequest" element="holdSchema:holdModifyRequestHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldModifyRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldModifyResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldModifyResponse" element="holdSchema:holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldModifyResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldCancellationRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldCancellationRequest" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationRequestHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldCancellationRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldCancellationResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldCancellationResponse" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationResponseHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldCancellationResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldCancellationNotification">
        <part name="header" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationNotificationHdr"/>
        <part name="body" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldStatusQueryRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldStatusQueryRequest" element="holdSchema:holdStatusQueryHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldStatusQueryRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldStatusResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldStatusResponse" element="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldStatusResponse" element="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseBody"/>
      <message name="HoldErrorResponse">
        <!-- TIM: altered to be consistent with updated schema - the
           - fault body must have only one part
        <part name="bodyHoldErrorResponse" element="holdSchema:holdError"/>
      <portType name="TentativeHoldServicePortType">
        <operation name="InitiateHold">
          <input message="tns:HoldRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldRequestAck"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
        <operation name="InitiateHoldModify">
          <input message="tns:HoldModifyRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldModifyResponse"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
        <operation name="InitiateHoldCancellation">
          <input message="tns:HoldCancellationRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldCancellationResponse"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
        <operation name="InitiateStatusQuery">
          <input message="tns:HoldStatusQueryRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldStatusResponse"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
      <portType name="TentativeHoldNotificationServicePortType">
        <operation name="NotifyHoldGranted">
          <output message="tns:HoldGrantResponse"/>
        <operation name="NotifyHoldDenied">
          <output message="tns:HoldDenialResponse"/>
        <operation name="NotifyServerHoldCancellation">
          <output message="tns:HoldCancellationNotification"/>
      <binding name="TentativeHoldSoapBinding" type="tns:TentativeHoldServicePortType">
        <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
          <operation name="InitiateHold">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHold"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="InitiateHoldModify">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHoldModify"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="InitiateHoldCancellation">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHoldCancellation"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="InitiateStatusQuery">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateStatusQuery"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
      <service name="TentativeHoldService">
        <documentation> Mythical Tentative Hold Web service</documentation>
        <port name="TentativeHoldPort" binding="tns:TentativeHoldSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://xyz.com/tentativeHold/"/>
      <service name="TentativeHoldNotificationService">
        <port name="NotificationPort" binding="tns:TentativeHoldSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://xyz.com/tentativeHoldNotification"/>

  • FCP X Animated Titles Error - Help!

    My OSX is 10.6.8, FCP X 10.0.7
    I am working on a trianing project for the last few months.
    It was working fine until i installed a software patch for FCPX which came through the apple software update. (well this is my assumption and i am not an expert on FCPX)
    Everything except my Animated Text Titles seem to work.
    My animated text titles shows a offline red exclamation mark.
    They also shows a red bar on the rendering progress as you see in the picture.
    i have used the built in animations such as Continuous and fade from FCPX gallery.
    After reading another post, I tried importing a saved project fcpxml from my secondary copy and it comes up with the following error.
    If i cant find a fix i will have to redo all the animated text titles (3000) of them
    Someone please help me....

    I have the same issue and would love a fix.  In my experimenting I came across a temporary workaround, and subsequently have a similar issue exporting from Motion 5.  Still no real solution, but here's what I've seen:

  • While creating VK11 for output tax error should be ther for input tax codes

    Hi all,
    while creating condition record VK11 for output tax ,in condition record only output tax code should be possible ,if they use any input tax code then error messsage should come or system should not allow to create.how we do this.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Jelena Perfiljeva ,
    Thanks for the Reply
    Its  JIVP,JIVC , VAT condition types (India).

  • HT4061 I am on my computer at the Itune Store and there was an offer to update my Iphone 4. I started the update and it was preparing to update but then an error should up and now my phone in recovery mode. I don't want to loose everything off my phone. H

    I am on my computer at the IStore and there was an offer to update my Iphone and I selected the download. The update was downloading and then there was an error message and now my Iphone 4 is recovery mode. I don't want to loose all my existing stuff on my phone. What shall I do?

    You should never update without making sure that everything is on your computer.
    If your iphone is recovery mode, then everything on it is already lost.
    If you are using your iphone as designed, then everything is on your computer, just sync it back.

  • Save / back-up titles - error #261

    In the last few days, I have not been able to create a back-up DVD with iTunes, although it was possible until quite recently... The process starts correctly: it does analyse / check the titles and then, when starting to write on the DVD, the laptop ejects the DVD and iTunes indicates an error 261, without more explanation.

    would have been best to describe this error closer
    Running the script in AppleScript Editor will highlight the relevant line ...
    So i guess the error occurs when it reaches the if-statement. Put it in a try block:
    if sheet 1 of sheet 1 of window 1 exists then keystroke space
    end try
    and maybe do the same with the corresponding line in the contacts-block....
    A GUI-Script like this one is always a little shaky since you need to pause your activities while running it.
    I wanted to note that just because i might have a better solution for you: an AppleScript-application that backups Contacts and Calendar without using GUI-Scripting. You will find it here (and do be surprised about my spelling as i am not an English native speaker)

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    Sorry didn't saw the right topic before. Bad english.
    Made the right one.

    Done as instructed.  Many Thanks for a quick, and to the point answer.  Am I a happy, soon to be a 6 year premium customer....?   Absolutely.  _@"  

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    The issue is when the user downloads the .ibook file to their desktop and then drops into iTunes, the book title doesn't carry over, it just reads "Book Title". The metadata is all correct within the .iba file before I export as a Standard Book for iBooks. What am I doing wrong? If it's a bug, is there a workaround?

