How Do I Edit Rectangle on Blank Canvass?

Hi Guys,
I'm having problems editing the rounded rectangle on a blank white canvass. I have drawn the rectangle onto the canvass but it keeps coming up in a black colour.
How do I change it to white? When I go to "edit" then "fill" I select foreground colour and then white. The problem is the rounded rectangle then disappears all together into the white background.
Also, how do I add the drop shadow and alter the stroke? I have unlocked that layer and then gone into blending options and ticked the drop shadow option but it is still not showing up on the rounded rectangle..
I'm very confused by all this so would really appreciate your help.

sunilmuse1 wrote:
Thanks for this! I am finally able to select a white foreground. The drop shadow looks a bit strange, there is a gap between the lines instead of a slight shadow. How do I get a slight shadow to show up?
No way to answer that – I cannot see your monitor. Post a screenshot.
I have now floated several layers in the workspace which includes a cropped image and the rounded rectangle. How do I insert the cropped image into the rounded rectangle?
Select All (Ctrl+A) in the cropped image and copy (Ctrl+C).
Select the white area in your rounded rectangle (Magic Wand) and choose Edit > Paste into.
Resize if necessary with Ctrl+T.

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    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

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    Try with a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and/or changing the blending mode.
    If the effect is too much for the rest of the bulb, you may be able to mask it out.
    It would help if you post a representative picture here on the forum page for us to look at.

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    Fonts are Licensed asset's subject to single user use. They are not intended to be exchanged, redistributed, etc.
    As part of the PDF standard they included in a document so that the document can be viewed reliably without the font be installed on the viewing station.
    To edit you must have the font installed on your computer. The ability for second parties to use the font would violate font licenses.

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    For what you are trying to do that is probably what you want -- Replace Pages. There are a few more issues that you need to be aware of since this is a business form. If customers are using Reader XI, it is not an issue.
    On the renderable text, can you see the text list when you look at the font tab in the document properties (ctrl-D)? If not, they you do not really have fonts to edit. This may be the type of fonts you used in the original or the way in which you did the conversion to PDF. You need to have fonts that are on your system and then be sure to embed them (otherwise others may not be able to read them because of different OS or such).
    As to e-mailing the form, that is fine (though there are sometimes problems with various clients and PDFs -- but usually on the sending end).
    For collecting the data you may want to try a different route. For users of Reader XI, they can save the form with the data. Prior versions could not do that unless you enabled the form for Reader. However, this latter process has a 500 form use limit -- A license issue. If the data is submitted, then it does not make a difference. The folks with Reader XI can still save the form with the data, others will have to print a copy for their records.
    The data can be imported to the form on your end and so you would have the exact same results as what was filled out. However, the submission process should be set up to submit to a web script for your receipt and not use mailto. The latter has problems that you have no control over due to proper operation with the mail client on the user machine. Typically the mail client must be the default and use MAPI. In any case, it is not reliable (not for business use). So submission to a web script is useful. The data in AcroForms would be of the type FDF (or possibly XFDF). If for some reason use created the form with Designer, that limit any editing in Acrobat since it is no longer a real PDF, but an XML container that Acrobat and Reader can display and interact with, but not change. Again, submission to a web script is still preferred.
    For dealing with a web script and some coding for various languages, you can check out the FDF Toolkit. It has been around a while, but should still handle the CGI needs of the submission. In addition, it has tools for adding the data to a database and other typical operations for data collection. You can save the FDF files and import them to the form and deal with the data there also.
    The use of Replace pages would do the job if all your form fields will still need to be in about the same location. Form fields are mark up and the pages are referred to as the document. Thus the replace pages will just original page and leave all the form fields. You will still need to go back and fix the value within the fields themselves, but that is a field edit.

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    I have a problem with my 4s camera which has come up recently. Everytime I take a picture and look it up via the 'Photos' app, it shows as blank. But when I click on edit on the blank picture, it comes up and I am able to save it back on my photo album as a proper image. Besides, I have also experiences the camera working a bit wiered (slow and often blanks out the moment I am ready to take a photo). Any help on this pls?

    Hi Noob Søren
    There are a few things that are confusing in your question.
    As far as I know, you dont have to install Time Machine on this OS as it is already installed for you. You only need to connect a hard drive to your computer via firewire or usb, click on the Time Machine icon, Open Time Machine Preference in the drop down menu and select a disk: your connected hard drive.
    You can of course reformat this connected device, partition it into a few volumes to organise data if you so wish.
    I find it strange that your mac's hard drive is divided into two volumes... perhaps this was created through bootcamp?
    You can access the configuration of your hd through Applications/Utilities/Disk Utilities.
    Clicking on one of the icons on the right hand panel will bring the details of the contents of your hardDrive and volumes. From there you can decide to erase a partition, reformat etc....
    If your hd contains more than one volume, and one of them is empty, you could decide to remove it. Back up all your important data before doing so.
    Hope this helps

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    How do I edit my pictures on my computer?

    This should help. The Revel apps for mac, iphone and ipad have editing. The web version does not support editing ( What platform(s) are you on?
    FAQ: How do I edit photos in Revel?

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    to any1 that wants to use the scripts and have them work just type "save" on the next like after end tell and itll do it........

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    You do not want to edit material from different frame rates on one timeline. You CAN do this, but it is a very bad idea - and this is why.
    Once you establish the sequence frame rate - lets say it is PAL material at 25fps, any material that you drop into the sequence other than 25 fps will have to be changed to play at 25 fps. If the material you add is NTSC (29.97), FCP will DROP 5 frames per sec to bring the frame rate down to 25 fps. Which 5 get thrown away? Every 6th one. This yields a funky cadence that becomes even more complex as as there are also interlaced fields (DV/NTSC is an interlaced format). Oh, and by the way, the image sizes are different as well. DV/PAL has 576 lines of resolution and DV/NTSC has 480. FCP has to scale up the NTSC to fit the PAL frame.
    You do not want FCP adjusting these things on the fly. You want to do a thoughtful (and time consuming) conversion so that you end up with all your material in one format with the best possible image from the conversion process. Compressor can do an adequate job with Frame Controls turned on. The Natress Standards Conversion FCP plugin is another way to go. A third option is to find a post house that can do the conversion for you using a hardware based process.
    The good news is, once everything is in the same format, editing it will be painless and the output process very quick.
    Whatever frame rate/ image size you select, I'd suggest using ProRes for the codec. It is 4:2:2 color and will withstand color correction and composting with much more grace than any variant of DV based codecs.
    Have fun.

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    Servers down wait till status is fixed to change or add your data

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