How many app screens on an ipad

Question is my kids have downloaded 80 apps to the ipad and now when i download an app it isn't on any of the there a limit to the number of screens on the ipad?

You can have up to 11 screens on the iPad.
Swipe from screen to screen. Look in folders or do a search. Swipe to the right from the home screen and type the name of the app in the search field at the top. If it shows up - it is on the iPad.

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    Thanks a lot, that was very helpful.
    I am pretty sure that there's 16 Apps per page,
    so...16 X 9 = 144 - 13 pre installed Apps.
    131 total available (slots) for Apps.

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    Up to 9 pages
    Message was edited by: Dynamite DJs
    Message was edited by: Dynamite DJs

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    Most likely as many as your want, unless you download apps with tons of data, such as a mapping application, or a app that include lots of built-in images, or its own built-in video.
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    Hi Bruno,
    There is no limit to the number of apps you can create within DPS Pro or Enterprise. The distribution bundle will be shared amongs all your multi-folio apps.
    With kind regards,
    Klaasjan Tukker

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    Hi there,
    prettylike_moe wrote:
    how many apps can ihave on my 8gb iphone 4 ?
    This question does not allow a straightforward question, as it turns out. Apps vary widely in the amount of space that they require. Taking the operating system into account, you actually have about 6.4 GB of space to work with.
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    Hello Mkgojets and welcome to Apple Discussion Forums!
    If you are using iTunes 11 (check by clicking in the menu bar while in the application iTunes > About iTunes), then you can click (again in the menubar) View > Show Status Bar or by pressing "Command /" (Command key and forward slash. This will then display the size of your playlist, how long it will take to play etc at the bottom of the iTunes window.
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