How burn on DVD-R DL?

I'm new user of mbp and now i don't know how to burn movie on dvd.Whether it is necessary a special program or something similar?
Thank you.

I use Toast to burn everything.

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    Hi Michael,
    have a look at DeepBurner Free
    XP has sometimes the tendency to not show a DVD-Burner as a DVD-Burner but as a CD-Burner only.
    However with the a.m. program you should be able to burn DVDs.

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    As I see this I see two parts
    • Howto go from FinalCut to iDVD
    • Howto set iDVD right
    In FinalCut Express (to 4) or Pro (to 6 - most probably 7 too)
    • One has to set Anamorphic in the Browser window - menu columns
    • Export as QuickTime movie .mov - NO QUICKTIME CONVERSION
    In iDVD there are TWO places to set - WideScreen
    - Start a NEW iDVD project - AND HERE SELECT WideScreen 16:9
    - in Project - select Projectinfo
    - now set WideScreen 16:9 - Here too
    This use to work for me.
    FOR FinalCut Pro-X - I have not a Clue - as I don't use it. SORRY
    BTW - There is a good practice to before BURNING the DVD do
    • Save as a DiskImage
    • Test this by using DVD-Player tool
    And if it is OK Size and All - then burn it by using
    • Disk Util tool
    • here set down burn speed to x4 or less (less burn errors = plays on more devices and better)
    • Not using Memorex or NoName etc cheap media - as they usually DO NOT WORK as Video-DVDs
    • I use Verbatim DVD-R as they play on more and even older DVD-players
    Yours Bengt W

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    Try using a different brand of DVD's.

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    Thanks for the follow up.
    In Premiere Elements 13/13.1, your export choices are in the Publish+Share section of the project. There are several choices and sub-choices.
    Example: Publish+Share/Computer/and then a list of choices under that, such as, MPEG, AVI, AVCHD, XAVC-S, Windows Media, QuickTime, Image, Audio.
    And each has Presets which define the export settings. Adobe offers default settings which are usually optimized ones. But, it also allows you to customize the preset selected. You do that by clicking on the Advanced Button of the selected preset and customizing the settings under the Video Tab, Audio Tab, and, if applicable, Multiplexer Tab.
    From what you wrote, I thought that you might be asking about exporting a video with a video codec = Photo JPEG.
    To do that you would to to
    with Presets = either the one for 4:3 of 16:9 as appropriate for your project,
    and then clicking on the Advanced Button, and then the Video Tab under the Advanced Button.
    Then selecting Photo JPEG for the video codec field.
    Tip: The QuickTime choice is not seen unless you scroll down the list of Computer choices. Use the thin scroll bar to the right of the Computer choices.
    Please explore Premiere Elements 13/13.1's Publish+Share/Disc/DVD with standard or widescreen preset for your creation of the DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc.
    The Premiere Elements timeline destined for this choice could consistent of supported photos and or videos.
    Please consider.
    Any questions and need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.

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    If iDVD was not preinstalled on your Mac you'll have to obtain it by purchasing a copy of the iLife 09 disk from a 3rd party retailier like ilife 09: Softwareor  Why, because iDVD (and iWeb) was discontinued by Apple over a year ago.
    Why iLife 09 instead of 11?
    If you have to purchase an iLife disc in order to obtain the iDVD application remember that the iLife 11 disc only provides  themes from iDVD 5-7.  The Software Update no longer installs the earlier themes when starting from the iLIfe 11 disk nor do any of the iDVD 7 updaters available from the Apple Downloads website contain them.
    Currently the only sure fire way to get all themes is to start with the iLife 09 disc:
    This shows the iDVD contents in the iLife 09 disc via Pacifist:
    You then can upgrade from iDVD 7.0.3 to iDVD 7.1.2 via the updaters at the Apple Downloads webpage.
    If you're creating a slideshow in iPhoto and want to add it to an iDVD project export the slideshow out of iPhoto as a QT movie file via the Export button in the lower toolbar.  Select Size = Medium or Large.
    Open iDVD, select a theme and drag the exported QT movie file into the open iDVD window being careful to avoid any drop zones.
    Follow this workflow to help assure the best qualty video DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option. This will separate the encoding process from the burn process.
    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

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    Is it possible to see what iDVD did?

