How do I find my Air port express base stations?

I have an airport extreme with 4 airport express stations to listen to music in my house. Everything was working fine for over a year, but I noticed that itunes no longer recogized multiple speakers, and when I run the air port utility it shows my airport extreme, but when I scan the airport express stations do not come up at all. How can I fix this?

Someone set up an airplay passcode. You can go into the settings to reset it.

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    This reply is for anyone who got this far but couldn't get further, becuase their setup was similiar and the above didn't work.
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    You must switch ON Wi-Fi in System Prefs, Network. I didn't have it switched on because my Mac Mini is connected to the Airport Extreme with a network cable. The newly reset to Factory settings Airport is now available in AirPort Utility to select under the "Other AirPort Base Stations" button. Be careful of the default setting during setup. You do not want to use the AirPort Express instead of the AirPort Extreme (which sets the Extreme back to Default settings)
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    I would suggest that you start by performing a "factory default" reset on the AirPort Express Base Station (AX). Once completed, you should be able to access the AX via the AirPort Utility. Note: Be sure to first connect to the AX's wireless network BEFORE accessing it with the utility.

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    This version of AirPort Utility doesn't support this base station. Use AirPort Utility 5.6 to configure or manage this base station. AirPort Utility 5.6 is available at AirPort Service and Support."
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    The 5.6 version can be installed but it does take an alternative route to do so. For example, you can use a utility like Pacifist to first extract the utility, and then, move it to the Utilities folder. Once "installed" by this method, it runs just fine on Mountain Lion.

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    Your older AirPort Express (AX) should be able to join the Linksys wireless network, but since the AX is a "b/g" device, you will need to configure the Linksys to broadcast a "g" compatible signal so the AX can connect.

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    The AirPort Express Base Station (AX) can store up to five different configuration profiles. You will need to use the AirPort Utility, located in Applications/Utilities to create & save these profiles.
    To create a new profile:
    o Open AirPort Utility, select your AX from the list, and then, click "Manual Setup."
    o From the AirPort Utility menu, select "Base Station," and then "Manage Profiles."
    o Click "+" to create a new profile; give it a name, and then, click OK.
    o Set options, such as network name, passwords, Internet connection method, etc.
    o When done setting the options, click Update.
    To switch profiles:
    o Open the AirPort Utility, select your AX from the list, and then, click "Manual Setup."
    o From the AirPort Utility menu, select "Base Station," and then "Manage Profiles."
    o Click on the desired profile, and then, click OK to apply the new profile and restart the AX.
    Just remember to switch to the desired configuration profile before removing power from the AX.

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    "it was downloaded by the software update"
    No problem then. Apparently there WAS such an update, but I missed it and it's been deleted from the list of available downloads, as you can clearly see.
    There is now a new "Security Update 2007-004" for Tiger, and I think it's safe to assume that this will help correct your problems.
    If your problems still exist afterwards, you will want to reset the AirPort Express unit to factory settings and erase all current configuration profiles. Do that by holding in the reset button with a straightened paper clip while plugging the unit into a convenient electrical receptacle. Open the utility "AirPort Setup Assistant" and choose to "Set up a new AirPort Base Station" and proceed. After successful completion, unplug and relocate the AirPort Express to its usual location.

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    If you have the the most current model of the Express devices, the default setup is to "extend" the wireless signal.  In this type of setup, each Express communicates directly to the Time Capsule.
    How did you setup the AirPort Express devices?
    What version of the Mac operating system are you using on your MacBook?   Or, do you have AirPort Utility installed on your iPad?

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    Chick3597 wrote:
    Regardless of apple updating something or another. I have no need for the additional questions and really don't want to allow them to bully me into compliance.
    You may have no need for additional but Apple does. They don't want your iTunes account to be hacked and then go complaining to them that their security procedures are not up to standards.
    Chick3597 wrote:
    So how can I continue in the good old fashioned way?
    Its really absurd to even ask this in light of the information that you have been given already. The "old fashioned" way is gone. It's Apple's store, Apples's rules and IMO - its a wise decision on Apple's part.
    You do not have to comply at all, but you will not be able to purchase from iTunes anymore, but nobody is going to force you to do something that you do not want to do.

  • HT4259 We decided to set the Air Port Express in a room using only the power outlet and relying on the existing wifi signal...we have a verizon modem and didn't want to mess with connecting the Air port express directly to the verizon device.  It didn't w

    I bought a Air Port Express device from Apple yesterday.  We decided to set the Air port device in a room near the router to use as a wifi extender to areas of the house where the signal is weak.  In our discussion with Josh, the Apple Rep.  he explained how it can either be connector to the router or use in another room relying on the existing wifi signal to extend it further into the house.  We have verizon DSL.  Our town is very cable provided so we are lucky to have what we have...some areas of our town can't even get what we have.  We, didn't want to connect it directly to the Verizon device (router)....we followed the directions from Josh as well as the explicit directions provided by Apple didn't work. We keep getting an error message.  Does anyone have any advice ?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Please speak in "Laymen's terms"  I am not technically determined to get this set up.  Thanks to anyone, in advance!

    In our discussion with Josh, the Apple Rep.  he explained how it can either be connector to the router or use in another room relying on the existing wifi signal to extend it further into the house.
    Unfortunately, it appears that Josh was not aware that the AirPort Express can only "extend" a wireless signal from another Apple router.
    From Apple's literature:
    Extend an existing Wi-Fi network’s range.
    If you already have a wireless network in your home and want to extend its range, AirPort Express can help. Just place it in range of your primary base station — an AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule, or another AirPort Express — and near the area where you want your wireless connection. Launch the easy-to-use AirPort Utility app on your iOS device or Mac, and you’re mere minutes away from long-range Wi-Fi enjoyment.
    The AirPort Express is not compatible with a Verizon product for this purpose.
    Your might want to have another conversation with Josh to ask his advice on how best to proceed at this point.
    If you do decide to keep the AirPort Express, it will be necessary to connect it to your Verizon router using a wired Ethernet cable connection if you want the Express to provide more wireless signal coverage.

