How 2 letterbox 16:9 sequence into a 4:3 sequence?

We are trying to output sequences that were cut in 16:9 (864x486) so that they can air 4:3 ("letterbox"). There needs to be 2 versions: 16x9 for HD use and a 4:3 SD version.
In Avid (lots of experience in Avid) we would simply nest and apply 3D warp to "squeeze" and "fix" the aspect to letterbox in the 4:3 sequence
... No such luck.
Ideas? - Thanks in advance.
- Footage shot 16:9 Anamorphic, captured and "Anamorphic" checkbox selected.
- Graphics 16:9 Native 864x486.
- Sequence started with the "Anamorphic" checkbox selected.
- Kona 2 card / G5
G5 Dual 2.5 GHz 2GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   FCP 5.0.3 // Kona 2 board

Why not? You can just nest the sequence (throw it in your source monitor and cut it into an SD sequence), then drag the nest into the source monitor and play with the aspect ratio in the Distort pane of the motion tab...

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    No, you're absolutely correct to use HQ. Just checking.
    The Red footage is has 4:4:4 subsampling, so HQ's the way to go.
    If you generally use Recompress All Frames on Export then you probably know that it's pointless to render your timeline before an Export, since your Render files won't be accessed. Unless you need to work in that same sequence with the timecode - but, you could just use your exported master for that.
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    Tá fáilte romhat.
    Did you create a 16:9 project in DVDSP? If you did and your material looks stretched vertically in the DVDSP viewer, make sure your asset is flagged as 16:9.
    You won't see any letterboxing in DVDSP or in DVD Player as they will just display a 16:9 format screen.
    Letterboxing of 16:9 material is done in the DVD player if the DVD player is set up for a 4:3 display. If the DVD player is set up for a widescreen display no letterboxing will be done. This is how it should be. So if you author your DVD properly you needn't be concerned about how it will display on 4:3 TVs as this is the DVD player's job.

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    Assuming you are on CC:
    Drag the sequence from the Project Window into the main timeline.
    For induvidual clips uncheck this button.

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    Hello again,
    Sorry for the long pause.
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    File - Export - QT Movie... Current Settings... don't make it self contained and DON'T trash your original captures either!!

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    Love your FCE book BTW - you must never get tired of hearing that!

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    Andrew is essentially correct. You can get around the trigger,
    but not the sequence, if (and this may be a very big if) you can
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    I wss dragin the sequence from the browser into a new sequence
    That is nesting.
    But with CC there is now the option of adding the sequence as a one clip, or adding the original clips from the sequence.  You'll find the switch in the top left of the sequence panel, under the timecode and near the magnet and wrench icons.

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