How to avoid blank column display in output in ALV TREE

how to avoid blank column display in output while decreasing the length of other columns in ALV Tree.
Example: please refer to BCALV_TREE_01 and see the output, then decrease the length of all columns . Then you can see a blank column appearing in screen at last, i.e in container. so how to avoid that.
Thanks for reply.
Edited by: morpeous on Jul 1, 2009 1:53 PM

Check BCALV_TREE_02 on how to hide columns.
Thanks & Regards,
Anand Patil

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    when i am executing a report using adobe forms for limited records i can see the output in single page in pdf without any blank pages before or after the output page.But if the records exceed then in the output i can see first 3 blank pages and then in the 4th page i can see the printed output only with the limited records .Can u tell me why this is happening.
    Moderator message: wrong forum, please have a look in the forum for "Adobe Interactive Forms".
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    Usually blank pages appear as first page due to the presence of filler lines (//////) on top of report header.Please ensure that the top header is exactely started from top of page itself.

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    Please take a look at my code below. Hope it suits your requirement.
    P.S. Please award points if it helps...
    *& Report ZMM_R_PO_TO_IPURCH_XI
    *& PROGRAM TYPE  : Report
    *& RICEF ID      :
    *& TITLE         : ZMM_R_PO_TO_IPURCH_XI
    *& SAP Module    : MM
    *& CREATION DATE : 02/06/2008
    *& AUTHOR        : Aris Hidalgo
    *& DESIGNER      : Aris Hidalgo
    *& DESCRIPTION   :
    *$   DATE        | T-Num      | Description                  | Reference
    **               |            |                              |
    REPORT  zmm_r_po_to_ipurch_xi
            MESSAGE-ID zmm.
    * Data Dictionary Table/s                      *
    TABLES: edidc.
    * SELECTION-SCREEN                             *
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_credat FOR edidc-credat OBLIGATORY.
                rb_det RADIOBUTTON GROUP grp1.
    *       CLASS lcl_data_def DEFINITION
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_edidc,
                docnum TYPE edidc-docnum,
                docrel TYPE edidc-docrel,
                status TYPE edidc-status,
                doctyp TYPE edidc-doctyp,
                direct TYPE edidc-direct,
                rcvpor TYPE edidc-rcvpor,
                rcvprt TYPE edidc-rcvprt,
                rcvprn TYPE edidc-rcvprn,
                rcvsad TYPE edidc-rcvsad,
                sndpor TYPE edidc-sndpor,
                sndprt TYPE edidc-sndprt,
                sndprn TYPE edidc-sndprn,
                sndsad TYPE edidc-sndsad,
                credat TYPE edidc-credat,
                cretim TYPE edidc-cretim,
                mestyp TYPE edidc-mestyp,
                idoctp TYPE edidc-idoctp,
               END OF t_edidc.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_output,
                exception TYPE char1,
                ebeln     TYPE ekko-ebeln,
                lifnr     TYPE lfa1-lifnr,
                name1     TYPE lfa1-name1,
                credat    TYPE edidc-credat,
                cretim    TYPE edidc-cretim,
               END OF t_output.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko,
                ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
                lifnr TYPE ekko-lifnr,
               END OF t_ekko.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_lfa1,
                lifnr TYPE lfa1-lifnr,
                name1 TYPE lfa1-name1,
               END OF t_lfa1.
        DATA: gt_edidc  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_edidc,
              gt_output TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_output,
              wa_output LIKE LINE OF gt_output,
              gt_ekko   TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_ekko
                        WITH UNIQUE KEY ebeln,
              gt_lfa1   TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_lfa1
                        WITH UNIQUE KEY lifnr.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_data_def DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_alv_routines  DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    *       CLASS lcl_get_data DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_get_data DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_data_def.
        METHODS: get_idocs,
                     im_docnum TYPE edidc-docnum.
        CONSTANTS: lc_mestyp     TYPE edidc-mestyp VALUE 'ZMARKETSITE_PURCHASE_ORDER',
                   lc_idoctp     TYPE edidc-idoctp VALUE 'ZMARKETSITE_PURCHASE_ORDER01',
                   lc_segnam     TYPE edid4-segnam VALUE 'ZMARKETSITE_ORDER_HEADER1'.
        CONSTANTS: lc_red        TYPE i VALUE 1,
                   lc_yellow     TYPE i VALUE 2,
                   lc_green      TYPE i VALUE 3.
        DATA: lv_stat_message    TYPE bdidocattr-message,
              o_lcl_alv_routines TYPE REF TO lcl_alv_routines.
        DATA: ls_idoc_control    TYPE edidc,
              lv_tot_data_recs   TYPE sy-dbcnt,                 "#EC NEEDED
              lv_tot_status_recs TYPE sy-dbcnt.                 "#EC NEEDED
        DATA: lt_edids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF edids,
              lt_edidd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF edidd.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_get_data DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_alv_routines DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_alv_routines DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_get_data.
        DATA: lcl_table            TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
              lcl_container        TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
              lcl_handle_events    TYPE REF TO lcl_handle_events,
              lcl_columns          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              lcl_column           TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
