How to add one flash file to another?

ok, im making a flash website, and in a different file I created a music player that plays a song when the play button is clicked and stops when the stop button is clicked. My question is how do I go and put that song player on my flash website and have it work?

First, create an empty movieclip in the main file so that you'll have a place to paste the content from the movie you want to add.
Then you need to copy the entire timeline of the movie you want to install:  Open the file you want to add and select all occupied frames/layers of the timeline (click one frame at one end of the top layer, then shift-click the last frame on the bottom layer--or further down if other layers extend further).  Right click on the selection and choose copy frames.
Note: You need to be sure that the file you copied does not contain library objects with the same names but different content than the main file's library objects to avoid having things replaced.
Back in the main file, right click on the one and only frame inside the empty movieclip you created and choose paste frames.
You should now have a movieclip containing the other file contents and code that you can place on the stage of the main file.

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    In AS2 you can use loadmovie to load a .swf into another .swf. tionary423.html
    In AS3, something like this:
    Best wishes,

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    Great... :-)
    Thank you very very much xHacker :-)
    That what just what I needed.

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    This will do the job..
    package forum;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    //import oracle.sql.*;
    Wanneer een request.getInputStream wordt geconferteerd naar een "String" (zie later) dan ziet de output in tekstformaat er als volgt uit:
    -----------------------------7d280152604f4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="oploadfile"; filename="C:\WINNT\Profiles\mvo\Desktop\boodschap.txt" Content-Type: text/plain Deze boodschap dient te worden ge-insert in de database. -----------------------------7d280152604f4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="StadID" 1234 -----------------------------7d280152604f4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SuccessPage" /forum/error.jsp -----------------------------7d280152604f4--
    of opgesplitst
    contentType........... multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d235ade00f0
    filename.............. "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\boodschap.txt"
    MIME type............. text/plain
    Wat in database moet.. Dit is de eigenlijke boodschap die moet worden ge-insert in de database.
    Eind boundary......... -----------------------------7d235ade00f0 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="" Content-Type: application/octet-stream -----------------------------7d235ade00f0--
    We gaan achtereenvolgens:
    1. Kijken of het van het "multipart/form-data" type is (uploaden) en strippen van eerste boundery.
    1.a Geen "multipart/form-data" ? dan... error message
    1.b Groter dan MAX_SIZE ?..dan .. error message
    2. Filenaam van de te uploaden file uitlezen
    3. Mimetype bepalen en bepalen in welke positie van de string het Mimetype ophoudt, cq waar te uploaden file begint
    4. Bepalen waar eind boundery begint
    5. De eigenlijke file uitlezen
    6. Terug converteren naar bytes
    public class WriteBlob extends HttpServlet {
    public static final int MAX_SIZE = ParameterSettings.imageUpload;
    String successMessage = "";
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    * Process the HTTP Get request
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    DataInputStream in = null;
    FileOutputStream fileOut= null;
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    int kb_size = 0;
    boolean pass2 = true;
    String message = "";
    String responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+" Uploaden geslaagd";
    //get content type of client request
    String contentType = request.getContentType();
    // Start stap 1...content type is multipart/form-data
    if(contentType != null && contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") != -1)
    //open input stream
    in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());
    //get length of content data
    int formDataLength = request.getContentLength(); // totale lengte van de inputstream
    //initieer een byte array om content data op te slaan
    byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
    //read file into byte array
    int bytesRead = 0;
    int totalBytesRead = 0;
    int sizeCheck = 0;
    while (totalBytesRead < formDataLength)
    //kijken of de file niet te groot is
    sizeCheck = totalBytesRead + in.available();
    if (sizeCheck > MAX_SIZE)
    pass2 = false;
    message = "Sorry. U kunt slechts bestanden uploaden tot een grootte van 500KB";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;
    bytesRead =, totalBytesRead,formDataLength);
    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
    if (pass2==true)
    kb_size = (int)(formDataLength/1024);
    //create string from byte array for easy manipulation
    String file = new String(dataBytes);
    /*get boundary value (boundary is a unique string that separates content data)
    contentType........... multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d235ade00f0
    int lastIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf("=");
    String boundary = contentType.substring(lastIndex+1, contentType.length());
    // Stap 2.....bepaal de naam van de upload file
