How do I lock my apps

How can I get a app to lock my apps such as kik Facebook path Instagram  and text messages ex.

You cannot lock apps.
Don't let others use your iDevice.

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    aravindanfromind wrote:
    how do i lock individual apps in my 5s
    This is not a feature... perhaps this may be of assistance...
    Restrictions  >
    aravindanfromind wrote:
    i dont intend jailbreaking
    Glad to hear it...

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    Settings > General > Acessibility > Guided Access. Enter the app, and triple click the home button. Just tap Guided Access and it's locked in the app. You can even draw on areas of the screen that you don't want them to tap. It's amazing, isn't it ?

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    No, you can't prevent people from trying to guess the code. However, it will take longer between each attempt, i.e. it will be disabled for 1 minute, 15, an hour... so it would take him a while to completely disable it.

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    Unless that app allows password protection (few do), you will have to delete the app and then set a Restrictions tht prevent installing apps.

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    Ifthikar wrote:
    If some people asking to see i pad we cant tell them dont open my message and mail
    Why can't you tell them that? Personally, I would never had over my iPad to someone who I suspected would snoop. And, if someone did, you can be sure I'd never let them touch it again.

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    You are not addressing Apple here. We are users just like you. This is a user to user forum for technical help from other users. The phone has the ability to have a passcode to lock it, but except for restrictions, there is no way to password individual applications. If you would like, you can provide feedback to Apple requesting features.

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    Sorry, you can't. Passcode protect your phone & don't disclose your passcode if you don't want anyone messing with your phone.

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    You can lock an iPad to a given app via Guided Access:
    To try and lock a web browser to a single page you'll need to investigate third-party browsers such as MobiCIP or the McGruff browser and see if they allow you to lock to a single page. Safari in iOS 6 or earlier has no controls and in iOS 7 allows you to restrict to a given site or set of sites but not to a single web page.

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    You can go into settings and restrictions and disallow the deletion of apps as a not specific ones, but all apps can't be deleted without you entering a password.

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    As stated, you can use restrictions if it is one of Apple's apps, but you won't be able to access the app either unless you reset your restrictions.
    Your only other option if this is critical to you is, as you seem to know, jailbreak the phone and install lockdown or a similar app. Just remember you have significantly reduced security on the OS in order to secure whatever app you want locked, but the tradeoff may be worth it to you.

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    Something may have corrupted your User account permissions. Whatever it was that did that is likely to do it again, and will require further investigation.
    To reset your User account permissions perform the following. It may not fix the problem but it will not make it any worse:
    Boot OS X Recovery by holding ⌘ and r (two fingers) while you start your Mac.
    When the Mac OS X Utilities screen appears, select Utilities > Terminal.
    In the Terminal window type resetpassword and press Enter. A window will open behind Terminal that looks like this:
    Do not enter a new password.
    Select your startup volume at the top. From the dropdown below it, select the user account with the problem.
    At the bottom of the window, you will see Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs.
    Click the Reset button.
    Quit Reset Password
    Quit Terminal
    Quit OS X Utilities and restart your Mac.
    Back up your system before doing anything else because disk corruption is another possibility that has to be considered.

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    You can't. You can put a passcode on the phone.

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    Andilol22 wrote:
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    Only if that capability is built into the app itself (and it isn't in the case of iOs native apps).

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    You really should contact iTS here:
    iTunes Store Support

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