How long is this going to take.... burning a biiiig project...

ok here's the scenario... i have 2 hours of footage taken from a Cannon GL2 camera with excellent sound and such. I took the files and put them on an external hard drive using Premiere Pro.
I am running Encord DVD 2.0 and the total of all the files I'm putting on the DVD is around 23 gigs. These are all un-transcoded and the program is now transcoding each of the files but since this is the first time i've done anything like this, I'm wondering if it's going to take all night or what...
the burner i have is burning the info at 4X but I don't think it's gotten to the the burning phase yet... I have like 3 hours til i leave the office and I really hope I don't have to leave the computer here, but in any event...
What do I need to do in the future to make sure this doesn't happen so slow or is there anything at all that can be done... I'm cool with waiting and all, but I just wanna know what to be prepared for.
Thanks in advance!!!
basic breakdown, I need to know the process that the program goes thru after the transcoding phase...and how i can transcode the stuff myself so it doesn't have to do this in the future...
later guys!

On a 1.75hr. Project, with 14 Timelines (AVI uncompressed and between 5min. and 25min.), AC3 DD SureCode 5.1 Surround, 2 "lead-in" AVIs (uncompressed), Main Menu & 3 Scene Selection Menus (non-animated, but with Audio), plus one Play All Playlist, it takes about 45 min. to Transcode (AVIs, Menus, etc.) and burn DVD-5 at 2.4x on my Plextor. No ROM content and all settings Automatic (4.3GB registered as size of Project on DVD).
3.25GHz duo-core Intel, 4GB RAM, nVidia Quadro 4500FX-512MB and everything on 4-500GB SATAIIs. Plextor (plus another LG) is ATA-100.
One thing jumps out at me in your original statement:
i "put them on an external hard drive using Premiere Pro."
What type of external HDD? Are you doing your Transcode of Assets from this(sounds like you are)? Can you place your Assets onto an internal HDD with plenty of room? One reason that I ask, is that I have had problems with PP2 running very, very slowly, when any Assets were on an external, whether FW-400, 800, USB or Gigabit LAN.

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    Hi there
    Sorry, no real helpful advice to offer here. Not other than to suggest that you report this to Adobe as well as suggesting to Adobe that they consider adding a progress indicator for this action. After all, they are continually working on either a patch or Captivate next.
    Cheers... Rick
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    Ok so this is what you need to do:
    You need to put it in DFU mode:
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    x_1 | x_2
    a11 | b11
    c12 | g23
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    COUNT(1) AS total_count
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    FROM x_cart) a
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    With regard to what? I assume that since the link connected to your question was from the "How to update your iDevice" kb article, you are talking about seeing this behavior after you updated the iPad.
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