    // filename.............. "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\boodschap.txt"
    String saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"")+10);
    saveFile = saveFile.substring(0,saveFile.indexOf("\n"));
    saveFile = saveFile.substring(saveFile.lastIndexOf("\\")+1,saveFile.indexOf("\"")); //naam van de file...boodschap.txt
    String saveFileName = saveFile;
    // Stap 3..Bepaal MIME Type en de positie van eind mime type in string
    voorbeeld: -----------------------------7d23d21220524 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file0"; filename="C:\WINNT\Profiles\mvo\Desktop\z clob.txt" Content-Type: text/plain
    String restant = "";
    int pos; //position in upload file
    // bijv .. filename="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\boodschap.txt"
    pos = file.indexOf("filename=\"");
    //find position of content-disposition line
    pos = file.indexOf("\n",pos)+1; // eing file naam + spatie
    // onderstaand geeft bijv Content-Type: text/plain
    restant = file.substring(pos,file.indexOf("\n",pos)-1);
    restant = restant.substring(restant.indexOf(":")+2,restant.length()); // MIME type
    String mimeType = restant;
    //find position of eind content-type line
    pos = file.indexOf("\n",pos)+1;
    //find position of blank line
    pos = file.indexOf("\n",pos)+1;
    int start = pos;
    // Stap 4 eind boundary
    /*find the location of the next boundary marker (marking the end of the upload file data)*/
    int boundaryLocation = file.indexOf(boundary,pos)-4; //waarom -4 ..? ziet er uit als linebreak spatie--boundary=-----------------------------7d21c9ae00f0
    // Stap 5 en eigelijke te uploaden file in nieuwe byte file inserten
    byte dataBytes2[] = new byte[boundaryLocation-start]; //declareren
    for (int i=0;i<(boundaryLocation-start);i++) // inserten BELANGRIJK !!
    String next_id = "0";
    Statement statement = null;
    Connection conn = null;
    boolean pass = true;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    Statement stmt_empty = null;
    oracle.sql.BLOB blb = null;
    int vendor = DriverUtilities.ORACLE;
    String username = ConnectionParams.userName;
    String password = ConnectionParams.passWord;
    String connStr = DriverUtilities.makeURL(vendor);
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr,username, password);
    if (conn==null){pass=false;}
    } catch (Exception e){out.println("<P>" + "There was an error establishing a connection:");}
    if (pass==true)
    String seq_nextval ="select forum_blob_seq.nextval from dual";
    statement = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(seq_nextval);
    while (
    next_id = rset.getString(1);
    if (next_id.equals("0"))
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;
    pass = false;
    } catch (Exception e1) { out.println("Error blob1 : "+e1.toString()); };
    } // end pass
    if (pass==true)
    Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
    String insert_empty_blob = "INSERT INTO test_blob(id "+
    ",filename "+
    ",mimetype "+
    ",kb) "+
    "VALUES("+Integer.parseInt(next_id) +
    if (stmt2!= null) {stmt2.close();}else{stmt2.close();pass = false;}
    } catch (Exception e2){
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;
    out.println("<P>" + "2. There was an error inserting mime type:");}
    } //end pass
    if (pass==true)
    } catch (Exception e3) { pass = false; out.println("Error blob 3: "+e3.toString()); };
    } //end pass
    if (pass==true)
    String Query_blob ="Select test_blob FROM test_blob where id="+next_id+" FOR UPDATE";
    stmt_empty = conn.createStatement();
    } catch (Exception e4) {
    pass = false;
    out.println("Error blob 4: "+e4.toString());
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;};
    } //end pass
    if (pass==true)
                             if (
                             blb = ((OracleResultSet)rs).getBLOB(1);
                        OutputStream stmBlobStream = blb.getBinaryOutputStream();
                             try {
                                  int iSize = blb.getBufferSize();
                             byte[] byBuffer = new byte[iSize];
                             int iLength = -1;
    ByteArrayInputStream stmByteIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBytes2);
                                  try {
    // while ( (iLength =, 0,      iSize)) != -1 )
    while ( (iLength =, 0,      iSize)) != -1 )
                                       stmBlobStream.write(byBuffer, 0, iLength);
                                       } // end while
    } catch (Exception e5) {
    out.println("Error blob 5: "+e5.toString());
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message; }
                                  finally { conn.commit();     }
    } catch (Exception e6) { out.println("Error blob 6: "+e6.toString()); };
                             } //end if
                             else {      throw new SQLException("Could not locate message record in database."); }
    } catch (Exception e7) { out.println("Error blob : "+e7.toString()); };
    } // end pass
    } // end pass2
    else //request is not multipart/form-data
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Gegevens niet verstuurd via multipart/form-data.";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/error.jsp?message="+message;
    out.println("Request not multipart/form-data.");
    catch(Exception e)
    //print error message to standard out
    out.println("Error in doPost: " + e);
    //send error message to client
    out.println("An unexpected error has occurred.");
    out.println("Error description: " + e);
    }catch (Exception f) {}
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {

