How  ExecutorCompletionService 's submit (Callable) method works   ..

How the submit() works?
My doubt is ..if i submit 5 tasks by calling 5 times the submit method one by one,
Will the executor call them at a time( i.e. in multiple threads) or done one by one.
If one by one fashion what one will be order of execution.
My Code is
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
CompletionService< Object > completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService< Object >( executorService );
// submit all the callables
for ( Callable< Object > callable : callables )
completionService.submit( callable );
for ( int i = 0; i < callables.size(); i++ )
// execute the delete for this control point table
catch ( InterruptedException e )
// ignore interruptions
catch ( ExecutionException e )
// log each error but continue processing
log.error( "Error deleting file data", e );
exceptions = true;
My doubt is when it starts execution after submit().. or when calling take().get()...?
Please help me ..

How the submit() works?
My doubt is ..if i submit 5 tasks by calling 5 times
the submit method one by one,
Will the executor call them at a time( i.e. in
multiple threads) or done one by one.Depends on the ExecutorService that the ExecutorCompletionService is using. You are using a thread pool that has multiple threads so your tasks will be executed simultaneously.
If one by one fashion what one will be order of
execution.See above.
My Code is
ExecutorService executorService =
CompletionService< Object > completionService
= new ExecutorCompletionService< Object >(
executorService );
// submit all the callables
for ( Callable< Object > callable : callables )
completionService.submit( callable );
int i = 0; i < callables.size(); i++ )
// execute the delete for this control point
catch ( InterruptedException e )
// ignore interruptions
catch ( ExecutionException e )
// log each error but continue
log.error( "Error deleting file data",
e );
exceptions = true;
y doubt is when it starts execution after submit()..Correct
or when calling take().get()...?No

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    Hi Vidar,
    This is documented under the <pz:contentSelector> tag
    (, but
    unfortunately it's not in the JavaDoc (which is what you were looking at):
    Note: The sortBy attribute, when used in conjunction with the max attribute,
    works differently for explicit (system-defined) and implicit (user-defined)
    attributes. If you sort on explicit attributes (identifier, mimeType, size,
    version, author, creationDate, modifiedBy, modifiedDate, lockedBy,
    description, or comments) the sort is done on the database; therefore if you
    combine max="10" and sortBy, the system will perform the sort and then get
    the first 10 items. If you sort on implicit attributes, the sort is done
    after the max have been selected.
    That said, there are a few different workarounds to get the behavior you're
    looking for:
    1. Put whatever you want to sort on in the comments or description field;
    these fields are explicit attributes, so the sort will be done on the
    database prior to selecting the maximum number of records. This is probably
    the easiest solution.
    2. Write your own DocumentProvider.
    3. Use a third party Content Management system that does all sorting in the
    database; Documentum is one example.
    4. Use a ContentComparator. This solution involves bringing back all
    matches, sorting that list in memory, and then just using the ones you want.
    You can use the
    class to do this. Note that although the package name says "fast", that
    doesn't mean the in-memory sorting will be fast at all. This won't scale
    if you don't already know the max number of returns, but would do fine if
    the max number of documents in the database isn't too large. So, you could
    do something like this to get the first 10 sorted on someAttribute:
    <pz:contentQuery query="someAttribute like 'something*' " id="docs"
    List l = new ArrayList(docs);
    Collections.sort(l, new ContentComparator("someAttribute ASC"));
    if (l.size() > 10)
    l = l.subList(0, 10);
    docs = (Content[])l.toArray(new Content[0]);
    pageContext.setAttribute("docs", docs);
    You could even mix this in with content caching by directly manipulating the
    com.beasys.commerce.content.ContentCache object, that way you could avoid
    doing the sort every time.
    An enhancement request (CR050865) has been logged on this issue.
    I hope this helps!
    - Ginny
    "Vidar Alvestad" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    We are currently using WLPS 3.2.
    The API documentation states that(
    &#8220;Sets the maximum number of content items to return from a contentquery
    OK? What does this really mean? If we use the setMax together with sortBy,will
    WLSP first pick the number of items defined by setMax and then sort, orvice versa?
    If we have the following code:
    AdviceRequest arequest = anAdvisor.createRequestTemplate(
    request = (ContentQueryAdviceRequest)arequest;
    request.setSortBy( &#8220;publish-start-date DESC&#8221; );
    And if we have the following content items (only showing the meta tags):
    ITEM 1:
    <meta name="publish-start-date" content="2001-09-0500:00:00.000000000"></meta>
    ITEM 2:
    <meta name="publish-start-date" content="2001-09-0300:00:00.000000000"></meta>
    ITEM 3:
    <meta name="publish-start-date" content="2001-09-0200:00:00.000000000"></meta>
    ITEM 4:
    <meta name="publish-start-date" content="2001-08-0100:00:00.000000000"></meta>
    (Note the date format. This is the only date format that we have found towork
    with WLSP 3.2, BEA support defined it for us. And we have tested that thisformat
    What would you expect the result to be? We expect it to be:
    ITEM 1
    ITEM 2
    BUT: Since we are using the setMax function, the WLPS server seems toFIRST pick
    2 items and THEN sort them.
    So the result could just as well be:
    ITEM 3
    ITEM 4
    Our conclusion is that if we want WLPS to get a sorted list, we first haveto
    get all the personalized content, then sort and finally pick out thecontent items
    that we want !
    Is this really true?
    B | vidar alvestad
    E | +47 982 19 367, [email protected]
    K | bekk consulting as, Pb 134, Sentrum, 0102 oslo, norway
    K |

