How new customer will be replicated to crm

this vinay
i got one query regarding bp's.., i had created one customer in r/3 now the same customer i wanna to replicate (apart from delta load) to CRM how we will be doing and what are the general issues(problems) we will be facing since iam new this i want a clear view regarding this .
thanks in advance

Hi Vinay,
First thin is that you need to check that the delta load of the R/3 customer is triggered or not. For this you should have the event 1321 for application BC-MID maintained in the R/3 table TBE1321.
second you should check the transaction PIDE in R/3 side where we map the R/3 acc. group to CRM classification.
Once these two are maintained, when you create a customer in R/3 system you can see the correspoindin BP in CRM system but. In order to find the BP no. in CRM system ( if the number assignment in CRM is internal) use the transaction CRMM_BUPA_MAP and give the R/3 customer number and you will get the corresponding CRM BP number.
In case of any error you can check the BDOC in transaction SMW01 in CRM system and see the errors.
I hope this explanation will help you understanding the R/3 CRM business partner data exchange.
Best regards,

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    After defining the ITNERCOMPANY CUSTOMER you have to assign this customer to the Receiving sales organisation in the configuration
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    Now you can try to create the intercompany billing customer in in VF01 using the IV documentt ype
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    Please let us know for any issues that you face doing so submitting a ticket via Help & Support button on your Admin console.
    Kind Regards,

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    I believe you are referring to thumbnail image rectangles as customers on page ? not exactly customer database ?
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          ls_category            TYPE COMT_PROD_CAT_REL,
          lt_categories          TYPE COMT_PROD_CAT_REL_TAB,
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              ES_SETTYPE              = ls_settype
             NOT_FOUND               = 1
             NO_IMPORT_VALUES        = 2
             NO_TEXT_FOUND           = 3 .
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
      CASE ls_settype-frgtype_id.
          WHEN 'ZMASTER_INFO'.
          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-relation-owner = 'X'.
          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-relation-logsys = cs_product_bdoc-header-com_product-logsys.
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          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-DATA_X-ZZ0010 = 'X'.
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          APPEND ls_settype-FRGTYPE_GUID TO cs_product_bdoc-data-MNT_SETTYPE.
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    Could anyone please suggest if i am missing anything here? Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Karuna,
    One more solution is to change the BDoc data content before it hit the Database.
    this can be done in badi: Data_Exchange_badi (if u dont find this try with following search string: xchange)
    In the above mention badi you will find a method which is used to populated the contend jst after bdoc in CRM is being populated by R/3 data.
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel
    <b>Reward with Points!</b>

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    Hi Maddy,
    Would recommend workflow technique to explore if you have not done yet. Refer below link which I believe will help you a lot.
    SAP MDM Workflow

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    This is what we did wen we had a similar requirement...
    u2022     In the ECC create a FM u2018Z_USER_EXIT_BEFORE_SEND_TO_MWu2019.
    u2022     Register this function module for the CRM0_200 exit user in the ERP system.
    a.     Use Transaction SM30, table TPS34, to go to the maintenance of the modules. Here, enter the Z_USER_EXIT_BEFORE_SEND_TO_MWu2019 module for the CRM0_200 process.
    b.     Use Transaction SM30, table TBE24, to check whether the application you have selected (Product column in TPS34) is active.
    u2022     The FM will be triggered whenever a Sold gets successfully replicated from CRM to ECC system.
    a.     Check for the Object Class u2018BUPAu2019.
    b.     Check for the Object Name u2018CUSTOMER_MAINu2019.
    c.     If yes copy the BP GUID from the BAPIMTCS Structure.
    d.     Now call rfc FM ZLSD_BP_EXTRACT_FRM_GUID in CRM to get the BP number and Acc Group for the respective GUID.
    e.     Check if the ACC GRP is Z001.
    f.     If yes make a BDC call to transaction FD01 and update the Company Code data u2026. Recon. Account     110000
                                 Terms Of Payment ZN30       
                               for the  respective BP
    Note: we have recorded a BDC program to create the company code data.
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    Thanks for everyone for the responses.
    I really liked the decoupling infotype solution.
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    I placed a new entry in T588M for module pool as ZP000600 , key is 10, alternate screen as 0200 and hide all the fields
    But, these additional fields are still displayed always for US employees for whom I want to hide.
    Did I miss any thing?
    I do not want to hard code in ABAP whom to display and who not to.
    Is there a IMG way to do this so that I can change the criteria later as we go.

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    Are you trying to grant access so that users can use this custom entity but no other data at all?
    You will still have to include access to all sorts of bits of CRM just to make the user interface work - especially the things on the Business Management and Customization tabs of your security role. You also need to check these 6 settings:
    Special privileges in CRM Security Roles
    If this is the only security role you plan to give to your users, I would suggest you start from a standard role and remove access to other entities, rather than start from blank and work upwards.
    Hope this helps.
    Adam Vero, Microsoft Certified Trainer | Microsoft Community Contributor 2011
    UK CRM Guru Blog


    Hi All
    We are currently working on CRM 4.0 connected to ECC 4.6C. 
    All the middleware connectivity have been configured and we have a process of creating customers (BP) in CRM which inturn flows to R/3.  We dont create customers in R/3 system.  Now when i make any changes to the customer in R/3 system i dont find a queue getting generated in SMQ1 in R/3 system and also the changes not getting reflected in CRM system.  But any changes made to CRM is flowing to backend R/3 system.
    Settings like groupings, number ranges, PIDE etc are configured.
    Please let me know how to sove this issue.

    The issue lies in the following customizing in your R/3 system:
    1) Go to tx SM30 in the R/3 system.
    2) Open the view CRMRFCPAR.
    3) For CUSTOMER_MAIN and CUSTOMER_REL objects you need to uncheck the 'Discard' checkbox  Save.
    This will make sure that the delta changes for your Customer Master flow
    to the CRM system.
    Check out these notes as they maybe of assistance

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    I've checked the business object BUPA_MAIN on t-cd SMW01, so I found that the task of addresses is "S" and it doesn't get GUID.
    I'm not sure, but I doubt the error is caused by creating a new client in CRM.
    In other words, I doubt that the setting of replicating the address data of customer is not active.
    Does anyone have the knowledge of this problem?

    Hi Hedy,
    Please go through this following note
    Note 1511835 - Incomplete addr sent to CRM causing failed duplicate check
    Hope it answers your Query
    All the Best

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    hi friends
    i have range of customers . i have to print logo when ever new customer arrises . if the customer data continues in 2nd page i dont have to print logo. how to get it ?

    are you using smartform or script for printing ?
    write the condition in program lines using the control commands ie on change of customer.
    Take separete window for logo and print that in the first page so that if the customer data extend as to next page logo window will not appear in the next window.
    and is there any table maintained for logos and customer details. if its maintained it would be easy to put the condition in the print program itself or else you can hadle it in the form.

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       To create the new customer by sales area via xd01, how to block this customer by sales area automaticly?

    hello, friend. 
    i am not aware of any feature in XD01/XD02/XD03 that will allow you to automatically block the customer.  however, there are settings in credit management that can propose a risk category for new customers which can have block settings.

Maybe you are looking for