How do I query off a pl/sql funtion that returns an sql query in apex.

I built a function that a returns a good sql query. I verified the out put of my function works when I manually entered into the SQL Commands.
Is it possible to build a report off of this query. My attempt failed with the following error.
failed to parse SQL query:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
I am sure the query generated is correct. Like I mentioned, I was able to use in the sql command succesfully.
Edited by: greich on Nov 21, 2008 10:55 AM

This is the code for my function:
create or replace function f_act_proj_sched (i_facility varchar2, i_date varchar2, i_shift varchar2)
Return varchar2 is
o_query Varchar2 (32000);
-- function that will return the query used in main application
o_query := o_query || 'SELECT act_proj.DESTINATION,';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj.SHIPPING_DATE,';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj.SHIFT,';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj.JOB_CLASS_GROUPING,';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj."Actual Units",';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj."Projected Units",';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj."Actual Hours",';
o_query := o_query || ' act_proj."Projected Hours",';
o_query := o_query || ' NVL (sched."Sched_Hours", 0)';
o_query := o_query || ' "Scheduled Hours"';
o_query := o_query || ' From (SELECT P.DESTINATION,';
o_query := o_query || ' P.SHIPPING_DATE,';
o_query := o_query || ' P.JOB_CLASS_GROUPING,';
o_query := o_query || ' P.SHIFT,';
o_query := o_query || ' NVL (FACILITY_STATS.WORK_UNITS, 0) "Actual Units",';
o_query := o_query || ' NVL (P.WORK_UNITS, 0) "Projected Units",';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Backhaul''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN Facility_stats.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.backhauler_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Selector''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN Facility_stats.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.selector_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Common''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN Facility_stats.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.backhauler_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Lift''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN Facility_stats.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.forklift_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' ELSE Facility_stats.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' END, 0) "Actual Hours",';
o_query := o_query || ' CASE P.JOB_CLASS_GROUPING';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Backhaul''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN P.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.backhauler_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Selector''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN P.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.selector_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Common''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN P.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.backhauler_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' WHEN ''Lift''';
o_query := o_query || ' THEN P.work_units' ;
o_query := o_query || ' / Goal_destination_shift.forklift_goal';
o_query := o_query || ' ELSE P.work_units';
o_query := o_query || ' END "Projected Hours"';
o_query := o_query || ' FROM STAFFING.FACILITY_STATS,';
o_query := o_query || ' STAFFING.FACILITY_STATS P,';
o_query := o_query || ' STAFFING.GOAL_DESTINATION_SHIFT';
o_query := o_query || ' AND (FACILITY_STATS.SHIFT(+) = P.SHIFT)';
o_query := o_query || ' AND (P.PROJ_ACTUAL_FLAG = ''P'')';
o_query := o_query || ' AND (FACILITY_STATS.PROJ_ACTUAL_FLAG(+) = ''A'')';
o_query := o_query || ' AND P.DESTINATION = ' || i_facility;
o_query := o_query || ' AND P.SHIPPING_DATE = ' || i_date;
o_query := o_query || ' AND (case';
o_query := o_query || ' when to_number(' || i_shift || ') != -1';
o_query := o_query || ' Then P.SHIFT';
o_query := o_query || ' Else 1';
o_query := o_query || ' end =';
o_query := o_query || ' case';
o_query := o_query || ' when to_number(' || i_shift || ') != -1';
o_query := o_query || ' Then to_number(' || i_shift || ')';
o_query := o_query || ' Else 1';
o_query := o_query || ' end)) act_proj,';
o_query := o_query || ' (SELECT Destination,';
o_query := o_query || ' schedule_date,';
o_query := o_query || ' shift,';
o_query := o_query || ' job_class_grouping,';
o_query := o_query || ' SUM ("Sched_Hours") "Sched_Hours"';
o_query := o_query || ' FROM (';
-- Loop to create bucket query
for idx in 1..20 Loop
o_query := o_query || '(SELECT EMP_SCHEDULE.EMPLOYEE_ID,';
o_query := o_query || ' EMP_SCHEDULE.SCHEDULE_DATE,';
o_query := o_query || ' EMP_SCHEDULE.DESTINATION,';
o_query := o_query || ' EMP_SCHEDULE.SHIFT, ';
o_query := o_query || idx || ' "Bucket_number",';
o_query := o_query || ' Bucket' || idx || '_class "bucket class",';
o_query := o_query || ' JOB_CLASS_GROUPING,';
o_query := o_query || ' NVL (EMP_SCHEDULE.BUCKET' || idx || '_SCHED_HRS, 0) "Sched_Hours"';
o_query := o_query || ' FROM STAFFING.EMP_SCHEDULE,';
o_query := o_query || ' WHERE (FACILITY_CLASS_BUCKET.BUCKET_ID = ' || idx || ')) A';
o_query := o_query || ' Where A.Destination = EMP_SCHEDULE.DESTINATION';
o_query := o_query || ' and EMP_SCHEDULE.DESTINATION = ' || i_facility;
o_query := o_query || ' and EMP_SCHEDULE.SCHEDULE_DATE = ' || i_date;
o_query := o_query || ' AND (case';
o_query := o_query || ' when to_number(' || i_shift || ') != -1';
o_query := o_query || ' Then EMP_SCHEDULE.SHIFT';
o_query := o_query || ' Else 1';
o_query := o_query || ' end =';
o_query := o_query || ' case';
o_query := o_query || ' when to_number(' || i_shift || ') != -1';
o_query := o_query || ' Then to_number(' || i_shift || ')';
o_query := o_query || ' Else 1';
o_query := o_query || ' end))';
if idx < 20
o_query := o_query || ' UNION ';
o_query := o_query || ')';
End if;
END Loop;
o_query := o_query || ' GROUP BY Destination,';
o_query := o_query || ' schedule_date,';
o_query := o_query || ' shift,';
o_query := o_query || ' job_class_grouping) Sched';
o_query := o_query || ' WHERE (act_proj.DESTINATION = sched.DESTINATION(+))';
o_query := o_query || ' AND (act_proj.SHIPPING_DATE = sched.SCHEDULE_DATE(+))';
o_query := o_query || ' AND (act_proj.SHIFT = sched.SHIFT(+))';
o_query := o_query || ' AND (act_proj.JOB_CLASS_GROUPING = sched.JOB_CLASS_GROUPING(+))';
o_query := o_query || ' ORDER BY SHIFT,';
o_query := o_query || ' job_class_grouping';
Return (o_query);