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    Hi HLFrank,
    Welcome to Adobe Forum,
    You can opt for monthly payment in a yearly contract or pay at one go for an year.
    Please check the option at

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    Then you want to use String.split using regular expressions:
    public String[] split(String regex)
        Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
        This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method with the
    given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are
    therefore not included in the resulting array.
        The string "boo:and:foo", for example, yields the following results with these
            Regex      Result
            :      { "boo", "and", "foo" }
            o      { "b", "", ":and:f" }
            regex - the delimiting regular expression
            the array of strings computed by splitting this string around matches of
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            PatternSyntaxException - if the regular expression's syntax is invalid
        See Also:
    Have fun,

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    What do you mean by "return method"? Methods return a value (or void, but that's still a "value" of sorts).
    Returning a Value from a Method

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    Revision: 3051
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-08-29 19:19:32 -0700 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008)
    Log Message:
    actually, for some reason this cast is changing how this method works so
    I'm backing it out!
    Modified Paths:

    As I said in your original post, iTunes U is not available to any institution, government or otherwise, in South Korea. If or when Apple will extend iTunes U to your country is something none of us here can say, and Apple will not until such time as they're ready to make an announcement. What Apple's criteria and requirements are for being able to open iTunes U in a given country is unknown; there is no "procedure" that any of us here can state or direct you to that you could initiate. It's totally up to Apple, and if they are working on this, I'm sure they know who in the SK government they would need to work with.
    Sorry, but you will just have to wait and hope that something develops in the future.

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    The position in the file where the next read or write operation will occur.
    But it operates entirely different in the following code. only when i put the value as 5 , it prints the value of 7890. if i pass anything other than that, it would return some values which were not written.
    public class TestIPApp {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("c:\\test.txt", "rw");
    }when i open the test.txt file, it contains some junk values. how could i see this txt file in readable format?
    plz help me

    Pannar wrote:
    only when i put the value as 5 , it prints the value of 7890.Makes sense to me. You write a boolean, then an int. Boolean values are written [in one byte|], int values are written [in four bytes|]. Positioning the file pointer to the fifth byte gets ready to read the next int value.
    In your code, however, you move the pointer to the ninth byte, which is the start of what you wrote as a long value. So, this code...System.out.println(file.readInt());...should be this:System.out.println(file.readLong());
    Pannar wrote:how could i see this txt file in readable format? Write text rather than data.

