How to add justification correctly?

Hi Scripters,
I am new in scripting in InDesign. In my XML Import I tried to add a justification to my different textranges.
My Problem, I can't set 3 different justifications in 1 textframe. With the textpoint size and the color it works fine.
If I set a justification, all textranges are left, leftJustified or right..
My example how I tried to do it:
preIndex = nTF.insertionPoints[-1].index;
nTF.insertionPoints[-1].contents = XMLdata[i]['title'];
endIndex = nTF.insertionPoints[-1].index;
// Textbereich wählen und Formatierung zuweisen
myRange = nTF.insertionPoints.itemByRange(preIndex,  endIndex);
myRange.justification = Justification.leftAlign;
myRange.pointSize = 12;
nTF.insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\n";
nTF.insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\n";
preIndex = nTF.insertionPoints[-1].index;
nTF.insertionPoints[-1].contents = XMLdata[i]['description']; // Inhalt hinter die letzte Position des bereits vorhandenen Textframes setzen
endIndex = nTF.insertionPoints[-1].index;
//nTF.selectTextStyleRange.justification = Justification.LEFT_JUSTIFIED;
// Textbereich wählen und Formatierung zuweisen
myRange = nTF.insertionPoints.itemByRange(preIndex,  endIndex);
myRange.justification = Justification.leftJustified;
myRange.pointSize = 8;
nTF.insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\n";
preIndex = nTF.insertionPoints[-1].index;
nTF.insertionPoints[-1].contents = XMLdata[x]['ean-number']; // Inhalt hinter die letzte Position des bereits vorhandenen Textframes setzen
endIndex = nTF.insertionPoints[-1].index;
//nTF.textStyleRanges[-1].justification = Justification.RIGHT_ALIGN;
// Textbereich wählen und Formatierung zuweisen
myRange = nTF.insertionPoints.itemByRange(preIndex,  endIndex);
myRange.justification = Justification.rightAlign;
myRange.pointSize = 8;
best regards

You can set text size and color because those are Character attributes. Justification is a Paragraph attribute -- it makes sense that tou cannot set both left and right justification in a single paragraph.
I fast-read your code (which is a bit unreadable due to Jive), and at a glance seems you are using "\n" to "separate" paragraphs with. Is that correct? If so, well, don't. It inserts a soft line break instead of a paragraph return (which, you might want to know, is "\r").

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    Message was edited by: TraxusIV

    TraxusIV wrote:
    Results of otool:
    @rpath/ (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.9.0)
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 123.0.0)
    Macintosh-9:Debug paulthompson$ otool -L /Applications/CERNRoot/root/lib/
    @rpath/ (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 125.2.0)
    /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.9.0)
    I honestly don't know much about @rpath. I found this page that explains it a bit more:
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    *EDIT* I do already have the variable defined both in ~/.MacOS/environment.plist and also in Xcode as an additional user variable.
    I'm not sure about the whole RPATH thing. Setting environment.plist will define environment variables for use in the Finder, but that is really a hack. There are better ways to do it, but if you are porting some open-source programs, that may be the only way. You should be able to define those variables in Xcode. You have to selected the debug executable under "Exectuables"

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    Hi Yves
    try to type at the end of your query the following
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    for browse
    and execute it again
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    command I execute:
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    Thanks for your reply in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Subhasini - <br><br>
    It seems you have discovered that adding an extension field to the Project Suppliers collection is not possible; many of the collections in E-Sourcing do not support extensions and, even when they do, typically, the table view of the data cannot be changed to show the extension value (it would only show on a "details" page, for example.<br><br>
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    In thinking about your solution, I believe the benefit is that any logic and reporting based on the standard collection continues to function correctly (e.g., creating an RFx from the Project will use the out-of-the-box vendor collection).<br><br>
    That being said, I generally am reluctant to do a "replace" of a standard collection with an extension collection as you propose. My recommendation is that you challenge the customer on the importance of this requirement. For example, could the code be maintained on the vendor record? Why is it maintained in Projects? If it is maintained in the vendor record, could you just populate a read only collection the Projects that shows the vendor and code? Could a report be written that can be launched from within the Project to show the values? How does the customer intend to use this field? Could the display name of the vendor object be the right place for it?<br><br>
    I hope these ideas are helpful.<br><br>