              lcl_events2          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_events_table,
              lcl_display_settings TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings,
              lcl_functions        TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list,
              lcl_display          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings,
              lcl_aggregations     TYPE REF TO cl_salv_aggregations,
              lcl_sorts            TYPE REF TO cl_salv_sorts,
              lcl_content          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_element,
              lcl_header           TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_header_info,
              ls_color             TYPE lvc_s_colo.
        DATA: lcl_grid            TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid,
              lcl_grid_1          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid,
              lcl_grid_2          TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid,
              lcl_label           TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_label,"#EC NEEDED
              lcl_text            TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_text,
              gt_t247             TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t247,
              wa_t247             LIKE LINE OF gt_t247,
              lv_text             TYPE string.
        METHODS: display_data
                     im_output LIKE gt_output,
        DATA: lv_string TYPE string,
              lv_date1  TYPE c LENGTH 10,
              lv_time   TYPE c LENGTH 10,
              lv_title  TYPE string.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_routines DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION.
          on_link_click FOR EVENT link_click OF cl_salv_events_table
            IMPORTING row column.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_get_data IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_get_data IMPLEMENTATION.
    * METHOD get_idocs
      METHOD get_idocs.
    *       PERCENTAGE       = 0
            text             = text-p01.
        SELECT docnum docrel status doctyp
               direct rcvpor rcvprt rcvprn
               rcvsad sndpor sndprt sndprn
               sndsad credat cretim mestyp
          FROM edidc
          INTO TABLE gt_edidc
         WHERE mestyp = lc_mestyp
           AND idoctp = lc_idoctp
           AND credat IN s_credat.
        IF gt_edidc[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    *     Get IDOC details
          CALL METHOD me->read_idocs.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_idocs
    * METHOD read_idocs
      METHOD read_idocs.
    *       PERCENTAGE       = 0
            text             = text-p02.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_edidc>  LIKE LINE OF gt_edidc,
                       <fs_output> LIKE LINE OF gt_output,
                       <fs_ekko>   LIKE LINE OF gt_ekko,
                       <fs_lfa1>   LIKE LINE OF gt_lfa1.
        LOOP AT gt_edidc ASSIGNING <fs_edidc>.
          CLEAR ls_idoc_control.
          REFRESH: lt_edids, lt_edidd.
    *     Get status text of IDOC
              idoc_number  = <fs_edidc>-docnum
              idoc_message = lv_stat_message.
    *     Get IDOC details
              document_number          = <fs_edidc>-docnum
              idoc_control             = ls_idoc_control
              number_of_data_records   = lv_tot_data_recs
              number_of_status_records = lv_tot_status_recs
              int_edids                = lt_edids
              int_edidd                = lt_edidd
              document_not_exist       = 1
              document_number_invalid  = 2
              OTHERS                   = 3.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *     Pass data to output table
          CALL METHOD me->process_data
              im_docnum = <fs_edidc>-docnum.
        DELETE gt_output WHERE ebeln IS INITIAL.
        IF gt_output[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    *     Get vendor for fetched POs
          SELECT ebeln lifnr
            FROM ekko
            INTO TABLE gt_ekko
             FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_output
           WHERE ebeln = gt_output-ebeln.
          IF gt_ekko[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    *       Get name of vendors
            SELECT lifnr name1
              FROM lfa1
              INTO TABLE gt_lfa1
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_ekko
             WHERE lifnr = gt_ekko-lifnr.
    *     Pass vendor details to output table
          LOOP AT gt_output ASSIGNING <fs_output>.
            READ TABLE gt_ekko ASSIGNING <fs_ekko>
                               WITH TABLE KEY ebeln = <fs_output>-ebeln.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              READ TABLE gt_lfa1 ASSIGNING <fs_lfa1>
                                 WITH TABLE KEY lifnr = <fs_ekko>-lifnr.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                <fs_output>-lifnr = <fs_lfa1>-lifnr.
                <fs_output>-name1 = <fs_lfa1>-name1.
          CREATE OBJECT o_lcl_alv_routines.
          CALL METHOD o_lcl_alv_routines->display_data
              im_output = gt_output[].
      ENDMETHOD.                    "read_idocs
    * METHOD process_data
      METHOD process_data.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_edidd> LIKE LINE OF lt_edidd.
        IF lv_stat_message CP 'ok' OR
           lv_stat_message CP 'positive'.
          wa_output-exception = lc_green.
        ELSEIF lv_stat_message CP 'error' OR
               lv_stat_message CP 'negative'.
          wa_output-exception = lc_red.
          wa_output-exception = lc_yellow.
        READ TABLE lt_edidd ASSIGNING <fs_edidd>
                            WITH KEY docnum = im_docnum
                                     segnam = lc_segnam.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_output-ebeln = <fs_edidd>-sdata+0(10).
        wa_output-credat = ls_idoc_control-credat.
        wa_output-cretim = ls_idoc_control-cretim.
        APPEND wa_output TO gt_output.
        CLEAR wa_output.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "process_data