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    I am sorry to say that your question is badly asked and doesn't provide enough information. ( just in case you look for ways to improve this). For customizing the page lifecycle see

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    Accessing a particular pageflow method from Javascript is directly not possible unless we do some real funky coding in specifying document.myForm.action = xyz...Heres what I tried and it did not work as expected: I found another workaround that I will share with you.
    1. In my jsp file when I click a button a call a JavaScript that calls the method that I want in pageflow like this: My method got invoked BUT when that method forwards the jsp, it lost the portal context. I saw my returned jsp only on the browser instead of seeing it inside the portlet on the page of a portal. I just see contents of jsp on full browser screen. I checked the url. This does make the sense. I do not see the url where I will have like test1.portal?_pageLabe=xxx&portlet details etc etc. So this bottom approach will notwork.
    document.getElementById("batchForm").action = "/portlets/com/hid/iod/Batches/holdBatch"; // here if you give like test1.portal/pagelable value like complete may work...but not suggested/recommended....
    2. I achieved my requirement using a hidden variable inside my netui:form tag in the jsp. Say for example, I have 3 buttons and all of them should call their own action methods like create, update, delete on pageflow side. But I want these to be called through javascript say for example to do some validation. (I have diff usecase though). So I created a hidden field like ACTION_NAME. I have 3 javascript functions create(), update() etc. These javascripts are called onclick() for these buttons. In thse functions first I set unique value to this hiddent field appropriately. Then submit the form. Note that all 3 buttons now go to same common action in the JPF. The code is like this.
    document.getElementById("ACTION_NAME").value = "UPDATE";
    Inside the pageflow common method, I retriev this hidden field value and based on its value, I call one of the above 3 methods in pageflow. This works for me. There may be better solution.
    3. Another usecase that I want to share and may be help others also. Most of the time very common usecase is, when we select a item in a drop bos or netui:select, we want to invoke the pageflow action. Say we have 2 dropdown boxes with States and Cities. Anytime States select box is changed, it should go back to server and get new list of Cities for that state. (We can get both states and cities and do all string tokenizer on jsp itself. But inreality as per business needs, we do have to go to server to get dynamic values. Here is the code snippet that I use and it works for all my select boxes onChange event.
    This entire lines of code should do what we want.
    <netui:anchor action="selectArticleChanged" formSubmit="true" tagId="selectPropertyAction"/>                    
    <netui:select onChange="document.getElementById(lookupIdByTagId('selectPropertyAction',this )).onclick();" dataSource="pageFlow.selectedArticleId" >
    <c:forEach items="${requestScope.ALL_ARTICLE}" var="eachArticle">
    <%-- workshop:varType="com.hid.iod.forms.IoDProfileArticleRelForm" --%>
    <netui:selectOption value="${eachArticle.articleIdAsString}">${eachArticle.articleItemName}</netui:selectOption>
    See if you can build along those above lines of code. Any other simpler approches are highly welcome.
    Ravi Jegga

  • How to do submit without any button

    Hi ,
    i am using Jdev .
    i am using JSF ADF BC Technology. i am having a problem. how to do submit the values in inputHidden field without submit or any button.
    even i bind the method in valueChangeListner like is not submit.Am i did any mistake? plz go thru this code and help me.
    Hidden there is no auto submit attribute.
    <af:inputHidden id="startDate"
    <af:commandLink text="search" actionListener="#bindings.Execute.execute}"/>
    <af:commandButton actionListener="#{bindings.Execute.execute}"
    i dont want to use command link or command button for action. how to submit the value in hidden field which is set by javascript function to the corresponding action.
    could you please help me out regarding this?? .
    Thanks & Regards,

    Let me see if I have your use case correctly:
    The user views the page, and some event triggers some Javascript code. The Javascript code needs to set the values of a hidden field, then submit the form, executing the action named Execute in the bindings.
    First of all, get rid of the valueChangeListener. If you were to use a valueChangeListener, it would have to reference a method in a backing bean that takes a valueChangeEvent as its argument and returns void. Now try this - I haven't tried it myself, so I don't know that it will work, but I think it will. On your page:
    <af:form id="theForm" defaultCommand="executeButton">
      <af:inputHidden id="startDate" value="#{bindings.Eventdate.inputValue}" />
      <af:commandButton id="executeButton"
                                    inlineStyle="display: none;" />
    </af:form>And in your Javascript function:
    document.theForm.submit();The basic idea is that the defaultCommand property of the form says that any submit of the form defaults to the button with the id=executeButton, unless some other button or link is explicitly clicked. The button has an inlineStyle with display none, which hides it from the user. Then the Javascript submits the form which ought to execute the default command.

