How to calculate the percentage of free space for a table in Oracle

okay, I am a little confused here. I have been searching the web and looking at a lot of documents. What I basically want to find out is this, how do I calculate the difference between the number of bytes a table is using and the total bytes allocated to a table space (going that way to get percent free for a particular table). So I need a byte count of a table and total table space and the percentage difference. I have been looking at the DBA_TABLES DBA_TABLESPACES and DBA_SEGMENTS views. I have tried to calculated the space as num_rows * avg_row_len (if I am wrong, let me know). I have been trying to compare that calculation to the number in DBA_TABLESPACES and DBA_SEGMENTS. I am just looking for the total space allocated to the table space that the table sits in (seem logical right now) to make the percentage value work. Thus I want to be able to track the table as it grows as compated to the table space it sits in to see a value as it changes over time (days, weeks, etc.) each time I run this script I am working on.
Can someone get me straight and help me to find out if I am looking in the right places. Any advice would help.

You can use a little modified version of dbms_space from Tom, show_space. Have a look,
SQL> create table test222 as select * from all_objects;
Table created.
SQL> delete from test22 where rownum<=100;
delete from test22 where rownum<=100
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SQL> delete from test222 where rownum<=100;
100 rows deleted.
SQL> analyze table test222 compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
SQL>  create or replace procedure show_space
  2  ( p_segname in varchar2,
  3    p_owner   in varchar2 default user,
  4    p_type    in varchar2 default 'TABLE',
  5    p_partition in varchar2 default NULL )
  6  -- this procedure uses authid current user so it can query DBA_*
  7  -- views using privileges from a ROLE and so it can be installed
  8  -- once per database, instead of once per user that wanted to use it
  9  authid current_user
10  as
11      l_free_blks                 number;
12      l_total_blocks              number;
13      l_total_bytes               number;
14      l_unused_blocks             number;
15      l_unused_bytes              number;
16      l_LastUsedExtFileId         number;
17      l_LastUsedExtBlockId        number;
18      l_LAST_USED_BLOCK           number;
19      l_segment_space_mgmt        varchar2(255);
20      l_unformatted_blocks number;
21      l_unformatted_bytes number;
22      l_fs1_blocks number; l_fs1_bytes number;
23      l_fs2_blocks number; l_fs2_bytes number;
24      l_fs3_blocks number; l_fs3_bytes number;
25      l_fs4_blocks number; l_fs4_bytes number;
26      l_full_blocks number; l_full_bytes number;
28      -- inline procedure to print out numbers nicely formatted
29      -- with a simple label
30      procedure p( p_label in varchar2, p_num in number )
31      is
32      begin
33          dbms_output.put_line( rpad(p_label,40,'.') ||
34                                to_char(p_num,'999,999,999,999') );
35      end;
36  begin
37     -- this query is executed dynamically in order to allow this procedure
38     -- to be created by a user who has access to DBA_SEGMENTS/TABLESPACES
39     -- via a role as is customary.
40     -- NOTE: at runtime, the invoker MUST have access to these two
41     -- views!
42     -- this query determines if the object is a ASSM object or not
43     begin
44        execute immediate
45            'select ts.segment_space_management
46               from dba_segments seg, dba_tablespaces ts
47              where seg.segment_name      = :p_segname
48                and (:p_partition is null or
49                    seg.partition_name = :p_partition)
50                and seg.owner = :p_owner
51                and seg.tablespace_name = ts.tablespace_name'
52               into l_segment_space_mgmt
53              using p_segname, p_partition, p_partition, p_owner;
54     exception
55         when too_many_rows then
56            dbms_output.put_line
57            ( 'This must be a partitioned table, use p_partition => ');
58            return;
59     end;
62     -- if the object is in an ASSM tablespace, we must use this API
63     -- call to get space information, else we use the FREE_BLOCKS
64     -- API for the user managed segments
65     if l_segment_space_mgmt = 'AUTO'
66     then
67       dbms_space.space_usage
68       ( p_owner, p_segname, p_type, l_unformatted_blocks,
69         l_unformatted_bytes, l_fs1_blocks, l_fs1_bytes,
70         l_fs2_blocks, l_fs2_bytes, l_fs3_blocks, l_fs3_bytes,
71         l_fs4_blocks, l_fs4_bytes, l_full_blocks, l_full_bytes, p_partition);
73       p( 'Unformatted Blocks ', l_unformatted_blocks );
74       p( 'FS1 Blocks (0-25)  ', l_fs1_blocks );
75       p( 'FS2 Blocks (25-50) ', l_fs2_blocks );
76       p( 'FS3 Blocks (50-75) ', l_fs3_blocks );
77       p( 'FS4 Blocks (75-100)', l_fs4_blocks );
78       p( 'Full Blocks        ', l_full_blocks );
79    else
80       dbms_space.free_blocks(
81         segment_owner     => p_owner,
82         segment_name      => p_segname,
83         segment_type      => p_type,
84         freelist_group_id => 0,
85         free_blks         => l_free_blks);
87       p( 'Free Blocks', l_free_blks );
88    end if;
90    -- and then the unused space API call to get the rest of the
91    -- information
92    dbms_space.unused_space
93    ( segment_owner     => p_owner,
94      segment_name      => p_segname,
95      segment_type      => p_type,
96      partition_name    => p_partition,
97      total_blocks      => l_total_blocks,
98      total_bytes       => l_total_bytes,
99      unused_blocks     => l_unused_blocks,
100      unused_bytes      => l_unused_bytes,
101      LAST_USED_EXTENT_FILE_ID => l_LastUsedExtFileId,
102      LAST_USED_EXTENT_BLOCK_ID => l_LastUsedExtBlockId,
105      p( 'Total Blocks', l_total_blocks );
106      p( 'Total Bytes', l_total_bytes );
107      p( 'Total MBytes', trunc(l_total_bytes/1024/1024) );
108      p( 'Unused Blocks', l_unused_blocks );
109      p( 'Unused Bytes', l_unused_bytes );
110      p( 'Last Used Ext FileId', l_LastUsedExtFileId );
111      p( 'Last Used Ext BlockId', l_LastUsedExtBlockId );
112      p( 'Last Used Block', l_LAST_USED_BLOCK );
113  end;
115  /
Procedure created.
SQL> desc show_space
PROCEDURE show_space
Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
P_SEGNAME                      VARCHAR2                IN
P_OWNER                        VARCHAR2                IN     DEFAULT
P_TYPE                         VARCHAR2                IN     DEFAULT
P_PARTITION                    VARCHAR2                IN     DEFAULT
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
BEGIN show_space('TEST222','SCOTT'); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.SHOW_SPACE", line 44
ORA-06512: at line 1
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> grant sysdba to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn scott/tiger as sysdba
SQL> exec show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
BEGIN show_space('TEST222','SCOTT'); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00201: identifier 'SHOW_SPACE' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
SQL> exec scott.show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec scott.show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
Unformatted Blocks .....................               0
FS1 Blocks (0-25)  .....................               0
FS2 Blocks (25-50) .....................               1
FS3 Blocks (50-75) .....................               0
FS4 Blocks (75-100).....................               1
Full Blocks        .....................             807
Total Blocks............................             896
Total Bytes.............................       7,340,032
Total MBytes............................               7
Unused Blocks...........................              65
Unused Bytes............................         532,480
Last Used Ext FileId....................               4
Last Used Ext BlockId...................           1,289
Last Used Block.........................              63
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
I use this to find the space allocations.
Just read your post again,this is not going to show you the percentage of the free/used space. This is going to be the number of blocks which are free/used. For the growth trend, you can look at (in 10g) Oracle EM. It has added now,Segment Growth Trend report which can show you for each object,comparing to the allocated space to the object,how much space is being used by it.