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    user10382685 wrote:
    I'm using Oracle
    In an anonymous block I have a dynamic SQL statement that finds the table name and column name that a string value resides in.
    It looks like this:
    l_sql := 'SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE exists (SELECT 1 FROM '||
    r.owner||'.'||r.table_name||' WHERE '||r.column_name||
    ' = :b1)';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO l_res USING l_contents;
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    How can I do this?Well, it would be nice for you to post the whole context of your present solution so we know what's going on. I'll assume r comes from a loop referencing user_tab_cols or some equivalent view.
    If so, you'll likely need to check the DATA_TYPE column.
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      type        l_date is table of date;
      v_date      l_date;
      type        l_char is table of varchar2(4000);
      v_char      l_char;
      type        l_numb is table of number;
      v_numb      l_numb;
      l_distinct_ set sys_refcursor;
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      --expand on the data types you care about as needed, this is a BASIC set
      if r.data_type = 'DATE'
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_date;
      elsif r.data_type in ('VARCHAR2', 'CHAR')
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_char;
      elsif r.data_type = 'NUMBER'
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_numb;
      end if;
      close l_distinct_set;

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    For the predicate groups that are indexed/stored, the exact operator types (as in equality, inequality, like etc) that are indexed are specified while assigning the default index parameters. In the following example, exf$indexoper is used to specify the list of indexed operators.
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                          attr_oper => exf$indexoper('=','<','>','>=','<='),
                          attr_indexed => 'FALSE')    --- stored predicate group
    /You can find more information about exf$indexoper at
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    Hi stevefromorpington,
    If you'd like to turn off alerts for a specific calendar, please see the information outlined below.
    Turn off alerts for a calendar
    Control-click the name of the calendar in the calendar list, then choose Get Info.
    If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.
    Select “Ignore alerts,” then click OK.
    Set event alerts and receive notifications - Calendar Help
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    function my_name ---- in package spec
         return varchar2;
    function my_name -----in package body
    return varchar2
    return 'this is my name';
    end my_name;
    select package.my_name from dual; -- get the output as "this is my name"
    Type my_table is table of varchar2(25);
    function my_phone_numbers
    return package.my_table;
    function my_phone_numbers return package.my_table
    mt package.my_table:= package.my_table('0000-000-0000','111-111-1111');
    return mt;
    end my_phone_numbers;
    select package.my_phone_numbers from dual; --- output errors -- looks like the syntax is wrong
    please help...thanks

    Oh you are right. I thought the OP had the types in place. Here is the correct one:
    SQL> create type my_table is table of varchar2(25);
      2  /
    Type created.
      1  create or replace function my_phone_numbers
      2  return my_table
      3  is
      4  mt my_table:= my_table('0000-000-0000','111-111-1111');
      5  begin
      6  return mt;
      7* end my_phone_numbers;
    SQL> /
    Function created.
    SQL> select * from table(my_phone_numbers);
    No (user defined) sql types and no pipelined function.
    User defined types are needed for this to work, but it works without pipelined functions either.
    Message was edited by:

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