  • How to override the create method invoked by a create form?

    Hello everyone, I'm using ADF Faces and have the next question:
    How can I override the create method which is invoked by a create form to preset an attribute in the new row (the preset value is not fixed, I have to send it to the method as a parameter as it is obtained using an EL expression)?
    In the ADF guide I read how to override a declarative method (Section 17.5.1 How to override a declarative method), but this explains how to do it with a method that is called by a button. I don't know how to do the same with a method which is called automatically when the page is loaded.
    I also tried overriding the view object's createRow() method to receive a parameter with the preset values but it didn't work, I believe that was because the declarative create method is not the same as the view object's createRow. This caused the form to display another row from the viewobject and not the newly created one (I also set the new row into STATUS_INITIALIZED after setting the attribute).
    Well, I hope my problem is clear enough for somebody to help me.
    Thank you!

    I'm not sure you can do it with standard generated Create Form.
    In your view object you'll need to create your own create method with parameters, publish it to client interface and invoke instead of standard generated create action in page definition.

  • Update to kichat: FAQ 2 - How to get my router to work with iChat?

    kichat: FAQ 2 - How to get my router to work with iChat? December 2008 version 3
    (Note to Hosts. to be removed on acceptance. Please use this to replace )
    Getting your router started with iChat.
    Appropriate for using iChatAV 2 upwards. Edits have been made for iChat 4
    Glossary for this FAQ
    Routers: Any configurable device that sits between your computer and the internet link you have. This includes Modems that Route as well as "routers"
    Routers seem to fall into two categories
    Those that work straight from the box. See Apple Article HT1787
    NOTE :This Article has not been updated in content since Jan 04 Only being changed to an Article from the Previous Doc listing
    Even then some list that they need tweaks.
    and those that do not.
    This post will deal with what you may need to look at.
    First off make sure your device is acting as a DHCP server. (if you are already on the internet you may not have to bother with this.)
    Check in the Tiger System Preferences > Network Preference Pane, in the "Built in Ethernet" option from the "Show" drop down list.
    In Leopard the Networks are listed on the left with icons. The Airport Option will need you to access the Advance Button for the Next bit.
    Make sure the TCP/IP tab is the 'front' one. You should be able to see Configure IPv4 and it most likely reads Using DCHP. Make a note of your IP address. It will start or (the 'x' s will stand for any number between 1 and 255). The range is also a possible value at this point. Rarely used, but it is part of the RFC for Address Allocation for Private Internets.
    Your router is most likely to be configurable from your browser. You will need to find the IP address to type into the browser from any Readme or PDF files that came on the install disk or visit the makers website and download a manual.
    The Port site lists many devices and clicking on one will take you to a list of Applications. This iChat will open an page that will start by telling you the defaults to access the device
    Opening or Allowing ports. Several Methods not all devices have all of them.
    DMZ (Demilitarised Zone)
    This is a less secure setting that basically opens all ports and points the incoming data to your computer. (not helpful if you have more than one computer on your LAN). It can be considered as an extreme form of Port Forwarding
    Port Forwarding (also Virtual Server or Pin Holes)
    These settings are usually found in an Advanced setting.
    You may need to set an incoming IP address (Usually to any outside server), a port that data will arrive on, the Inside computer's IP address (your computer) and the port it will deal with the data on and the protocol it will use.
