How do I format a tape?

I'm trying to do an RMAN backup to tape using OSB Express. I keep getting the error:
2006/09/01.15:41:43 ______________________________________________________________________
2006/09/01.15:41:43 Transcript for job oracle/4.1 running on myServer02
2006/09/01.15:41:43 Warning: tape in local-sdlt was mounted, but verification of mount
2006/09/01.15:41:43 data failed - blank medium encountered (OB device mgr)
I'm assuming blank medium mean's unformated (it's a brand new tape). Does anyone know how to format a tape with RMAN, or OSB Express?
Windows 2003 r2, Oracle, OSB XE, SDLT 320

Thanks for your help on this. Are you saying that OSB doesn't need tapes formatted? Can just put in a blank tape straight out of the shrink wrap and it will be ok to use it?
That makes me even more confused about why I'm having problems?!? Here's the full 'debug' version of one of the errors I'm getting ... does this mean anything to you?
2006/09/06.14:17:49 ______________________________________________________________________
2006/09/06.14:17:49 Transcript for job oracle/6.1 running on myServer02
2006/09/06.14:17:49 (mt) qdv__read_label() failed - blank medium encountered (OB device mgr)
2006/09/06.14:17:49 Info: volume in local-sdlt is usable for this operation.
2006/09/06.14:17:49 It must be overwritten at BOT.
2006/09/06.14:17:49 (pvfw) at BOT
2006/09/06.14:17:49 (pvfw) mounted ok
2006/09/06.14:17:49 (pvfw) pos_vol_cleanup not returning pstate
2006/09/06.14:17:49 (dmap) local-sdlt success

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    SuPhil wrote:
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    That's not a very helpful lab worker then !
    From your original post you said you had a colour border, so why not extend your canvas and border by a quarter inch all round. That should be more than enough bleed.
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    To for the specific column value of all rows of table, please loop through the underlying VO of that table
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("View Object");
    if (vo != null) {
    Row TotalLinesVOrows[] = vo.getAllRowsInRange();
    RowSetIterator rowsetitr[] = vo.getRowSetIterators();
    if (vo.getRowCount() > 0) {
    for (int count = 0; count < vo.getRowCount(); count++) {
    row = rowsetitr[0].getRowAtRangeIndex(count);
    Object value= row.getAttribute("ViewAttributename");
    Double fomattedValue=getFormatCurrency(value)
    row.setAttribute("ViewAttributename", fomattedValue);
    public String getUSFormatCurrency(double value)
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    String formattedCurrency = formatter.format(value);
    return formattedCurrency;

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