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_get_data IMPLEMENTATION
    *       CLASS lcl_alv_routines IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_alv_routines IMPLEMENTATION.
    * METHOD display_data
      METHOD display_data.
            percentage = 0
            text       = text-p03.
        gt_output[] = im_output[].
                list_display = ''
                r_salv_table = lcl_table
                t_table      = gt_output ).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.                                "#EC NO_HANDLER
        lcl_functions = lcl_table->get_functions( ).
    *   Set all standard ALV functions
        lcl_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
        lcl_columns = lcl_table->get_columns( ).
        lcl_columns->set_optimize( '' ).
    *   Set display to striped pattern
        lcl_display = lcl_table->get_display_settings( ).
        lcl_display->set_striped_pattern( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ).
    */Sort columns
            lcl_sorts = lcl_table->get_sorts( ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
        lcl_sorts->set_group_active( ).
              columnname = 'EBELN'
              subtotal   = '' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_existing cx_salv_data_error."#EC NO_HANDLER
    */Set column names
            lcl_columns->set_exception_column( 'EXCEPTION' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_data_error.                         "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'EXCEPTION' ).
            lcl_column->set_short_text( text-h01 ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h01 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h01 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '6' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'EBELN' ).
            lcl_column->set_short_text( text-h02 ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h02 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h02 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '9' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'LIFNR' ).
    *        lcl_column->set_short_text( text-h03 ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h03 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h03 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '11' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'NAME1' ).
    *        lcl_column->set_short_text( text-h04 ).
    *        lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h04 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h04 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '30' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'CREDAT' ).
    *        lcl_column->set_short_text( text-h05 ).
    *        lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h05 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h05 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '13' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'CRETIM' ).
    *        lcl_column->set_short_text( text-h06 ).
    *        lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h06 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h06 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '13' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
    */Set aggregations
    *    TRY.
    *        lcl_aggregations = lcl_table->get_aggregations( ).
    *      CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *    ENDTRY.
    *    TRY.
    *        lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( '' ).
    *      CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
    *    ENDTRY.
    */Hide columns
    *    TRY.
    *        lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'DESCRIPT' ).
    *        lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
    *      CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *    ENDTRY.
    */Display top of page
        CALL METHOD me->display_top_of_page.
        lcl_table->set_top_of_list( lcl_content ).
    */Handle ALV events
        lcl_events2 = lcl_table->get_event( ).
        CREATE OBJECT lcl_handle_events.
        SET HANDLER lcl_handle_events->on_link_click FOR lcl_events2.
        lcl_display_settings = lcl_table->get_display_settings( ).
        lcl_table->display( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_data
    * METHOD display_top_of_page
      METHOD display_top_of_page.
        CREATE OBJECT lcl_grid.
        lv_title = text-t01.
                    row     = 1
                    column  = 1
                    text    = lv_title
                    tooltip = lv_title ).
        lcl_grid->add_row( ).
        lcl_grid_1 = lcl_grid->create_grid(
                       row    = 3
                       column = 1 ).
        CLEAR lv_string.
        CONCATENATE: sy-datum+4(2) '/' sy-datum+6(2) '/' sy-datum+0(4)
               INTO lv_date1.
        CONCATENATE: text-t02 lv_date1
               INTO lv_string
          SEPARATED BY space.
        lcl_label = lcl_grid_1->create_label(
                      row     = 1
                      column  = 1
                      text    = lv_string
                      tooltip = lv_string ).
        CLEAR lv_string.
        CONCATENATE: sy-uzeit+0(2) ':' sy-uzeit+2(2) ':' sy-uzeit+4(2)
               INTO lv_time.
        CONCATENATE: text-t03 lv_time
               INTO lv_string
          SEPARATED BY space.
        lcl_label = lcl_grid_1->create_label(
                      row     = 2
                      column  = 1
                      text    = lv_string
                      tooltip = lv_string ).
        lcl_content = lcl_grid.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_top_of_page
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_routines IMPLEMENTATION
    *       CLASS lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION.
    * METHOD on_link_click
      METHOD on_link_click.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "on_link_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION
    * START-OF-SELECTION                           *
      DATA: o_lcl_get_data TYPE REF TO lcl_get_data.
      CREATE OBJECT o_lcl_get_data.
      CALL METHOD o_lcl_get_data->get_idocs.