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    hi ,
    refer SAP online hep :
    Implementing Enhancements in a View
    To enhance the layout of the view, you can create new UI elements. This procedure is no different u2013 from a technical viewpoint u2013 from creating UI elements in components themselves. All UI elements created within the enhancement implementation can then be processed as usual.
    Enhancements  means inserting user developments into SAP development objects at predefined positions.
    The Enhancement Framework enables you to add functionality to standard SAP software without actually changing the original repository objects, and to organize these enhancements as effectively as possible.
    refernce :
    have a look at this article
    How to Create Enhancement Implementation in Web Dynpro ABAP
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    Dear Heiko,
    did you solve this problem?
    We are facing the same problem. Every parameter that requries "cmd" does not work. I guess we don´t use this paramter the right way.
    Best, Chris

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    Advanced Thanks

    Thank You Mathan MP,
    i tried these steps, but whenever i selected the source property of image UI control, it opens a context window, but this context window does't contain any thing for selection.
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    Hi All,
    How to add an image in a JPanel and make it display.

    I have tried with the below code. If I there is any fault please correct me.
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class HomePage extends JFrame implements     ActionListener {
        JButton cmdClick;
        JLabel label;
        JPanel homePanel = new JPanel();
        JPanel headPanel = new JPanel();
        JPanel btPanel = new JPanel();
        private JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
        CardLayout cl;
        CalScenario calcFrame = null;
        public HomePage() {
           setTitle("Test Kit");
           setSize( 1008,399);
           setBackground( Color.gray );
           Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
           Rectangle window = getBounds();
           setLocation((screen.width - window.width) / 2, (screen.height - window.height) / 2);
            homePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            headPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1008,153));
            label = new JLabel("Main menu");
            ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("images/slash.gif");
            JLabel imglabel = new JLabel();
            cmdClick = new JButton("Click here");
            calcFrame = new CalScenario(mainPanel);
            mainPanel.add(homePanel, "HomePanel");
            mainPanel.add(calcFrame, "CalcFrame");
            cl = (CardLayout) (mainPanel.getLayout());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent source)  {
          if (source.getSource() == (JButton) cmdClick) {
      , "CalcFrame");
        public static void main( String args[]) {
             HomePage homeFrame = new HomePage();

  • How to add an infoobject in a DSO ,on which Infoset is built

    How to add an infoobject to a DSO,on which an infoset is build.
    In general common infoobjects can be for reporting purpose right?
    Do I need to add the new infoobject in all the DSOs.My infoset consists of 6 DSOs.
    If my concept is wrong.what is the correct method of extracting infoobjects from DSOs to Infoset.

    You need to add these two fields in the DSO only. Make sure that you are mapping these two fields in the transformation. After that, drop the data and reload the DSO. Then make changes to the infoset.
    By Component, what I mean:
    I'll take your example only...
    Say, for Material_Group, this data is not coming to DSo data Source. In this case, even if you will add this object to your DSO, you wont be able to map this in the transformation as R3 filed is not available. Ultimately, you wont be able to load data for this. So, its worthless.
    But, you have a master data called 0Material. and Material_Group is an attribute of this 0Material.In this case, you will add 0Material to the infoset directly, as a component of infoset(from the tab infoobject), and you will select Material group. In this way, we generally aceess the master data attributes.
    Revert for more clarification.

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        We appreciate you trying, Deborah1964. We'll get your events added! From your home screen, tap Calendar then tap the plus sign in the upper right corner to enter a new event. After you've made sure to selecy the correct dates, times, calendar (email address), etc then tap Add at the top right corner to save the event. Please keep us posted if you run into any error messages or what happens after you save the event if you continue to have trouble.
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