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    b.tablespace_name Tablespace,
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    from sys.dba_free_space a,sys.dba_data_files b
    where a.file_id(+) = b.file_id
    and exists (
    select file_id,recent_record
    from ( select file_name,file_id,tablespace_name, max(file_id) over (partition by tablespace_name) recent_record
    from sys.dba_data_files
    ) t
    where t.file_id = t.recent_record
    and t.file_id = b.file_id
    group by b.tablespace_name, b.file_name, b.bytes,b.maxbytes
    order by 9
    Any clues?

    To summarize - you want to see what percent of the maximum datafile space is free.
    If the maxbyes <= bytes (size of the datafile) it will never autoextend. So, the max size is the current datafile size.
    If the maxbytes >bytes, the max available space is the maxbyes.
    So, the calculation would be:
    max_percent_free = (max_size - used) / (max_size)
    where max_size is either maxbytes or bytes (current datafile size).
    In the first case, where datafile is 1900 meg that would be:
    max_percent_free = (2000-1637) / (2000) = 18% - we use maxbytes since it is 2000, greater than the file size (1900)
    After increasing the size to 3000
    max_percent_free = (3000-1637) / 3000 = 45% - we use file size, 3000, since it is larger than maxbytes (2000)
    If you would set maxbytes to 5 gb
    max_percent_free = (5000-1637)/5000 = 67%
    Does that make sense?