  • Can we download output of alv tree ?

    hi all,
       i have a requirement to download the output of alv tree when it is collapsed (detailed). Can we download that ? i am using cl_gui_alv_tree class.
        plz let me know asap.

    Standard Control does not give that Option . SO another  option is to go to Print preview of the Entire Hierarchy view , then click System -> list -> Save -> local file and save it as spreadsheet . This wa entire data gets downloaded in excel in tree format .
    Thanks ,
    -Kaustubha Tavildar

  • How to get the Column names of output that is displaying in Sql Developer(Oracle 11g).

        I am using OCCI to interact with DB through code, which means I am writing a vc++ file to interact with Data Base and execute the Stored Procedure which I am calling from the C++ Code. And  also displaying the output of the Stored Procedures to the Front End. I am succeeded in this, but now I should be able to display  the Column names of the output to Front End. Can any one help me on this.
    Sno  |   Sname
    ------- |-------------
    1          ABC
    2          DEF
    I am getting (1,ABC) and (2,DEF) as the output of the Stored Procedure but I need the Column names also to display. How to get them.
    Thanks in Advance..:)

    Look at Re: exporting csv via pl/sql - select statement?
    It has an example how to extract the column name from a cursor. You have to check, whether you can use DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS
    Your procedure might need another out parameter, that returns the column names , e.g. as comma separated list or as varray.