  • How to open Adobe Reader file from another native IOS application?

    There is an existing thread, but I want to re-open it because I think this is an important feature that we need badly.  I was wondering if there is any plan to add this feature so we can open PDFs directly into Adobe from the web / other apps.
    How to open Adobe Reader file from another native IOS application?
    Basically, we just want to use a custom URL scheme to open a specific document in the App.  Currently, this only opens the app but does not load the file.

    Not to hijack the conversation but I can explain why this would be useful for both the above case and another.
    What I believe Pavel is talking about is setting up a "URL Scheme" for the Adobe Acrobat iOS application so that you can easily open a PDF specifically in Adobe Acrobat iOS from other native applications and even from web applications opened within Safari. This is particularly useful if your application requires some of the specific features in Adobe Reader iOS to grant them the best experience possible and you want to encourage this.
    Another case: If you're using Adobe Livecycle's document security modules (that encrypts PDF files so that Adobe Acrobat must "phone home" to decrypt and view the document), these PDF's can only be viewed inside the Adobe Acrobat application and appear as blank in most other PDF readers. Having a URL scheme allows your application utilising this functionality to have a 1 click step to view the PDF rather than the current non-user friendly process:
    - Within Safari, touch the PDF link (appears as blank in the default Safari PDF reader, which in itself is confusing)
      - Touch "Open in..."
      - Touch "Adobe Acrobat"
    We have an immediate need for this functionality for the example above. I can resubmit it in a separate post if necessary.

  • Place one IDML file inside another one.

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    Is there any way to link IDML files into other IDML files? Or if not, is there a possibility to convert my IDML files to INDD files without having to use a real instance of InDesign?
    Relevant Lines of code from the master IDML file taken from the Spread.xml file:
    <Link Self="u9f81" AssetURL="$ID/" AssetID="$ID/" LinkResourceURI="file:/path/to/subtemplates/box2.idml" LinkResourceFormat="$ID/InDesign Format Name" StoredState="Normal" LinkClassID="35906" LinkClientID="257" LinkResourceModified="false" LinkObjectModified="false" ShowInUI="true" CanEmbed="true" CanUnembed="true" CanPackage="true" ImportPolicy="NoAutoImport" ExportPolicy="NoAutoExport" LinkImportStamp="file 130505142560000000 1396736" LinkImportModificationTime="2014-07-22T16:50:56" LinkImportTime="2014-07-23T11:42:22" LinkResourceSize="0~155000" />
    If I leave this in and try to open the file in InDesign I get the error message that the linked file type is not supported
    <Link Self="u9f81" AssetURL="$ID/" AssetID="$ID/" LinkResourceURI="file:/path/to/subtemplates/box1.indd" LinkResourceFormat="$ID/InDesign Format Name" StoredState="Normal" LinkClassID="35906" LinkClientID="257" LinkResourceModified="false" LinkObjectModified="false" ShowInUI="true" CanEmbed="true" CanUnembed="true" CanPackage="true" ImportPolicy="NoAutoImport" ExportPolicy="NoAutoExport" LinkImportStamp="file 130505142560000000 1396736" LinkImportModificationTime="2014-07-22T16:50:56" LinkImportTime="2014-07-23T11:42:22" LinkResourceSize="0~155000" />
    If I put this in everything works fine.
    Notes: box1.indd and box2.idml are the exact same files, just saved differently by InDesign. The path to both files is a valid file system path and has full read/write access.