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    Best Regards
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    Nipun Sharma

    Hi Nipun,
    as far as I know: there is no easy tool to get this numbers. But on the other hand, you don't need exact numbers, estimations will do.
    It's a good idea to start with the biggest objects: take DB02, make a detailed analysis where you select the biggest tables -> corresponding archive objects should be your main focus (for the beginning).
    Count for the biggest tables in each objects the entries per year (or month, whatever periods you are interested in). Most tables have creation date to do so, otherwise go for number range. For some numbers you could search the creation date, the rest is estimation again.
    Then you will have an idea, which volume was created in which time frame.
    Still you need some test archive runs (in PRD or an (old) copy, at least for an example amount of data): you need to know, which % of the documents can technically be archived, how much will stay open because of missing closing. That's critical information (maybe 90% will stay in system) and can only be analyzed by SARA test runs - if you identify the missing object status, you can go on selecting this directly, but in the beginning you need the archive run.
    With the volume / time frame and the percentage, which can be deleted you should be able to give estimations based on current total object size. Make clear, that you talk about estimations: every single object will be checked for having correct status - before this isn't done (in a test run), no one can tell exact numbers.
    Hope, this will help you,

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    So here you will first have to load the master data table employee in one internal table and read this table with the variables entries.
    Your code in the reporting exit should look like that.
    data : wa_employee type /bi0/pemployee.
    When 'ZDATE1'
    if i_step = 2.
    LOOP AT i_t_var_range INTO loc_var_range WHERE vnam = 'ZDATE2'.
    clear l_s_range.
    clear wa_employee
    1- select the entries from table employees
    select single employee dateto datefrom
    from /bi0/pemployee
    into corresponding fields of wa_employee
    where dateto le loc_var_range-low
    and datefrom ge loc_var_range-high.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
           i_datum_von  = wa_employee-datefrom
           i_kz_ult_von = 'X'
           i_datum_bis  = wa_employee-dateto
           i_kz_ult_bis = 'X'
           i_szbmeth    = '1'
          e_tage       = no_days.
           l_s_range-low  = no_days.
           l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
           l_s_range-opt  = 'EQ'.
          APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.

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    When I engineer the model I get two primary keys with the same name name, which is the name of the parent:
    The correct names would be CHILD1_PK and CHILD2_PK. I can change the relational model by applying the naming rules but the next engineering will trash the names again.
    How can I fix this?

    the problem with PK name is fixed in Data Modeler 3.2.
    You can change PK name in relational model it won't be changed on next engineering

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    I need to know in one particular table when the last DML operation happen and what is the dml query ?

    Please see:
    find last dml operation time on a table
    find last dml operation time on  a table
    Last DML time
    find last dml operation time on  a table
    time of last DML

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    2) A view of actual percentages of the disk drives in a table form rather than the usual line diagram.
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Bram,
    I think you need to create a new dashboard view for this.
    Make a new management pack for this.
    Once you create a new management pack.
    Go to monitoring TAB
    Locate the management pack there and right click and select new Dashboard.
    Create a summary view dashboard and then once it is created on the right hand side you will see something like
    Performance (Which i edited as LDS report for last 24 hrs as per the screenshot)
    Above that you will have a configure option. Click on it and mention the Object, counter and instance and of the LDS performance counter and mention the report duration (Last 1hr or  24 hrs )once you do this dashboard will start collecting the report
    for you.
    Once you scroll down the report you will get the list of servers in which space is low and how old is that alert
    Below is the screenshot for your reference.

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    This is a must feature for me and I may have to go back to Snow Leopard.
    Please help!

    Right click on your desktop and choose "viewer options". Adjust the spacing and the size of your icons and you should be able to see the size of your drive(s) and the free space available on each drive with the exception of your bootcamp drive which will only show the overall size of the drive you have it on.  This may be different if you only have one system drive (like on a Mac Book Pro) with a partition containing bootcamp on it. this may only show you the overall capacity, I can't say for sure though as I only use a Mac Pro with 4 seperate Hard Drives which are showing both overall capacity and free space available. Hope this helps

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    View, Show View Options…, Show item info checkbox.

Maybe you are looking for