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    However, the maximum number of columns is limited to 90 columns ( with a hundreds of hidden fields by default). I don't see the system provide you the user parameter where you can change the output list to ALV grid rather.  Please advise how can I have all the columns displayed in one go ( even if the column header too shorten is fines to me)?

    mask as unanswer

  • How to avoid merged columns on conversion

    Dear All,
    I have built some reports using Oracle Developer Report Suit. All is well and working fine but when I send report output to Excel file I am facing following two issues:
    1) It goes always to .xls file which is excel 97 format and having limit of maximum 65 thousands rows. Can I convert report to excel 2010 .xlsx file as my reports sometime contains large number of rows?
    2) When I convert into excel all information comes normally with proper format but some of report columns occupy multiple excel columns which is causing difficulties in sorting and other function in excel. How to avoid it?
    I would be glade to hear from you guys to resolve above issues.

    Zia wrote:
    1) I have a detail report which contains more than 100 thousands rows. This report is already on menu and available to users. User have got an option on menu that they can select output either 'screen' or 'spreadsheet'. If user select option as 'spreadsheet', report open in excel file but in old excel and truncating excessive rows as .xls have limitation of maximum 65 thousands rows. I do not want to use 'csv' format as directly conversion into excel is more convinient for users. If report contains less than 65 thousands rows then everything is fine and no issues with the report. I hope I could explain real problem this time.65 thousands rows is the limitation of that version u use. I use Microsoft Office 2010 where limitation is 1048576 is a sheet.
    One solution is uninstall the present Office version and use Office 2010.
    2) Regarding second point, I have a summary report which is all fine and showing desired output in desired format. But when user want output in excel file, some of report columns occupy more than one columns and causing difficulties for users. Actually users do need to convert few reports into excel and work with formulas in excel but in this situation they have to do lots of changes in format before applying formulas. A sample screen shot of a report and converted report in excel file both can be seen on this link []
    I'm not sure about the solution. Most probably you have more space in repeating frame and cause this thing happen. shorter the space in the frame and try.
    Hope this will help you.

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    Usually blank pages appear as first page due to the presence of filler lines (//////) on top of report header.Please ensure that the top header is exactely started from top of page itself.

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    I am checking for this flag in the template and then printing the data. So when a situation comes that the flag is Y - I am not getting any contents (Which is correct) - but I am getting a blank page in the output on that page. I would need to avoid that - Is there a way I can do this.
    My template code for the suppress bit currently is,
    -- here comes my contents and logos ---
    <?end if?>
    <?end for-each?>
    The suppress is happening but in the output I am getting a blank page

    Hi I have a dunning letter template where I have different templates for reminder letter, 30, 60 . I have one template for all these letters where I am checking for
    <?if:CLASS="INV"?> <?if:DAYS_LATE >=1?> <?if:DAYS_LATE <=30?>
    when i run the report if there is only 60 days letter exists and no reminder and 30 day letters then i get a blank page printed.
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    This script is a copy of a std script.
    It has 3 pages - First Next Last
    My First page has all the required data.
    My second page is empty with out any values.
    I am getting the blank page as Page 2 when executing. How can we avoid it ?

    Hi Senthil,
    Please see the below points:
    1. Please check what have you defined as the NEXT PAGE for your first page. If so change it and make the first page itself as the next page.
    2. Check your main Window, may be there is blank line at the last of the main window, so check that abd remove that,so you won't get the blank page
    Please see the link which is similar to your problem:
    Re: How to remove blank page in sap script
    May it helps you.
    Deepak Sharma.

