Hot Spots that actually work?

I'm beyond frustrated here. I've been trying to get a Hot
Spot question slide to work for over an hour now. (Can you say,
"Lost productivity?") Tried everything logical. Made the hot spot
bigger, smaller, deleted the slide and recreated, turned off
project compression, added/subtracted additional hot spots,
verified my hot spot is marked as the "Correct" hot spot, turned
on/off the "Show hand pointer", added different images and tried
them merged/unmerged with background and some other things I'm sure
I'm forgetting. HELP! I need this to work for my SME. What simple
thing am I overlooking here? Or do these just not work?

Hello again Brian
On the Preview bit, I'm guessing you have upgraded your Flash
Player to the most recent version. And there are issues with
Captivate and that version. Check out the following link for that.
Have you tried the Hotspot question in a totally new project?
I see you already tried deleting and re-creating the slide to no
avail. That makes me think that maybe for this project that object
is corrupt somehow.
Hopefully something here was helpful... Rick

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    I have similar to this one ( =1 ), but a one or two years older and till now I haven’t lose a connection.
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    Last edited by binskipy2u (2010-02-05 20:10:03)

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