    The only time that happens here is when this is left alone:
    ...even if Title is set via Inspector. Did you change that to something descriptive?

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    I cannot think of any other alternate way from XI end might be on the server you can run some batch file which will read the any file is present there or notin that folder  for that specific period and try to trigger the mail from that batch file...call that batch file from the fileadapter " OS COMMAND ) Message before processing.....
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  • Title: Error: Access is denied, unable to remove printer and also unable to install programs

    Hi Tony,
    Please assist me with the following information releted to this issue:
    1. Is your computer and printer connected on a network or domain?
    2. Are you logged in as an administrator on the computer?
    3. Which are the programs which you are not able to install on your computer and also provide us the exact error whne you try to install the programs?
    I would suggest you to refer to the suggestion provided by Waseemulla Shariff replied on March 17, 2012 in the following link:
    Once you successfully delete the printer, you may try to install the printer drivers from your printer manufacturer website and check the functionality. Refer to the following link:
    If you are not able to install any program on your computer, I would suggest you to refer the suggestions provided by Sandeep Dsouza replied on June 13, 2012 in the following link:
    Hi Yaqub
    Yes administrator
    If I try to remove the printer icon I get a warning access denied and then the printer is off line and cant be restored to default or used / I had to restored windows and now are able to print / fax / copy but still no scan
    I then followed to the letter un plugging the printer / removing all drivers which I don't think worked / re installing from the web site / only to be told down load unsuccessful with a red cross next to the driver downloads
    So nothing seems to work / I tried the suggestions for Waseemulla / Sandeep still nothing
    Regards Tony  
    Canon MX340

    Regarding current situation, I suggest you use the Process Monitor to capture the trace when repro this issue.
    Then follow this article to solve the access denied issue:
    Process Monitor v3.05
    Solving Access Denied Errors Using Process Monitor
    How to use Process monitor, please refer to this article:
    Using Process Monitor to capture system events
    Hope this could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Title Error - Working between 2 machines

    We have 2 machines (PC) with Premiere Pro3 at work.
    Sometimes I have to work on a project which my partner worked on Machine-B.
    Then when I copy the project to Machine-A, all the centered titles are moved to left side. If I try to fix them and open title window, PPro just freezes and stop working.
    *I use Japanese & Korean fonts besides English, and have about 760 fonts.
    I tried FontDoctor2.0(trial) and removed one damaged font, but nothing changes. (I installed same fonts on both machine.)
    Although PPro crashes sometimes, working on only one machine has no problem with titler.
    Also, I don't have any 3rd party plug-ins.
    Does anyone have same problem? It's not a good thing to work with PPro between 2 machines?
    Any tip will be appreciated.
    Thank you!

    That's scary. If you manage to pin down a reproducable scenario then please post.
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  • Error should be raised immedietly

    I am using jdeveloper
    I had a small use case in which i had dragged and dropped my EmpContDetVO as my af:table.
    In which i have two fields such as startdate and enddate . If the user enters the enddate which is smaller than the startdate then the error occurs successfully when user tries to hit Save Button [Commit operation].
    But i need to raise error immediatly when the user tries to navigate to other field.
    Whether it is possible without using javascript. Could anyone can give me suggestion with appropriate documents

    Thank you sameera!!
    I had used this code in my AMImpl Method
       public void checkdate (){
            ViewObject vo = this.getPurAdminView1();
            Row vor = vo.getCurrentRow();
            Calendar cf = Calendar.getInstance();
            Calendar ce = Calendar.getInstance();
            java.util.Date startdate;
            java.util.Date enddate;
                startdate = convertDomainDateToUtilDate((Date)vor.getAttribute("PuraDateFrom")); //Returns the value
                enddate = convertDomainDateToUtilDate((Date)vor.getAttribute("PuraDateTo"));  //Returns the value
                if (cf.after(ce)){
                    throw new JboException ("Start date is greater than EndDate");
        }I had called this method using the validator
    public void cil13_actionListner(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent,
                                 Object object) {
                BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
                OperationBinding operationBinding =
                Object result = operationBinding.execute();
        }The null pointer Exception actually occurs in Calendar.java
        public final void setTime(Date date) {
            setTimeInMillis(date.getTime()); //Null Pointer Exception
        }Main Theme of my concept i need to check whether enddate is greater than startdate if not the error must be thrown immedieatly i.e., if user navigates to another field
    @@Suresh--Thank you for your reply suresh But both of the startdate and enddate will be entered by the user.

  • [Your Music] Title change: Should be "My Music"

    Fairly simple idea... Change "Your Music" to "My Music". It seems more user friendly. Personally I enjoy reading that it's mine.

    Updated: 2015-08-07Marked as new idea and edited the title slightly to make it easier to find via search. ;)
    This idea is a re-post of this inactive idea.

  • Title error creating flash movie...not enough memory

    that's the message I get when I try to publish the project
    I'm working on currently in Flash CS3.
    I have 4 GB on my computer and no other programs running.
    The size of my working .fla file is 405 megs.
    Can anyone please help me with this?
    Can someone please help me and tell me what to do?

    Has this memory limitation been fixed in CS4 or CS5?  I have to say, I'm geting really fed up with having to
    spend hours coaxing Flash to output .swfs.  Is there a reason that it can't use the
    3MB of Ram available to it?

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