    I don't know any way you can interrogate iDVD to reveal settings to the extent that you can in a Compressor project. What you could do is open up the show's VOB in MPEG STreamclip, go to File and Reveal Stream Information; that will at least give you some rudimentary info like average bit rate. Perhaps someone, with more iDVD experience, can chime in here.
    The broader question is why use Compressor at all if your current workflow is doing the job to your satisfaction?
    The value of Compressor is that it gives you control over the many parameters that affect size quality.  and playability. The Compressor presets can give you a starting point for DVD delivery, Web, etc. From those presets, people typically experiment by adjusting the parameters until they get the desired results for their specific show. It's a little bit science and a little bit art. After experimenting, you may be able to get slightly better quality for the project you've successfully burned in iDVD by using Compressor and something likeToast…or maybe not.
    Good luck.

  • HT1479 I would like to know how to burn a dvd in such a way that each image can be skipped over by pressing the skip button.

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    Here's how top get a slideshow that will let the viewer manually control the forward and backward movement of the slides with the forward and back buttons on the DVD remote.
    1 - put the images you want to use in an iPhoto album.
    2 - launch iDVD, select a theme and add a slideshow using the "+" button at the bottom:
    3 - click on the Media button at the lower right hand corner of the window and then click on the Photos button.
    4 - locate the iPhoto album containing your photos and drag it into the left hand pane:
    5 - select Side Duration to Manual.
    In order to get the maximum manual control of the slides you cannot have add any music to the slideshow.  If you do add music the slideshow will continue you advance unless you pause the slideshow and/or use the advance/back buttons and then pause.
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the  File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option.  This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image and launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding was good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

  • When i go to burn a dvd, it gives an error message "menu duration exceeds 15 minutes." how can i fix this??

    When I go to burn a dvd, imovie displays an error message, "menu duration exceeds 15 minutes.  How do I fix?

    You may have too many chapters (scene selections), or perhaps one or more of the menus are looping for too long. Each menu in its standard form generally runs for no more than 30 seconds before repeating. In any of the menus have you inserted your own music that runs for a much longer duration? If so, using the Inspector, reduce the music time to 30 seconds (there is a slider you can adjust).
    Regarding chapters - how many do you have in the project? You may need to delete some markers in your iMovie project. In most of the iDVD themes each scene selection page allows up to 6 scenes. So, for example, if you have 50 scenes marked, the theme would require 9 scene selection pages. I really don't know what the maximum is, but clearly you've run over the 15 minute limit for the iDVD menus. It may be a combination of too many chapters and music looping for too long on one or more of the menus.

  • I can't burn a dvd using any method, Idvd tells me that my super drive is missing, dvd studio pro quits when i click burn and disk utility keeps spitting the disk out when i click burn and enter the disk??? how do i repair my superdrive for imac

    I can't burn a dvd using any method, idvd tells me that my super drive is missing, dvd studio pro quits when i click burn and disk utility keeps spitting the disk out when I click burn and enter the disk??? how do i repair my superdrive for imac, or how do I do whatever I need to do to get it working: I have already tried using a lens cleaning cd and also restored my nvram or something i forget what it was called but i restarted my computer holding down  command+optoion+p+r and still nothing???
    Free solutions are the best, although if I have to pay I will, I would prefer to not have to buy an external burner if possible and already know that is an option so please don't give me that answer... thank you for any help you can give

    Unless your iMac is still covered by AppleCare, get an external DVD burner.
    You can get perfectly good ones from Amazon for less than $40.

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    I want to create a HD disc with my Adobe Premier Elements but I am getting low resolution.  When I go to share the DVD to disc the form only offers 8pixels at the bottom.  How do I burn this DVD in HD with higher number of pixels?  I have read other forums on burning HD DVD's but I do not see the option to turn the 8 pi into 40 pi the one forum recommended.  I want my DVD to be HD so I may sell these videos online for my business.  I can't sell them the low quality they are burning now.  Hopefully you can help me.  Thanks.