  • Changing the base station from Air Port Express to the Time Machine

    Some years ago I bought an Air Port Express. I set it up to connect iTunes to my home stereo but it never worked very well and after a few months I gave up and put it in a draw.
    Last year I bought a Time Machine and succesfully set it up. I also established a wireless network which connects to my PC and Blackberry.
    Recently, I've been encouraged to try to set up the Air Port Express again. I had assumed that the Time Machine had been established as my base station and that I would now use the Airport Express as a wireless extender and try again to use it to connect to my home stereo.
    However, in setting it up it become clear that my Air Port Express has the status of a base station with its own wireless network (which I don't want to use).
    I can't figure out how to change the Time Machine so that IT is the base station and the Air Port Express is a secondary point connecting to wireless network created through the Time Machine.
    Thank you in advance for any help or advice that you might have.

    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, this older "g" device is really going to drag down the performance of your Time Capsule.
    You'll need to use a WDS type configuration, which is an older "g" technology. The setup for this type of configuration is complex and difficult for most users. If you get the configuration right, there are still unfortunately going to be two big negatives with this type of setup.
    1) Since WDS is an older "g" technology, everything on your faster "n" Time Capsule will drop down to "g" level speeds. That's a huge loss.
    2) When you add the Express to the network, the bandwidth will drop by 50%
    Bottom would wind up with an older "g" wireless network throughout that would be operating at one half of it's capability.
    If your budget allows, a new AirPort Express 802.11"n" would provide far better performance and would be much easier to configure for your network.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Air Port Express Configuration

    Hi   I am sure that this is a dumb question but hopefully someone will be able to assist me.
    At my home I have three Air Port Express adaptors  - one as a base station, the others as repeaters to extend the range of the signal.  These have been configured to use the IP range 10.0.0.x and have been working OK.    The base station adaptor is both connected via a ethernet cable to my ADSL router, and is set to manage DHCP.
    Over the weekend I have occasion to look at the settings for my ADSL router, I am about to repace it and wanted to get all the settings for the new router. 
    I noticed that I have, as expected a dedicated IP address from my ISP, but that the internal IP range of the ADSL router was set to 192.168.0.x range. 
    Surely this is wrong, and it should be set to the same range as my Air Port Express units shouldn't it, and if so I am not quite sure how the network has worked all this time.
    Many thanks for any assistance

    I noticed that I have, as expected a dedicated IP address from my ISP, but that the internal IP range of the ADSL router was set to 192.168.0.x range.
    Surely this is wrong, and it should be set to the same range as my Air Port Express units shouldn't it, and if so I am not quite sure how the network has worked all this time.
    In your current network configuration, you have two routers in series, each with their DHCP server service enabled. Most non-Apple routers typically provide DHCP clients with IP addresses in the 192.168.n.n range and is exactly what your current ADSL router is doing.
    Since you have the first AirPort Express Base Station (AX) directly connected to this ADSL router, it will receive an IP address on its WAN port in this 192.1689.n.n range, but since it too has DHCP server service active, any wireless clients connected to it would receive IP address in the 10.0.n.n range.
    You would also have a "double NAT" condition. In itself this is not necessarily a bad thing, but does tend to introduce other issues, especially if you wish to share resources between clients connected to either router. In most cases, where you have routers in series, you would want to reconfigure the downstream router as a bridge.

  • Air Port Express Audio drop Out Problem

    Hi I have just brought an Air Port Express home and spent the evening setting it up which went relatively smoothly, but once tested using the Optical out into an Musical Fidelity V3 X Dac (Digital to Analog Converter) the sound persistently jitters making music unlistenable,using conventional 3.5mm stereo jack output works fine it only seems to be on the optical.
    Have read as much as I can find of use on the net but it seems either the optical out is faulty or incompatible with this DAC or some people have mentioned it might be the latest version of I tunes all my soft-wear is up to date.
    Does anyone have a solution or should I return it or will anyone at Apple no what I`m talking about in the shop I got the impression they didn`t know anything about the Optical out.
    Any Help greatfully recieved.

    You will need to try several different optical cables as they vary tremendously in their signal integrity. It is not unusual to see two identical cables from the same manufacturer perform very differently. Check out the store's return policy and try several different cables to see if you can find the right combination.

  • Air port express wont connect to internet

    I am trying to use air port express and everything is hooked up correctly, it shows internet is there connected etc. but when i try to click on safari it doesn't connect to the internet. I am connected directly to the internet provider kind of like direct hook up to the modem. my network setup is a bit different. but what it comes down to is the airport is wireless and it doesn't connect to the internet. anyone able to help me get the airport working ?

    In order to get help you're going to have to describe your setup and your problem a bit better.
    First, how is your network configured? how are all the devices connected (hardwire or wireless) and what models of devices are you using?
    A typical setup has a cable or dsl modem that receives a signal from your internet provider. This device is then either directly connected ot a computer, if it's the only device requireing internet access, or it's connected to a router via an ethernet cable.  Depending on the type of router, the internet access is then shared via ethernet (hardwire) or wirelessly to other devices throughout the home.
    How is your's set up?

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