  • How to avoid the screen of selection output device

    Hi all,
    Who can tell me how to avoid the screen selection output device when running a smartform.
    Best regard.

          data: wa_SSFCTRLOP  type SSFCTRLOP.
           wa_SSFCTRLOP-NO_DIALOG =  'X'.
           wa_SSFCTRLOP-PREVIEW = 'X'.
        in the function module
       call function '....
       CONTROL_PARAMETERS = wa_ssfctrlop
    Santosh Thorat

  • How to hide blank columns in datagrid?

    I have a datagrid nicely populated with data.
    But I have some colums which are blank (the columns have a
    Header but the rest of its rows are blank).
    I want to hide these columns so that users can't see them.
    Note that the blank columns are not fixed. Sometimes it can
    be that a column is blank but at other times it can be filled.
    So I cannot use... "<... visible=false>
    I need to loop thru the columns and then hide the blank
    Anyone has an idea how to code for this loop.

    Well..from what i know, the datagrid supports the syntax to
    allow for you to specify the columns explicitly through the
    DataGridColumn. Done like this
    <mxdatagridcolumn datafield = "Column 1 name" ..>
    <mxdatagridcolumn datafield = "" ..>
    <mxdatagridcolumn datafield = "" ..>
    why dont you specify the columns you want using this. that
    way, if there is no data in the colums, that column just wont show.
    Hope i am understanding you right when you say hide blank

  • To display complete Column as Pushbottons in Simple ALV Tree

    Hi Everybody,
    Are pushbuttons possible in Simple ALV Tree?
    If yes, Can anybody help me in displaying one of the Columns in ALV Tree as Pushbuttons.
    Sample Code for this would also be appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Check this out.
    Reward if helpful.

  • How to change font while displaying data through an ALV table in WDA?

    Hi all,
    I am displaying data through and ALV table. Now I want to change the FONT only for few rows. Is this possible?
    If so then do the needful to me..
    Thanks & Regards,
    Yugesh A.

    I believe as you have found 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' would only work with the classic dynpro (SAPGUI based) version of the ALV. 
    You won't be able to control the font the same way in the WDA version of the ALV.  You will need to create a custom cell editor for the column(s) in question.  You can then bind context attributes to the properties of the cell editor. You will need extra attributes in your bound context to control these settings on the row level.  Also you will be restricted by the changing the DESIGN property. This means only the values allowed for the DESIGN of the particluar UI element.  For a TextView that wouldn't be the font directly (the font of course comes from the Theme).
    DATA l_salv_wd_table TYPE REF TO iwci_salv_wd_table.
      l_salv_wd_table = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv_adv( ).
      DATA l_table TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_config_table.
      l_table = l_salv_wd_table->get_model( ).
      data textview type ref to CL_SALV_WD_UIE_TEXT_VIEW.
      l_column = l_table->if_salv_wd_column_settings~get_column( 'ADD_PARTICIPANTS' ).
      create object textview.
      textview->set_design_fieldname( 'ADD_DESIGN' ).
      textview->set_wrapping( abap_true ).
      l_column->set_cell_editor( textview ).
    DESIGN supports the following options:
    Visual Display
    Text is highlighted in default size
    Header for forms
    This enumeration value is deprecated. Instead, use SectionHeader.
    Text is highlighted with font size +4 in relation to the default font size.
    Text is highlighted with font size +5.08 cm relation to the default font size.
    Text is highlighted in default size
    Text is highlighted in font size -1 (small) in relation to the default font size (like the legend but highlighted)
    Text is display in the default font type. A space is always inserted after the text.
    Text is displayed in default font type, as with label, onyl that font size is -1 (like the font size for header4).
    Text is displayed with default font type in size -1.
    Text is in italics and in default font size.
    Text is displayed in default font size. No text attributes are defined for this value.
    Text is displayed in no-proportional font type. Each letter takes up the same space.

Maybe you are looking for

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