    Thank you for your reply. I already know that it is possible to edit IDML files, which is what I am already doing.
    What I am now looking for is a way to place one IDML file into another one like you are able to do with INDD files.
    Which file format should I use insted then? It must be editable outside of InDesign because I need to be able to change texts and stylings within the file.
    That possibly means you have to have InDesign Server to integrate in your workflow.
    That's the exact thing I am trying to avoid here.

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    i have 3 column start_date(date),end_date( date),duration (varchar2)
    i am trying to add start_time and duration like this
    end_date := to_char(start_time) + duration;
    but its showing value_error
    how to add one date column and charecter column.

    you need something that does:
    end_date (DATE) := start_date (DATE) + <number of
    days> (NUMBER)Not necessarily, because if the duration is just a string representation of a number then it will be implicitly converted to a number and not cause an error
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select to_date('01/07/2007','DD/MM/YYYY') as start_dt, '3' as duration_days from dual)
      2  -- END OF TEST DATA
      3  select start_dt + duration_days
      4* from t
    SQL> /

  • Copy one text file to another text file and delete last line

    Hi all wonder if someone can help, i want to be able to copy one text file to another text file and remove the last line of the first text file. So currently i have this method:
    Writer output = null;
             File file = new File("playerData.xml");
             try {
                   output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true));
                   output.write("\t" + "<player>" + "\n");
                   output.write("\t" + "\t" + "<playerName>" + playerName + "</playerName>" + "\n");
                   output.write("\t" + "\t" + "<playerScore>" + pointCount + "</playerScore>" + "\n");
                   output.write("\t" + "\t" + "<playerTime>" + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds" + "</playerTime>" + "\n");
                   output.write("\t" + "</player>" + "\n");
                   output.write("</indianaTuxPlayer>" + "\n");
                  System.out.println("Player data saved!");
             catch (IOException e) {
              }However each time the method is run i get the "</indianaTuxPlayer>" line repeated, now when i come to read this in as a java file i get errors becuase its not well formed. So my idea is to copy the original file, remove the last line of that file, so the </indianaTuxPlayer> line and then add this to a new file with the next data saved in it. So i would end up with something like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <playerName>Default Player</playerName>
              <playerTime>null minutes null seconds</playerTime>
              <playerName>Default Player</playerName>
              <playerTime>null minutes null seconds</playerTime>
              <playerName>Default Player</playerName>
              <playerTime>null minutes null seconds</playerTime>
    However after all day searching the internet and trying ways, i have been unable to get anything working, could anyone give me a hand please?

    I would go the XML route too, but for fun, open a file as a BufferedWriter and do this:
    void copyAllButLastLine(File src, BufferedWriter tgt) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(src));
        try {
            String previous= in.readLine();
            for (String current = null; (current = in.readLine()) != null; previous=current) {
        } finally {

  • How to add new data file

    Hi Friends,
    We have 4 below file systems.
    Already we have added one data file each in sapdata_1 and 2.  Sapdata3 and 4 are emptry.
    How to add new data file in sapdata3 or 4.
    Please provide syntax for creating a new data file and steps for the same.

    Just for the record: you have here the DBACockpit documentation:
    And this is a sample of the extend to be executed:

Maybe you are looking for