    See this pic for an example of the description above.
    In this example shows that on some Port AND Protocols need to be listed.
    iChat uses TCP and UDP so some devices will need the ports listed one by one and some settings done twice, once for each protocol. The example above has a "Both" setting
    See Apple Article HT1507 Previously Doc 93208 for more information. This is the Tiger iChat 3 list. The same ports are needed for Leopard except for these changes
    My Note 2:
    On the first link Note 1 under tables in that link would be better if it read:
    " 1. All iChat AV traffic is UDP -
    except for ports 5190 and 5298, which need to be open for both TCP as well;
    and 5220, 5222, which need to be open for TCP only. "
    Note 2
    GoggleTalk needs port 5223 on TCP. Also note the Server name for iChat 3 set ups
    UPnP Universal Plug n Play.
    This is a simple Plug and Play type of setting. iChat can find it's own way through a router if the device has this capability.
    By Not doing Port Forwarding, Triggering or DMZ and enabling UPnP the application is allowed to control the modem and the ports that are open.
    They close after the application has finished with them on a timed basis.
    On some devices the number of "hops" (how far away the UPnP can be "seen") can be reduced from a default of 4)
    Trigger Ports
    Some devices offer a security measure that works by a first or trigger port receiving a data packet and then opening further ports when accepted.
    The first port for incoming Video or Audio invites is port 5678.
    Pre iChat 4
    When you click on the invite window the process moves in to port 5060 (so these will need to be opened by the trigger port) for negotiating the final group of ports from the group of 20 (16384-16403 These will need to open when the trigger says so as well). Therefore port 5678 triggers ports 5678, 5060, 16384-16403. All on UDP. Port 5190 neeeds to trigger port 5190 for both TCP and UDP.
    See this variation where only the ports listed above are completed.
    The other single ports need to be set one by one in addition. (5220,5222, 5223 5297, 5298, 5353)Replace
    iChat 4
    The port used in IChat 4 is port 16402 instead of port 5060. The group of 20 ports is reduced to 10 (16393-16402). This is because all the In and Out Audio and Video data is on one port. Other that than the settings are the same.
    At this time there is no Info on the ports the Screen Sharing in iChat 4 uses.
    Here you will have to read around but this Apple Article TA25949 Previously Doc 58514 might be a good starting place.
    Essentially whether you are wireless or Ethernet to your routing device makes very little difference to the way you do things.
    Your computer will get two IPs from a DHCP server if you are connected by both methods. (iChat does not like this)
    Multiple devices
    Make sure only one is acting as a DHCP server. Make sure wireless devices are bridged properly.
    Further Help
    I have found that this site (ADSLGuide) to be helpful.
    It is British based but I have linked you to the Apple Related Discussions Forum.
    Eliminating Problems on my Personal web pages.
    The ports and their function within iChat. (my personal Web pages again)
    This is not a step by step approach. You will have to read around the information about your device.
    Collected FAQs and Expansions: Index Page Based on FAQs here by EZ Jim and myself
    Also for instructions with Pics on Port Forwarding and access info as mentioned earlier.
    Click on your device.
    Select iChat on the next page.
    Follow the info on the next.
    This site is godd for finding out the Default IP to use in a web browser and the default User ID and Passwords needed to do so.
    Gives you a chance to look at at pics to give clues to where some of these other things are.
    With thanks to Macmuse for comment on the Original (Aug 23rd 2004)
    and to EZ Jim for his work on iSights on my web pages.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    9:51 PM Saturday; December 6, 2008