    Thank you for your reply.
    You cannot burn your high resolution video that you can view on your computer to an AVCHD on DVD disc
    that will replay through a regular DVD player. But players are marketed under a variety of names with
    different support opportunities. One manufacturer may call its product MultiMedia Player, media player, Blu-ray player,
    etc.The bottom line is the specifications for each of the players that are candidates for the playback of
    the AVCHD format on DVD disc or the format of interest.
    If you upload your HD (1920 x 1080) video to YouTube, YouTube converts the video to flash format, but it goes up as the HD video.
    But, beware. Look at the YouTube viewing setting when your uploaded video is playing back. The YouTube default is not
    HD. It might be 360p, 480p. If you have a 1080p video, then before the YouTube playback, you should be looking
    at the video with the YouTube 1080p HD setting for best viewing. That is a YouTube matter.
    Best results depend on you
    a. setting up the Premiere Elements project preset to match the properties of the source media. That means, if
    you have 1080p source, you (manually) or the project (automatically) set the project preset at
    DSLR [email protected]
    or the PAL counterpart, depending on your region need.
    b. if you upload your video to YouTube using the Premiere Elements feature, there is a HD preset, but you cannot
    customize it.....if you need customization, then you can export your Timeline to a this example
    with Presets = MP4 H.264 1920 x 1080p30 or PAL counterpart
    and then customize the preset under the Advanced Button/Video Tab of that preset. In increase quality, you might look to increase
    the Bitrate under Advanced Button/Video Tab settings - without compromising the file size.
    Then you would upload that file to YouTube at the YouTube web site.
    All of the above are factors that need looking into in order to determine the why for what you wrote
    I have published a shortened advertisement video to YouTube- say 5 minutes-
    and it is low quality
    Often SD video upscaled to HD can present poorly. But, you are dealing with a HD workflow so that should not be introduced into the matter. The setup of the project and
    the properties of the source video are important, but let us start with the above and rule in or out those considerations first.
    Thank you. As always, any clarification needed, please do not hesitate to ask.

  • I am trying to burn a dvd and it will not allow me to do this because it states that i do not have enough space for encoding disk. how do i free up space and from where?

    I am trying to burn a dvd and it will not allow me to do this because it states I do not have enough space for encoding. how do i free up space and from where?

    iDVD can only use your startup hard disk for the "scratch space" it needs for calculations during the encoding process.  25 GB is a good average requirement, but a large project (3 or 4 hours of content) might require more.
    To free up space, you will have to move items to an external hard drive and/or delete items you no longer want.
    Please note that iDVD can't use and external hard drive for this "scratch space".

  • I am finish my project and want to end to another person by email the project so that they can burn a dvd to be displayed at our Church. Normally I would burn the DVD myself but have to send it via email. how to they press it to dvd.Thanks

    I have finished my FCP X project and in the past I would burn a copy but since I am out of town I need to send it via email. The peron is able to view the project when it comes by email but I am wondering how can they burn a dvd copy of it to display at the Church for our announcements.  The person I am sending it to has a Mac too. Thanks

    First off, you're not likely to be able to email it. Most email systems limit the size of messages (and their attachments) since email isn't really designed for large transfers. It's not uncommon to see 50MB as a cap. Unless you're working on an especially small project you're likely to exceed this limit.
    Instead you should consider creating a disk image of your DVD and using a public file service such as DropBox or YouSendIt.
    If you create a disk image (.dmg) file that simulates a full burned DVD, the reciever can burn that to disk using Disk Utility on their machine. They don't need FCP X on their side.

  • How do I burn a dvd in Premiere pro cs4

    Hi all,
    How do I burn a dvd in premiere without having to launch encore? I don't need menus or other dvd navigation features.
    Thanks for all your help

    Here is a recent THREAD on the same subject. It might prove useful to you.
    Good luck,

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