    kichat: FAQ 2 - How to get my router to work with iChat? December 2008 version 3
    (Note to Hosts. to be removed on acceptance. Please use this to replace )
    Getting your router started with iChat.
    Appropriate for using iChatAV 2 upwards. Edits have been made for iChat 4
    Glossary for this FAQ
    Routers: Any configurable device that sits between your computer and the internet link you have. This includes Modems that Route as well as "routers"
    Routers seem to fall into two categories
    Those that work straight from the box. See Apple Article HT1787
    NOTE :This Article has not been updated in content since Jan 04 Only being changed to an Article from the Previous Doc listing
    Even then some list that they need tweaks.
    and those that do not.
    This post will deal with what you may need to look at.
    First off make sure your device is acting as a DHCP server. (if you are already on the internet you may not have to bother with this.)
    Check in the Tiger System Preferences > Network Preference Pane, in the "Built in Ethernet" option from the "Show" drop down list.
    In Leopard the Networks are listed on the left with icons. The Airport Option will need you to access the Advance Button for the Next bit.
    Make sure the TCP/IP tab is the 'front' one. You should be able to see Configure IPv4 and it most likely reads Using DCHP. Make a note of your IP address. It will start or (the 'x' s will stand for any number between 1 and 255). The range is also a possible value at this point. Rarely used, but it is part of the RFC for Address Allocation for Private Internets.
    Your router is most likely to be configurable from your browser. You will need to find the IP address to type into the browser from any Readme or PDF files that came on the install disk or visit the makers website and download a manual.
    The Port site lists many devices and clicking on one will take you to a list of Applications. This iChat will open an page that will start by telling you the defaults to access the device
    Opening or Allowing ports. Several Methods not all devices have all of them.
    DMZ (Demilitarised Zone)
    This is a less secure setting that basically opens all ports and points the incoming data to your computer. (not helpful if you have more than one computer on your LAN). It can be considered as an extreme form of Port Forwarding
    Port Forwarding (also Virtual Server or Pin Holes)
    These settings are usually found in an Advanced setting.
    You may need to set an incoming IP address (Usually to any outside server), a port that data will arrive on, the Inside computer's IP address (your computer) and the port it will deal with the data on and the protocol it will use.
    See this pic for an example of the description above.
    In this example shows that on some Port AND Protocols need to be listed.
    iChat uses TCP and UDP so some devices will need the ports listed one by one and some settings done twice, once for each protocol. The example above has a "Both" setting
    See Apple Article HT1507 Previously Doc 93208 for more information. This is the Tiger iChat 3 list. The same ports are needed for Leopard except for these changes
    My Note 2:
    On the first link Note 1 under tables in that link would be better if it read:
    " 1. All iChat AV traffic is UDP -
    except for ports 5190 and 5298, which need to be open for both TCP as well;
    and 5220, 5222, which need to be open for TCP only. "
    Note 2
    GoggleTalk needs port 5223 on TCP. Also note the Server name for iChat 3 set ups
    UPnP Universal Plug n Play.
    This is a simple Plug and Play type of setting. iChat can find it's own way through a router if the device has this capability.
    By Not doing Port Forwarding, Triggering or DMZ and enabling UPnP the application is allowed to control the modem and the ports that are open.
    They close after the application has finished with them on a timed basis.
    On some devices the number of "hops" (how far away the UPnP can be "seen") can be reduced from a default of 4)
    Trigger Ports
    Some devices offer a security measure that works by a first or trigger port receiving a data packet and then opening further ports when accepted.
    The first port for incoming Video or Audio invites is port 5678.
    Pre iChat 4
    When you click on the invite window the process moves in to port 5060 (so these will need to be opened by the trigger port) for negotiating the final group of ports from the group of 20 (16384-16403 These will need to open when the trigger says so as well). Therefore port 5678 triggers ports 5678, 5060, 16384-16403. All on UDP. Port 5190 neeeds to trigger port 5190 for both TCP and UDP.
    See this variation where only the ports listed above are completed.
    The other single ports need to be set one by one in addition. (5220,5222, 5223 5297, 5298, 5353)Replace
    iChat 4
    The port used in IChat 4 is port 16402 instead of port 5060. The group of 20 ports is reduced to 10 (16393-16402). This is because all the In and Out Audio and Video data is on one port. Other that than the settings are the same.
    At this time there is no Info on the ports the Screen Sharing in iChat 4 uses.
    Here you will have to read around but this Apple Article TA25949 Previously Doc 58514 might be a good starting place.
    Essentially whether you are wireless or Ethernet to your routing device makes very little difference to the way you do things.
    Your computer will get two IPs from a DHCP server if you are connected by both methods. (iChat does not like this)
    Multiple devices
    Make sure only one is acting as a DHCP server. Make sure wireless devices are bridged properly.
    Further Help
    I have found that this site (ADSLGuide) to be helpful.
    It is British based but I have linked you to the Apple Related Discussions Forum.
    Eliminating Problems on my Personal web pages.
    The ports and their function within iChat. (my personal Web pages again)
    This is not a step by step approach. You will have to read around the information about your device.
    Collected FAQs and Expansions: Index Page Based on FAQs here by EZ Jim and myself
    Also for instructions with Pics on Port Forwarding and access info as mentioned earlier.
    Click on your device.
    Select iChat on the next page.
    Follow the info on the next.
    This site is godd for finding out the Default IP to use in a web browser and the default User ID and Passwords needed to do so.
    Gives you a chance to look at at pics to give clues to where some of these other things are.
    With thanks to Macmuse for comment on the Original (Aug 23rd 2004)
    and to EZ Jim for his work on iSights on my web pages.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    9:51 PM Saturday; December 6, 2008

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